Attachment STA Justification

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20100615-00134 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                            )
ECHOSTAR CORPORATION                        )
Application for Special Temporary Authority ) File No. SAT-STA-2010__________
to Operate the EchoStar 15 Satellite at     )
61.55° W.L.                                 )


       EchoStar Corporation (“EchoStar”) respectfully requests 60-day Special Temporary

Authority (“STA”), beginning on July 10, 2010, to operate its EchoStar 15 satellite at 61.55

W.L. on the Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) channels already licensed to EchoStar at the

61.5º W.L. nominal orbital location in accordance with the operations described in its application

for full authority while that application is pending.1 Concurrent with the filing of this

application, EchoStar is filing an application for 60-day STA to launch and test EchoStar 15 at

61.55 W.L.


       On March 10, 2010, EchoStar filed an application for a minor modification of its DBS

authorization, and authority to launch and operate its EchoStar 15 satellite at 61.55º W.L.2 As

        See File No. SAT-LOA-20100310-00043, Call Sign S2811 (filed March 10, 2010)
(“EchoStar 15 Application”).
           See EchoStar 15 Application at 1.

explained in the EchoStar 15 Application, EchoStar 15 will ultimately replace EchoStar 3 and

supplement EchoStar 12, which both currently operate at the nominal 61.5º W.L. orbital location.

For the same reasons described in that application and incorporated herein by reference, so too

will the requested STA serve the public interest. The “CONUS-plus” capability of EchoStar 15

will increase the capacity of EchoStar’s customer, DISH Network Corporation (“DISH”), to

provide High Definition programming to subscribers, and its advanced spot-beam technology

will enhance DISH’s ability to provide local-into-local stations across the country. The

requested STA will ensure EchoStar is able to bring the technically advanced satellite into

service as soon as possible to improve the services available to its customers while its pending

application is under consideration.

       The proposed operations will not increase interference into any other operator because

the only satellites operating at the nominal 61.5° W.L. orbital location that may be affected are

EchoStar’s own satellites as demonstrated in the Technical Narrative submitted with the

EchoStar 15.


       The technical information for the EchoStar 15 satellite required to be submitted pursuant

to Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules was set forth in the Technical Narrative, FCC Form 312,

and Schedule S of the EchoStar 15 Application, and is incorporated herein by reference.3


           EchoStar 15 Application, Technical Narrative, FCC Form 312, Schedule S.


       EchoStar currently operates over all 32 DBS channels at the 61.5° W.L. orbital location.

Specifically, EchoStar holds permanent authority to operate over channels 1-22 and 25-32.4

EchoStar uses the remaining two channels, channels 23 and 24, under STA.5

       The STA is conditioned with a requirement that EchoStar notify subscribers that the

services provided using the two unassigned channels are provided pursuant to a grant of

temporary authority and may be reduced or discontinued at any time.6 The condition was

originally placed on EchoStar’s predecessor-in-interest, Rainbow DBS, when it obtained an STA

for the two channels shortly before the Commission was to assign the two channels through its

then-existing DBS licensing process. That licensing process has since been invalidated and the

future licensing process for these unassigned channels is also subject to the uncertainty

surrounding the Northpoint decision that vacated the Commission’s DBS auction rules, and the

          Originally, channels 2-22 (even) were licensed to DBSC. Application of Direct
Broadcasting Satellite Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 8 FCC Rcd. 7959 (1993). Those
11 channels were then assigned to EchoStar’s predecessor. See Application of Direct
Broadcasting Satellite Corp. for Assignment of Direct Broadcast Satellite Orbital Positions and
Channels, Order, 11 FCC Rcd. 10494 (1996). Channels 1-21 (odd) were assigned to EchoStar
by Rainbow DBS, and channels 25-32 were assigned by Dominion in 2006. See Rainbow DBS
Company, LLC, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd. 16868 (2005); EchoStar
Satellite Operating Corporation, File No. SAT-ASG-20070608-00081 (grant stamped Sept. 27,
2007), respectively.
        See EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, Order and Authorization, 22 FCC Rcd.
2223 (2007); EchoStar Corporation, File No. SAT-STA-20090821-00092 (grant stamped Dec. 3,
2009); EchoStar Corporation, File No. SAT-STA-20100226-0637 (grant stamped April 6, 2010)
(STA valid until September 24, 2010).
         EchoStar was also required to provide billing inserts informing consumers of the
services provided on these channels and the expiration date of the temporary authority for the
two channels.


DBS freeze implemented by the Commission in response to that decision.7 As a result, any new

licensee will not be in a position to provide services from these channels for a number of years.

In fact, while the Commission initiated a proceeding in 2006 to establish the mechanism by

which these channels could be ultimately licensed and operated, that proceeding is still pending.8

       In February 2007, following the Northpoint decision and the failure of transponders on

EchoStar 3, the Commission temporarily suspended the condition.9 The Bureau found that

“[s]uspending these restrictions will enable EchoStar to avoid any further disruption to its

customers as a result of the EchoStar 3 transponder failures. It will also avoid confusion to its

customers regarding the continued availability of programming.”10 Further, the Bureau held that

“[t]emporary suspension will give EchoStar greater flexibility to meet its customers’ needs until

it is able to launch its planned replacement satellite into that location later this year.”11 The

temporary suspension lasts until the launch and operation of a replacement satellite for EchoStar

3, which is the EchoStar 15 satellite.

         Northpoint Technology Ltd. v. FCC, 412 F.3d 145 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (“Northpoint”);
Public Notice, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Service Auction Nullified: Commission Sets
Forth Refund Procedures for Auction No. 52 Winning Bidders and Adopts a Freeze on All New
DBS Service Applications, FCC 05-213 (rel. Dec. 21, 2005) (“DBS Freeze Notice”). The DBS
freeze does not apply to “requests for special temporary authority.” Id. at 2.
         See Amendment of the Commission’s Policies and Rules for Processing Applications in
the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service in the United States, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 21
FCC Rcd. 9443 (2006).
         See EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, Application for Modification of Special
Temporary Authority to Operate Direct Broadcast Satellite Service over Channels 23 and 24 at
the 61.5º W.L. Orbital Location, Order and Authorization, 22 FCC Rcd. 2223 ¶ 5 (2007) (“61.5
STA Order”).
            Id. ¶ 6.
         Id. ¶ 7. The Bureau has since granted EchoStar’s request for renewal of the STA three
times. See File No. SAT-STA-20080923-00193; File No. STA-20090325-00038; File No. SAT-


       Reinstitution of the condition at this time, however, serves no purpose because there is no

process by which the channels can be permanently assigned in the short-term, making EchoStar

the only potential party that can make use of the spectrum. In addition, the public interest

rationale for suspending the condition – avoiding confusion to customers regarding the continued

availability of programming – still applies; DISH customers should not be made to believe that

they are going to lose the channels unnecessarily. Consequently, EchoStar respectfully requests

that the temporary suspension of the condition stay in place until the Commission establishes a

process for licensing the two channels. At that time, the notice to consumers would become

relevant again. Until then, the notice serves no purpose and simply creates undue confusion.


       For the foregoing reasons, EchoStar respectfully requests that the Commission grant

special temporary authority to operate the EchoStar 15 satellite at 61.55 º W.L. In addition,

EchoStar requests that the Commission extend the temporary suspension of the notice condition

for its STA to use channels 23 and 24. While EchoStar 15 is operating under STA at 61.55

W.L., EchoStar will abide by the following conditions:

       1. All operations at 61.55 W.L. shall be on a non-harmful interference basis, meaning
          that EchoStar shall not cause inference to, and shall not claim protection from,
          interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating satellites.

       2. In the event that any harmful interference is caused while the satellite is operating at
          118.9 W.L., EchoStar shall cease operations immediately upon notification of such
          interference and shall inform the Commission, in writing, of such event.


                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   EchoStar Corporation

Pantelis Michalopoulos             Alison Minea
Christopher R. Bjornson            Corporate Counsel
Steptoe & Johnson LLP              EchoStar Corporation
1330 Connecticut Avenue N.W.       1110 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 750
Washington, D.C. 20036             Washington, DC 20005
(202) 429-3000                     (202) 293-1216
Counsel for EchoStar Corporation

June 15, 2010


Document Created: 2010-06-15 11:25:19
Document Modified: 2010-06-15 11:25:19

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