Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20101025-00224 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                BEFORE THE
                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
LightSquared Subsidiary LLC                        ) File No. _____________
Application for Special Temporary Authority        )


       By this Application, LightSquared Subsidiary LLC (“LightSquared”) seeks Special

Temporary Authority (“STA”) beginning November 28, 2010 and continuing for 30 days (i.e.

until December 28, 2010) to conduct certain in-orbit testing (“IOT”) of the SkyTerra 1 satellite,

as explained below. Given the imminent launch of the satellite in less than one month,

LightSquared requests that the Commission act expeditiously in granting this application.1


       LightSquared is authorized to launch and operate the SkyTerra 1 satellite at the

101.3°W.L. location.2 The satellite is authorized to operate its service links on the L-band

frequencies (i.e. 1525-1544/1545-1559 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 1626.5-1645.5/1646.5-1660.5

MHz (Earth-to-space)) coordinated internationally by the United States and its feeder links on

the Appendix 30B Ku-band frequencies (i.e. 10.70-10.95 & 11.20-11.45 GHz (space-to-Earth)

and 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-Space)). On November 14, 2010, SkyTerra 1 is scheduled to be

 Because LightSquared seeks to conduct the tests specified in this application for no more than
30 days, no public notice of this application is necessary. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(4).
 In the Matter of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, 20 FCC Rcd 9752 (Int’l Bur. 2005);
see also File Nos. SAT-MOD-20100405-00064 (filed April 5, 2010) and SAT-AMD-20100908-
00191 (filed September 8, 2010) (seeking an extension of the launch and operate milestone for
SkyTerra 1). The MSAT-2 satellite presently operates at 101.3°W.L., and LightSquared has a
pending application to relocate that satellite to 103.3°W.L. See File Nos. SAT-MOD-20100412-
00075, SAT-AMD-20100514-00101, and SAT-AMD-20100527-00112.

launched from Kazakhstan by ILS International Launch Services, Inc. Beginning November 28,

2010, LightSquared plans to perform certain testing of its communications payload, including

associated telemetry, tracking, and command systems, as discussed below.3 The IOT will be

performed by employees of LightSquared’s satellite contractor, Boeing Satellite Systems Inc.

(“Boeing”), under LightSquared’s direction and supervision.4

       The IOT will be performed using LightSquared’s FCC authorized gateway earth stations

at Napa, CA (E080030) and Cedar Hill, TX (E080031), as well as gateway earth stations in

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Ottawa, Ontario, which are authorized by Industry Canada to

communicate with SkyTerra 1. The IOT will consist of a number of sequentially performed

tests. Initially, the satellite’s bus systems and communication payload will be tested, and basic

functionality will be confirmed. Subsequently, the performance of the components related to

beam-forming will be tested as will the combined payload and Ground-Based Beam Forming

(“GBBF”) network to confirm that various L-band beams are being formed as specified.

       A portion of the IOT will be performed using signals within the limits permitted under

LightSquared’s satellite and earth station authorizations. However, for the tests specified below,

LightSquared will exceed its authorized limits and, accordingly, seeks STA to conduct such tests.

The proposed testing of SkyTerra 1 is not expected to cause harmful interference to any other

satellite operator, and as discussed below, LightSquared either has coordinated or expects to

  The communications payload of the SkyTerra 1 satellite consists of two repeater subsystems:
one associated with the forward channel and another one associated with the return channel. The
forward channel refers to the Ku-to-L band signal path that originates from any of
LightSquared’s Ku-band gateway facility to the satellite, and is transmitted to an L-band
terminal. The return channel refers to the link from an L-band terminal to the satellite and then
to the Ku-band gateway.
 Boeing is also responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations for launch and early orbit
phase (“LEOP”) operations.


complete coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators prior to the launch of

SkyTerra 1.


A.     L-Band Power Ramp-up

       The power output of the L-band forward payload will be gradually increased to the

Nominal Operating Point which corresponds to the maximum L-band power that will be used in

operation. The objective of the test is to gradually increase the temperature of coaxial cables to

vent out air and organic gases trapped inside. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the downlink

L-band carrier used during power ramp-up. STA is required for this carrier because its power

and power flux spectral density (“PFSD”) exceeds that of any carrier type authorized for

SkyTerra 1. For this test, as well as those discussed below involving the L-band frequencies,

LightSquared has coordinated use of the IOT frequencies and power levels with Inmarsat, the

only potentially affected L-band operator.5 LightSquared will be in continuous contact with

Inmarsat prior to and during IOT; Inmarsat will be aware of the test schedule and will be able to

alert LightSquared if any harmful interference is detected during testing.

B.     L-Band Forward Payload Health Check

       The objective of this test is to characterize the health of the L-band forward and return

element paths. Signal paths through each solid-state power amplifier will be checked

sequentially, and the total test duration will be 120 minutes. Table 1 shows the characteristics of

  Some of the IOT involve L-band frequencies assigned internationally to Solidaridad-1, which is
no longer in operations. Accordingly, there can be no harmful interference to that satellite from
any of the proposed testing. SkyTerra 1 is also authorized to use the Solidaridad-1 frequencies.
See also In the Matter of SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC, DA 10-356 (Int’l Bur. March 1, 2010). With
respect to all tests, LightSquared will coordinate internally and with its joint venture partner,
SkyTerra (Canada) Inc., to prevent harmful interference to MSAT-2 at 103.3°W.L. and MSAT-1
at 106.5°W.L., respectively.


the downlink L-band carrier used during the forward payload health check. STA is required for

this carrier because its PFSD exceeds that of any carrier type authorized for SkyTerra 1.

C.     L-Band Forward and Return Antenna Mapping

       Antenna mapping will be performed to confirm the gain and gain roll-off of the forward

L-band beams. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the downlink L-band carriers used during

forward L-Band antenna mapping. These carriers will be received and measured at the gateway

earth stations while the satellite attitude is slewed in elevation and azimuth. STA is required for

this carrier because its PFSD exceeds that of any carrier type authorized for SkyTerra 1. Further,

during portions of the slews, the SkyTerra-1 beams will be aimed beyond authorized boundaries.

       For return L-band antenna mapping, LightSquared will uplink CW carriers from its

gateway earth stations. These carriers will be received at the satellite as its attitude is slewed in

elevation and azimuth. STA is required because the carrier will have an EIRP of 15 dBW while

the gateway earth stations are authorized for a maximum carrier EIRP of 9 dBW.

D.     L-Band G/T Check

       A 24-hour G/T check will be conducted over a range of the L-band frequencies by

transmitting test carriers from a beam originating from the Napa, CA gateway earth station. All

test carriers will be within bandwidth limits authorized for use by LightSquared. STA is required

because the carriers will have an EIRP of 15 dBW, which exceeds the maximum carrier EIRP of

9 dBW authorized to the Napa gateway earth station.

E.     Ku-Band Forward and Return Antenna Mapping and Forward EIRP Test

       Antenna mapping will be performed to confirm the gain and gain roll-off of the four

forward and return Ku-band beams. For the forward mapping, a CW carrier within the

authorized frequency parameters will be transmitted from the satellite Ku-band beam under test.

The carriers will be received and measured at the Napa, CA gateway earth station while the


satellite attitude is slewed in elevation and azimuth. The forward EIRP test is similar, except that

the satellite attitude will be fixed for each beam measurement with the beam under test centered

on the Napa, CA gateway and four different frequencies will be used. For the return beam

mapping, a CW carrier within authorized power and frequency parameters will be transmitted

from the Napa, CA gateway earth station, and the level measured at the satellite will be

transmitted back to the Napa, CA station via the telemetry channel. For the forward beam

mapping, four CW carriers within the authorized frequency parameters will be transmitted from

the satellite and will be measured at Napa, CA gateway earth station. STA is required for this

carrier because during portions of the slews, the SkyTerra 1 beams will be aimed beyond

authorized boundaries toward the north and west, and the downlink PFSD will exceed the limits

of 47 C.F.R. § 25.208, as shown in Table 4 below.

         This test is not expected to cause harmful interference. The nearest co-frequency satellite

is TerreStar-1 at 111.0 °W,6 and at this minimum 9.8° of minimum separation, the lowest amount

of sidelobe discrimination (for a 2.7m antenna, which is the minimum size for an ITU compliant

AP-30B antenna) is 45 dB. See ITU RR AP-30B Annex 1, paragraph 1.6. Additionally, the test

carriers are widely spaced, and therefore, the average density over the band is low. LightSquared

expects to complete coordination with Terrestar prior to the launch of SkyTerra 1. There are no

other Appendix 30B networks operating within the affected region.

    See supra note 5 (discussing coordination with MSAT-1 and MSAT-2).


       Table 1- Forward L-Band Payload Tests

                   L-band EIRP                      L-band PFSD        Expected
                      (dBW)         Bandwidth       (dBW/m2-Hz)        Duration
 L-Band Power
                        67.9        312.5 kHz          -114            6 hours
 Health Check            52             CW             -111            2 hours
     - CW
   Antenna                                                          15 minutes/cut
                         53             CW             -110
   Mapping                                                             x 60 cuts

Note: Corresponding Ku-band carriers will be spread across the authorized band and will be
within authorized levels.

       Table 2- Return L-Band Payload Tests

                   L-band EIRP                        Expected
                      (dBW)       Bandwidth           Duration
 Feed Element
                          15         CW            90 minutes
  Gain Check
 Health Check -           15         CW              2 hours
                                                 15 minutes/cut
    Antenna               15         CW
                                                    x 60 cuts
  L-Band G/T
                          15         CW             24 hours
Note: Corresponding Ku-band carriers will be spread across the authorized band and will be
within authorized levels.

       Table 3- Forward Ku-Band Antenna Mapping and EIRP Test

                   Satellite Ku-
                    band EIRP                    EIRP Density       Expected
                      (dBW)        Bandwidth     (dBW/4 kHz)        Duration
    Antenna            32.2          CW             -3.8           40 hours
Note: The test will comprise a number of cuts over 40 hours, but the carriers will not be active
continuously throughout that period.


    Table 4 – Downlink PFSD

                            SkyTerra 1
Maximum PFD   Elevation Maximum Power
    Limit       Angle      Flux Density    Margin
 (dB(W/m2/4   (degrees) (dB(W/m2/4 kHz))    (dB)
    -150         0            -131.2       -18.8
    -150         5            -131.1       -18.9
    -140         25           -130.6        -9.4
    -140         90           -129.9       -10.1


       For the foregoing reasons, LightSquared requests that the FCC grant this application


                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                   LightSquared Subsidiary LLC

                                                   Name: Jeffrey J. Carlisle
                                                   Title: Executive Vice President, Regulatory
                                                          Affairs and Public Policy of
                                                          LightSquared LP
                                                          LightSquared Subsidiary LLC

Bruce D. Jacobs
Tony Lin
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037-1128
(202) 663-8000
Counsel for LightSquared Subsidiary LLC

October 25, 2010

                                   Technical Certification

      I, Richard Evans, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that:

             I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
             the engineering information contained in this application, that I am
             familiar with Part 25 of the Commission’s rules, that I have either
             prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this
             application, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my

                                                   Richard Evans
                                                   Principal Engineer
                                                   LightSquared Subsidiary LLC
October 25, 2010

                              Certification of Jeffrey J. Carlisle

      I, Jeffrey J. Carlisle, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that:

      1. I am Executive Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy of LightSquared
         LP, the managing member of LightSquared Subsidiary LLC, and have authority to file
         this application;

      2. The statements made in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of
         my knowledge and belief; and

      3. No party to the application is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section
         5301 of the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. §853a.

                                                     Jeffrey J. Carlisle
                                                     Executive Vice President, Regulatory
                                                             Affairs and Public Policy of
                                                             LightSquared LP
                                                     LightSquared Subsidiary LLC

October 25, 2010

Document Created: 2010-10-25 17:36:17
Document Modified: 2010-10-25 17:36:17

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