Attachment supplement


SUPPLEMENT submitted by PanAmSat/Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20080325-00081 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


April 4, 2008

Re:      Request for Special Temporary Authority to Drift Galaxy 17 to, and Operate the
         Satellite at, 122.9’ W.L.; File No. SAT-STA-20080325-00081
         Call Sign: S2715

Dear Ms. Dortch:

At the request of the International Bureau staff, PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
(“PanAmSat”) hereby supplements the above referenced STA request with
the following infomation:

Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan

Padunsat is proactive in ensuring safe operation and disposal of this and
all spacecraft under its control. The four elements of debris mitigation are
addressed below:

Spacecraft Hardware Desi,gn

The spacecraft is designed such that no debris will be released during
normal operations. PanAmSat has assessed the probability of collision
with meteoroids and other small debris (4cm diameter) and has taken the
following steps to limit the effects of such collisions: (1) critical spacecraft
components are located inside the protective body of the spacecraft and
properly shielded; and (2) all spacecraft subsystems have redundant
components to ensure no single-point failures. The spacecraft does not
use any subsystems for end-of-life disposal that are not used for normal

Minimizing Accidental Explosions

PanAmSat has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during
and after completion of mission operations. The spacecraft is designed in
a manner to minimize the potential for such explosions. Propellant tanks
and thrusters are isolated using redundant valves and electrical power
systems are shielded in accordance with standard industry practices. At
the completion of the mission, and upon disposal of the spacecraft,
PanAmSat will ensure the removal of all stored energy on the spacecraft

  lntelsat Corporation
  3400 International Drive NW,Washington DC 20008-3006 USA T + 1 202-944-6800 F +1 202-944-7898

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 4,2008
Page 2
             by depleting all propellant tanks, venting all pressurized systems, isolating
             the batteries from the spacecraft ~ L I S and
                                                       ,   turning off all active units.

               Safe Flight Profiles

               P u n s a t has assessed and limited the probability of the space station
               beconling a source of debris as a result of collisions with large debris or
               other operational space stations. Galaxy 17 will not be located at the same
               orbital location as another satellite or at an orbital location that has an
               overlapping stationkeeping volume with another satellite.

               The proposed orbital location for Galaxy 17 is 122.9’ W.L. PanAmSat is
               not aware of any other FCC licensed system, or any other system applied
               for and under consideration by the FCC, having an overlapping
               stationkeeping volume with Galaxy 17. PanAmSat is not aware of any
               system with an overlapping stationkeeping volume with Galaxy 17 that is
               the subject of an ITU filing and that is either in orbit or progressing
               towards launch.

              Post Mission Disposal

              At the end of the mission, PanAmSat will dispose of the spacecraft by
              moving it to a minimum altitude of 300 kilometers above the
              geostationary arc. This exceeds the minimum altitude established by the
              IADC fonnula. PanAmSat has reserved 9.5 kilograms of fuel for this
              purpose. The reserved fuel figure was determined by the spacecraft
              manufacturer and provided for in the propellant budget. To calculate this
              figure, the manufacturer used the “rocket equation”, i.e., it plugged in the
              expected mass of the satellite at the end of life and the required delta-
              velocity to achieve the desired orbit. PanAmSat has assessed the file1
              gauging uncertainty and has provided an adequate margin of fie1 reserve
              to address the assessed uncertainty in remaining propellant.

              hi calculating the disposal orbit, PanAmSat has used simplifying
              assumptions as permitted under the Commission’s Orbital Debris Report
              and Order. For reference, the effective area to mass ratios (Cr*A/M) of
              the Galaxy 17 spacecraft is 0.04 m2/kg, resulting in a minimum perigee
              disposal altitude under the LADC fonnula of at most 280.4 kilometers
              above the geostationary arc, which is lower than the 300 kilometer above
              geostationary disposal altitude specified by PanAmSat in this filing.
              Accordingly, the Galaxy 17 planned disposal orbit complies with the
              FCC’s niles.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 4,2008
Page 3

             For the reasons set forth in the STA request, PanAmSat respectfiilly   '

             requests that tlle Commission expeditiously grant this request.


             Susan H. Crandall
             Assistant General Counsel
             Intelsat Corporation                                                       I

             Cc: Robert Nelson
                 Cassandra Thomas
                 Karl Kensinger

Document Created: 2008-04-09 14:12:46
Document Modified: 2008-04-09 14:12:46

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