Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070523-00074 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Date & Time Filed: May 23 2007 2:31:29:683PM              International Bureau Approved:
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File Number: SAT—STA—20070523—00074                                                  :(7   oad
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Callsign:                                                                              Oé) g’,w}/ é /(,,/Ze/j}

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Request for STA to operate five signal boosters at its National Sales Meeting
1. Applicant

            Name:        Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.       Phone Number:                      212=584—5100
            DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:                        212—584—5353
            Street:      1221 Avenue of the Americas       E—Mail:
                         36th Floor
            City:        New York                          State:                             NY
            Country:     USA                               Zipcode:                           10020          —
            Attention:   Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly

          Application of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                           IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20070523—00074

Special temporary authority (STA) IS GRANTED to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (Sirius) to
operate indoor terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of
0.0001 watts from June 17 through June 20, 2007, at its National Sales Meeting in Plainsboro,
NJ, with the technical parameters and at the location specified in its application, subject to the
following conditions:

1. Any actions taken as a result of this STA are solely at the applicant‘s own risk. This STA
   shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket
   No. 95—91.

     Operation of all SDARS repeaters authorized pursuant to this STA is on a non—interference

     basis with respect to all permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities. Sirius shall
     provide the information and follow the process set forth in paragraphs 14 and 17 in 16 FCC
     Red 16773 (Int‘l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Red 16781 (Int‘l Bur. 2001), as modified by 16
     FCC Red 18481 (Int‘l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Red 18484 (Int‘l Bur. 2001).

3.   SDARS repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete
     programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS
     subscriber‘s receivers.

4.   SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I —
     Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the
     guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in
     Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules.

5. SDARS repeater out—of—band emissions shall be limited to 75+log(EIRP) dB less than the
     transmitter EIRP.

6.   Sirius will operate the repeater according to the technical parameters in its application.

7.   Sirius will maintain full ownership and operational control of the repeater.

8.   Sirius will immediately shut down any repeater upon a complaint of interference, upon
     direction from the Commission, or upon finding that a repeater has not been properly

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2. Contact

             Name:          Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly               Phone Number:                        212=—584—5100
             Company:       Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.           Fax Number:                          212—584—5353
             Street:        1221 Avenue of the Americas           E—Mail:
                           36th Floor
             City:         New York                               State:                                NY
             Country:       USA                                   Zipcode:                             10020      —
             Attention:                                           Relationship:                        Same

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
  3. Reference File Number      or Submission ID

 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.            If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
gy Governmental Entity       C Noncommercial educational licensee
«4 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CXW — Space Station (Non—Geostationary)
5. Type Request

{4 Change Station Location                          {*3 Extend Expiration Date                        & Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                  7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

8. Description   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.                 requests Special Temporary Authority to operate five signal
     boosters at        its National Sales Meeting in Plainsboro,                         NJ from June 17—20,            2007.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject @ Yes               C No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of &quot;party to the application&quot; for these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                                  11. Title of Person Signing
Patrick L. Donnelly                                                         Exec. VP, GC and Sec‘y
12. Please supply any need attachments.
 Attachment 1: Attachment                           Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.8. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


        Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius"), pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.120, hereby requests
Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate in its licensed frequency band (2320—2332.5
MHz) five (5) signal boosters with an EIRP of 0.0001 watts identical to boosters that have
previously been approved for use in retail stores. These signal boosters will be utilized at Sirius‘
2007 National Sales Meeting from June 18—20, 2007 and Sirius requests authorization to operate
the boosters for four days, from June 17—20, 2007, to allow for set—up and 'cesting.l

        The boosters will be used by Sirius for demonstrations at its National Sales Meeting and
will ensure consistent service during the event at the Lakeside Conference Center in Plainsboro,
NJ." Due to blockage from walls and ceilings, quality reception of SDARS satellite signals
inside the conference center may be impeded because receivers may not have line—of—sight views
to receive Sirius‘ signal. The signal boosters will ensure that demonstrations can be carried out
without technical difficulties. Accordingly, grant of the requested STA to use these boosters for
a limited period will serve the public interest.

Technical Information. Sirius requests authority to operate five signal boosters on June 17—20,
2007 at the following location:

                       Lakeside Conference Center
                       900 Scudders Mill Road
                        Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                        Latitude: 40—20—19.20 N
                        Longitude: 74—36—10.60 W

Exhibit A lists the technical parameters for the signal boosters." Specifically, Sirius has included
the following information: (1) antenna type; (2) antenna beamwidth; (3) total EIRP; and (4)

I      Because Sirius is requesting STA for less than 30 days, the Commission can grant this
application without placing it on Public Notice. 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(4).

2      Sirius intends to operate the signal boosters independently —i.e., Sirius will not operate
them in conjunction with XM Radio, Inc.

3      See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—
Store Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File No. SAT—STA—
20030411—00075 (grant stamp with conditions issued June 26, 2003) (©2003 In—Store Booster
Application"). In the 2003 application, Sirius also provided an interference analysis for the
signal boosters that are the subject of this application. See id., Exhibit C. That interference
analysis is incorporated by reference herein, as permitted by 47 C.F.R. § 1.10009(c)(2). On June
5, 2003, Sirius further supplemented the application with a sample link budget for the signal
boosters. See Letter from Robert D. Briskman to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, Re: Sirius
Satellite Radio Inc. Request for STA to Operate In—Store SDARS Signal Boosters, File No. SAT—

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
May 22, 2007
Page 2

approximate maximum height Above Ground Level ("AGL"). Exhibit B provides a RF exposure
study that shows that any human radiofrequency exposure that might occur is well below
acceptable limits.

Interference Considerations. The boosters at the National Sales Meeting will not cause harmful
interference to other radio services. Because Sirius has exclusive use of its licensed frequency
band," there is no potential for in—band interference. Sirius has previously demonstrated thatits
boosters will not cause adjacent band interference to WCS operations." In addition, the boosters
will only be used for a limited time, further eliminating any opportunity for interference.
Therefore, Sirius does not anticipate that these boosters will cause blanketing interference to any
WCS receivers. As a result, Sirius has not notified the WCS licensees in the affected MSA prior
to filing this request.

Ownership and Control ofBooster. Sitius will own the boosters installed at the venue and will
retain full operational control of them. Sirius will also be responsible for installation of the

Public Interest Considerations. Prompt grant of this STA will promote the continued success of
satellite radio and serve the public interest. Sirius‘s National Sales Meeting features extensive
demonstrations of its consumer equipment which are essential to informing sales personnel about
Sirius‘ current and future consumer offerings. Without the boosters to overcome signal blockage
within the venue, however, Sirius cannot undertake real—time demonstrations ofits equipment,
especially demonstrations of the full mobility of SDARS service. These boosters will provide
clear signal reception within the venue for these demonstrations, and will eliminate any need for
a hard wire connection.

Sirius understands that its operation of these boosters under STA is on a secondary, non—
interference basis. While Sirius does not anticipate any interference, should interference occur, it
will cease operation of the boosters until such interference can be eliminated.

Certifications. Sirius certifies that its operation of the signal boosters at the National Sales
Meeting will comply, as applicable, with the "Micro—Repeater STA Conditions" that the
Commission imposed on Sirius in granting the June 26, 2003 STA to operate 5,000 in—store
signal boosters. Specifically, Sirius certifies the following:

{Continued ...
STA—20030411—00075 (filed June 5, 2003). The link budget is also incorporated by reference

*     47 CF.R. § 25.202(a)(6) (stating the 2320—2345 MHz band is allocated exclusively for

5         2003 In—Store Booster Application at 4 and Exhibit C.

                                            EXHIBIT A

Attached is the following information for the signal boosters Sirius seeks to operate pursuant to
this STA.

       (1) antenna type;
       (2) antenna beamwidth;
       (3) total EIRP; and
       (4) approximate height Above Ground Level (AGL)

City           Antenna Type                Antenna          EIRP Total in     Height AGL
                                           Beamwidth        Watts
Plainsboro,     Antenna Specialists        75 degrees       0.0001            ~8 feet
NJ              XMSSRO23WR

The transmitted carriers have a center frequency and frequency stability identical to the received
SDARS satellite or terrestrial carriers. Frequency accuracy is controlled by the satellite or
terrestrial repeater and not by the boosters.

                            Exhibit B: RF Exposure Analysis

            Sirius 2007 NATIONAL SALES MEETING
                        JUNE 18 —20, 2007

This technical addendum is to support the Sirius National Sales Meeting STA request.
This event is being held at the Lakeside Conference Center in Plainsboro, NJ.

The set up of five signal boosters for the meeting is illustrated in the figures below:

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                                                                                            NORTH WING 1256s
                                 BUSINESS CENTER                              smipeeroxora. UORTHWING  N:
                   ced       G STAIRS        _/
                                                   wiNDSOR                K
                                     SIUARE CAFE

                                                              H Receive Antenna on roof

                                                                     Transmit Antenna

                                                              moum   Cable and in—line amplifier

Figure 1. Diagram of event area

                           Floor to
                            Ofeet                       Floor to

Figure 2. Meeting room

To establish the RF exposure environment for this STA request the following process has
been used to confirm that there is no general population exposure over the allowed limit:

    1. The transmit antenna is placed 8 feet above the meeting floor as seen in Figure 2.
       A 0.0001 Watt EIRP signal booster identical to boosters that have previously been
       approved for retail stores is used. The booster operates at 2320—2332.5MHz which
       is the carrier frequency allocated to the Sirius repeater network. At this frequency
       the FCC has established a limit of 1 mW/square centimeter for general population
       exposure (OET 65).
   2. Using the calculation methods described in OET 65 and the EIRP‘s described in
       "1" a calculation is made of the power density at various distances from the
       transmit antenna. The distance of 1 feet was chosen as the minimum distance
       criteria for exposure by taking the height of the antenna (8 feet) and subtracting a
       7 foot allowance for the height of any individuals who may be present on the
       show floor. This distance represents the closest point that a member of the general
       population could approach this repeater antenna. Table 2 summarizes the results
       of the normal calculation (using the formula Power Density=EIRP/(4*II*R*A2)
       from OET 65) and also a more conservative formula which takes into account
       reflection (the formula PD= 2.56*EIRP/(4*II*R*2) ) also from OET 65. In order
       to provide a comprehensive view, values are included separately for the regular
       case and for the reflective case.

   A very conservative approach shows no exposure issue. Worst case assumptions were
   made as follows:

                                      Sirius Satellite Radio                             2

   1. No allowance was made for the significant reduction in power density that will
       occur due to the attenuation beyond the 3 dB antenna beamwidth.
   2. The highest level of exposure, involving the potential for additive reflection was
       used as the exposure criteria.

Table 1. Signal Booster specifications

                  Antenna Type         Antenna Beamwidth Total EIRP in Watts
              Antenna Specialists
              XMSSRO23WR                   75 degrees              0.0001

Table 2. Calculations for power density

   e   Power Density = EIRP/(4piR~2) (Equation 4 page 19 of OET 65)
   e   Power Density adjusted for reflection = 2.56*Power Density (Equation 7, page 21
       of OET 65)

As can be seen from this table, even under very conservative transmission assumptions,
the general population exposure limits are not exceeded at the worst case location.

                                            Power Density
              Radial         Power          with 2.56     Worst Case Safety
              Distance       Density        multiplier    Margin over
              from Antenna‘mW/square |(Max                   exposure standard
              (Feet)           em           reflection)      {times)
                            1| 0.000008842)     0.00002264                44179
                            2) 0.000002210|     0.00000566               176715
                            3| 0.000000982)     _0.00000252              397608
                           4) 0.000000553)      0.00000141               706858
                            5| 0.000000354)     0.00000091              1104466
                            6| 0.000000246)     0.00000063              1590431
                            7, 0.000000180|     0.00000046              2164754
                            8| 0.000000138!     __0.00000035            2827433
                            9 0.000000109|      0.00000028              3578470
                          10| 0.000000088|      0.00000023              4417865
                          11} 0.000000073)      0.00000019              5345616
                          12| 0.000000061       0.00000016              6361725
                          13| 0.000000052)      0.00000013              7466191
                          14 0.000000045|       0.00000012              8659015
                          15| 0.000000039|      __0.00000010            9940196
                          16| 0.000000035)      0.00000009             11309734
                          17| 0.000000031       0.00000008             12767629
                          18 0.000000027)       0.00000007             14313882

                                    Sirius Satellite Radio

19|   0.000000024]      0.00000006      15948491
20|   0.000000022|      __0.00000006    17671459
21}   0.000000020|      0.00000005      19482783
22|   0.000000018)      ___0.00000005   21382465
23|   0.000000017)      _0.00000004     23370504
24}   0.000000015|      __0.00000004    25446900
25)   0.000000014]      __0.00000004    27611654
26|   0.000000013|      __0.00000003    29864765
27|   0.000000012)      ___0.00000003   32206233
28|   0.000000011       0.00000003      34636059
29}   0.000000011       0.00000003      37154242
30|   0.000000010|      __0.00000003    39760782

           Sirius Satellite Radio

Document Created: 2007-06-12 17:26:57
Document Modified: 2007-06-12 17:26:57

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