Attachment Intelsat-Grant May 1

Intelsat-Grant May 1

DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20100312-00045 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                        rilk #_SPT— sth— 2010 ©312— 00045

                                                                                        Call Sign $2804                         40
                                                                                                                 Grant Dme 03//5/

                                                                                        (or other identifiet)
                                                                                                                 Torm Dates       ie          Approved by OMB
                                             .                               i          From 03/‘5/’0                   TO'
                                                                                                                         03/29 /10               .   3060—0678   :

                                                             |     GRANTED*                                        7
                                                                                                            22 ; / 2
Date & Time Filed: Mar 12 2010 3:59:52:900PM                 |_International Bureau Approved:                        C e
File Number: SAT—STA—20100312—00045                                    tos       Hons                                   val               *
C;Emgu;n &                                               *su&aedr CO\"C{\ o                                          Scdeflu’re Fbll({j B\'Of‘d'\

                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 Request for STA to Conduct IOT and Perform TT&C for Intelsat 25 (Call Sign 82804) at 31.5 W.L.
1. Applicant

           Name:            Intelsat North America LLC              Phone Number:                               202—944—7848
           DBA Name:                                                Fax Number:                                 202—944—7870 °
           Street:          c/o Intelsat Corporation .              E—Mail: —                         
                        _   3400 International Drive, N.W.
           City:            Wasfiington                              State:          _           ’               DC
           Country:         USA                                     Zipcode:                                    20008         —3006
           Attention:       Susan H. Crandall

                                         Attachment to Grant
                               IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20100312—00045
                                           Call Sign $2804

The request of Intelsat North America LLC (Intelsat) for special temporary authority (STA), IBFS File
No. SAT—STA—20100312—00045, IS GRANTED. Accordingly, Intelsat is authorized to conduct in—orbit
testing of the Intelsat 25 space station (Call Sign $2804) at the 31.5° W.L. orbital location using the 3700—
4200 MHz (Earth—to—space) and 5925—6425 MHz (space—to—Earth) frequency bands for a period of 14
days, commencing on March 15, 2010. Intelsat is also authorized to conduct telemetry, tracking, and
telecommand (TT&C) operations via an earth station located outside the United States using the
following frequencies: 6419.0 (Earth—to—space), 5850.5 (Earth—to—space), 4198.5 (space—to—Earth), and
3630.0 (space—to—Earth). This authorization is granted in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
technical specifications set forth in Intelsat‘s application, the Commission‘s rules, and the conditions set
forth below.

         1:      All operations shall be on unprotected and non—harmful interference basis, i.e., Intelsat
shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused to it by
any other lawfully operating station.

        2.       In the event of any harmful interference as a result of the operations of the Intelsat 25
space station during in—orbit testing at the 31.5° W.L. orbital location, Intelsat shall cease operations
immediately upon notification of such interference and shall immediately inform the Commission, in
writing, of such an event.

        3.       Intelsat shall maintain Intelsat 25 within an east/west longitudinal station—keeping
tolerance of + 0.05 degrees of the 31.5° W.L. orbital location.

         4.       Operations of the Intelsat 25 space station at the 31.5° W.L. orbital location are limited to
in—orbit testing and shall not include any provision of commercial services.

         5.      Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this STA is at
Intelsat‘s own risk.

      6.      Grant of this authorization is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission
may make regarding permanent operations of the Intelsat 25 space station at the 31.5° W.L. orbital
location. See IBFS File No. SAT—A/O—20091223—00151.

         7.      This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately. Petitions for reconsideration under Section
1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106,
1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

                                                             File # SAT— sm— 20100312 —Coo4¥S

                                                             Calf Sign S2004¢__      Grant Date 03/'5[’()
                                                             (or other identifier)
                                                                                     Torm Dates
                                                             From 03/)5/’0                 To: 03/29/10

                                1   P
                                                             Approved:           ,//lééfl
                                                                                      ’?é /+.
                             | ‘.‘_1;_‘.‘.'_".;1";.:;._,.“                        Te
                             ®subject 10                                             PA       .       .
                               Sud conclitions                                    Chief Satellite R)‘IC\‘j Branch

2. Contact

    )        Name:         Jennifer D. Hindin                     Phone Number:                       202—719—4975
             Company:      Wiley Rein LLP                         Fax Number:                         202—719—7049
             Street:        1776 K Street,NW                      E—Mail: _                 

             City:         Washington                             State:                   |         _ DC
             Country:       USA      _                      |     Zipcode:                            20006       —
             Attention:                           |               Relationship:                       Legal Counsel |

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
   3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
  4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?           .
@, IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.            IfNo, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.FR.Section 1.1114).
L3 Governmental Entity       C3 Nqncommerglal educatlonal licensee
q4 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CRY — Space Station (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

«3 Change Station Location                 .          {*4 Extend Expiration Date                      ggy Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                           '      7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

  8. Description   (If the complete description does not appearin this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entitety.)
       Intelsat North America LLC herein requests Special Temporary Authority for fourteen days
       —— from March 15,           2010 through March 29,              2010    —— to conduct in—orbit testing of and to
       perform telemetry,           tracking and command for the Intelsat 25 satellite                               (call sign $2804)         at
       the 31.5 W.L. orbital location.                                             '

  9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject @ Yes              gy No
  to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
  21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
  1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

  10. Name of Person Signaing                                                 11. Title of Person Signing         .
~ [Susan H. Crandall                                                          Asst. Gen. Counsel, Intelsat Corporation
  12. Please supply any need attachments.
   Attachment 1: STA Request                          Attachment 2:                                     Attachment 3:

                ~__ (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                     (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve thecollection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collec¢tion of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number orif we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

  March 12, 2010

  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12"" Street, S.W.
  Washington, DC 20554

  Re:        Request for Special Temporary Authority for Intelsat 25
              Call Sign: $2804

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

  Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat") herein requests Special Temporary
  Authority ("STA")‘ for 14 days—from March 15, 2010 through March 29,
  2010—to conduct in—orbit testing ("IOT") of and to perform telemetry,
_ tracking and command ("TT&C") for the Intelsat 25 satellite (call sign $2804)
  at the 31.5° W.L. orbital location. Intelsat has a pending application for
  authority to operate the Intelsat 25 satellite at 31.5° W.L.* Intelsat 25 is
  currently drifting to 31.5° W.L. under authorization from the administration of
  Papua New Guinea using earth stations located outside the United States. The
  satellite is scheduled to arrive at 31.5° W.L on March 15, 2010.

  Intelsat will conduct IOT pursuant to this STA only in the following
  conventional C—band frequencies:"                                         .

  37004200 MHz
  5925—6425 MHz

  * Intelsat has filed this STA request, ar FCC Form 159 and an $830.00 filing
  fee electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing System.
  * Intelsat North America LLC, Applicationfor Authority to Operate
  Intelsat 25, an In—orbit Satellite, at 31.5° W.L., File No. SAT—A/O—20091223—
  00151 (filed Dec. 23, 2009) ("Intelsat 25 Applzcatzon”)
  * Intelsat will use its U S. licensed earth station, call sign KA275, located in
  Clarksburg, Maryland to conduct this testing. Intelsat is separately filing a
  request for special temporary authority to add the Intelsat 25 satellite as a
_ temporary point of communication for this earth station.

  Intelsat Corporation
  3400 lr_\ternational Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

 Intelsat will conduct TT&C pursuant to this STA using a non—U.S. earth station
 in the following C—band frequencies:

 6419.0 (V) uplink
 5850.5 (H) uplink
 4198.5 (H) downlink
 3630.0 (V)* downlink

 Grant of the STA will serve the public interest. Grant will allow Intelsat to
 begin partial in—orbit testing immediately upon the arrival of Intelsat 25 at its
 proposed permanent operating location of 31.5° W.L. Intelsat 25 is a newly
 acquired in—orbit satellite. Testing is a critical step in ensuring that the satellite
 will be fully operational at 31.5° W.L. This, in turn, will provide customers
 with the benefits of additional capacity at the 31.5° W.L. location as quickly as

  Grant will also provide the Commission additional time to complete its review
  of Intelsat‘s pending application for permanent authority to operate the Intelsat
  25 satellite at the 31.5° W.L. orbital location. In particular, grant of this STA
  will provide needed time for completion of inter—agency coordination of the
— extended band frequencies. Intelsat understands and accepts that a grant of this
  STA would not prejudge the Commission‘s determination of Intelsat‘s request
  to operate Intelsat 25 at 31.5° W.L. on a permanent basis, and that testing and
  TT&C operation pursuant to this STA is at Intelsat‘s risk.

 Grant of this STA request will not result in an increased risk of harmful
 interference. Intelsat operates (or shortly will operate) the satellites using C—
 band frequenc1es that are immediately adjacent to 31. 5° W.L. at the 29.5° W.L.
 orbital location® and at the 34.5° W.L. orbital location® and thus can internally
 monitor and coordinate any interference to adjacent satellites.

 Intelsat has assessed and limited the probability of the space station becoming
 a source of debris as a result of collision with large debris or other operational

 * Section25.202(g) requires telemetry, tracking and telecommand functions to
 be "conducted at either or both edges of the allocated band(s)." 47 C.F.R. § _
 25.202(g). In the pending application for permanent authority to operate at the
 31.5° W.L. orbital location, Intelsat seeks waiver of Section 25.202(g) for the
 proposed use of use of 3630 MHz for telemetry. See Intelsat 25 Application at
 5—6. To the extent necessary, Intelsat seeks waiver of Section 25.202(g) for
 operations conducted pursuant to STA.
 ° Applicationfor Special Temporary Authority to Drift the Intelsat 801
 Satellite to 29.5° W.L., File No. SAT—STA—20091216—00146 (stamp grant Feb.
 22, 2010).
 6 Application ofIntelsat LLC to Modify Authorizations, File No. SAT—MOD—
 20011221—00139 (stamp grant Mar. 22, 2002) (granting Intelsat authority to
 operate the Intelsat 903 satellite at 34.5° W.L.).

space stations. Intelsat is not aware of any other FCC licensed system, or any
other system applied for and under consideration by the FCC, having an
overlapping station—keeping volume with Intelsat 25 at the 31.5° W.L. location.
Finally, Intelsat is not aware of any satellite network with an overlapping
station—keeping volume with Intelsat 25 that is the subject of an ITU filing and
that is either in orbit or progressing towards launch. .

  For the reasons set forth herein, Intelsat respectfully requests that the
_ Commission expeditiously grant this request.


/s/Susan H. Crandall

Susan H. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

co:     Bob Nelson
        Karl Kensinger
        Kathyrn Medley
        Stephen Duall

Document Created: 2019-04-14 10:37:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 10:37:34

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