Attachment supplement


SUPPLEMENT submitted by PanAmSat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070813-00114 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


           December 4,2007

           Washington, DC 20554
           Re: Supplement to Request for Special Temporary Authority to Drift Intelsat
               6B from 43.1" W.L. to 43.2" W.L. and Temporarily Operate at 43.2" W.L.
               Call Sign: S2359; File No. SAT-STA-20070813-00114

           Dear Ms. Dortch:

           PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") herein supplements its above
           referenced request for Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to drift Intelsat 6B
           from 43.1" W.L. to 43.2" W.L. immediately following traffic transfer from
           Intelsat 6B to Intelsat 11 and to operate Intelsat 6B at 43.2" W.L. until the
           satellite is de-orbited. PanAmSat originally had asked for the STA period to
           begin on November 1,2007. For the reasons set forth below, however,
           PanAmSat requests that the STA period instead begin on January 1,2008.

           Intelsat 11 was successfully launched on October 5,2007, and in-orbit testing
           has been completed. Intelsat 11 is authorized to operate on a permanent basis at
           43.1O W.L.' Following traffic transfer from Intelsat 6B to Intelsat 11,
           PanAmSat plans to drift Intelsat 6B from 43.1" W.L. to 43.2" W.L. and
           temporarily operate the satellite at 43.2" W.L. to more easily ensure the safety
           of both satellites while they are collocated at the nominal 43" W.L. orbital
           location. Originally, Intelsat 11 was to have gone directly to 43.1 O W.L.
           following completion of in-orbit testing. However, because Intelsat 11 does not
           yet have the requisite landing rights in one country, traffic cannot yet be
           transferred to the satellite from Intelsat 6B. Accordingly, pursuant to FCC
           authority, Intelsat 11 temporarily was stopped at 43.2" W.L., where only its
           TT&C frequencies currently are being operated.2

           ' See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00474, File
           Nos. SAT-MOD-20070207-00027 and SAT-AMD-20070716-00102 (Oct. 5 ,
           2007) (Public Notice).
            See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00481, File
           No. SAT-STA-2007 1018-00 143 (Nov. 9,2007) (Public Notice). PanAmSat has
           filed for an extension of this STA. See PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Request for
           Extension of Temporary Authority to Temporarily Locate Intelsat 11 at 43.2"
           W L . and Operate Its TT&C Frequencies, File No. SAT-STA-20071126-00162
           (Nov. 26,2007).

           Intelsat Corporation
           3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008-3006 USA T +1 202-944-6800 F +1 202-944-7898


    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    December 4,2007
    Page 2

    PanArnSat expects that Intelsat 11 will be granted the requisite foreign landing
    rights by the end of the year. Accordingly, PanAmSat herein requests that the
    above referenced request to drift Intelsat 6B from 43.1" W.L. to 43.2" W.L.
    following traffic transfer be granted with a start date of January 1,2008, instead
    of the originally requested start date of November 1,2007. The current
    expected end-of-life ("EOL") date of Intelsat 6B is February 2008.'

    As noted in the original STA request, during the drift from 43.1" W.L. to 43.2"
    W.L., only the following TT&C frequencies will be operated on Intelsat 6B:
    command frequencies 13999.5 MHz (horizontal polarization) and 13751.5 MHz
    (left hand circular polarization); telemetry frequencies 11200.5 MHz (horizontal
    polarization) and 11201.O MHz (horizontal polarization). Once located at 43.2"
    W.L., Intelsat 6B will operate in the Ku-band.

    All operations of Intelsat 6B at 43.2" W.L. will be in conformance with relevant
    coordination agreements PanAmSat has reached with other administrations
    regarding operations at the nominal 43.0" W.L. location. In addition,
    PanAmSat will operate in accordance with the FCC's rules designed to allow
    co-frequency, co-coverage operations in a two-degree spaced environment. As
    a result of these efforts, PanAmSat's operation of Intelsat 6B at the 43.2" W.L.
    location poses no risk of harmhl interference to adjacent operational satellites.

    Grant of the above referenced STA request will serve the public interest by
    allowing PanAmSat to shift services from an older satellite nearing the end of
    its station-kept life -- Intelsat 6B -- to a new satellite -- Intelsat 11. In addition,
    grant of this STA request will help ensure the safe station-keeping of both
    satellites while they are collocated at the nominal 43.0" W.L. location.

     Because a satellite's EOL date is difficult to calculate with precision,
    PanAmSat is seeking a 180-day STA to accommodate a later de-orbit date.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 4,2007
Page 3

For the reasons set forth herein, PanAmSat respectfblly requests that the
Commission grant this request.


Susan H. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

cc:   Robert Nelson
      Andrea Kelly
      Karl Kensinger
      Jabin Vahora

Document Created: 2007-12-06 15:37:57
Document Modified: 2007-12-06 15:37:57

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