Letter Clarifying PR

ERRATA, ERRATUM OR ADDENDUM submitted by Sirius XM Radio Inc.

Letter Clarifying Sirius XM STA Request


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20091030-00115 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



1500 Eckington Place, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel: 202—380—4000
Fax: 202—380—4500
wwsirius.com wwww.xmradio.com

                                         December2, 2009

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:     Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                 Clarification of Request for 180—Day Special Temporary Authority
                 For Two New Low Power Repeaters in Puerto Rico
                 File No. SAT—STA— 20091030—00115

Dear Ms. Dortch:

On October 30, 3009, Sirius XM Radio Inc. ("Sirius XM") filed the above—referenced application
for two repeaters in Puerto Rico, each with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power ("EIRP") of
up to 2000 watts, following the Commission‘s grant of Sirius XM‘s initial STA to operate repeaters
in Puerto Rico.‘

To avoid any potential confusion stemming from internal inconsistencies, Sirius XM herein
provides the following clarifications. Sirius XM explained in its narrative accompanying the
application its sole purpose was to make severaldiscrete changes from the STA authorization
granted under File No. SAT—STA—20081027—00210. First, as to the repeater identified as PRO1—01,
the application sought to (a) increase the antenna height from 260 feet to 266 feet" and (b) increase
this repeater‘s power from 1000 watts to 2000 watts EIRP. Second, as to the repeater identified as
PRO4—01, Sirius XM sought to reduce the antenna height from 196 feet to 181 feet.

     See Sirius XM Radio Inc., Order and Authorization, IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20081027—
     00210, DA 09—2039 (Int‘l. Bureau, Sept. 11, 2009).
     Sirius XM sought approval to make this same change in antenna height in a 60 day STA
     application for this repeater, File No. SAT—STA—20091023—00112. The Commission granted
     that application on November 5, 2009.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 2, 2009
Page 2

However, Exhibit A submitted with this application contained typographical errors inconsistent
with this description. First, the column headings of "Site Latitude" and "Site Longitude" were
inadvertently reversed, making it appear as though the location for both the PRO1—01 repeater and
the PRO4—01 repeater was being changed substantially, in addition to the more limited changes
identified in the narrative. Second, the column showing Total Average EIRP for the PRO1—01
repeater showed 1000 watts, rather than 2000 watts as explained in the narrative.

These were obvious errors that were clearly contradicted by the narrative filed with the application
and as such, were highly unlikely to create any confusion. As to the reversal of thelatitude and
longltude column headings, the revised location,if plotted, would yield a location in northern

Sirius XM herein provides a corrected Exhibit A for this application and requests that in processing
this application, the Commission rely on thisrevised Exhibit A and the clarifications provided
herein. Should any questions arise in connection with this letter or the application, please contact
the undersigned.

                                                      ery  yours,

                                                      es 8.
                                                     Vice Presndent Regulatory Counsel

c6:       Stephen Duall, FCC International Bureau
          Jay Whaley, FCC International Bureau
          Sankar Persaud, FCC International Bureau

5     As to the PRO1—01 repeater, the column headings were similarly reversed in the 60 day STA
      application the Commission already granted for this facility, File No. SAT—STA—20091023—

                                                        Exhibit A

                                             Technical parameters for repeaters

                              SITE        SITE                               ANTENNA    ANTENNA     ANTENNA      TOTAL
   CITY        %fi:gl‘:      LONGITUDE   LATITUDE         ANTF‘E:&NA       ORIENTATION    HEIGHT     DOWNTILT    AVERAGE
                               (W)         (N)                             (AZIMUTE)    (FT. AGL)   (DEGREES)    EIRP(W)
San Juan, PR   on            66—03—32    18—25—28      TA—2350—DAB                N/A      266          0         2000
               (Sector 1)

San Juan, PR   PROWO1        66—03—32    18—25—28      TA—2350—DAB                N/A      266          0         2000
               (Sector 2)
Bayamon, PR                  66—08—43    18—23—48     $A2500—090%—16              225      181          0         2000
               (Sector 1)
Bayamon, PR                  66—08—43    18—23—48     $A2500—090X—16              315      181          0         2000
               (Sector 2)

Document Created: 2019-04-14 00:16:00
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 00:16:00

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