Attachment Update

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061213-00149 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


‘ HARR'S,         ‘                                                         1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                           WASHINGTON, DC 20036

WILTSHIRE &                                                                TEL 202.730.1300 FaAX 202.730.1301
e tsne                                                                     ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                          January 19, 2007


     Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
     Federal Communications Commussion
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     Washington, DC 20554

            Re:       Information Update

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

            The applications referenced above relate to the proposed relocation of the
     DIRECTV 1R satellite from its current location at 101° W.L to 72.5° W.L., where it
     would operate pursuant to a Canadian authorization issued to Telesat Canada as a
     replacement for the DIRECTV 1 satellite now operating there. Pursuant to Section 1.65
     of the Commission‘s rules, this is to inform you that on January 18, 2007, Industry
     Canada approved Telesat Canada‘s plan to operate DIRECTV 1R at 72.5° W.L., and to
     operate DIRECTV 1 at another Canadian BSS orbital location (91° W.L.). A copy of
     that approval letter is enclosed herewith for inclusion in the record of these proceedings.

            If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact undersigned counsel.

                                                   Sincerely yours,

                                                   William M. Wiltshire
                                                   Counselfor DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC


 industrie Canada            industry Canada

                                                      Our file: 46215 (105263 RH)

Mr. Ted H. Ignacy
Chief Financial Officer
Telesat Canada
1601 Telesat Court
Gloucester, Ontario
K1B 5P94         x#

Dear Mr~gfi% SA _

           I refer to your letter ofNovember 23, 2006 seeking approval of Telesat
Canada‘s (Telesat) plan to operate the DTV 1 and DTV 1R satellites at the 91°W
and 72.5°Worbital positions, respectively. I also understand that in conjunction
with this plan, Telesat‘s arrangement for the use of the DTV 2 satellite will
terminate with the satellite returningto DirecTV.

          I am pleased to provide youwith the Department‘s approval of your
plan to use, pursuant to existing authorizations issued to Telesat Canada for the
use of DBS spectrum at the Q1°Wand 72.5°Worbital positions, namely to
relocate the DTV 1 satellite to and operate it at the 91°Wposition and to procure
and locate and operate the DTV—1R satellite at the 72.5°W orbital position.

          This approval is subject to the additional conditions oflicence set out in
the attachment to this letter. In keeping withthe June 2005 and January 2006
exchanges ofletters between Industry Canada and the Federal Communications
Commission of the United States respecting the operations of the DTV 1 and
DTV 2 satellites, and as prescribed in the applicable conditions of licence, please
ensure that advance notice is provided to Industry Canada of the termination of
existing arrangements. It should also be notedthat further conditions of licence
may be required to give effect to any understandings developed between Industry
Canada and any other administration respecting the proposed useof the satellites.

           Please note that nothing in this letter shall be construed as an approval
of any application submitted by Telesat Canada pursuant to Industry Canada‘s on—
going satellite licensing initiative. A separate response from Industry Canada will
deal with Telesat‘s request for an extension to its milestonedeadline for placing a
newsatellite in orbit at the 72.5°W orbital position. Lastly, in the event that

                                        —2 .

Telesat wishes to locate its Nimig 2 satellite at the 72.5°W orbital position,
Telesat must obtain prior approval from Industry Canada.

          If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact
Richard Hiebert at (613) 998—4333.

                                               Yours sincerely,

                                            / Jan Skora
                                               Director General
                                               Radiocommunications and
                                               Broadcasting Regulatory Branch



         Licence Conditions for Telesat Canada‘s Use of Broadcasting Satellites
               (DTV 1 and DTV 1R) at the °W and 72.5°W Orbital Positions

        Telesat shall ensure thatthe DTV 1 and DTV 1Rspacecraft are underthe direction or
        control of a Canadian entity as set out in section 3(3)(b) of the Radiocommunication

         Telesat shall take all reasonable measures, barring catastrophic failure of satellite

         components, to maintain the capability to de—orbit the DTV 1 and DTV 1R spacecraft
         to orbits consistent with Recommendation ITU—R $.1003—1, Environmental Protection
         ofGeostationary—Satellite Orbit.

         Telesat shall informIndustry Canada, through the Director, Space and International

         Regulatory Activities, at least four days in advance by written notice, of any planned
         termination or expiration of its arrangements for the use of the DTV 1 and DTV 1R

         Telesatshall operate the satellite within the provisions of the ITURadio Regulations,
         Canadian legislative and regulatory requirements, and Departmental spectrum policies.

         a) With respect to operation ofthe DTV 1 satellite at the I1°W orbital position,
         Telesat shall ensure that the collective operations ofthe satellite facilities at the 91°W
         orbital position are, at all times, in conformity with the Region 2 Planof Appendices
         30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations

         b) With respect to operation of the DTV 1R satellite at the 72.5°Worbital position,
         until suchtime as Canada has successfully modified the Region 2 Plan of Appendices
         30 and 30A of the TTURadio Regulations, Telesat shall operate the satellite in
         conformity with the Region 2 Plan.

         c) Notwithstanding 5(a) and 5(b) above, to the extent that operations do not conform
         with the Region 2 Plan, such operations shall be on a no interference, no protection

         All other conditions of licence respecting Telesat‘s use of the broadcasting satellite
         spectrumat the Q1°W and 72.5°Worbital positions shall apply to the operation of
         these satellites.

Document Created: 2019-04-10 06:20:32
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 06:20:32

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