Attachment letter





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070205-00026 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


HARRIS,                                                                                 1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                                        WASHINGTON, DC     20036

WILTSHIRE &                                                                             TEL 202.730.1300 rax 202.730.1301

GRANNIS ur                                                                              arrorneys Ar caw
       28 February 2007                                           QLE@ffifi@EPE’E@

   Ex Parte                                                             FEB 28 2007

                                                                Federal C   nications   Commisei
   Ms. Marlene Dortch                                                  Gggfaiz;:‘ézfiefigmsumn
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12©" Street, S.W.
   Washington, DC 20554

             RE:       XM Radio Inc., Requestfor 30—Day Special Temporary Authority to
                      Operate A Substitute Low Power Repeater in Las Vegas, Nevada,
                      File No. SAT—STA—20070205—00026

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

   XM Radio, Inc. has applied for an STA to replace an authorized repeater in Las Vegas
   that had to be shut down because the building on which it was built is being demolished.
   XM simply seeks to replace that repeater with a less powerful repeater. As XM has
   explained, this repeater is needed to supplement service to areas of Las Vegas on and
   around "The Strip," where XM‘s satellite signal is blocked by tall buildings.‘ Following
   drive—testing to determine service outages, XM applied for an STA for a repeater with the
   minimum power needed to restore adequate coverage to these shielded areas.

   The WCS Coalition has, nevertheless, opposed this STA request in its continuing effort
   to import issues about the appropriate power level for repeaters into the STA process."
   However, as the Commission has recognized, these issues are more appropriately
   addressed in the pending rulemaking on SDARS repeaters, IB Docket No. 95—91." The
   Commission should, thus, quickly end the WCS Coalition‘s latest attempted end—run
   around the rulemaking proceeding and grant XM‘s STA request.

   \     See Requestfor 30—Day Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20070205—00026,
         Attachment 1 (Letter from James S. Blitz to Marlene H. Dortch (Feb. 2, 2007)) at 1—2 ("XM STA
         Application Letter").
   *     See, eg., Letter from Paul J. Sinderbrand to Marlene H. Dortch, File No. SAT—STA—20070205—00026,
         at 1 (filed Feb. 8, 2006) ("WCS Las Vegas Opposition").
   *     See File Number No. SAT—STA—20061114—00138       1 (issued Feb. 7, 2007) ("XM PGA Grant‘).

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 28 February 2007
 Page 2 of 3

Most recently, XM sought an STA for a repeater that it would operate for only several
days during PGA golf tournaments, and only to provide service on the golf courses where
those events were being played. There was no suggestion that this repeater could, during
the course of its authorized use, cause any interference whatsoever to the operations of
any WCS licensee. Nevertheless, the WCS Coalition opposed the STA request, arguing
at length about measuring EIRP by peak power.* The Commission granted the STA over
the WCS Coalition‘s opposition, noting that its decision would not "prejudice the
outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket No. 95—91." The
Commission correctly went on to hold that "/t/he issue concerning EIRP will be
addressed in that proceeding.""

Here, the WCS Coalition opposes this STA request solely because it claims that XM has
not shown "that extraordinary circumstances prevent it from covering the area . ..
through terrestrial repeaters operating at no more than 2,000 watts peak EIRP."
However, nothing in the Commission‘s STA rules establishes any different public interest
standard for repeaters that may exceed any particular power level, not to mention the
excessively restrictive power level to which the WCS Coalition seeks to limit XM‘s
operations. As XM has explained in other contexts, the appropriate measurement is of a
repeater‘s "average" power, not its "peak" power, and it would be foolishly
counterproductive to limit all repeaters to 2 kW power (peak or average).7 Furthermore,
the Commission has granted XM STAs for hundreds of repeaters above 2 kW average
EIRP without ever requiring the showing that the WCS Coalition now demands.©

In this case, the objection of the WCS Coalition is particularly egregious. XM‘s
proposed repeater will operate at extremely low power — 1068 Watts average EIRP® — and
is intended to replace a repeater the Commission previously granted to XM to operate at a
higher power in the same vicinity.‘" It is also relevant that the Commission granted a 30—

*   See WCS Coalition Conditional Petition to Deny, File No. SAT—STA—20061114—00138 (filed January
    5, 2007).
°   XMPGA Grant 1 (emphasis added).
°   See WCS Las Vegas Opposition at 1 (emphasis added).
7   See, e.g., Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310—
    2360 MHz Frequency Band, IB Docket No. 95—91, Comments of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM
    Radio Inc. at 2 (filed July 5, 2005) (urging the Commission to "clarify that permanent SDARS
    terrestrial repeater maximum power limits will be expressed in terms of average, and not peak,
8   See, eg., XM Radio, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite Digital
    Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red.
    16,781 (2001) ("XM Original STA").
°   See XM STA Application Letter at 1.
9   See XM Original STA, 16 FCC Red. at 16,787 « 17 (authorizing repeaters); Letter from Lon C. Levin,
    Senior Vice President, XM Radio Inc., to Jennifer Gilsenan, FCC International Bureau, SAT—STA—
    20031112—00371, Attachment at 42 (filed Dec. 19, 2003) (identifying authorized repeater).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
28 February 2007
Page 3 of 3

day STA to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. to operate a similar replacement repeater at 4400
Watts EIRP."‘ The WCS Coalition‘s opposition to XM‘s lower power replacement is
simply part of its strategy to litigate the average versus peak power issue outside of the
appropriate forum: the rulemaking proceeding.

Finally, turning to the actual STA rules, XM has amply demonstrated that extraordinary
circumstances justify its STA request for a replacement repeater in Las Vegas."" In fact,
this is a textbook case of extraordinary circumstances. The Stardust Hotel —— the location
of the currently authorized repeater —— will be demolished in the coming weeks and all
communications equipment mounted on the building had to be removed. A replacement
repeater is plainly necessary to ensure that residents and travelers in Las Vegas continue
to receive the diverse, high—quality service they have come to expect."" Moreover, XM
conducted on—the—ground testing to ensure that it was seeking authorization for the least
powerful repeater necessary to provide the needed service. These circumstances clearly
justify the grant of an STA.

The Commission should make it clear that it will not tolerate the WCS Coalition‘s
continued efforts to impede the STA process. Rather, as the Commission has now clearly
said, the power—level issue the WCS Coalition inappropriately seeks to raise here should
be decided in the context of the rulemaking proceeding.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                          iSQéTi' %\ARR%
                                             Scott Blake Harris
                                             Counselfor XM Radio Inc.

ce: Paul Sinderbrand, counsel for WCS Coalition

_   See Sirius Satellite Radio Application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20061107—
    00133 (seeking a 30—day STA to operate a replacement repeater due to the destruction of the Stardust
    Hotel); Public Notice, Actions Taken, 21 FCC Red. 14066 (2006) (granting the requested STA).
_   See XM STA Application Letter at 1, 3.
_   Moreover, nothing has altered the Commission‘s finding of extraordinary circumstances when granting
    XM‘s original STA request in 2001. See XM Original ST4, 16 FCC Red. at 16,783 "| 7.

Document Created: 2007-03-07 15:55:39
Document Modified: 2007-03-07 15:55:39

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