Attachment ex parte

ex parte

Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER submitted by National Assoication of Broadcasters

ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061107-00131 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                Larry Walke
                                                                                  Associate General Counsel
                                                                                  Legal & Regulatory Affairs
                                                  m   i    1771 N Street, NW * Washington DC 20036—2800
                                                                         (202) 429—5313 e Fax: (202) 775—3526

                                                          February 5, 2007

                                Ex Parte Communication

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                            £
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission                     .
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20445
                                                                     [          Ications Commisgion
                                                                     Viffice of the Secretary
       Re:     SAT—STA—20061107—00131

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On February 2, 2007, Jane Mago, David Layer and the undersigned of the
National Association of Broadcasters ("NAB"), and Frank R. Jazzo of Fletcher, Heald &
Hildreth, on behalf of the Alaska Broadcasters Association, met with the following
members of the Commission‘s staff to discuss the above—captioned application for
Special Temporary Authority ("STA"): Rosalee Chiara, Robert Nelson, Kathryn Berthot,
Shabnam Javid, Stephen Duall, Bruce Romano, and Ira Keltz.

         Specifically, the parties discussed Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.‘s request for STA
approval to provide service in Alaska and Hawaii. We addressed whether Sirius‘ use of
terrestrial repeaters in these circumstances is permissible under the Commission‘s
regulatory regime governing satellite radio terrestrial repeaters. The attached map from
Sirius‘ application to launch Sirius FM—5 was distributed at this meeting.‘

       Please direct any questions concerning this matter to the undersigned.

                                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                                           NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
                                                           1771 N Street, NW.
                                                           Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                           Tel: (202) 429—5430

                                                            _A                            a.          WEA
                                                           Larry Walke

! SAT—LOA—20060901—00096.

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, Patricia Jones, hereby certify that I have caused copies of the foregoing Ex Parte
Communication, to be served via U.S. Mail on this 5°" day of February 2007, on the
following parties listed below:

Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.
121 Avenue of the Americas
36"" Floor
New York, NY 10020

Mr. James S. Blitz
XM Radio, Inc.
1500 Eckington Place, NE
Washington, DC 20002

                Figure A.2—1 ~ Elevation Angles from the I6°W.L. Orbital Location

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                                                        West Longitude (degrees)


 The Sirius FM—5 satellite will provide DARSbroadcast service to receiving terminals located in the
 broadcast service area. The DARS service beam coverage is provided by a single 9m unfurlable
 mesh satellite antenna with a shaped subreflector. Section A.5 provides further details of the
 DARS broadcast antenna beam.

 The Sitius FM—5 X—band feeder link coverage can originate in a portion of central and eastern
 CONUS between New York, Denver, Northern Texas and Northern Florida. A single feeder link
_spot beam is used provided by a 1.2m shaped receive antenna onthe satellite. Section A.6 provides
 further details of the feeder link antenna beam.                                                         O

Document Created: 2007-02-08 14:09:05
Document Modified: 2007-02-08 14:09:05

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