Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20070117-00011 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                    Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Jan 17 2007 12:30:46:436PM
File Number: SAT—STA—20070117—0001 1

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 Request for 30—day Special Temporary Authority (STA) to operate very low power (less than 0.5kKW EIRP) terrestrial repeaters and
very low power (less than 0.000!W) signal boosters for thirty days at trade show events
1. Applicant

           Name:         XM Radio Inc.                      Phone Number:                202—380—4000
           DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:                  202—380—4500
           Street:       1500 Eckington Place, NE           E—Mail:            

           City:         Washington                         State:                        DC
           Country:      USA                                Zipcode:                     20002       —
           Attention:    James S Blitz


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                Application of XM Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                          IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20070117—00011

Special temporary authority (STA) IS GRANTED to XM Radio Inc. (XM) to operate terrestrial
repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) of up to 0.5 watts and 0.0001
watts at the events, and with the technical parameters, specified in the above—captioned
application for a period of 30 days, commencing on January 19, 2007, subject to the following

1. Any actions taken as a result of this STA are solely at the applicant‘s own risk. This STA
   shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket
   No. 95—91.

   Operation of all SDARS repeaters authorized pursuant to this STA is on a non—interference
   basis with respect to all permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities. XM shall
   provide the information and follow the process set forth in paragraphs 14 and 17 in 16 FCC
   Red 16773 (Int‘l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Red 16781 (Int‘l Bur. 2001), as modified by 16
   FCC Red 18481 (Int‘l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Red 18484 (Int‘l Bur. 2001).

   SDARS repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete
   programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS
   subscriber‘s receivers.

   Coordination of SDARS repeater operations shall be completed with all affected
   Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international agreements
   including those with Canada and Mexico.

   SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction,
   Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures.

   SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I —
   Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the
   guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in
   Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules.

   SDARS repeater out—of—band emissions shall be limited to 75+log(EIRP) dB less than the
   transmitter EIRP.

   XM will maintain full ownership and operational control of each repeater.

   XM will immediately shut down any repeater upon a complaint of interference, upon
   direction from the Commission, or upon finding that a repeater has not been properly

10. This STA commences on January 19, 2007, and will expire 30 days thereafter, or on the date
    on which permanent rules governing repeater operations become effective, whichever occurs

11. XM is granted 30 days from the date of the release of this authorization to decline the
   authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal
   acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.

12. This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
   authority, 47 C.E.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.       Petitions for reconsideration
   under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s
   rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice
   indicating that this action was taken.

                                                         liln* _SB
                                                                   T— sTh—2007o0117—40011
                                                                             Grant Date ‘/‘3/07

                                     with conditions          Chief,M écdelh Te??li CJ        anc h

2. Contact

             Name:         James S. Blitz                       Phone Number:                        202—380—4000

             Company:      XM Satellite Radio, Inc.             Fax Number:                          202—380—4500

             Street:        1500 Eckington Place NE             E—Mail:                    

             City:         Washington                           State:                                DC
             Country:       USA                                 Zipcode:                             20002       —
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                        Same

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
   3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
& IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
0 Governmental Entity        0O Noncommercial educational licensee
0 Other(please explain}:

4b. Fee Classification    CRY — Space Station (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

 O   Change Station Location                      C   Extend Expiration Date                        d    Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

8. Description    (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     XM Radio Inc.          (XM)   requests 30—~day Special Temporary Authority                            (STA)   to operate very low
     power       (less   than 0.5kW EIRP)          terrestrial repeaters and very low power                         (less than 0.0001W)
     signal boosters for thirty days at the trade show events listed in Exhibit A and pursuant
     to the technical parameters listed in Exhibit B.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject @ Yes                ONO
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                                   11. Title of Person Signing
James S. Blitz                                                               Vice President, Regulatory Counsel
12. Please supply any need attachments.
 Attachment 1: STA Request                          Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

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                                                   January 17, 2007

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     XM Radio Inc.
               Request for 30—Day Special Temporary Authority to Operate
               Very Low Power Repeaters and Signal Boosters at Trade Shows

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        XM Radio Inc. ("XM"), one of the two Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS"
or "satellite radio") licensees in the United States, pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(4) of the
Commission‘s rules,‘ hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate in its
licensed frequency band (2332.5—2345 MHz) (i) very low power terrestrial repeaters with an
Effective Isotropically Radiated Power ("EIRP") of up to 0.5 watts; and (ii) signal boosters with
an EIRP of 0.0001 watts that have previously been approved for use in retail stores." These very
low power repeaters and signal boosters will be used at the trade shows during the dates listed on
Exhibit A between January 21, 2007 and February 18, 2007. XM intends to operate these very
low power repeaters and signal boosters independently —— 7.e., XM will not operate them in
conjunction with Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., the other SDARS licensee.

\ 47 CFR. § 25.120(b)(4).
* Because XM is requesting STA for only 30 days, the Commission can grant this application
without placing it on Public Notice. 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(4). On December 7, 2006, XM filed
an application for a 180—day STA to operate very low power repeaters and signal boosters at
trade shows from January 21, 2007 to April 15, 2007, including the trade showslisted on Exhibit
A of this STA request. See XM Radio Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20061211—00147 (filed
December 11, 2006). The 180—day STA request was placed on Public Notice on December 22,
2006. See Report No. SAT—00407 (December 22, 2006). The 30—day comment cycle on this
STA request ends on January 22, 2007. Accordingly, this 30—day STA request is necessary
because the Bureau will be unable to act on the 180—day STA request before January 21, 2007.

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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 17, 2007
Page 3

        Technical Informationfor Trade Show Boosters. Attached as Exhibit C are the technical
parameters for the signal boosters, which are identical to the parameters previously approved by
the Bureau for use in retail stores." Specifically, XM has included the following information for
these trade show boosters: (1) antenna type; (2) antenna beamwidth; (3) total EIRP; and (4)
approximate maximum height AGL.

        Interference Considerations. The very low power repeaters and signal boosters will not
cause harmful interference to other radio services. Because XM has exclusive use ofits licensed
frequency band,° there is no potential for in—band interference. In addition, the very low power
repeaters will operate at a maximum of 0.5 watts, well below the threshold EIRP of 2000 watts
identified by the WCS licensees as a potential interference concern.‘ The adjacent—band WCS
licensees are permitted to operate base stations at a power level of 2000 watts EIRP and therefore
must be able to withstand potential interference from such operations. With respect to the trade
show boosters, XM has previously demonstrated that the same boosters will not cause adjacent
band interference to WCS operations." In addition, the very low power repeaters and boosters
will be operated for at most twelve days at any individual event, further eliminating any
opportunity for interference. Accordingly, XM does not anticipate that these very low power
repeaters and boosters will cause interference to any WCS receivers.

       Ownership and Control ofRepeaters. XM will own each very low power repeater and
booster installed at a given venue and will retain full operational control of these very low power
repeaters and boosters. XM will also be responsible for installation of each very low power
repeater and booster.

5 XM Radio Inc., Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20030409—
00076 (filed April 9, 2003; granted June 23, 2003) ("XM Booster STA"). In the 2003 application,
XM provided an interference analysis for the signal boosters that are the subject of this
application. See id., Exhibit C. XM incorporates this interference analysis by reference. On
June 5, 2003, XM further supplemented the application with a sample link budget for the signal
boosters. See Letter from Lon C. Levin, XM, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, File No.
SAT—STA—20030409—00076 (filed June 5, 2003). The link budget is also incorporated by
reference herein.
6 47 C.FR. § 25.202(a)(6).
" See supra note 4; see also XM Radio, Inc., Applicationfor Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and
Authorization, DA 01—2172, at 4 12 (rel. September 17, 2001) ("XM Radio STA Order") ("The
comments from WCS licensees express concern about blanketing interference from DARS
repeaters that operate with an Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) above 2 kW").
* XM Booster STA at Exhibit C.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 17, 2007
Page 5

         (4) Where applicable, coordination of the very low power repeaters and trade show signal
         boosters will be completed with all affected Administrations prior to operation, in
         accordance with all applicable international agreements including those with Canada and

         (5) The very low power repeaters and trade show signal boosters will comply with Part
         17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna

         (6) The very low power repeaters and trade show signal boosters will comply with Part 1
         of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I — Procedures Implementing the National
         Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines for human exposure to radio
         frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 ofthe
         Commission‘s rules;

         (7) The out—of—band emissions of the very low power repeaters and trade show signal
         boosters will be limited to 75+log (EIRP) dB less than the transmitter EIRP;

         (8) XM will operate the very low power repeaters and trade show signal boosters
         according to the technical parameters provided in this application;

         (9) XM will maintain full ownership and operational control of each very low power
         repeater and trade show signal booster; and

         (10) XM will immediately shut down any very low power repeater and any trade show
         signal booster upon a complaint of interference, upon direction from the Commission, or
         upon finding that a very low power repeater or trade show signal booster has not been
         properly installed.

        XM bereby certifies that no party to this application is éubject to a denial of Federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

         XM is submitting payment to the Federal Communications Commission in the amount of
Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars ($790.00). This filing fee amountis applicable to requests for
STAs for geostationary satellites. See International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide
(October 2006).

                                         Exhibit A

                             Dates and Locations of Trade Shows

Event                 City           Address                      Dates

Washington, DC        Washington     Washington DC Convention     1/21/07 — 1/28/07
Auto Show             DC             Center
                                     900 9th St. N.W.
                                     Washington DC 20001
Houston Auto Show     Houston        Reliant Park                 1/25/07 — 2/4/07
                                     8400 Kirby Dr.
                                     Houston, TX 77054
Philadelphia Auto     Philadelphia Pennsylvania Convention        2/11/07 — 2/11/07
Show                               Center
                                     1101 Arch Street
                                     Philadelphia, PA 19107
Chicago Auto Show     Chicago        McCormick Place              216107 — 218107
                                     2301 S. Lake Shore Drive
                                     Chicago, IL 60616
Ft. Worth Auto Show   Ft. Worth      Fort Worth/Tarrant County    2/114/07 — 218/07
                                     Convention Center
                                     1111 Houston Street
                                     Fort Worth, TX 76102

                                            Exhibit C

                       Technical Parameters for Trade Show Boosters

Below is the following information for the trade show signal boosters.

       (1) antenna type;
       (2) antenna beamwidth;
       (3) total EIRP; and
       (4) approximate height Above Ground Level (AGL)

Antenna Type                           Antenna          EIRP Total in    Height
                                       Beamwidth        Watts            AGL
Antenna Specialists                    75 degrees       0001             <50 feet

The transmitted carriers have a center frequency and frequency stability identical to the received
SDARS satellite or terrestrial carriers. Frequency accuracy is controlled by the satellite or
terrestrial repeater and not by the booster.

Document Created: 2007-01-19 16:53:27
Document Modified: 2007-01-19 16:53:27

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