Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by WCS Coalition



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061207-00145 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Wiikinson ) Barker) KnauER LLP                                                        2300 N streer, NW
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                                                                                      TEL    202.783.4141

                                                                                      FAX    202.783.5851

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                                                                                      PauLl J. Sinpersranp
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                                                       MAR 19 2007
   March 19, 2007
                                                Federal Communications Commission
   Helen Domenici                                         Bureau / Office
   Chief, International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:      Request OfSirius Satellite Radio Inc. For Special Temporary
                               Authorization Regarding Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial
                               Repeaters — File No. SAT—STA—20061207—00145

   Dear Ms. Domenici:

            I am writing to advise the International Bureau that, subject to the caveats discussed
   below, the WCS Coalition will not be interposing any objection to a grant of the above—
   referenced request by Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius") for a special temporary authority
   ("STA") that will permit deployment of fifteen new Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS")
   terrestrial repeaters operating at no greater than 2,000 Watts EIRP.‘ As with any STA issued for
   Sirius‘s terrestrial repeaters, any grant of Sirius‘ request must be subject to an unqualified
   condition of non—interference to WCS licensees. To that point, Sirius has acknowledged that
   "[g)rant of the requested modification will not alter Sirius‘ obligation to protect authorized
   radiocommunications facilities from interference."" That obligation is an essential predicate to
   the Coalition‘s position here, and without it the Coalition would object to a grant of Sirius‘

          Consistent with its prior practice, Sirius also has indicated that its proposed repeaters will
   operate below 2000 watts EIRP, but has refused to specify whether it is referring to peak or
   average EIRP." The International Bureau is aware that the peak vs. average EIRP issue (along
   with the frequent refusal of Sirius and XM Radio Inc. ("XM") to specify whether they are using
   one or the other) has been a matter of dispute between the Coalition and Sirius/XM, both in the
   context of the Commission‘s pending DARS rulemaking (IB Docket No. 95—91) and with respect

   ‘ See Request of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authorization, File No. SAT—STA—20061207—
   00145 (filed Dec. 7, 2006).
   Id., Attachment A, Exhibit 1 at 2.
   ? Id., Attachment A, Exhibit 1 at 1.


     Helen Domenici
     March 19, 2007
     Page 2

     to Sirius/XM‘s individual STA requests. Recently, in issuing an STA for a terrestrial repeater
     XM had proposed to operate at weekly PGA Tour events at various locations, the International
     Bureau stated, inter alia, that "[t/he issue concerning EIRP raised by the WCS Coalition will be
     addressed in that proceeding. Operations prior to such action will be subject to [the condition of
     non—interference] below."" Given the Bureau‘s grant of the STA over the WCS Coalition‘s
     objections regarding operations of no more than 2,000 Watts, it is apparent that the Bureau will
     defer any decision on the EIRP issue until it adopts final rules to govern DARS repeaters in IB
     Docket No. 95—91. The WCS Coalition will therefore defer from objecting to STA requests that
     propose operations of no more than 2,000 Watts, even if they do not specify peak or average
     EIRP. The WCS Coalition does respectfully request, however, that any future STAs issued for
     Sirius/XM‘s terrestrial repeaters include the italicized language noted above. Such language is
     essential to assure that all affected parties are on notice that the matter will be addressed in the

            Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                          Paul J. Sinderbrand

                                                          Counsel to the WCS Coalition

     ce: Stephen Duall
        Carl Frank
        Patrick L. Donnelly

    * See File No. SAT—STA—20061114—00138 (granted Feb. 7, 2007) (emphasis added).

Document Created: 2007-03-22 10:46:06
Document Modified: 2007-03-22 10:46:06

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