Attachment STA request

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20071126-00162 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


              November 26, 2007

              Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
              Federal Communications Commission
              445 12"" Street, S.W.
              Washington, DC 20554
              Re:       Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority to Temporarily
                       Locate Intelsat 11 at 43.2° W.L. and Operate Its TT&C Frequencies
                       Call Sign: $2237                                  .

              Dear Ms. Dortch:

            _ PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") herein requests a 30—day extensmn ——
              through January 1, 2008 —— of the Special Temporary Authority ("STA")
              originally granted it to stop Intelsat 11 at 43.2° W.L. and temporarily operate
              only the satellite‘s TT&C frequenc1es at that location." Intelsat 11 currently is
              licensed to operate at 43.1° W.L." and the satellite ultimately will be deployed —
              to that location. However, for the reasons explained in its original STA request, .
              PanAmSat wishes to continue temporarily to keep the satellite at 43.2° W.L.,
              while operating only the satellite‘s TT&C frequencies.                                          —

              As PanAmSat previously explained, Intelsat 11 is a replacement satellite for _
              Intelsat 6B, which currently operates at 43.1° W.L. Originally, PanAmSat °
              intended to drift Intelsat 11 to 43.1° W.L. immediately after completion of in— .
              orbit testing and to transfer the traffic currently on Intelsat 6B to Intelsat 11 at
              this location. Subsequently, Intelsat 6B would be moved to 43.2° W.L. until the
              satellite is de—orbited.* However, because Intelsat 11 does not yet have the
              requisite landing rights in one country, the traffic on Intelsat 6B cannot yet be
              transferred to Intelsat 11. In order to ensure safe station—keeping of both Intelsat
              11 and Intelsat 6B, PanAmSat temporarily has located Intelsat 11 at 43.2° W.L.,
              where it operates only the satellite‘s TT&C frequencies. Immediately upon
              receipt of the required foreign landing rights, PanAmSat intends to drift Intelsat —

              ‘ PanAmSat has filed this STA request, an FCC Form 159 and a $790.00 filing
              fee electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing System.
              * See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00481, File
              No. SAT—STA—20071018—00143 (Nov. 9, 2007) (Public Notice). _
              * See Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00474, File
              Nos. SAT—MOD—20070207—00027 and SAT—AMD—20070716—00102 (Oct. 5,
              2007) (Public Notice).
              * See Policy Branch Information, Satellite Space Applzcatzons Acceptedfor
              Filing, Report No. SAT—00470, File No. SAT—STA—20070813—00114 (Sept. 14,
              2007) (Public Notice).

              Intelsat Corporation
              3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006.USA T+1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  November 26, 2007
  Page 2

  11 to 43.1°’ W.L. and transfer Intelsat 6B‘s traffic to it. To the extent it needs
  such authorization, PanAmSat asks that this STA request also include the ability
  to drift Intelsat 11 to 43.1° W.L. at such time as traffic transfer legally can
  occur.                                                   |

  As noted in its original STA request, PanAmSat also has filed a 180—day STA
  request to operate the satellite‘s TT&C frequencies at 43.2° W.L., which
  remains pending." PanAmSat fully expects, however, to have the requisite
  landing rights needed to transfer traffic from Intelsat 6B to Intelsat 11 well
  before the current expected end—of—life date of Intelsat 6B, which is February

   While Intelsat 11 continues to be located temporarily at 43.2° W.L., and while it
 . subsequently drifts from 43.2° W.L. to 43.1° W.L., only the following TT&C
   frequencies will be operated on the satellite: command frequencies 13246.5
   MHz (horizontal polarization) and 13995.5 MHz (vertical polarization);
  telemetry frequencies 11448 MHz (horizontal polanzatlon)
                                                         and 11449 MHz
  (honzontal polarization).

  All TT&C operations of Intelsat 11 at 43.2° W.L. will continue to be in >
  conformance with relevant coordination agreements PanAmSat has reached
  with other administrations regarding operations at the nominal 43.0° W.L.
   location. In addition, PanAmSat will continue to operate in accordance with the
  _FCC‘s rules designed to allow co—frequency, co—coverage operations in a two—
   degree spaced environment. As a result of these efforts, PanAmSat‘s continued — |
   operation of Intelsat 11‘s TT&C frequencies at the 43.2° W.L. locationposes no —
  risk of harmful interference to adjacent operational satellites.

  Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest by allowing PanAmSat _
  to ensure the safe station—keeping of Intelsat 11 and Intelsat 6B at the nominal
  43.0° W.L. location until services legally can be transferred from the latter to
_‘ the former. As noted above, PanAmSat expects to be able to move Intelsat 11 .
   to 43.1° W.L. and complete the traffic transfer wellin advance of the need to
   de—orbit Intelsat 6B.

   5 See Policy Branch Information; Satellite Space Applications Acceptedfor
  Filing, Report No. SAT—00478, File No. SAT—STA—200710—18—00142 (Nov. 2,
   2007) (Public Notice).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 26, 2007
Page 3

 For the reasons set forth herein, PanAmSat respectfully requests that the
 Commission grant this request

' Sincerely,

 Susan H. Crandall .          .             .
 Assistant General Counsel
 Intelsat Corporation

 cc:     RobertNelson
        Andrea Kelly
       _ Karl Kensinger
        Jabin Vahora

Document Created: 2007-11-26 16:07:04
Document Modified: 2007-11-26 16:07:04

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