Attachment DTV 1R Grant

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061213-00149 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                                                 Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Dec 13 2006 2:10:15:716PM
File Number: SAT—STA—20061213—00149
Callsign:   1y 2. ”fifu} C &4                                                Qfi‘ V\ Q\_

                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 DIRECTV DIR STA Request to change orbital location
1. Applicant

            Name:          DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC         Phone Number:                                 310—726—4993

            DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:                                   310—535—5323
            Street:        2230 E. Imperial Hwy             E—Mail:                             

            City:          El Segundo                       State:                                         CA
            Country:           USA                          Zipcode:                                      90245                  ~
            Attention:     Dave Pattillo

                                                                                                                         rilbs_S ATt — 31B —2600612.(3—Col4

                                                                                                                         Call Sign 2256IGrant Date_"z> |%C
                                                                                                                         {or other identifier)
                                                                                                                                                 Term Dates —

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                                                                                                                         Approved: /%gg;:/
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                              Conditions of Authorization
                          File No. SAT—STA—20061213—00149
                                     March 8, 2007

DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s (DIRECTV) request for special temporary authority, IBFS
File No. SAT—STA—20061213—00149, IS GRANTED. Accordingly, DIRECTV is
authorized to conduct telemetry, tracking, and control communications related to the
relocation of the DIRECTV 1R satellite from the 100.8° W.L. orbital location to the
72.5°W .L. orbital location in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifications set forth in the Commussion‘s rules and this document.

     1)      This authorization is for 180 days commencing on the date of grant.

     2)      During the drift of the DIRECTV 1R satellite to the 72.5° W.L. orbital
             location, DIRECTV shall not operate the main communications payload of
             the satellite.

     3)      DIRECTV shall coordinate all drift orbit telemetry, tracking, and control
             operations with other potentially affected in—orbit operators.

     4)     During the relocation of the DIRECTV 1R satellite, operations must be on a
            non—harmful interference basis, that is, DIRECTV shall not cause
             interference to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused by
             any other lawfully operating satellites or radio communications systems.

     5)     In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of operations
            during the relocation of the DIRECTV 1R satellite, DIRECTV shall cease
            operations immediately upon notification of such an event, and shall inform
            the Commission immediately, in writing, of the event.

     6)     Effective upon the date that the DIRECTV 1R satellite reaches the 72.5°
            W.L. orbital location, the U.S. license for that satellite, Call Sign: $2369, is
            terminated. DIRECTV shall notify the Commission, by letter to the Chief,
            Satellite Division, International Bureau, within five business days following
            the date on which the DIRECTV 1R satellite reaches the 72.5° W.L. orbital

     7)     The Commission has exchanged letters with the Canadian Department of
            Industry to ensure a mutual understanding regarding the operations of the
            DIRECTV 1R satellite. The understandings and factual basis for these
            understandings are attached in Annex A and arematenal cons1derat10ns for
            the grant of this special temporary
                                             yauthority.~—| mps SCYV——StR&—700612113—6G0)i4

                                                                i Approved:/{f
                                         \:g«j/‘{"yfiéf’@ti &\            Colica 6

            ANNEX A
File No. SAT—STA—20061213—00149
           March 8, 2007

                               Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau

      March 8, 2007

      Ms. Chantal Beaumier
      Director, Space and International Regulatory Activities
      Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch
      Industry Canada
      15"" Floor, 300 Slater Street
      Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
      K1A OC8

                Re:    Operations of the DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1 Space Stations

      Dear Ms. Beaumier:

                This letter is to confirm the informal understandings of the Canadian Department
      of Industry (Industry Canada) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
      concerning certain technical issues involving the operation of two Broadcasting Satellite
      Service (BSS) satellites, DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1, by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
      (DIRECTV) and Telesat Canada (Telesat). DIRECTV and Telesat have entered into an
      amended memorandum of agreement, and a satellite relocation and lease agreement.
      These agreements concern, in part, the technical issues discussed in prior correspondence,
      dated June 21 and 24, 2005, between the FCC and Industry Canada.

      The Transaction between DIRECTV and Telesat

                DIRECTV currently operates the DIRECTV 1R satellite at the 100.85° W.L.
      orbital location, subject to FCC authority. The DIRECTV 1 satellite is currently located
      at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, where Telesat operates it pursuant to an authorization
      from Industry Canada.

             DIRECTV has agreed to relocate the DIRECTV 1R satellite to the 72.5° W.L.
     orbital location, and, after completing that move and handing off customer traffic at that
     location, to make available the capacity on the DIRECTV 1 satellite for use by Telesat at
     either the 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital location. Telesat has agreed to provide DIRECTV
     with an exclusive right to use all of the capacity on the DIRECTV 1R satellite at the 72.5°
      W.L. orbital location until December 31, 2009. Additionally, upon the exercise of certain
     options outlined in the amended agreement and subject to approval by the Canadian and
     U.S. governments, operations of DIRECTV 1R at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location under

Chantal Beaumier
March 8, 2007
Page 2

Canadian authorization may be extended beyond the December 31, 2009 service
termination date on a month—to—month basis. The amended agreement further provides
that, once the DIRECTV 1R satellite has arrived at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, the
DIRECTV 1 satellite will be moved first to the 72.7° W.L. orbital location to transfer
traffic to DIRECTV 1R, and then drifted to the 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital location to
augment service from Telesat‘s other satellites. Under the relocation and lease agreement
between DIRECTV and Telesat, DIRECTV 1 will be relocated to the 91° W.L. orbital
location for a lease terminating on March 1, 2009, but the termination date may be
extended on a month—by—month basis until the end of life of the satellite. DIRECTV may,
under certain circumstances, recall the DIRECTYV 1 satellite from the 91° W.L. orbital
location to one of DIRECTV‘s FCC—licensed orbital locations upon 5 days‘ notice to
Telesat, in the event that DIRECTV 1 is needed to replace some or all of the capacity of
certain DIRECTV satellites due to a catastrophic satellite or launch failure.

        The agreement contemplates that, once DIRECTV 1R is at the 72.5° W.L. orbital
location, it will be operated under the direction and control of Telesat. DIRECTV and its
subcontractors will perform telemetry, tracking, and control functions (TT&C functions)
on behalf of Telesat. The agreement also contemplates that, pursuant to an existing
operations agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat, Telesat shall continue to provide
TT&C functions for DIRECTV 1 until it is no longer used for service at the 82° W.L. or
91° W.L. orbital locations.

         On January 18, 2007, Industry Canada authorized Telesat to operate the
DIRECTV 1R satellite at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, and to operate the DIRECTV 1
satellite at the 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital location. DIRECTV filed with the FCC a
request for special temporary authority to relocate the DIRECTV 1R satellite from its
currently authorized location to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location. DIRECTYV also filed a
request to modify its blanket earth station authorization to substitute DIRECTV 1R for
DIRECTV 1 as the point of communication for consumer earth stations in the United
States, and to extend the term of that authority to December 31, 2009. DIRECTV also
requested special temporary authority for TT&C frequencies to be used by the DIRECTV
1 space station as it is relocated from the 72.7° W.L. orbital location to the 91° W.L.
orbital location. This last application also contemplates the concurrent operation of both
the DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1 satellites at the 72.5° W.L. and 72.7° W.L. orbital
locations, respectively, for a short time to accommodate satellite testing and transfer of
traffic from DIRECTV 1 to DIRECTV 1R.

Informal Understandings between Industry Canada and the FCC on certain
technical issues concerning operation of DIRECTY 1R and DIRECTYV 1:

The FCC and Industry Canada have concurred on the following technical issues
concerning the contemplated operations of DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1:

  1.     At the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, DIRECTV 1R operations will be subject to
         Canadian authority. At the 72.7° W.L., 82° W.L. and 91° W.L. orbital locations,

Chantal Beaumier
March 8, 2007
Page 3

       DIRECTV 1 operations will be subject to Canadian authority. Because these
       locations involve Canadian entries to the Region 2 Plan of Appendix 30/30¢ of
       the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, the
       Canadian administration will have responsibility for compliance with the ITU
       Radio Regulations (including the requirement for licensing as specified in Article
       18.1 of the Radio Regulations, and any applicable agreement—seeking procedures)
       in connection with operation of the DIRECT 1R satellite at the 72.5° W.L. orbital
       location, and the DIRECTV 1 satellite at the 72.7° W.L., 82° W.L. and 91° W.L.
      orbital locations.

      The following operations of the DIRECTV 1R satellite will be subject to licensing

      by the FCC:

      a. Any operations of the satellite other than at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.

      b. Any operations as a result of equipment failure in the satellite that results in
      the inability to maintain the satellite within +0.1 degrees of its assigned position at
      the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.

      The following operations of the DIRECTV 1 satellite will be subject to licensing
      by the FCC:

      a. Any operations of the satellite other than i) operations during transfer of
      traffic at the 72.7° W.L. orbital location, i1) at the 82° W.L. orbital location, iii) at
      the 91° W.L. orbital location, or iv) while it is moving between the 82° W.L. and
      91° W.L. orbital locations.

      a. Any operations as a result of equipment failure in the satellite that results in
      the inability to maintain the satellite within +0.1 degrees of its assigned position at
      the 72.7° W.L., 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital location.

      c.   Any operations after the termination of the lease agreement.

      Industry Canada, through the Director, Space and International Regulatory
      Activities, once the Canadian licensee has been informed, will provide the FCC
      with four (4) days‘ advance written notice (e—mail with confirmed receipt from
      the FCC‘s Chief, International Bureau, Satellite Division, will be considered
      sufficient) of any planned termination or expiration of the Canadian License for
      the DIRECTV 1 or DIRECTV 1R satellites.

     Industry Canada will condition the DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1 Licenses to
     require Telesat to maintain, barring catastrophic failure ofsatellite components,
     the capability to de—orbit the DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1 spacecraft to an
     orbit consistent with ITU Recommendation $.1003—1, Environmental Protection
     of the Geostationary—Satellite Orbit.

Chantal Beaumier
March 8, 2007
Page 4

        The informal understandings set forth in this letter concerning operation of the
DIRECTV 1R and DIRECTV 1 satellites do not constitute a concurrence by the FCC or
the United States Administration with any Canadian filings with the ITU
Radiocommunication Bureau at the 72.5° W.L., 82° W.L., or 91° W.L. orbital locations
under Appendices 30 or 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations. It is my understanding that
the FCC and Industry Canada will, separately, and as part of the agreement—seeking
process applicable under the ITU Radio Regulations, work in good faith to complete that
process, insofar as necessary, in connection with the operation of the DIRECTV 1R
satellite at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location and the operation of the DIRECTV 1 satellite at
the 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital location.

        The FCC has not issued any of the authorizations that would be necessary to
provide direct—to—home services to customers in the United States using the DIRECTV
1R satellite at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location. The FCC has received both an application
for special temporary authority to relocate the DIRECTV 1R satellite to the 72.5° W.L.
orbital location, and an application for amendment of DIRECTV‘s blanket authorization
of earth stations seeking to receive direct—to—home transmissions in the United States
from the 72.5° W.L. orbital location. The FCC has also received an application for
special temporary authority to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satellite from 72.7° W.L. to 91°
W.L. These applications will require separate action by the FCC. This exchange of
letters does not constitute approval of any of these applications.

        In the event of the failure of a DIRECTV satellite, and upon the exercise by
DIRECTV of any contractual rights to move the DIRECTV 1 or DIRECTV 1R satellites,
and in the event that there are any provisions in Telesat‘s license from Industry Canada,
or any provisions in the Canadian laws and regulations governing the
telecommunications operations of Telesat Canada that would preclude or otherwise limit
the exercise of DIRECTV‘s contractual rights within the time frames specified in the
DIRECTV/Telesat agreement, the FCC would appreciate the opportunity to consult with
Industry Canada, prior to any exercise of such licensing authority, or applications of such
law or regulations by Industry Canada. I would appreciate acknowledgment of these
views and expression of any views which Industry Canada may have concerning the
matter discussed in this paragraph. Let me also express the FCC‘s willingness to discuss
this matter further, in the event, at a later date, it becomes necessary to do so.

        Lastly, all notices, inquiries, and correspondence from Industry Canada
concerning these matters should be directed to the Chief, Satellite Division, International
Bureau (phone number 202—418—0719) (e—mail:, with a copy to, on the part of the FCC. The FCC will forward all notices,
inquiries, and correspondence concerning these matters to the Director, Space and
International Regulatory Activities (phone number 613—998—3819) (e—mail:, on the part of Industry Canada. Please let us know if this
address subsequently changes.

Chantal Beaumier
March 8, 2007
Page 5

      If the foregoing corresponds to your understanding of the informal arrangements
between our two agencies concerning the various technical issues involved in the
relocation of DIRECTV 1R to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location and operation at that
location, and the relocation of DIRECTV 1 to the 91° W.L. orbital location, please
confirm by return letter. Thank you.


                                             Robert G. Nelson
                                             Satellite Division

ce:      Paul Bush
         Vice President, Broadcasting &Corporate Development
         Telesat Canada

         Michael W. Palkovic
         Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
         DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

.*.   Industry Canada    Industrie Canada

                                                          Our File: 05943—1 (110214 RH)

      MAR 0 3 2007
      Robert G. Nelson
      Chief, Satellite Division
      International Bureau
      Federal Communications Commission
      Washington, D.C. 20554

      Dear Mr. Nelson:

             Thank you for your letter of March 08, 2007 setting out our informal
      common understandings concerning certain technical issues involved in the
      operation of Broadcasting—Satellite Service (BSS) satellites known by Telesat
      Canada (Telesat) and DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) as DIRECTV 1
      and DIRECTV 1R.

              I am pleased to provide my confirmation of our informal understandings
      and acknowledgement of the other views expressed in your letter. Additionally,
      Industry Canada acknowledges that, in the event of termination of the lease
      agreement owing to the failure of a DIRECTV satellite, DIRECTV‘s ability to use
      the DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 1R satellites at orbital positions licensed by the
      FCC is a private contractual matter between DIRECTV and Telesat. Nonetheless,
      should there be any provisions in Telesat‘s licence, or any provisions in the
      Canadian laws and regulations governing the telecommunications of Telesat
      Canada, that would preclude or otherwise limit the exercise of DIRECTY‘s
      contractual rights to terminate the lease and use the satellites within the time
      frames specified in the DIRECTV/Telesat agreement, the FCC would be
      informed, to the extent possible under the circumstances and the law, of the
      exercise of licensing authority, or application of law or regulation by Industry


                                        «3 .

       Once again, I want to express my appreciation for the support your
administration is giving to this kind of commercial arrangement to facilitate the
delivery of important and valuable satellite services in our respective countries.



                                               Chantal Beaumier
                                               Director, Space and International
                                               Regulatory Activities

co: Paul Bush, Telesat Canada

2. Contact

             Name:         William M. Wiltshire                 Phone Number:                         202—730—1350

             Company:      Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis, LLP__   Fax Number:                           202—730—1301

             Street:        1200 18th Street, NW                E—Mail:                     

                            12th Floor
             City:         Washington                           State:                                 DC
             Country:       USA                                 Zipcode:                              20036      —
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                         Legal Counsel

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
  3. Reference File Number      or Submission ID

  4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.        If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
€ Governmental Entity        e Noncommercial educational licensee
C Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CRY — Space Station (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

) Change Station Location                          {3 Extend Expiration Date                         g4 Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
        72.5 WL.

8. Description   (If the complete description does not appearin this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     DIRECTV Enterprises,             LLC requests special temporary authority to relocate DIRECTV 1R to
     the Canadian BSS slot at 72.5 W.L.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject     @ Yes          { No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.                               ’

10. Name of Person Signing                                                  11. Title of Person Signing
James Butterworth                                                           Senior Vice President
12. Please supply any need attachments.
 Attachment 1: Request Narrative                    Attachment 2:                                     Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control numberor if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                                  Before the
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                                             File No.

Request for Special Temporary Authority to
Relocate DIRECTV 1R to 72.5° W.L. and to
Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Command
Operations for an Interim Period


        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") requests special temporary authority

("STA") to (1) drift its DIRECTV 1R satellite from its current orbital position at 100.85°

W.L. to the Broadcasting Satellite Service ("BSS") slot allocated to Canada at 72.5°

W.L., and (2) perform telemetry, tracking and command ("TT&C") functions with

DIRECTV 1R during this drift and for a period of time once it reaches its new location.‘

DIRECTV requests that the STA be granted for the statutory maximum of 180 days.

Grant of this STA will both improve service to DIRECTV customers from the 72.5° W.L.

orbital location and help Telesat Canada ("Telesat") maintain much—needed backup

capacity to ensure continued service to over a million Canadian customers.

                                          *        *        *#

!   DIRECTV will soon begin the process of transferring traffic from the DIRECTV 1R satellite to its new
    DIRECTV 98 satellite at the nominal 101° W.L. orbital location. See File No. SAT—STA—
    2006080700085 et al. (DIRECTV 98 orbital testing). DIRECTV will complete the transfer of traffic
    prior to beginning relocation of DIRECTV 1, ensuring that no subscriber would experienced a lapse in
    service due to the satellite‘s departure.

         This is the third request DIRECTV has submitted to the Commission in

connection with its use of the 72.5° W .L. orbital location. In 2004, the Commission

granted DIRECTV an STA to relocate DIRECTV 5, pursuant to a December 2003

Memorandum of Agreement ("Original MOA") with Telesat to use the Canadian BSS

slot at 72.5° W.L.. The Commission found that the public interest would be served by

the use of this additional capacity to provide local—into—local service to markets in the

United States where DIRECTV did not then provide such service." One year later, the

Commission granted DIRECTV a similar STA to replace the DIRECTV 5 satellite at

72.5° W.L. with the DIRECTV 1 satellite, which previously had been located at the

nominal 101° W.L. orbital location, pursuant to an Amended and Restated Memorandum

of Agreement ("Amended MOA").*

         DIRECTV has been operating from the 72.5° W.L. orbital location since

September 2004, and currently retransmits local broadcast signals into 29 U.S. markets

under this arrangement, enabling it to provide subscribers in those markets a more

complete video services offering.

         Last month, Telesat approached DIRECTV concerning the fact that the

DIRECTV 2 satellite currently operating at the 91° W.L. orbital location would reach

End of Life ("EOL") by end of first quarter 2007, and that its Nimig 2 satellite at 82°

W.L. was continuing to experience power degradations that limited capacity and caused

concern that there could be future failures. DIRECTV 2 was relocated to 91° W.L.

2   See DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC, 19 FCC Red. 15529 (Int‘l Bur. 2004).

i   1Id. at 15532.

*   See DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC, 20 FCC Red 11772 (Int‘l Bur. 2005), modified by Erratum 2005 FCC
    LEXIS 4181 (2005) ("D1 STA Order‘), The DIRECTV 5 satellite was relocated to the 110° W.L.
    orbital location, where it, in turn, replaced the ailing DIRECTV 6 satellite.

earlier this year and is currently enabling high power operations at this orbital location

but needs to be replaced prior to EOL for continued high power operations.

        Nimig 2 was launched in December 2002, and experienced a malfunction in

February 2003 that affected the available power on the spacecraft. As a result of this

anomaly, the south solar array does not function. More recently, in September 2006,

Nimig 2 experienced a failure of a solar array circuit, resulting in a further reduction of

available power.

       At present, Nimig 2 can operate on 20 of its 32 DBS transponders, and Telesat

expects that it will lose operational capability on three more transponders by the end of

the spacecraft‘s service life due to normal array degradation. However, a number of

Lockheed Martin A2100 series satellites (such as Nimiq 2) have suffered in—orbit failures

of circuits on their solar array. In April 2005, another operator‘s satellite of this series

suffered such an anomaly, resulting in the complete loss of one array and a corresponding

50% reduction in available spacecraft power. Lockheed Martin has traced the most likely

cause of this failure to a component on the solar array drive — a component that was also

used for Nimiq 2. If this same component failed on the satellite‘s lone remaining

functional array, the result would be catastrophic failure.

       Telesat plans to launch a new satellite (Nimiq 4) to replace Nimiq 2 in mid—2008.

While it anticipates that Nimiq 2 will remain operational until that time, Telesat seeks

additional backup capacity to assure continuity of service to Bell ExpressVu customers.

As indicated below, DIRECTV and Telesat have reached an agreement concerning the

use of DIRECTV 1 until the Nimig 4 satellite is brought into service. This arrangement

will fill the gap between the loss of DIRECTV 2 and the availability of Nimiq 4 for


           DIRECTV, for its part, recently launched its new DIRECTV 98 satellite to the

nominal 101° W.L. orbital location. DIRECTV 98 has been designed to provide back—up

capacity for a wide range of DIRECTV satellites, and can perform the same mission that

DIRECTV 1R currently performs.

       As of November 22, 2006, DIRECTV and Telesat entered into Amendment No. 1

to the Amended and Restated Memorandum of Agreement ("Amendment No. 1") that,

among other things, calls for DIRECTV to replace the DIRECTV 1 satellite at 72.5°

W.L. with the DIRECTV 1R satellite, subject to receiving the requisite regulatory

authorizations from both the U.S. and Canadian regulatory authorities." Upon relocation

of the DIRECTV 1R satellite to 72.5° W.L. and transfer of traffic, the DIRECTV 1

satellite would be drifted to the 91° W.L. orbital location to provide high power

operations and backup capacity to the Nimiq satellites.©

       Amendment No. 1 presumptively extends DIRECTV‘s rights to operate at 72.5°

W.L. through December 31, 2009. This will allow DIRECTV much—needed flexibility in

transitioning customers that now receive local service from that orbital location (and

require a second receive antenna to do so) to service from DIRECTV‘s Ka—band satellites

at 99.2° W.L. and 102.8° W.L. This flexibility will enable DIRECTV to complete the

Ka—band transition with less disruption to subscribers and at lower cost. At the same

   See Amendment No. 1 at 3. A redacted copy of this agreement will be provided for the public record
   shortly, while the complete text will be filed with the International Bureau staff with a request for
   confidential treatment pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission‘s rules.

   DIRECTV will file a separate request for clearance to allow Telesat, under authority from Industry
   Canada, to relocate DIRECTV 1 from one Canadian—allocated orbital location to another.

time, relocating the DIRECTV 1 satellite to 91° W.L. will, essentially, act as an insurance

policy for the Nimiq satellite fleet, which now provides service to approximately 1.8

million Bell ExpressVu subscribers.

        As it did in replacing the DIRECTV 5 satellite with the DIRECTV 1 satellite last

year, DIRECTV will ensure that this satellite swap is completely transparent to its

subscribers. Accordingly, once DIRECTV 1R arrives at 72.5° W.L. and all necessary

regulatory approvals have been secured, DIRECTV will expeditiously transfer traffic

from DIRECTV 1 in a manner designed to minimize the possibility of service outages.

DIRECTV 1R has over seven years of useful life remaining and is fully capable of

continuing to provide local—into—local service in the markets currently served by

DIRECTV 1 without interruption to subscribers. Thus, granting the requested STA for

DIRECTV 1R will achieve the same public interest goals that the Commission has now

twice found in connection with the operations of DIRECTV 5 and DIRECTV 1 at the

Canadian BSS orbital location at 72.5° W.L.

        During the relocation of DIRECTV 1R, and until the Commission grants further

authority, the satellite‘s communications payload will remain inactive and only the

TT&C payload will operate. Specifically, DIRECTV requests authority to operate on the

following TT&C frequencies: 17305 (uplink) and 12698.25 and 12699.25 MHz

(downlink).‘ DIRECTV will coordinate its TT&C operations during drift with all other

potentially affected operators in accordance with industry practice to ensure that no

harmful interference results, just as it did for DIRECTV 5 and DIRECTV 1, and is

prepared to operate on a non—harmful interference basis.

‘   Since TT&C for DIRECTV 1 is conducted using different frequencies (17303 MHz (uplink) and
    12200.5 and 12201.75 MHz (downlink)), there is no risk of interference during its brief period of
    collocation with DIRECTV 1R at the 72.5° W.L. position.

        Under the terms of Amendment No. 1, DIRECTV will have continuing

responsibility for TT&C functions of DIRECTV 1R on a day—to—day basis once it has

been re—flagged as a Canadian satellite, subject to Telesat‘s ultimate right to direct such

functions. As is now the case with DIRECTV 1, the DIRECTV 1R satellite at 72.5°

W.L. will operate under authorization from Industry Canada and in conformance with the

parameters of ITU regulations and coordination obligations. Again, subject to obtaining

the necessary Commission consent, DIRECTV will utilize the capacity on DIRECTV IR

to provide U.S. DBS service to its U.S. DBS customers, just as it currently does from


        DIRECTV proposes to operate DIRECTV 1R at 72.5° W.L. under the same

conditions imposed on the authorization issued for DIRECTV 1 at that slot." Thus, little

will change from the current situation except that one DIRECTV DBS satellite will take

the place of another.

        For the foregoing reasons, DIRECTV urges the Commission to grant the

requested STA as expeditiously as possible.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              James R. Butterworth
                                              Senior Vice President
                                              DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

December 13, 2006

8   See D1 STA Order, 20 FCC at 11778—79.

Document Created: 2019-04-14 11:07:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 11:07:34

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