Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20061013-00119 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                             EX PARTE OR LATE FILED

HARRIS,                                                                            1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                                   WASHINGTON, DC 20036

WILTSHIRE &                                                                        Tel 202.730.1300 rax 202.730.1301

                                                                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

 3 November 2006                                         NoV —3 2006

 Ex Parte                                                Office af the Secretary

 Ms. Marlene Dortch
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12"" Street, S.W.
 Washington, DC 20554

 Re:      Requestfor Special Temporary Authorityfor 30 days; SAT—STA—20061002—00114
          Requestfor Special Temporary Authorityfor 180 days; SAT—STA—20061013—00119

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

 On 2 November 2006, undersigned counsel representing XM Satellite Radio met with Emily
 Willeford, advisor to Chairman Martin, in connection with the above—noted requests for STAs.
 In this meeting, I asked that the Commussion promptly grant XM‘s request for a thirty—day STA
 and put its request for a 180—day STA on public notice. More specifically, I noted the following:

 1. While there are many variances between the XM repeater network "as built" and the existing
    STAs, the network is smaller, less powerful and causes less potential interference than what
    the FCC authorized. For example, XM was authorized to build almost 1200 repeaters — yet it
    built only about 800. Similarly, XM was authorized to build over 100 high—power repeaters,
    yet it built a relative handful; predominantly building low—power repeaters instead. In
    addition, many of the "variances" arose because XM decided to use sectorized antennas
    instead of omni—directional antennas, and (all else being equal) sectorized antennas generally
    have less interference potential than omni—directional antennas.

 2. Granting the 30—day STA will restore robust service to tens of thousands of consumers whose
    service on a number of major roadways has been degraded by the remedial actions XM has
    taken to reduce the number of variances while the STA requests are pending. It will also
    assure that XM can provide robust service to a/l/ of its seven million consumers while the
    180—day STA and the final rules for SOARS repeater networks are being considered by the

 3. The XM repeater network "as built" has not caused a single case ofknown interference and
    granting the 30—day STA will cause no interference to anyone.

4. Granting the 30—day STA would be entirely without prejudice to the ongoing rulemaking on
   the final rules for SDARS repeater networks or the ongoing negotiations between SDARS
   operators and WCS licensees.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this filing.

                                             Sincerely yours,

                                          ~Sesu \\A?.e.%
                                             Scott Blake Harris
                                             Counsel to XM Satellite Radio

Co: Emily Willeford

Document Created: 2006-11-08 11:08:55
Document Modified: 2006-11-08 11:08:55

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