Attachment clarification





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20071219-00178 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    XM SATELLITE RADIO                                                           James S. Blitz
                                                                                 Vice President, Regulatory Counsel
                                                                                 XM SATELLITE RADIO
                                                                                  1500 Eckington Place, NE
                                      FILE WAGGEPTED                             Washington, DC 20002
                                             JAN 4 2008
                                                                                 P: 202-3 80-1383
VIA HAND DELIVERY                     Federal Comiuunicahons Coinmission         F: 202-380-4981
                                             Off ice of the Secretary
January 4,2008
Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      XM Radio Inc.
         Amendment of Request for 180 Day Special Temporary Authority to
         Operate Very Low Power Repeater in Vienna, Virginia
         FCC File Number SAT-STA-20071219-00178

Dear Ms. Dortch:

On December 19,2007, XM Radio Inc. (“XM7’)filed a request for 180 day Special
Temporary Authority (“STA”) for a new very low power repeater to be located on an
office building in Vienna, VA, to which XM is relocating some employees (the
“Application”). On December 20,2007, the WCS Coalition filed a letter raising
questions concerning the technical showings in the Application and whether they are
adequate to protect the interests of WCS band licensees.

XM herein amends and clarifies several aspects of the Application to address each of the
concerns raised in the WCS Coalition’s letter. As an initial matter, XM restates the
certification in its Application that it will operate “subject to the conditions and
certifications set forth in the XMSTA Order [ 16 FCC Rcd. I678 1 718 (2001)l granting
XM’s September 200 1 request for STA to operate terrestrial repeaters.” Application,
Narrative Exhibit, p. 4. Specifically, pursuant to the conditions and certifications in that
decision, XM certifies as follows:

‘ On December 14, 2007, XM filed a similar application for 30 day (later amended to 60 day) STA for the
same facility, FCC File Number SAT-STA-200712 14-00175. XM is filing a similar letter amending that
application .

          1500 ECKINGTON PLACE, NE WASHINGTON DC 20002-2164   I P 202-380-4000 I F 202-380-4500 1 XMRADIO.COM

Marlene H. Dortch
January 4,2008
Page 2

       (1) XM will operate the very low power repeaters and signal boosters at its own
       risk, and such operation shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted
       by the Commission in GEN Docket 95-91 ;

       (2) XM will operate this facility on a non-interference basis with respect to all
       permanent1y authorized radiocommunication faci1ities;

       (3) The facility will be restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the
       complete programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite
       directly to SDARS receivers;

       (4) Where applicable, coordination of the facility will be completed with all
       affected Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable
       international agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;

       ( 5 ) The facility will comply with Part 17 of the Commission’s rules -
       Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures;

       (6) The facility will comply with Part 1 of the Commission’s rules, Subpart I -
       Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,
       including the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic
       fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission’s rules; and

       (7) The out-of-band emissions of the facility will be limited to 75+log (EIRP) dB
       less than the transmitter EIRP.

XM also clarifies that it will use input and output filters with this very low power repeater
for out-of-band signal removal, to ensure compliance with the last specification above.
The input band-pass filter will be used to remove Sirius-band and XM-band satellite         .
signals. A 10 dB coupler is incorporated into the input band-pass filter for input signal
monitoring purposes. In addition, an output band-pass filter will be used to remove
spurious signal, Sirius-band signal, and XM-band satellite signal. A 20 dB coupler is
also incorporated into the output band-pass filter for output signal monitoring.
Attachment 1 hereto is a block diagram showing the design of this repeater, including
these two filters.

As to the WCS Coalition’s concern whether XM will use “some sort of anti feedback
mechanism to assure it will not become a broadband noise source if the coupling between
the receiver and retransmit antennas is not sufficient to avoid oscillation,” XM clarifies
that it will use such a mechanism. Attachment 3 hereto provides the instructions that XM
will follow in installing this repeater, which includes a section directing the installer to
optimize the antenna placement to avoid any feedback that may create oscillation. See
Attachment 2, “Final installation steps.”

Marlene H. Dortch
January 4,2008
Page 3

Finally, XM amends the application to state that if prohibited interference does occur,
XM will cease operation of this facility until any such interference can be eliminated.
XM’s Repeater Control Center (202-380-4725) is available on a continuous basis to
receive such reports of any suspected interference and take immediate corrective action.

This amendment should be responsive to each of the WCS Coalition’s concerns. Should
any questions arise in connection with this filing, please communicate directly with the

r   ice President, Regulatory Counsel

cc:      Paul Sinderbrand, Wilkinson Barker Knauer (by e-mail)
         Stephen Duall, FCC International Bureau (by e-mail)
         Alyssa Roberts, FCC International Bureau (by e-mail)
         Shabnam Javid, FCC International Bureau (by e-mail)

    Attachment 1
Repeater Block Diagram

           I             I
       RF M oduk

                                                                                         Attachment 2
                                                                        Installation Information

                                         PCformonitorand                                                                       DROM & 9 pin M
                                         control (not supplied) i
                                                                                                                     T     f
                                                                                                                                to 9 pin F Null
    Receive                                                                                                               Port                                     Transmit
    Antenna                                                                                                                                                        Antenna
                                                                                                               RF In E
                                                                                                                     W Out                                     '

                                                                                                                    GF Main

Figure 1. Typical GF Setup

 Receive      Short length               IN OUT                         Long length                                Connect RF In &               Medium               Transmit
 antenna       N-N COW.                                                  N-N coax                                    Out, PC with              length N-N             antenna
Vertically     cable from                                               cable from                                    GF software              coax cable            Vertically
              Rx antenna
Polarized                                  LNA                             LNA                                        running, and           from GF Main           Polarized can
                to LNA
  can be         INPUT
                                                                        OUTPUT to                                   110 to 120 volts              Amp              be Flat Panel,
Flat Panel                                                               GF Main                                    three prong AC            OUTPUT to             Yagi, stick or
 or Yagi,     (3 to 6 feet)                                             Amp Input                                  power (extension              Transmit          various splitter
not a stick                                                                                                             cords not                Antenna              to panel
                                                                           (50 to 150                                   supplied)                                     antennae
                                                                              feet)                                                          (10 to 30 feet)           combos
                      Table 1. Installation notes all apply to Figure 1. above

If >I50 foot cable length is needed, an SSIPA (External Amp) can be added
between the GF Main Amp and the transmit antenna. Usually paired with a stick
(Omni) antenna for transmitting, the SSIPA allows longer cable runs from GF Main
Amp to the transmit antenna. See Figure 2 below. Table above applies to adding
SSIPA, with additional concern of Table 2, at the end of this document.

Installation Tips:
Coax cables going to either antenna should be as short as possible, one extra short
and one extra medium length cable are provided to help adapt to site-specific
conditions. Try to locate the GF as close as possible to the Tx antenna.

Situate the GF equipment and antennas away from the general public as much as
possible. There is no radiation hazard, we're just trying to minimize signal blockage
and equipment vandalism.

Get the Tx antenna as high up as possible, with only five to ten degrees of downtilt.


Try to place the Rx antenna outdoors. XM signal can be received through a window if
near enough to a repeater, yet tinting in windows attenuates the signal dramatically
and also causes worse indoor reflection scenarios for the transmit signal to get fed
back into the receive antenna.

If receiving outdoors, use supplied electrical tape to completely cover N connectors
on LNA and Receive antenna. If GF is a permanent installation use a weather
proofing kit. If Rx antenna and LNA are indoors and protected from weather, no need
to tape.

There should be no reason to open the GF equipment. Key may not be provided for
main amp. Simply plug in the three prong AC cable into the socket, the internal AC
switch is left ON inside the GF main amp. Plug in AC AFTER making all connections.

Laptop must have Windows with a CD-Rom drive and a serial 9-pin communications
connector. The PC doesn't need to modern, just Windows 95 or more recent.

The CD-Rom with operating software as well as the serial cable with null modem
adapter are in the kit. There is often a manual in the box, but this document should
suffice. Install HFGF software onto your PC with simple installation program on CD-
ROM. The PC is only used for monitoring and control of GF system, this cable can be
disconnected from the GF main amp without affecting operation. There is no save
button or exit menu to deal with, simply unplug the serial cable and leave it with GF.

When software is communicating with the GF, the square Tx and Rx indicators in the
lower right corner of the window will flash to indicate digital data talking properly.

Please provide AC extension cords, and bring hand tools for installing antennas.
Extra cable ties could come in handy.

If antenna mounting brackets are not flexible enough, improvise. A flat panel
antenna can be mounted against a wall, but it is better to provide a few feet of
clearance from being flat against the wall if this is at all possible. The Transmit stick
antennas should point directly downwards if mounted high above the floor.

Installation Process:
If a red alarm indicates for no good apparent reason, press F3 and a hidden window
will appear. For example, the DC supply current upper limit may need to be raised
slightly. DO NOT LOWER the Input Power Level minimum signal level from -60 dBm.

If an XM Skyfi boombox or equivalent cannot be used to optimize the receive antenna
location, it is suggested that the entire GF kit (less the transmit antenna) get taken to
the roof or outdoors. Temporarily connect everything (including AC power) with the
exception of Tx antenna and coax which are replaced by a N connector 50 ohm load
that is provided. Mount the Rx antenna and point it in the azimuth direction of the
closest repeater. Only a few degrees of uptilt on a receive panel antenna should be


necessary. Repeak the antenna to maximize the Input Power Level reported on the
laptop. Do this with the PA control enabled and the ALC control disabled, and
transmit at full power which is very close to +10 dBm. Use the long N-N coax to go
from LNA to GF main amp to best test the system, then use this same cable to run
indoors to the proper (permanent) location of the GF main amp.

Peak or relocate the Rx antenna to get -55 dBm or greater Input Power level. -58
dBm is marginal and -60 dBm is unacceptable. An 18 dB flat panel may be
provided to increase Rx Input Power if 12 dB flat panel cannot get enough signal.
Tighten down Rx antenna however possible after peaking the input power.

Final installation steps:

Bring equipment indoors to the proper (permanent) location of the GF main amp,
disconnect 50 ohm load and connect transmit antenna which should be pointed
towards the intended area of coverage. GF main amp can lay flat on the ground or
lean against a wall, just make it as secure and out of the way as possible.

Use as short as possible N-N coax cable to connect GF main amp to Tx antenna.

With GF On at around +10dBm Output Power with the PA control enabled and ALC
control disabled, confirm the VSWR is less than 2.0 t o indicate acceptable Tx
antenna and coax cable. The transmit level is set via the Attenuation control when
ALC is Not Enabled, set this to 0.0 dB of attenuation to get around +10 dBm Output
Power Level.

Check for similar Input Power (in negative dBm units) as obtained with system when
peaking the Rx antenna, if Input Power level is nearly the same then nothing needs to
be done. If Input Power level is much lower, check all coax N connectors for proper
threading and tightness. IF INPUT POWER INCREASES from when tested with the 50
ohm load then a Tx to Rx antenna situation is likely and must be assessed. IF the
increase is only one to three dB (for example: -57 dBm goes up to - 54 dBm, then
this level of feedback should be handled by the ALC circuitry. IF there is much
greater than a three dB difference, then the Rx and/or Tx antenna must be
repositioned to lessen the feedback scenario. IF Rx antenna is outdoors and Tx
antenna is indoors then there should be no feedback. If both antennas are indoors
then at least 50 feet of separation is needed with no line-of-sight between Tx and Rx.

To help combat some feedback, set ALC control to Enable and set max output level to
+10dBm. This will help suppress some reflections due to reflective surfaces
changing (such as people walking near the antennas).

A very high level of feedback could cause corrupted data to be transmitted from the
GF so the Tx and Rx antennas must be well situated, both for their own purposes and
to not be too close to one another. Check transmitted signal with SkyFi in the 207
XM Display mode or via some other means with an XM radio to ensure low bit error
ratios on terrestrial (less than 5% BER should provide solid reception).


If transmit antenna coverage is not acceptable, try another transmit antenna
configuration and/or position, verify little feedback via input power level, &try again.

Hand retighten all connectors and use cable ties to make cables secure. Cover up
the bright green LEDs if they attract too much attention and tape up AC cord to keep
it from getting unplugged.

Check intended coverage area with 207 XM Display mode or some other means to
confirm XM terrestrial signal is acceptable.

 When using an XM SSIPA to boost the RF signal from a Gap Filler (GF),
 adjust the Output ALC Limit control on the GF to the value in the table below
 based upon the length of LMR240 coax (114 inch dia) from GF output to SSIPA input:

 Approximate Lenqth of Coax:                Output ALC Limit Settinq
 I O feet or less                           0 dBm (or less)
 25 feet                                    +2 dBm (or less)
 50 feet                                    +5 dBm (or less)
 100 feet                                   +8 dBm (or less)
 150 feet                                   + I O dBm

    Table 2. Installation notes apply to Figure 2, when using SSIPA External Amp

Figure 2. Typical Gap Filler installation with use of an external amp:


Document Created: 2008-08-20 17:18:10
Document Modified: 2008-08-20 17:18:10

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