Attachment Globalsta dec 14 ltr

Globalsta dec 14 ltr

LETTER submitted by Globalstar



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070713-00098 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          December 14, 2009


Mr. Robert G. Nelson
Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:        Globalstar Licensee LLC Request for Interim Operating Authority
                    File No. SAT-STA-20090527-00058

Dear Mr. Nelson:

        On behalf of Globalstar Licensee LLC (“Globalstar”), this letter responds to the questions
raised in your November 30, 2009, letter in reference to above-referenced application1 in which
Globalstar has sought temporary interim operating authority to transition from its authorized 40-
operating-satellite constellation to a 48-satellite constellation in connection with the placement
into service of eight spare replacement satellites that were launched in 2007, and to make
continual adjustments to the in-plane positions of its older satellites with fully or partially
functioning S-band subsystems.

Question: “With respect to the requested arrangement of satellites, please clarify whether, in the
Table at page 3 of the attachment to the application, the figures given in the ‘Interim Operation
Requested’ column for number of planes and plane spacing at equator are meant to apply to the
16-satellite Walker and 32-satellite Walker constellations individually, or together. Stated
differently, will be 16-satellite Walker constellation consist of 8 planes, and the 32-satellite
Walker constellation consist of 8 planes?”

        See Globalstar Licensee LLC Request for Interim Operating Authority – Call Sign S2115
– FCC File No. SAT-STA-20090527-00058 (filed May 27, 2009). Since receipt of your letter,
Globalstar has sought a further extension of the requested STA. See Globalstar Licensee LLC
Request for Interim Operating Authority – Call Sign S2115 – FCC File No. SAT-STA-
20091130-00131 (filed Nov. 30, 2009). Globalstar is submitting a copy of this letter in the IBFS
record for that request as well.

US1DOCS 7389140v1

December 14, 2009
Page 2

Response: The Globalstar satellites will continue to operate in 8 planes only. The 32 Walker
and the 16 Walker constellations will share the same eight planes, which are separated by 45

Question: “To the extent that the requested constellation structure as a whole involves 16
planes, please indicate whether the relationship between the planes of the two sub-constellations
will exhibit a fixed structure, or whether it will vary as circumstances require, and any factors
that may affect such variation.”

Response: As explained above, the Globalstar satellites will continue to operate in 8 planes
only. As such, there will be no 16 plane constellation.

Question: “To the extent that the requested structure involves only eight planes in total for the
two sub-constellations, please clarify and expand upon the information provided with respect to
relative phasing.”

Response: The 32 Walker constellation will be a 32/8/3 Walker, which means that the satellites
within a plane will be phased by 90 degrees from one another, and from one plane to an adjacent
plane satellites will be phased by 33.75 degrees from one another. The 16 Walker constellation
will be a 16/8/5 Walker, which means that the satellites within a plane will be phased by 180
degrees from one another, and from one plane to an adjacent plane satellites will be phased by
112.5 degrees from one another.

Question: “What service(s) will be provided via the proposed 32-satellite sub-constellation, and
what service(s) will be provided via the proposed 16-satellite sub-constellation?”

Response: The 32 Walker constellation will provide both Duplex and Simplex services. The
16 Walker constellation will provide primarily Simplex services, although some of the satellites
– specifically those that continue to have functional S-band amplifiers – will provide Duplex
services as well.

US1DOCS 7389140v1

December 14, 2009
Page 3

       Should you have any further questions concerning this matter, please let me know.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           /s/ Samir C. Jain

                                           Samir C. Jain
                                           Counsel to Globalstar Licensee LLC

cc: Mr. Karl Kensinger (by email)

US1DOCS 7389140v1

Document Created: 2009-12-14 08:59:50
Document Modified: 2009-12-14 08:59:50

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