Attachment filing


LETTER submitted by WCS Coalition



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20071214-00175 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


”   ,

                                          )                                       2300

                                                                                              STREET,      NW

                                                                                  WASHINGTON.         DC   20037

                                                                                  TEL     202.783.4141

                                                 FILED/ACCEPTED                   FAX     202.783.5851

                                                     DEC 2 0 2007                 w w w . w b kl a w . c a m

                                                                                  P A U LJ . S I N D E R B R A N D
                                                 Federal Commonicatioqs Commaon
                                                       Office of the Secketary

        December 20,2007

        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 Twelfth Street, SW
        Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:    Requests OfXM Radio Inc. For 30 Day and 180 Day Special Temporary
                             Authorizations Regarding Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial
                             Repeater - File Nos. SAT-STA-20071214-00175 and SAT-STA-

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

               I am writing on behalf of the WCS Coalition in regard to the above-referenced requests
        by XM Radio Inc. (‘‘XM”) for 30 day and 180 day special temporary authorization (“STA”) to
        operate what appears to be a new type of Digital Audio Radio Service (“DARS”) terrestrial
        repeater system in Vienna, VA.

                Because of ambiguities in XM’s applications, it is unclear exactly how the indoor
        rebroadcast system proposed by XM will operate. The WCS Coalition fears that XM may intend
        to receive signals directly off air, amplify those signals with a broadband amplifier and then
        retransmit them without benefit of the filtering necessary to assure that Wireless
        Communications Service (“WCS”) transmissions in all or part of the 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-
        2360 MHz bands are not also received and retransmitted by XM. If these fears prove accurate,
        XM’s activities will present a substantial threat of interference to WCS operations, since the
        signals in the WCS band being retransmitted by XM will inevitably interfere with the reception
        of signals being transmitted by the adversely-impacted WCS licensee. Moreover, if XM
        contemplates using a broadband amplifier, there is no indication in the application that XM has
        incorporated some form of anti feedback mechanism to assure that it will not become a
        broadband noise source if the coupling between the receiver and retransmit antennas is not
         sufficient to avoid oscillation. And, there is no indication that the indoor device proposed by
         XM will filter out-of-band emissions to a level that produces no harm to nearby WCS


    Marlene H. Dortch
    December 20,2007
    Page 2

            The WCS Coalition appreciates that that any STA granted to XM will require XM to cure
    interference it causes to future WCS operations. However, the WCS Coalition is also p a f i l l y
    aware of XM's continued insistence in IB Docket No. 95-91 that all repeaters authorized by STA
    be grandfathered from compliance with permanent DARS repeater rules, while at the same time
    it seeks to be relieved of its absolute obligation under the STA to cure any interference.' This
    position by XM forces the WCS Coalition to object to a grant of the instant applications until
    XM provides further evidence that WCS signals will not be retransmitted by the proposed new
    repeater system. The WCS Coalition is hopeful that in response to the Second Further Notice of
    Proposed Rulemaking released earlier this week in IB Docket No. 95-91 the Commission will
    adopt permanent DARS terrestrial repeater rules that reasonably protect WCS operations from
    interference caused by DARS repeaters constructed pursuant to STAs. However, because it will
    be several months until the Commission can act, the possibility remains that absent this
    objection, WCS licensees may find themselves without recourse as to XM's proposed new
    repeater system-

             Should you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact the undersigned.

                                                                Respecthlly submitted,

                                                                Paul J. Sinderbrand

                                                                Counsel to the WCS Coalition

     cc:     Stephen Dual1 (via email)
             Alyssa Roberts (via email)
             Shabnam Javid (via email)
             James S. Blitz (via email)

     ' See, e.g. Letter from James S. Blitz, XM Vice President, Regulatory Counsel, et al. to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC
     Secretary, IB Docket No. 95-9 1 , at 9- 10 (filed Oct. 19,2007).

                                                                                                                       '   I

Document Created: 2007-12-27 13:46:30
Document Modified: 2007-12-27 13:46:30

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