Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Sirius



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070719-00103 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      7, 2007                                                3
                          August       ‘                                       fi,éj@ * ? 2357                     Carl R. Frank
                                                                      Fé’@%?’aéé:%{i}f{%gfc?mgg ffiffi?,fififif(};‘z   202.719.74269   .
PHONE   202.719.7000
                                                                              Office of ggaggf;fgga{?   
FAX   202.719.7049
                          VIA HAND DELIVERY
McLEAN, VA 22102          Marlene H. Dortch
PHONE   703.905.2800      Secretary
FAX   703.905.2820        Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W.         Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:      IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20070719—00103

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                 By this letter, Sirius hereby clarifies its application for Special Temporary
                          Authority filed July 19, 2007, IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20070719—00103, to operate
                          a low—power satellite digital audio radio service repeater at two trade shows between
                          August 21—25, 2007 and September 3—9, 2007. By way of clarification, Sirius plans
                          to operate signal boosters at these short—duration indoor trade shows. Such boosters
                          previously have been approved for use in retail stores; they operate at an EIRP of
                          only 0.0001 watts and so will not generate harmful interference. The International
                          Bureau1 previously has granted STA to deploy identical boosters at past trade

                                  Because trade show venues typically consist of a large, often multi—level
                          space, Sirius anticipates that the use of both a repeater and one or more (but fewer
                          than five) strategically placed boosters may be necessary to ensure full coverage of
                          each trade show. As Sirius explained in its STA request, repeaters and boosters are
                          necessary at these events because walls and ceilings block Sirius‘ signal and make
                          real—time demonstrations difficult. Thus, use of these boosters is in the public

                                  Exhibit A to this letter lists the technical parameters for the signal boosters,
                          which are identical to those previously approved by the Commission for use in retail
                          stores." Specifically, Sirius has included the following information: (1) antenna

                          j        See File No. SAT—STA—20061107—00135 (grant stamp with conditions Dec. 19, 2006).
                          2        See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—Store
                          Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File No. SAT—STA—20030411—00075
                          (grant stamp with conditions issued June 26, 2003) ("©2003 In—Store Booster Application"). In the
                          2003 application, Sirius also provided an interference analysis for the signal boosters that are the
                          subject of this application. See id., Exhibit C. That interference analysis is incorporated by reference
                          herein, as permitted by 47 C.F.R. § 1.10009(c)(2). On June 5, 2003, Sirius further supplemented the
                          application with a sample link budget for the signal boosters. See Letter from Robert D. Briskman to
                          Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, Re: Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Request for STA to Operate In—

Marlene H. Dortch
August 7, 2007
Page 2

type; (2) antenna beamwidth; (3) total EIRP ; and (4) approximate maximum height
Above Ground Level ("AGL"). In addition, Sirius certifies that its operation of
signal boosters at trade shows will comply, as applicable, with the "Micro—Repeater
STA Conditions" that the Commission imposed on Sirius in granting the June 26,
2003 STA to operate 5,000 in—store signal boosters and again in the January 18,
2007 STA to operate an additional 5,000 in—store signal boosters.


Carl R.           e

Co:       Robert Nelson (by email)
          Stephen Duall (by email)

Store SDARS Signal Boosters, File No. SAT—STA—20030411—00075 (filed June 5, 2003). The link
budget is also incorporated by reference herein. See ailso File No. SAT—STA—20050601—001 14 (grant
stamp with conditions January 18, 2007) (authorizing Sirius to operate an additional 5,000 in—store

                                      EXHIBIT A

Attached is the following information for the signal boosters Sirius seeks to operate
pursuant to this STA.

       (1) antenna type;
       (2) antenna beamwidth;
       (3) total EIRP ; and
       (4) approximate height Above Ground Level (AGL)

City           Antenna Type              Antenna           EIRP Total in     Height AGL
                                         Beamwidth         Watts
Various        Antenna Specialists        75 degrees       0.0001            < 50 feet
Locations      XMSSR923WR

The transmitted carriers have a center frequency and frequency stability identical to the
received SDARS satellite or terrestrial carriers. Frequency accuracy is controlled by the
satellite or terrestrial repeater and not by the booster.

Document Created: 2007-08-10 16:20:12
Document Modified: 2007-08-10 16:20:12

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