Attachment redacted


REQUEST submitted by PanAmSat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20080911-00187 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                      FI LED/ACCEPTED
1776 K STREET NW                                                                                       Jennifer D. Hindin
                  DC 20006         September 15,’2008
PHONE      202.719.7000
                                                                          SEP 1 52008                  202.719.4975
FAX    202.719.7049
                                                                    FederalCommunicationsCommission                            I   ’
                                                                           Office of the Secretary
MrLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE      703.905.2800
FAX    703.905.2820
                                   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                                   Federal Coinmunications Commission
                                   445 32th Street, S.W.
www. w i l e y r e i n .corn
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                   Re:    REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION
                                          PanAniSat Licensee Corp. Request for Confidential Treatment,
                                          File Xo. SAT-STA-200S0911-00187, Call Sign S2704

                                   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                   By its attorneys, PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“PanAinSat”) respectfully requests
                                   that, pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. $6
                                   0.457 and 0.459, the Commission withhold from public inspection and accord                          I   ‘

                                   confidential treatment to an amendment to an agreement regarding the Intelsat 5
                                   (formerly PAS-9) satellite (Call Sign S2704), which is being filed in both redacted
                                   and un-redacted fonn with a copy of this letter. This agreement contains
                                   commercially sensitive information that falls within Exemption 4 of the Freedom of
                                   Infonnation Act (“FOIA”). See 5 U.S.C. Q 552(b)(4); 47 C.F.R. Q 0.457(d).

                                   Exemption 4 pennits parties to withhold from public information “trade secrets and
                                   coinmercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or
                                   confidential-categories of materials not routinely available for public inspection.”
                                   Id. Applying Exemption 4, the courts have stated that commercial or financial
                                   information is confidential if its disclosure will either (1) impair the government’s
                                   ability to obtain necessary information in the future; or (2) cause substantial harm to
                                   the competitive position of the person from whom the information was obtained.
                                   See Natioiial Parks aiid Coiiseivation Ass ’n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765, 770 (D.C. Cir.
                                   1974) (footnote omitted); see also Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d
                                   871,879-80 (D.C. Cir. 1992), cei? deiiied, 507 U.S. 984 (1993).

                                   Section 0.457(d)(2) allows persons submitting materials that they wish be withheld
                                   from public inspection in accordance with Section 552(b)(4) to file a request for .
                                   non-disclosure, pursuant to Section 0.459. In accordance with the requirements
                                   contained in Section 0.459(b) for such requests, PanAmSat hereby submits the
                                   following :

Septeinber 15,2008
Page 2

(I)        /$catioii of Specific hfoi-mation for Wliicli Coiijdential Treatment is
Sought (Sectioiz 0.4jP(b)(l)): PanAmSat seeks confidential treatment for the
enclosed Amendment $3 to the February 14, 2002 agreement between PanAinSat
Corporation (now known as lntelsat Corporation) and Arab Saiellite , ,
Communications Organization (“A4RABSAT”).’ This amendment relates to
PanAmSat’s continued operation of the Inielsat 5 satellite at the 26.15” E.L. orbital
location. As explained in the pending application for Special Temporary
                    y , ~ 5 is cun-ently licensed to operate at 26.15” E.L.3 At this orbital
A u t l i ~ i - ~ tIntelsat
location, PanAmSat has been leasing C-band capacity to ARABSAT. The
amendment extends the agreement between PanAmSat and ARABSAT through the
end of 2008. The amendment contains commercially sensitive infomation that falls
within Exemption 4 of FOIA.

(2)    Descriylioii of Circunistaiices Giving Rise to Subiiiissio~i(Section
0.459@)(2)): PanAmSat submits this agreement in connection with its application,
for Special Temporary Authority to continue to operate the Intelsat 5 satellite’s C-
band payload and Ku-band Telemetry, Tracking and Command (“TT&C”)
frequencies at 26.1 5” E.L.

(3)      Explanation of tlie Degree to IVlicli the I17foi-mation is Conzinercial or
Fiiiaiicial, 01‘ Coiltailis a Trade Secret or Is Privileged (Section 0.459@)(3)): The
amendment contains sensitive commercial and financial infonnation that
competitors could use to PanAmSat’s disadvantage. The courts have given the
tenns “com~nercial”and “financial,” as used in Section 552(b)(4), their ordinah
meanings. See Board of Trnde v. Coinmodity Futures Trading Comn ’n, 627 F.2d
392,403 & n.78 (D.C. Cir. 1980). The Commission has broadly defined
commercial information, stating that “‘[c]o~nmercial’is broader than infonnation
regarding basic commercial operations, such as sales and profits; it includes
infomation about work perfonned for the purpose of conducting a business’s
commercial operations.” Southern Compaizy Request for Waiver of Section 90.629

       A~iicndinents#I and #2 and the February 14, 2002 agreement were
previously submitted to the FCC under a request for confidential treatment.
       See PanAniSat Licensee Corp., Request for Special Temporary Authority,
File No. SAT-STA-20080911-00187 (filed Sept. 11, 2008).
      See Policy Branch Iiforiiiafion; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00408, File
No. SAT-MOD-20061 01 8-00123 (Dec. 15,2006) (Public Notice).

                             September 15,2008
                             Page 3

                             of die Coiniiiissioii’s Rules, hlemoranduin Opinion and Order,14 FCC Rcd 1851,
                             1560 (1 998) (citing Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 704 F.2d 1280,
                             1290 (D.C. Cir. 1953)).

                             The amendment to the agreement with ARABSAT contains coininercial
                             infoiiiiation regarding the continued operation of Intelsat 5 at 26.1 5” E.L. The            I   ”
                             infonnation contained i n this ag-eement meets both definitions of “confidential.”
                             First, a decision not to treat this infonnation as confidential could affect the
                             Commission’s ability to obtain necessary infonnation in the future. Second,
                             disclosure of this infonnation likely ivill cause substantial haim to the competitive
                             positions of PanAmSat and ARABSAT.

                             (4)      Explanation ofthe Degree to 11’liich the Iiforimtioiz Conceriis a Service that
                             is Subject to Coiiipetitioii (Section 0.459@)(4)): Substantial competition exists in
                             the telecom~nunicationssatellite industry. Other large players in the geostationary
                             satellite service market include Eutelsat, SES Ainericoin and Telesat. The presence
                             of these large competitors makes imperative the confidential treatment of sensitive
                             coininercial infonn ation.

                             (5)     Explanation of How Disc1osui.e of the hifoniiation Could Result in
                             Subsfuiitial Coiiipetitive Haiw (Section 0.459@)(5)): Release of the amendment
                             could have a significant impact on PanAmSat’s commercial operations. If business
                             partners/customers or competitors had access to this information, it could negatively
                             affect PanAmSat’s future negotiations with potential and existing business
                             partners/customers. Specifically, business partners/customers could use the
                             infonnation gleaned from the agreement to negotiate inore favorable tenns in their
                             own service or capacity agreements. Competitors could use this information to
                             better compete against PanAmSat. Thus, it is “virtually axiomatic” that the
                             infoimation qualifies for withholding under Exemption 4 of FOIA, see A~ational
                             Purlis aiid Coiisen1ation Ass’n v. Kleppe, 547 F.2d 673, 684 (D.C. Cir., 1976), and
                             under Sections 0.457(d)(2) and 0.459@).

                             (6)    Ideiitiflcatioii of Aiiy A4easui-es Taken to Prevent Uiinuthorized Disclosure
                             (Section 0.459@)(6)): None of this infonnation is provided to the public, and
                             PanAinSat does not provide this infonnation to third parties except pursuant to
                             agreements to maintain confidentiality.

                             (7)      Ideiitificatioiz of Wliether the Iiiforination is Available to die Public and the
                             Exteizt of Aiiy Previous Disclosure of the Iiifoimatioiz to T1zii.d Parties (Section

-   7   I.   -   --   m -”

September 15, 2008
Page 4

0.459@)(7)): PanAmSat has not made this agreement available to the public and
has not disclosed this ageeii~entto any third parties.

(8)      Jiislificatioii    ofPei-iod Dui-ii7g TVl'iiclz /he Subiiiiftiiig Party .-3ssertis that llze
J f a / e r i n lShould ,Vat be .4liailable for Public Disc/osul*e (Secfioii 0.459@)(8)):
Pai~AmSatrespectfully requests that the Com~nission\~itIiholdthis agreement from                            I'

public inspection indefinitely. On balance, the need to protect PanAinSat from
competitive Iiann as a result of disclosure of this agreement outweighs any benefit
of public disclosure which, in the ordinary course of business, would not otherwise

Accordingly, for the foregoi~~greasons, PanAmSat respectfully requests that the
infom~ationcontajned in its amendment to its agreement with ARABSAT be kept
confidentjal and be withheld from public inspection at a11 times.

Please contact the undersigned with any questions. Thank you for your assistance.


Couizselfor PaiiAi.~iSutLiceiisee Coi-p.





                                 :e rhccuted this Agrccnert as ofthc date first above


Title: F r c E i f t n t L CEO

Document Created: 2008-09-18 13:12:03
Document Modified: 2008-09-18 13:12:03

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