Attachment notice


NOTICE submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070719-00105 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


            September 26,2008                                                  FlLED/ACCEPTED
                                                                                    SEP 2 6 2008
            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                            Federal Cornmunicatkm Commission
            Secretary                                                               Officeof the Secretary
            Federal Communications Commission
I NTELSAT   445 lzthStreet, S.W.
            Washington, DC 200554

            Re:      Notice of Commencement of Inclined Orbit Operations for
                     Galaxy 9
                     Call Sign: S2146

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

            Pursuant to Section 25.280(a) of the Commission's rules (47 C.F.R. tj
            25.280(a)), PanAmSat Licensee Corp. hereby notifies the FCC of the
            commencement of inclined orbit operations for Galaxy 9, which
            currently is operating at 8 1.O' W.L. Set forth below is the information
            required by the Commission.

                      The operator's name is PanAmSat Licensee Corp.

                      The last nortldsouth station-keeping maneuver occurred on August

                      The initial inclination (after the last nortldsouth station-keeping
                      maneuver) was 0.0283'.

                      The rate of change in inclination per year is as follows:
                      2008 - 0.936" per year
                      2009 - 0.905' per year

                      The expected end-of-life of the satellite accounting for inclined
                      orbit operation is July 2010.

                                                       S2146        SATSTA-200707 19-00105            182007001721
                                                       PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
                                                       Galaqy 9

            lntelsat Corporation
            3400 International Drive NW,Washington DC 20008-3006 USA www.inkh.t.oom T +1 202-944-6800F +1 202-944-7898

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
September 26,2008
Page 2

Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any


( Ad-
Susan H. Crandall

Cc: Bob Nelson
    Andrea Kelly
    Karl Kensinger
    Scott Kotler

Document Created: 2008-10-01 15:02:04
Document Modified: 2008-10-01 15:02:04

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