Attachment Sirius XM- Grant Dec

Sirius XM- Grant Dec

DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20101015-00221 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                          File#    SAT—S1A—20101015— 00221
             SAT—STA—20101015—00221        182010003220
Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                                                                                          Call Sign _              Grant Date_12 /03/10
                                                                                           or other identifier
                                                                                          (                   )    TermDates See€ <loched Approved by OMB
                                                                                          From    lQ/Of)/lO              To:   Conditions          3060—0678

    Date & Time Filed: Oct 15 2010 3:44:28:790PM          o    International Bureau       Approved:               i.1@/&&[/
    File Number: SAT—STA—20101015—00221                       ¥with condifions        _                           Stepnéy/J. Dua))
    Callsign:                                                                                                     Chief/Satellite. Policy Branch
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                               FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

   Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
    Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Two New Terrestrial Repeaters in Falls Church, Virginia for 180 Days
    1. Applicant

                Name:          Sirius XM Radio Inc.                 Phone Number:                                  212—584—5100
                DBA Name:                                           Fax Number:                                    212—584—5353
                Street:        1221 Avenue of the Americas          E—Mail:

                              36th Floor
                City:         New York                              State:                                          NY
                Country:       USA                                  Zipcode:                                       10020        —
                Attention:    Patrick L. Donnelly

                                    Attachment to Grant
            Application of Sirius XM Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                          IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20101015—00221

Special temporary authority (STA) is granted toSirius XM Radio Inc. (Sirius XM) to operate two new
terrestrial repeaters, each with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 12,000 watts
(average) in Falls Church, for a period of 180 days. This authorization is granted according to the
technical parameters specified in Sirius XM‘s application and is subject to the conditions below.

1. Any actions taken as a result of this STA are solely at the applicant‘s own risk. This STA shall not
    prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket No. 95—91.

    SDARS terrestrial repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete
    programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the SDARS licensee‘s satellite(s) directly to
    the SDARS licensee‘s subscribers‘ receivers, and may not be used to distribute any information not
    also transmitted to all subscribers‘ receivers.

    Coordination of the operations of the terrestrial repeaters shall be completed with all affected
    Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international agreements
    including those with Canada and Mexico.

    The terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction,
    Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures.

    The terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I — Procedures
    Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines for human
    exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the
    Commission‘s rules.

    Any SDARS terrestrial repeater operating at a power level greater than 2—watt average EIRP is
    required to attenuate its out—of—band emissions below the transmitter power P by a factor of not less
    than 90 + 10 log (P) dB in a 1—megahertz bandwidth outside the 2320—2345 MHz band, where P is
    average transmitter output power in watts. Any SDARS terrestrial repeater operating at a power level
    equal to or less than 2—watt average EIRP is required to attenuate its out—of—band emissions below the
    transmitter power P by a factor of not less than 75 + 10 log (P) dB in a 1—megahertz bandwidth
    outside the 2320—2345 MHz band, where P is average transmitter output power in watts..

    This STA expires after 180 days, or on the date that permanent authority to operate the covered
    repeater operations becomes effective, whichever occurs first.

    Sirius XM is granted 30 days from the date of the release of this authorization to decline the
    authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal acceptance
    of the authorization as conditioned.

    This action is taken on delegated authority pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.261 and is effective upon
    release. Petitions for reconsideration under 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 or applications for review under 47
    C.F.R. § 1.115 may be filed within 30 days of the date of the Public Notice announcing this action.

                                                                  File# SBT—IIP— 2oIdi8i5— co22}

                                                                  Call Sign                 GrantDate 18/09/10 !}
                                                                                                         g     ; J
                                                                  (or other identifier)                      at ed
                                                                                            Term Dates *
                                                                                                                      ‘   J
                                                                                                              .   7

                                                                                                   p,.   Ccoddions
                                                                  From 12/09 /ho

                                       International Bureau       1\}'mevcd:          / jZZfléflJ /Omca

                                      +twith conditions       |                       Stef¥fy J. Dual!
                                                                                          Chef, Satetlite Pc»i\ci) Breinch

2. Contact

             Name:         James S. Blitz                       Phone Number:                         202—380—4000
             Company:      Sirius XM Radio Inc.                 Fax Number:                           202—380—4981
             Street:        1500 Eckington Place NE             E—Mail:                         .

             City:         Washington                           State:                                DC
             Country:       USA                                 Zipcode:                              20002      —
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                         Same

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
   3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
y Governmental Entity        g*43 Noncommercial educational licensee
C Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CXW — Space Station (Non—Geostationary)
5. Type Request

qy Change Station Location                         {3 Extend Expiration Date                         #@, Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

8. Description   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     Sirius XM Radio Inc.             requests Special Temporary Authority to operate two new low power
     terrestrial repeaters in Falls Church,                       Virginia for 180 days pursuant to the technical
     parameters listed in Exhibit A.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject @, Yes              £4 No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of &quot;party to the application&quot; for these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                                  11. Title of Person Signing
James S. Blitz                                                              Vice President, Regulatory Counsel
12. Please supply any need attachments.
 Attachment 1: STA Request                          Attachment 2:                                     Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1}), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.$. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

1500 Eckington Place, N.E
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel: 202—380—4000
Fax: 202—380—4500              |

October 15, 2010

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commussion
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re:     Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                Request for 180—Day Special Temporary Authority
                For Two New Repeaters in Falls Church, Virginia

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(2) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(2), Sirius XM
Radio Inc. ("Sirius XM"), a satellite radio licensee in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
("SDARS"), hereby requests 180—Day Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for two terrestrial
repeaters in Falls Church, Virginia.‘ Specifically, this application seeks authority to operate one
repeater in the former Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius") frequency band (2320—2332.5 MHz) and
one repeater in the former XM Radio Inc. ("XM") frequency band (2332.5—2345 MHz). Neither
repeater will exceed 12 kw average EIRP, which is the max1mum power level the Commission
permits in its new rules for satellite radio terrestrial repeaters." Sirius XM requires STA so that it
can promptly return the Sirius network repeater to operation and minimize the disruption of service

    ‘ The Commission adopted formal rules for satellite radio terrestrial repeaters in Amendment
ofPart 27 of the Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Operation of Wireless Communications
Services in the 2.3 GHz Band,; Establishment ofRules and Polices for the Digital Audio Radio
Satellite Service in the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, FCC 10—82 (released May 20, 2010) (the
"May 20 Order‘). The May 20 Order authorizes the Bureau "to continue to grant STAs for new or
modified repeaters ... [until] any permanent authorization to operate SDARS repeaters becomes
effective." See Para. 264. However, no such permanent authorization can become effective until
after the new rules have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget, which has not yet
occurred. See 75 Fed. Reg. 45058, 45058 (Aug. 2, 2010).
    2     47 CFR. § 25.214(d)(1). The Commission concluded in the May 20 Order "that SDARS
terrestrial repeaters can operate at an average EIRP of 12 kw with maximum PAPR of 13 dB
without causing harmfulinterference to WCS base station receivers." Id. at Para. 243.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 15, 2010
Page 2

to the public. The XM network repeater will need to be relocated by October 31, 2010, due to the
landlord‘s unexpected termination of the current site lease. °

The Commission has recognized that SDARS operators require terrestrial repeaters to provide high—
quality service nationwide.* Consistent with this policy, in September 2001, the Bureau granted
STAs to Sirius XM to operate a nationwide network of terrestrial repeaters." In the years since, the
Bureau has granted Sirius XM additional STAs to operate terrestrial repeaters, pending issuance of
final rules governing the deployment and use of repeaters."

Public Interest Considerations. Sirius XM has recently been informed by the landlord of the
current site at which the XM repeater is located that its equipment needs to be removed from the
location by October 31, 2010. Sirius XM plans to co—locate this repeater with a nearby Sirius
network repeater but recently had to discontinue operations on the Sirius repeater when it noted
minor discrepancies between the authorized site parameters and the site specifications. This STA

    ‘ On October 12, 2010, Sirius XM filed a request to operate these two repeaters under 60—Day
Special Temporary Authority pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(3) of the Commission‘s rules. See
FCC File No. SAT—STA—20101012—00213. That request remains pending.
   * See Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the
2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and
Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Red 5754, 5770 [ 37 (1997).
     ° See Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority to Operate
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and
Authorization, 16 FCC Red. 16773 « 18 (2001) ("Sirius STA Order"). XM Radio, Inc., Application
for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complimentary
 Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red. 16781 18 (2001) ("XM STA4
    6 See, eg., Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.; Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Additional Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and
Authorization, 19 FCC Red. 18140 (2004) (granting File No. SAT—STA—20031106—00370, effective
Sept. 15, 2004. Since that time, the Commission has extended the STA several times, pending the
issuance of final rules governing the use of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters. In September 2004,
the Commission granted Sirius a new STA to operate for 180 days or until the Commission issues
final rules governing the use of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters. See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters,
Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 18149 (2004). See also, XM Radio, Inc.; Requestfor
Special Temporary Authority to Operate Additional Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red. 18140 (2004) (granting File No.
SAT—STA—20031112—00371, effective Sept. 15, 2004); Public Notice, 2002 FCC Lexis 5670 (rel.
Oct. 30, 2002) (granting XM an STA, File No. SAT—STA—20020815—00153, effective Sept. 30,
2002); Public Notice, 2003 FCC Lexis 4803 (rel. Aug. 29, 2002) (granting File No. SAT—STA—
20030409—00076, effective June 26, 2003). The Commission has renewed all of these STA
authorizations. See Report No: SAT—00722, DA No. 10—1756 (rel. Sept. 17, 2010).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 15, 2010
Page 3

will correct those parameters and reauthorize the two sites to allow the prompt resumption of
service on the Sirius repeater and collocation of the XM repeater to the same site. Without these
repeaters, Sirius XM cannot provide the signal quality that its Washington, D.C. area subscribers
have come to expect.

Technical Information for the New Repeaters. The following technical information pertaining to
the repeaters is provided in Exhibit A: (1) antenna type; (2) antenna orientation; (3) average EIRP;
(4) height above ground level ("AGL"); and (5) antenna downtilt.‘ Exhibits B and C consist
respectively, of Google*Y satellite images and topographic maps showing the location of the
proposed facilities. The specification sheet for the antenna to be used by the repeater is attached as
Exhibit D.

Interference Considerations. As proposed in this STA, the XM repeater will operate with an
average EIRP of 2000 watts and the Sirius repeater will operate with an average EIRP of 6000
watts. Because Sirius XM has exclusive use of its licensed band, it is highly unlikely that these
repeaters will create interference to other licensees." The WCS licensees have confirmed that
operating terrestrial repeaters at an EIRP of 2 KW or less is not an interference concern® and the
Commission found in the May 20 Order that "repeaters operating at average 12—kW EIRP and a
maximum PAPR of 13 dB will not cause substantially more interference to actual WCS operations
than repeaters operating at 2—kw EIRP.""° To the extent Sirius XM‘s original 2001 STAs require it
to coordinate with affected Wireless Communications Services ("WCS") licensees prior to
operating any repeater, Sirius XM is sending a copy of this STA application to Horizon Wi—Com
LLC ("Horizon") in satisfaction of this coordination requirement.‘‘ However, if prohibited

       For purposes of Sirius XM‘s repeater STA applications, "antenna downtilt" refers to an
antenna‘s mechanical downtilt, without reference to any electrical downtilt built into the antenna.
    8 Pursuant to a prior STA, the Sirius network repeater that will operate at this location
transmitted at 6000 watts EIRP from the time it began operating in 2002 until it was recently turned
off. The instant application makes only very minor changes to site parameters which would not
impact the repeater‘s interference potential.
    ° XM STA Order § 12 ("The comments from WCS licensees express concern about blanketing
interference from DARS repeaters that operate with an Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
(EIRP) above 2 kW."). Moreover, in March 2007, the WCS Coalition said that it will defer from
objecting to STA requests that propose operations of no more than 2,000 watts EIRP, even if they
do not specify peak or average EIRP, provided that grant of the STA (i) is conditioned on operation
on a non—interference basis; and (ii) is subject to the condition that the issue of peak versus average
EIRP will be addressed in the pending DARS rulemaking (IB Docket No. 95—91). See Letter from
Paul J. Sinderbrand, Counsel to the WCS Coalition, to Ms. Helen Domenici, FCC, File No. SAT—
STA—20061207—00145 (March 19, 2007). XM agrees to these conditions.
    9 —See May 20 Order, Para. 241 and 47 C.F.R. § 25.214(d)(1).
    ‘‘ Despite the Bureau‘s statement in the XM STA Order (at § 14) and Sirius STA Order (at
[ 14) that it expects "WCS licensees to provide a schedule or as much advance notice as possible of
when their stations are to be placed in operation," Sirius XM has not received information directly

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 15, 2010
Page 4

interference does occur, Sirius XM will cease operation of the repeaters until such interference can
be eliminated.

Ownership and Control ofRepeaters. Sirius XM will own the repeaters and it will be responsible
for the repeaters‘ installation and operation.

Certifications. Sirius XM certifies that it will operate the repeaters subject to the conditions and
certifications set forth in the Sirius STA Order and XM STA Order granting Sirius XM‘s September
2001 requests for STAs to operate terrestrial repeaters. Specifically, Sirius XM certifies the

       (1) Sirius XM will operate this repeater at its own risk, and such operation shall not
       prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in GEN Docket 95—91;
       (2) Sirius XM will operate these facilities on a non—interference basis with respect to all
       permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities;
       (3) The facilities will be restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete
       programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS
       (4) Where applicable, coordination of the facilities will be completed with all affected
       Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international
       agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;
       (5) The facilities will comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction,
       Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures;
       (6) The facilities will comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I — Procedures
       Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines for

from any WCS licensee regarding plans for WCS deployment in these markets. However, Sirius
XM‘s own review of Commission files shows that Horizon has certified that it operates a WCS
station serving the Washington, DC metro area, Call Sign KNLB315. It is not clear from the
certification whether the base station is receiving transmissions from CPE or is engaged in transmit—
only operations. If only the latter, potential interference to the base station is not an issue. In any
event, Sirius XM has conducted an interference analysis and determined that its proposed repeaters
will not create any interference concern for Horizon‘s operating WCS site beyond any concerns that
may exist from Sirius XM‘s existing repeaters in the vicinity, none of which have been the subject
of any interference complaints from WCS licensees or users.
      The design of these repeaters includes several automated shutdown mechanisms that are
triggered in the event of equipment major malfunctions. The transmit chain also includes a transmit
output coupler which feeds a self—monitoring system detecting any transmission anomalies. Any
such anomalies are automatically reported back to Sirius XM‘s National Repeater Control Center
(202—380—4725), which is available on a continuous basis to receive any reports of any suspected
interference and take immediate corrective action.

NMs. Marlene H. Dortch
October 15, 2010
Page 5

       human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b)
       and 1.1310 of the Commissfon‘s rules;
       (7) The out—of—band emissions of the facility will be limited to 75+10log (EIRP) dB less
       than the transmitter FIRP;
       (8) Sirius XM will operate this repeater according to the technical parameters provided in
       this application;
       (9) Sirius XM will maintain full ownership and operational control of this repeater; and
       {(10) Sirius XM will immediately shut down this repeater upon a complaint of interference,
       upondirection from the Commission, or upon finding that a facility has not beenproperly

Granting this request will not alter Sirius XM‘s obligation to protect authorized radio—
communications facilities from interference, nor will it prejfudice the outcome of the Commission‘s
ongoing rulemaking pertaining to the deployment and operation of terrestrial repéaters.

Sirius XM hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

Sirius XM is submitting payment to the Federal Communications Commission in the amount of
Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars (5286{) 00) —— the filing fee applicable to requests for
STAs for non—geostationary ("NGSO") satellites."

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.



                                                        | Vice President, Regulatory Counsel

£C.    Stephen Duall, FCC International Bureau
       Jay Whaley, FCC International Bureau
       Sankar Persaud, FCC International Bureau

       Rajendra Singh, Horizon Wi—Com LLC (
       Thomas Gutierrez, Lukas Nace Gutierrez & Sachs {

       See International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide (February 2009).

                                                             Exhibit A

                                                  Technical parameters for repeaters

                   NE]X;SRK  grrp      SITE                  ANTENNA             ANTENNA   ANTENNA ANTENNA     TOTAL
                    NumMBrR   (N)       (w)                                     (AZIMUTH)  (FT. AGL) (DEGREES) EIRP(W)
Falls Church, VA   Sirius 46—23   38—50—33   77—06—58    EMS FR90—17—00NVL             240    203       0       6000
Falls Church, VA       XM
                                  38—50—33   77—06—58      TA—2350—DAB—T2               o     210       0       2000

                  Exhibit B

Google*Y" Satellite Image of Repeater Location

             Exhibit C

Topographic Map of Repeater Location


               Exhibit D

Antenna Specification Sheet for Repeater

                                                     DualPol® Polarization                                                      Suppressor‘"
                                                       2305 MHz — 2360 MHz
Flectrical Specifications
Azimuth Beamwidth (—3 dB)                              90°+ 5°                                           gn
Elevation Beamwidth (—3 dB)                            5.6°
Elevation Sidelobes (Upper)                            > 20 dB
Gain                                                   16.6 dBi (14.5 dBd)

Polarization                                           Slant, £45°
Front—to—Back Ratio                                    > 25 dB ( > 30 dB Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt Options
VSWR                                                   1.33:1 Max (1.22:1 Typ)                                                                             42"
Connectors                                             2; 7—16 DIN (female), or Type N

Power Handling                                         250 Watts CW
Passive Intermodulation                                <~147 dBc
                                                       [2 x 20 W (+ 43 dBm)]
Lightning Protection                                   Chassis Ground
                                                                                                                 RF CONNECTORS—

Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions (L x W x D)                                 54 in x 6 in x 3 in
                                                       (137.2 cm x 15.2 cm x 7.6 cm)
Rated Wind Velocity                                    150 mph (241 km/hr)
Equivalent Flat Plate Area                             2.3 t (.21 m
                                                                     TL 2C L 2

Front Wind Load @ 100 mph (161 kph)                    66 Ibs (294 N
Side Wind Load @ 100 mph (161 kph)                     33 Ibs (147 N
Weight (Without Mounting Options)                      13 lbs (6.0 kg

Mounting Options
MTG—P00—10, MTG—S02—10, MTG—DxXX—20*, MTG—CXX—10*, MTG—C02—10, MTG—TXX—10*

Note: *Model number shown represents a series of products. See Mounting Options section for specific model number.



 210°                    sa0t    Mn

 150°    N               30°     180‘

        120        o°

Azimuth                         Elevation
                                0° Downtilt

                                                                                 EMS‘ antennas are protected by one or more of the following U.S. patents:
                                                                                 5,844,529; 6,067,053; 6,462,710; 6,392,600; 6,069,590; 5,966,102;.
                                                                                 5,757,246. EMS‘ antenna designs may also be covered by pending U.S.
Revised 09/03/04                                                                 patent applications and by pending & awarded international patents.

                                              +1 770.582.0555 ext. 5310 + Fax +1 770.729.0036

                                                    Meodium Power Omnidirectional
                                                                                2230—2345 MHz

                     The TA2350—DAB is a medium power vertically polarized omnidirectional anterina
                     specifically designed for Digital Audio Broadcast transmission. The antenna consists
                     of a phased corporately fed broadband dipole array which is configured to provide
                     electrical beam downtilt and null fill, The antennia elements are at DC ground to aid in
                     lightaing proftection.

                     Electrical Specifications °                                                      Mechanical Specifications

                     Froquency Range: 2330—2345 MHz                                                   Length: 70 in{1778 mm)
                     Gain: 10 dBi                                                                     Ciameter: 225 in. (57 mm)
                     VSWR; 1.4:1 max.                                                                 Weight {lnci Clampsy 15 b. (6.8 kg)
                     Polarization: Vertical                                                           Rated Wind Velocity: 125 mph (200 kim/h}
                     Power Rating: 200 W avg., 800 WY peak                                            Hor. Thrust at rated wind: 31 Ib. (14 kg)
                     H—Plane Beamwidth: 360 degrees                                                   Mounting Pipe: 1.75 —»4.0 in. (44.5 — 102 mm}
                     E—Plane HReamwidth: 8 degrees
                     Fiectrical_Downtilt: 2, 4, 6 degrees
                     Cross Pol. Disorimination: 20 dB min.
                     Nul FiH: —20 dB {1ist Nutl)                                                      Materials
                     impedance: 50 ohms nominal
                     Termination: 76 DIN female                                                       Radiating Elements: Nickel plated copper array
                                                                                                      Radome: Gray UV stabilized fiberglase
                                                                                                      Clamps: HDG stee!
                     Typical mid band values. (For details , contact factory}



                                                                                                     270 q—— Jrae                   8        a0

TIL—TEK Antennas   www                                   (613) 258—5928                   Form 2002—2350—0A8                     117112001
                                                     Specifcations subject tochange without nolice

Document Created: 2019-04-13 12:25:21
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 12:25:21

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