Attachment pet to deny

pet to deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by Mt Wilson FM Broadcasters Inc.

pet to deny


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061107-00131 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 BEFORE THE
                                          WASHINGTON DC 20554

In re Application of

SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO, INC.                                    )
                                                                )        File No. SAT—STA—20061107—00131
For Special Temporary Authority to Operate                      )
Four SDARS Terrestrial Repeaters in                             )
Alaska and Hawaii                                               )
To: Office of the Secretary                                                                          _
         Attention: Chief, International Bureau                                               JAN        5 2007
                                                                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                             PETITION TO DENY                                Office of the Secretary
         Mt. Wilson FM Broadcasters, Inc. ("Petitioner"), licensee of FM Broadcast Station

KMZT—FM, 105.1 MHz, Los Angeles, California (Facility ID 43939)‘, by its attorneys and

pursuant to Section 1.939 of the Commission‘s Rules, hereby petitions to deny the above—

captioned application of Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. ("Applicant") for special temporary authority

("STA") to operate four Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS") terrestrial repeaters in

Alaska and Hawaii. In support thereof the following is set forth."

         Applicant provides a national digital audio program service via satellite transmissions as

augmented, pursuant to STA (Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 16773 (2001)), by hundreds

of terrestrial repeaters to overcome the effects of satellite signal blockage and multipath

interference which occurs when radio waves bounce off buildings, hills, or other obstacles and

the radiowaves reach the receiver at different times, causing interference; Petitioner provides a

terrestrial digital audio program service in the Los Angeles, California radio market.

‘ Station KMZT—FM transmits both digital and audio signals using the iBiquity hybrid in—band, on—channel (IBOC)
* This Application has not yet been placed on Public Notice and, accordingly, this petition is timely filed.

Accordingly, Applicant and Petitioner are competing digital audio program distributors in the

Los Angeles, California area. Moreover, as will be shown below, Commission action herein

raises public interest concerns as to the very nature of the digital audio services provided by

Applicant in competition with Applicant. Thus, Petitioner submits that it is an interested party in

the instant matter and has standing to file this petition.

        Applicant seeks authority in the instant application to use terrestrial repeaters in Alaska

and Hawaii, not primarily for the purpose of augmenting its satellite service in those states, but,

rather, because Applicant essentially does not and cannot provide satellite service in those states

(Applicant‘s satellites are focused over the continental United States and do serve Alaska and

Hawaii through the use of spot beams); thus, with respect to Alaska and Hawaii, Applicant

proposes to primarily, if not wholly, provide a statewide terrestrial digital audio radio service in

lieu of a satellite digital audio radio service.

        In its Report and Order Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed

Rulemaking establishing SDARS, the Commission stated that it "proposed to prohibit the

operation of terrestrial gap—filers [i.e., repeaters to overcome the effects of signal blockage and

multipath interference] except in conjunction with an operating satellite DARS system to ensure

its complementary nature and so that there would be no transformation of satellite DARS into an

independent terrestrial DARS network." 12 FCC Red 5754, 5811 (1997).                    Indeed, in

subsequently authorizing Applicant to utilize terrestrial repeaters on an interim STA basis

pending adoption of final rules, the Commission conditioned such authorization so as to provide

that "SDARS repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete

programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS

subscriber‘s [sic] receivers." 16 FCC Red at 16779.

       Because Alaska and Hawaii are primarily or wholly outside of the footprint of its

satellite, Applicant has few if any subscribers in those states, not because of the effects of

satellite signal blockage or multipath interference within areas of those states, but because

Applicant effectively has no satellite signal in those states. Thus, the purpose of the requested

terrestrial repeaters is not to provide complementary SDARS fill—in service, but, rather, to

provide initial DARS programming via terrestrial repeaters separate and independent of any

direct reception of Applicant‘s satellite signal.

       Petitioner submits that the proposed terrestrial repeater facilities requested by Applicant

are inconsistent with the complementary terrestrial repeater network facilities previously and

conditionally authorized by the Commission and, therefore, Petitioner submits that the above—

captioned application for STA must be summarily denied.

                                               Respectfully submitted

                                               MT. WILSON FM BROADCASTERS, INC.

                                               _ ohaRobert B. Jacobi
                                                    Richard A. Helmick

                                               COHN AND MARKS LLP
                                               1920 N Street, N.W.
                                               Suite 300
                                               Washington, D.C. 20036
                                               (202) 293—3860

                                               Its Counsel

January 5, 2007

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Monica King, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petition to
Deny was sent by first—class postage prepaid mail this 5 day of January 2007 to the following:

                      Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly
                      Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.
                      1221 Avenue of the Americas
                      36"" Floor
                      New York, NY 10020

                                                        mum(“ /Q
                                                     Monica King

Document Created: 2007-01-09 19:08:25
Document Modified: 2007-01-09 19:08:25

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