Attachment Globalstar- USDA RU

Globalstar- USDA RU

LETTER submitted by USDA; RUS



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20100625-00147 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                     @mem ~~..        Development

                                        United States Department of Agriculture
                                                 Rural Development

                                                                            September 10, 2010

The Honorable Julius Genachowski
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re: Open Range Request for Use of ATC

Dear Julius:

Your staff has requested of me the Rural Utilities Service‘s ("RUS") view regarding Open Range
Communications, Inc.‘s ("Open Range") continued use of the Ancillary Terrestrial Component
("ATC") spectrum. This issue has a major impact on RUS because Open Range‘s business plan
for building out its network is predicated on the continued use of the Globalstar, Inc., spectrum.

At present, RUS® $266 million loan to Open Range, which covers more than 540 communities in
rural America, is based entirely on the use of that particular ATC spectrum. The feasibility of
such a large loan, covering 17 states, relies heavily on the revenues generated from those
communities, such that build—out of all communities is crucial to the success of the loan.

Moreover, the Open Range loan represents the single largest loan of the RUS Broadband
Program. A loan failure of a large magnitude could significantly affect the subsidy rate of the
program and necessitate larger Congressional appropriations, or would otherwise result in what
could be a major reduction of the agency‘s present lending levels. Such a result could severely
curtail the program and would be contrary to the mission of the RUS and the Commission‘s
shared goal of expanding broadband throughout the U.S., especially during this time of
constricted private capital.

As such, it is the view of RUS that if the Commission grants Open Range full use of the ATC
spectrum for all 540 communities for the life of the loan, or enables Open Range to develop a
comparably effective business plan, we can continue to provide financing without placing our
entire program at risk. Without such a commitment from the Commission, the current business
plan upon which the loan was approved is no longer feasible. Enclosed for your information is a
copy of our July 14, 2010, letter to Open Range which lays out the legal position of the RUS
with regard to Open Range‘s use of the spectrum.

                                        1400 Independence Ave, SW — Washington, DC 20250—0700

                                               Committed to the future of rural communities.

                                        "USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender"
          To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326—W, Whitten Building, 14" and
                   Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250—9410 or call (202) 720—5964 (voice or TDD).

The Honorable Julius Genachowski
Page 2

Should the Commission require any further information in assisting its decision, please do not
hesitate to contact me or my staff at any time.

With warmest regards,

Rural Utilities Service


                                                      USDA mamle
                                                      e 5SS             Development

                                          United States Department of Agricuiture
                                                    Rural Development

                                                                                            July 14, 2010

       Mr. William S. Beans, Jr.
       Chief Executive Officer
       Open Range Communications Inc.
       8100 East Maplewood Avenue
       Suite 200
       Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111

       Dear Mr. Beans:

       This notice is issued pursuant to Sections 7.1(b)(3) and 7.4(a) of the Loan and Security Agreement
       between Open Range Communications Inc. ("Open Range") and the United States of America, acting
       through the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), dated as of January 9, 2009. In its June 2, 2010, letter, RUS
       notified Open Range of its intent to suspend further advances if Globalstar Licensee LLC ("Globalstar")
       did not meets its obligations under Federal Communications Commission Order 08—254 by July 1, 2010.

       Despite the fact that the Commission has granted Globalstar a 30—day extension, RUS® June 2""
      determination that the continued availability of the spectrum will be suspended remains valid
      pending further action by the Commission. As such, under Section 7.4(a) of the Loan and
      Security Agreement, all future advances are hereby suspended on the grounds that Globalstar‘s
      non—compliance constitutes a Material Adverse Effect on Open Range‘s ability to perform its

      Moreover, subject to Section 7.4(b)(3) of the Loan and Security Agreem
      notice of its intent to terminate any remaining, unadvanced funds on th
      provided an alternate agreement or agreements providing for the spect
      business plan and perform its obligations under the Loan and Security
      the June 2"" letter. Such agreements must be presented to RUS for consent be

      If you have any questions, please contact 0         ce at (202) 690—4673. .

     Rural Utilities Servic

oscer Mr;g‘xEr“i,tz‘Hobb,s, Chainnan of the Board

                                     40 independenceAve,S.W.Wash
                                      "     ~~ web—    hitpyiwaw.rurd

Document Created: 2010-09-10 17:18:47
Document Modified: 2010-09-10 17:18:47

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