Attachment DA 07-4482

DA 07-4482

ORDER submitted by IB, FCC

DA 07-4482


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061102-00128 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                    DA 07-4482

                                               Before the
                                    Federal Communications Commission
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matters of                                               )
Intelsat North America LLC                                      )        File No. SAT-STA-20061102-00128
                                                                )        Call Sign: S2392
Application for Special Temporary Authority                     )
Concerning the Relocation of Intelsat 601 to the                )
47.5º W.L. Orbital Location                                     )


Adopted: October 31, 2007                                       Released: October 31, 2007

By the Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau:

          1.     In this Order, we grant the request for special temporary authority filed by Intelsat North
America LLC (Intelsat) insofar as it seeks authority to transfer control of Intelsat 601 to Europe*Star
Gesellschaft Fur Satellitenkommunikation mbH (Europe*Star)1 in connection with the operation of the
satellite at the 47.5º E.L. orbital location, where it would operate under authorization of Germany’s
Bundesnetzagentur fur Elektrizitat, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA). We
previously authorized tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) operations necessary to relocate Intelsat
601 to the 47.5º E.L. orbital location, but reserved for later action a decision on any change in the status
of the United States as the Internantional Telecommunication Union (ITU) notifying administration
associated with this satellite. By this action we conclude that transfer of control of the Intelsat 601 space
station to Europe*Star, and operations pursuant to the BNetzA authorization, would serve the public

        2.      Intelsat filed its application for special temporary authority on November 2, 2006. In a
letter dated January 5, 2007, the International Bureau, Satellite Division, requested additional
information. Intelsat responsed on January 22, 2007. The application was placed on public notice on
January 26, 2007,2 and no comments were received. On June 6, July 2, July 11, and September 12, 2007,
Intelsat submitted additional supporting information, including information concerning regulatory
developments related to its proposed operations. On September 27, 2007, we authorized TT&C
operations necessary to relocate the satellite from its licensed location at at the 63.65º E.L. orbital

        3.      Intelsat anticipates that the Intelsat 601 satellite will be able to operate in inclined orbit at
the 47.5º E.L. orbital location until 2011. Operations at the location would make additional capacity
available for Intelsat and its customers, including U.S. customers. Information Intelsat submitted
indicates that German filings at the ITU, which would be used in connection with Intelsat 601’s

  Europe*Star is 51 percent owned by PanAmSat Europe Corporation, a Delaware company that is wholly owned by
Intelsat Corporation (f/k/a PanAmSat Corporation).
    Report No. SAT-00415.
  Intelsat 601 was operated at the 63.65º E.L. orbital location in conjunction with the Intelsat 906 satellite, licensed
at the 64.15º E.L. Operations of this satellite are unaffected by this action, and, accordingly, there is no impact on
the Intelsat “Common Heritage” at the 64º E.L. orbital location, nor does this matter implicate Section 644(b) of the

                                 Federal Communications Commission                              DA 07-4482

operations, are at an advanced stage of coordination. Given the limited and relatively short term
operations of the satellite, we conclude that pursuit of a U.S. ITU filing for its operations at this location
would be unnecessarily duplicative of coordination efforts already undertaken. We therefore conclude
that a favorable action on Intelsat’s request is in the public interest.

        4.      We have exchanged letters with BNetzA in order to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding regarding the operation of the Intelsat 601 satellite. The understandings, and the factual
background for these understandings, are provided as Annex A and are material considerations for the
authorization contained in this Order.

        5.      Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, that Intelsat North America LLC’s application, File No.
SAT-STA-20061102-00128 (Call Sign S2392), IS GRANTED, and Intelsat North America LLC is
authorized to transfer control of Intelsat 601 to Europe*Star Gesellschaft Fur Satellitenkommunikation
mbH, effective upon release of this Order.

        6.       IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that Intelsat North America LLC’s authorization for
operation of Intelsat 601 at the 63.65º E.L. orbital location, IS TERMINATED, effective upon completion
of maneuvers required to place the satellite at the 47.5º E.L. orbital location. Intelsat North America LLC
shall notify the FCC of completion of such maneuvers through an entry in the International Bureau Filing
System, tendering its license for surrender, with two business days after completion of such maneuvers.

          7.    This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R.

                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                          Robert G. Nelson
                                          Chief, Satellite Division
                                          International Bureau


                                Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau

                                                     October 29, 2007

      Christina Gandyra
      Bundesnetzagentur fur Elektrizitat, Gas,
      Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
      Referat 223a
      Canisiusstr. 21
      D—55122 Mainz

                Re:    Operations of the INTELSAT 601 Space Station

      Dear Mr. Heutmann:

                This letter is to confirm the informal understandings of the Bundesnetzagentur fur
      Elektrizitat, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA) and the Federal
      Communications Commission (FCC) concerning certain issues involved in the operation
      of a geostationary satellite known as INTELSAT 601 by Intelsat North America LLC
      (Intelsat) and Europe*Star Gesellschaft Fur Satellitenkommunikation mbH


              Intelsat is authorized by the FCC to operate the INTELSAT 601 space station in
      the C—band (5850—6425 MHz and 3625 — 4200 MHz), and Ku—band (14.0—14.5 GHz,
      10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7 GHz) frequencies at the 63.65° E.L. orbital location. Intelsat
      plans to move the INTELSAT 601 satellite from 63.65° E.L. to 47.5° E.L., where it will
      operate under authorization issued by BNetzA to Europe*Star. The authorization includes
      conditions to provide for removal at end—of—life of the INTELSAT 601 spacecraft to an
      orbit consistent with ITU Recommendation S.1003—1, Environmental Protection of the
      Geostationary—Satellite Orbit.

              On September 27, 2007, the FCC granted Intelsat authority to conduct TT&C
      operations of the INTELSAT 601 space station as it drifts from the 63.65° E.L. orbital
      location to the 47.5° E.L. orbital location. The September 27 FCC action reserved
      judgment on Intelsat‘s request insofar as it sought approval to modify the Notifying

Christina Gandyra
October 29, 2007
Page 2

Administration for Intelsat 601. Intelsat plans to keep the INTELSAT 601 satellite at the
47.5° E.L. orbital location until it is de—orbited at the end of its useful life.

Informal Understandings between the BNetzA and the FCC on certain technical
issues concerning operation of INTELSAT 601

        It is my understanding that our agencies have concurred on the following
technical issues concerning the operation of INTELSAT 601:

  1.   Until completion of maneuvers to station the INTELSAT 601 satellite at the 47.5°
       E.L. orbital location and approval by the FCC to change the Notifying
       Administration associate with the Intelsat 601 satellite, it will operate subject to
       FCC authority.

  2.   Upon approval by the FCC of the change in the Notifying Administration of the
       Intelsat 601 satellite, and upon completion of maneuvers necessary to station the
       INTELSAT 601 satellite at the 47.5° E.L. orbital location, and thereafter, the
       INTELSAT 601 satellite will operate subject to the BNetzA‘s authority. BNetzA
       will thereafter have responsibility for compliance with the ITU Radio Regulations
       (including the requirement for licensing as specified in Article 18.1 of the Radio
       Regulations, and any applicable agreement—seeking procedures) in connection
       with operation of the INTELSAT 601 satellite.

       The informal understandings set forth in this letter concerning operation of the
INTELSAT 601 satellite do not constitute a concurrence by the United States
Administration with any filings made to the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau in
connection with the operations of the INTELSAT 601 spacecraft.

       Finally, all notices, inquiries, and correspondence from BNetzA concerning these
matters should be directed to the Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau (phone
number 202.418—0719) (e—mail:, with a copy to, on the part of the FCC. The FCC will forward all notices,
inquiries, and correspondence concerning these matters to the Ms. Christina Gandyra,
Bundesnetzagentur fur Elektrizitat, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
(phone number +49 61 31 18 31 99) (e—mail on the part
of BNetzA. Please let us know if this address and phone number subsequently change.

Christina Gandyra
October 29, 2007
Page 3

       If the foregoing corresponds to your understanding of the informal arrangements
concerning the various technical issues involved in the operation of the INTELSAT 601
space station, please confirm by return letter. Thank you.


                                           Robert G. Nelson
                                           Satellite Division

go:      Susan H. Crandall
         Assistant General Counsel
         Intelsat Corporation


 Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  Bundesnetzagentur « Postfach 80 01 « D—55003 Mainz

 Mr. Robert Nelson
 Chief, Satellite Division
 International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12"" Street SW,
 Washington, DC 20554

 lhr Zeichen, Ihre Nachricht vomn                Mein Zeichen, meine Nachricht vom         % +49 61 31                      Mainz
 Votre référence, votre lettre du                Ma référence, ma lettre du
 Your reference, your letter of                  My reference, my letter of
 October 29, 2007                                223a (5980)                               18—31 99                         31.10.07

 Re:        Operations of the Intelsat 601 Space Station

 Dear Mr. Nelson,

We are in receipt of your letter dated 29" October 2007, in which you set forth the informal
understanding of the Bundesnetzagentur fur Elektrizitat, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und
Eisenbahnen ("BNetzA") and the Federal Communications Commission (°FCC") with respect to
the operation of the geostationary satellite known as Intelsat 601 by Intelsat North America LLC
("Intelsat") and Europe*Star Geselischaft fur Sateilitenkommunikation mbH ("Europe*Star").

BNetzA hereby informs you that it agrees with the informal understanding as described in your
letter of 29°" October.                                    -

Specifically, BNetzA agrees that:

   1.       Until completion of manoeuvres to station the INTELSAT 601 satellite at the 47.5° E.L.
            orbital location and the given approval by the Federal Communications Commission, it
            will operate subject to FCC authority.

   2.       Upon completion of manceuvres necessary to station the INTELSAT 601 satellite at the
            47.5° E.L. orbital location, and thereafter, the INTELSAT 601 satellite will operate subject
            to the BNetzA‘s authority. BNetzA will thereafter have responsibility for compliance with
            the necessarily ITU Radio Regulations in connection with operation of the E*S 47.5E
            satellite (INTELSAT 601).

With respect to notices, inquiries, and correspondence between our two agencies with regard to
this matter, we take note of the contact information for the FCC and confirm the corresponding
contact information for BNetzA.

Bundesnetzagentur flir           Telefax Bonn          E—Mail                           Kontoverbindung                  Dienstgebaude
Elektrizitat, Gas,               +49 228 14—88 72             Adresse bancaire                 Bureau IOffice
Telekommunikation, Post und                            Internet                         Banking connection               Canisiusstr. 21
Eisenbahnen                                            http:/   Bundeskasse Trier                D—55122 Mainz
                                                                                        BBk Saarbriicken                 Telefax Mainz
Behordensitz/Siége/Seat                                        .                        BIC: MARKDEF 1590                +49 61 31 18—56 00
Bonn                                                                                    IBAN:
Tulpenfeld 4                                                                            DE 81 590 000 00 00 590 010 20
D—53113 Bonn
® +49 228 14—0

We appreciate your assistance with this matter.

       L     +                                          Co: Ms. Beatrix von Wietersheim,
  (Lathua ge«o\/@q                                      Europe*Star
Christina Gandyra
Section 223, Frequency Management Department, Federal
Network Agency, Mainz
By direction of the President

Document Created: 2019-04-21 11:38:13
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 11:38:13

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