Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061013-00121 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau                           February 6,2007

        The Hon. Todd Platts
        2209 East Market Street
        York, PA 17402

       Dear Representative Platts:

               This letter is in response to your letter on behalf of your constituent, Mr. Keith
       McCracken, requesting information about the status of certain applications filed by Sirius
       Satellite Radio Inc. (Sirius).

               As noted by Mr. McCracken, Sirius filed two applications on October 13,2006, in
       which Sirius notified the Commission that eleven ground-based stations (“repeaters”) had
       been operating at locations with technical parameters Merent Erom those authorized by
       the Commission. Two of these repeaters are located in Pennsylvania: one in Harrisburg,
       the other in Phladelphia. Sirius informed the Commission that these eleven repeaters,
       including the two in Pennsylvania, are no longer operating. In the same applications,
       Sirius requested authority from the Commission to resume operation of these eleven
       repeaters. Other entities have opposed Sirius’ applications and have expressed concern
       that the operation of the repeaters could pose a risk of interference to wireless licensees in
       neighboring spectrum bands.

               Commission staff is actively reviewing the two applications and the related
       filings. Please be assured that the Commission plans to take action as expeditiously as
       possible on these applications, taking into account the complex technical and legal issues
       raised by them.

               A copy of this letter and related correspondence will be included in the public file
       of the two applications (file numbers SAT-STA-20061013-00121        and SAT-STA-

                 Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance in this matter.

                                               Helen Domenici
                                               International Bureau

                                .- -,
    7‘7 ’-..



   Facsimile Transmission

   York County District Office
   2209 East Market Street                           Phone: (717) 600-1919
   York, PA 17402                                    F a : (717) 757-5001

   F A X # -3_n%.           d    L   p,-zlF-c7c

FROM:              Congessman Todd Plsltts                        Neil Haxrold

                   Carol Wiest                       -    d         y Markey

                   Bob Reilly                                     Julie Price

          -        Lisa Flanagan                                  Donna Austin

                   Mary Weaver                       --

   PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): -7

                                                                                                  NO.   693          F.   2
   TODD RUSSELL PLATTS                                                                     TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                                                 EDUCATION AND THE WORKFORCE

1632LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING                                                                     GOVERNMENT REFORM
                                                                                               CMAIRMAN. SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT
       W A S H I N G T O N , DC 20515                                                          MANAGBMENT, FlNANCE, AND ACCOUNTABICW

         TELEPHONE: (202) 225-5896                                                                REPUBLICAN POLICY C O M M I T E E
            FAX. (202) 22ElOOO

                                     congrees: of tbe rntrittb states
                                                                January 4,2007

        Ms. Diane Atkinson
        Congressional Liaison Specialist
        Federal Communications Commission
        Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental.Affairs
        445 12th Street, SW
        Suite 8C432
        Washington, D.C. 20554

         Dear Ms. Atkinson:

                 Enclosed i s correspondence I have received fkoin my --onstit ent, Mr. Keith McCracken,
         concerning his problem with a FCC tower. Please extend to Mr. Keith McCracken a complete
         and fair review of this case.
                If additional information is needed, please contact my Staff Assistant, Ray Markey, at
         (717) 600-1919, or via fax at (717) 757-5100. Written replies should be mailed to Congressman
         Todd R. Platts, 2209 East Market Street, York, Pa. 17402. Thank you for your time and
         consideration. I look forward to your response.

                                                                 Member of Congress
                                                                 19'h District, Pennsylvania

   22 CHAMEERSEURG STREET                         69 WEST LOUTHER STREET                                    2209 EAST MARKETSTREET
     GE7TYSBURG. PA 17915                             CARLISLE, PA 17019                                           YORK, PA 17402
   TELEPHONE: (717) 33%1919                       TELEPHONE: (717) 24W780                                     TELEPHONE: (777) 600-1919
      FAX; (717) 934-6311                             FAX: (7171 2184190                                         FAX (717) 757-6001
                                                 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

                             View f:\asp\qng\emai1~objects\200701\1\13154735a.txt

From:         Wcb forms>
Date;         1/3/2007 3:36:16 DM
To :
Subject:      IMA MAIL ON WEB.OfHER

Mr. Plms. I have had a problcm and I was wondering if $here was anything you could do about ir. I am a Sirius Satellite Radio
subscriber. I listen to this scrvice mostly while I am a work. Since I work in a office building and sm not near a window. I rely on what
is called a terrestrial repeater in order LO gct a signal while indoors. On approximately October 13,2006!I could no longer gct a signal
while at the office. I wili spare you many of the details of what I have gonc through trying to get information about his problem, rather
I will try to summarizc what I know. The most recent information I have received comes from the President of Sirius, Mr. James
Mcyer. He left me a voice mail aficr I obtained his email address. His voice mail indicated that Sirius had done an intcrnal audit which
rcvealed approximarely 11 repeaters that were not in coinopliance with the FCC Liccnse. Onc o'f thesc rcpeaters was the one in rhe
Hurisburg area. So Sirius shut the
repeater down while awaiting approval from the FCC to turn it back on. Mr. Meyer also stated to me chat thc ONLY problem with the
Harrisburg area repeater that caused Sirius to shut it down is that i t is currently located about a iiiile froin what was listed on the FCC
permit. Apparently, politics has taken ovcr from rhis point because it shouldn't tnke three months IO resolve this, should it?? Maybe Mr.
Meyer is nor rclaying the whole trurh, but ir still seems to me that getring this repeatcr turned b x k on should be much easicr. I don't
know if there is mything you can do to help further a rcsoludon to this, but 1 would certainly appreciatc it if you could. I don't know
what else to do at this point.

--      Original Formaned bkWige Starts Here ====

q4DDRIs320 Eraddock Drive</ADDRl>
cCITY>Eners<lCITY>     .
<PHOiVE>7 17-979-1915<PHONE>
+iSG>Mr. Plarrs. I have had a problem and 1 was wondering if there was anything you could do about it. 1 am a Sirius Satellite Radio
subscriber. I listen to this service mostly whilc I om a work. Since I work in a office building md am not near a window: I rely on whar
is called a terrestrial repeatcr. in ordcr to get a signal while indoors. On approximately October 13,2006. 1 could no longer get a signal
while at the offtcc. I will spare you many ofthe d c t d s of what 1 have gone through trying to get information about chis problcm, m\her
I will try to summvize whar I know. Thc most recent information I have received comes from the President of Sirius, Mr. James
Mcyer. Hc left me a voice mail after I obtained his crnail addrcss. His voice mail indicated that Sirius had done M inteinal audir which
revealed approximarely 1 1 repeaters that were not in comoplimce with the FCC License. Ope o f these repcaters was the one in the
Harrisburg arca. So Sirius shut the
repcster down while awaiting approval from the FCC to rum it back on. Mr. Mcyer also stated ro me the1 tlic ONLY problem with the
Harrisburg area rcpeater that causcd Sirius to shut it down is thar ir is currently locared nbour a mile from what was listed on the FCC
permit. Apparently, politics has taken ovcr from this point because it shouldn't rake three months to resolve this, should it?? Maybe Mr.
Mcyer is not relaying the whole rruth. but it still secins to me thar getting this rcpeater turned back on should be much casier. I don't
know if there is mything you can do to help further a resolution to this, but I would certainly appreciate it it you could. I don't know
 what else 10 do at [his point. <IMSG>

                                   V i e w f \asp\qng\emni1~ob]octs\200701 I1I13154735a.~xr RMARKEY

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             <ECE:VED                J A N . 4,    4:29PM                         F R I N T TIME JAN. 4. 5 : 2 9 F M

Document Created: 2007-03-26 12:57:02
Document Modified: 2007-03-26 12:57:02

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