Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Sirius Satellite Radio



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061207-00145 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                Carl R. Frank
WASHINGTON, DC 20006      June 4,2008                                                                           202.719.7269
PHONE 202.719.7000
FAX   202.719.7049

McLEAN, VA 22102          VIA HAND DELIVERY                                     FILEDIACCEPTED
                                                                                       JUN -- 4 2088
PHONE    703.905.2800
FAX   703.905.2820        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                          Secretary                                             Federal Csmmcrnications Commission
                                                                                      Office of the Secretary
www. w i leyrein .corn
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:     Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                  IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20061207-00145
                                  IBFS File No. SAT-STA-200707 19-00104
                                  IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20070928-00135
                                  IBFS File No. SAT-STA-200712 13-00174

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                   Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius’’) hereby files this letter providing
                          updated information related to its Special Temporary Authority’ to operate
                          terrestrial repeaters at the sites approved on the above-captioned applications.

                                  Specifically, Sirius provides updated information regarding the antennas to
                          be used in connection with the terrestrial repeaters at these sites. In 2006, prior to
                          the construction of the sites listed on these applications, Andrew Corporation
                          acquired EMS Wireless, Sirius’s original antenna supplier. Subsequently, Andrew
                          discontinued the antenna models listed on the above-referenced applications and
                          replaced them with two new models. A letter from Andrew Corporation detailing
                          this discontinuance is attached as Exhibit A.

                                  Because of this discontinuance, Sirius plans to deploy the two Andrew units
                          in lieu of the original EMS antenna models at all of the sites listed on the affected
                          applications. For the Commission’s convenience, Sirius has provided a list of the
                          affected sites as Exhibit B. Sirius emphasizes that the change in antenna models
                          will have no effect on the other technical parameters listed in the subject
                          applications, including repeater power, downtilt, sectorization, antenna height, and

                                   There are pending requests for renewal in connection with three of these application. IBFS
                          File No. SAT-STA-2007 1220-00 179 seeks to renew SAT-STA-2006 1207-00 145, IBFS File No.
                          SAT-STA-200803 14-0007 1 seeks to renew SAT-STA-200707 19-00104, and IBFS File No. SAT-
                          STA-20080530-00116 seeks to renew IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20070928-00 135. Sirius will also
                          seek renewal of the other application affected prior to the expiration of its 180-day term.

    June 4,2008
    Page 2

    location. In addition, as noted in the attached technical comparison, Exhibit C, the
    Andrew models are substantially similar to their EMS predecessors and will present
    no additional potential for interference.

           Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact the


    Carl R. Frank
    Counsel to Sirius Satellite Radio

    Cc:    Roderick Porter
           Stephen Dual1


Exhibit A

          A CommScope Company

    10 March 2008

    Brian Damstrorn
    Sirius Satellite Radio
    Sr. Engineer RF Network Design & Integration

    Re: Andrew Replacement Antennas for EMS Wireless Ante& Models

    Dear Brian,

    There are antenna models that Sirius utilized in their network that EMS Wireless supplied
    that have been replaced by Andrew Corporation antenna models, Andrew Corporation
    acquired EMS Wireless in 2006.

    These EMS Wireless antennas have been discontinued and have been replaced with Andrew

    The antenna models and their replacements are as follows:

    EMS Model                     Andrew Model

    FR65- 18-OONVL                 SA2500-065X-18

    FR90-17-OONVL                 SA2500-090X-16

    If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us

    Best regards,

    Vince Caputo
    Product Line Manager - Base Station Antenna Systems
    Andrew Wireless Solutions - A CommScope Company

Exhibit B

Site Number        Market                 STA File#                    EMS Antenna Type                             Andrew Antenna Type
  02—02              Atlanta       SAT—STA—20061207—00145    EMS FR90—17—00NVL / EMS FR65—18—00NVL     |_Andrew $A2500—090%X—16 / Andrew S$A2500—065X—18
  02—05              Atlanta       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  02—06              Atlanta       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  02—07              Atlanta       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  02—08              Atlanta       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  07—34             Chicago        SAT—STA—20061207—00145    EMS FR90—17—00NVL / EMS FR65—18—00NVL     Andrew $A2500—090X—16 / Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  07—33             Chicago        SAT—STA—20061207—00145    |_EMS FR65—18—00NVL / EMS FR90—17—00NVL   Andrew $A2500—065X—18 / Andrew $A2500—090X—16
  09—01            Cleveland       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR90—17—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—090%—16
  14—02              Detroit       SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  18—03          Kansas City       SAT—STA—20061207—00145    _EMS FR65—18—00NVL / EMS FR90—17—00NVL    Andrew $A2500—065X—18 / Andrew SA2500—090%—16
  27—17            New York        SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  52—02             Orlando        SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  30—04             Phoenix        SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—O0NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  45—02              Tampa         SAT—STA—20061207—00145               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  45—05             Tampa          SAT—STA—20061207—00145    EMS FR90—17—00NVL / EMS FR65—18—00NVL     Andrew S$A2500—090X—16 / Andrew S$A2500—065X—18
  08—01        Cincinnati, OH      SAT—STA—20070719—00104               EMS FR65—18—O00NVL                           Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  43—04         St. Louis, MO__|   SAT—STA—20070719—00104               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  16—03          Houston, TX       SAT—STA—20070719—00104               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  16—04          Houston, TX       SAT—STA—20070719—00104               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  22—01            Miami, FL       SAT—STA—20070719—00104               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  02—01          Atlanta, GA       SAT—STA—20070928—00135    EMS FR90—17—00NVL / EMS FR65—18—00NVL     Andrew $A2500—090%—16 / Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  07—32           Chicago, IL      SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  11—04           Dallas, TX       SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  16—05          Houston, TX       SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  27—02        New York, NY        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  27—03        New York, NY        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  45—03           Tampa, FL        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  11—01           Dallas, TX       SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—O0NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  27—04        New York, NY        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  27—27        New York, NY        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  52—05          Orlando, FL       SAT—STA—20070928—00135    EMS FR65—18—00NVL / EMS FR90—17—00NVL     |_Andrew $A2500—065X—18 / Andrew $A2500—090X—16
  A3—01         St Louis, MO_      SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  43—02         St Louis, MO       SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—O00NVL                           Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  45—04           Tampa, FL        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—O0O0NVL                          Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  45—01           Tampa, FL        SAT—STA—20070928—00135               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  03—03        Baltimore, MD_|     SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—O0NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  28—14           Bogota, NJ       SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  08—03        Cincinnati, OH      SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR90—17—00NVL                            Andrew S$A2500—090X—16
  22—08            Miami, FL       SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—O0NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  27—09        New York, NY        SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—O00NVL                           Andrew S$A2500—065X—18
  46—02       Washington DC        _SAT—STA—20071213—00174              EMS FR65—18—O00NVL                           Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  28—15          Wayne, NJ         SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  07—31          Chicago, IL       SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew S$A2500—065X—18
  29—04       Philadelphia, PA     SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  29—05       Philadelphia, PA     SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—O0NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  29—06       Philadelphia, PA     SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%X—18
  37—03       Sacramento, CA       SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065%—18
  37—04       Sacramento, CA       SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—O00NVL                           Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  37—05          Sacramento        SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18
  46—09       Washington DC        SAT—STA—20071213—00174               EMS FR65—18—00NVL                            Andrew $A2500—065X—18

Exhibit C

                                            List for Andrew Antennas for Sirius Radio Deployment


                                                                               Power     Input                      Total        Radome
                                                                                Gain     Power    E-PlaneBeamwidth Length Weight Width.
                        Antennas               Product DescriDtion              (dBi)    0             (- 3 dB1      (in) Ob.)     (in)

                                   65 degree Az. Pattern, N-type Con, 2300 -2700

Originally Authorized
                                   MHz Frea. Band. 50 Ohm. 1.4 :1 Max. VSWR
                                   65 degree Az. Pattern, N-type Con or DIN
                                   type, 2305 -2360 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm,
                                   1.33 :1 Max. VSWR                             17.8dBi
                                                                                         250 w
                                                                                                      5.6 deg

                                                                                                      5.7 deg

                                                                                                                         8.7 Ibs

                                                                                                                         11 Ibs

                                                                                                                                          25dB   I


0   00

     0   v)



v)                 v)
v)                 0
cv                 r

                                                     Listfor Andrew Antennasfor Sirius Radw Deployment

                                                                                                                                        Tdal         Radome Frontto
                                                                                         Power     Average Input   E-Plane Beamwidth   Length Weight Width.  Back
                           Antennas                     Product Description             Gain (dBi) Power (W)            (- 3            (in)  (lbs.)   (in)  Ratio
        Replacement        Andrew        90 degree At. Pattern, N-type Con, 2300 -2700
          Antenna=>     SA2500-090X-18   MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm, 1.4 :1 Max. VSWR        16.6 dB1   200 W avg          5.6 deg          48"   8.7 lbs   6.5"   34 dB
                                         90 degree Az. Pattern, N-type Con or DIN type,
                             EMS         2305 -2360 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm, 1.33 :1 Max.


90 Degree Antenna Horizontal Beamwidth Comparison



                                                 -EMS FR90-17-OONVL
                                                 -Andrew SA2500-090X-16

        210                     150
              195         165

               90 Degree Antenna Vertical Beamwidth Comparison

                      255   0        285
                240   /--,---I\            300

51 \ /210
       / 522                                     330

  195                                              345

                                                           -EMS FR90-17-OONVL
 180                                                   0
                                                           -Andrew SA2500-090X-16
  165                                              15

                120    -’                  60
                      105            75

Document Created: 2008-06-05 14:56:20
Document Modified: 2008-06-05 14:56:20

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