Attachment Grant Stamp

Grant Stamp

DECISION submitted by IB,FCC

pdf file of grant stamped applications with attached conditions


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060921-00108 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                      Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Sep 2 1 2006 5:25:40:000PM
File Number: SAT-STA-2006092 1-00108
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

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AMC-16 STA Request regarding Ka Band
I . Applicant

            Name:        SES Americom, Inc.                 Phone Number:      609-987-4000x4187
            DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:        609-987-4233
            Street:      4 Research Way                     E-Mail:            nancy.eskenazi@ses-americom.

            City:        Princeton                          State:             NJ
            Country:      USA                               Zipcode:           08540      -

            Attention:   Ms. Nancy J. Eskenazi


                               File No. SAT-STA-20060921-00108

               SES Americom, I n c h request, File No. SAT-STA-2006092 1-00108, IS
GRANTED and SES Americom, Inc. ("SES") IS AUTHORIZED, for a period of 60 days,
ending November 21, 2006, to operate the AMC-16 satellite in the 18.6-18.8A9.7-20.2 GHz
(space-to-Earth) and 28.4-28.6/29.5-30.0 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands (the "Ka-Band
payload") at the 118.75' W.L. orbital location, and to conduct any space station Telemetry
Tracking and Control operations necessary to effect those operations, subject to the following

        1. All operations shall be on an unprotected and non-harmful interference basis, i.e.,
SES shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from interference
caused to it by, any other lawfully operating station.

        2. In the event of any harmful interference as a result of SES's operations at the 118.75"
W.L. orbital location, SES shall cease operations immediately upon notification of such
interference and shall inform the FCC, in writing, immediately of such an event.

         3. SES shall inform its customers that operations at the 118.75" W.L. orbital location are
on a non-harmful interference basis and that SES must cease operations upon notification of such

         4. SES shall maintain h l l operational control of the Ka-Band payload on AMC-16 at all

         5. This authorization is issued on the express understanding that, to the extent SES, and
its affiliated companies, pursuant to any arrangement with Telesat Canada, and its affiliated
companies, will conform its operations to any parameters agreed to in coordination agreements
between the Administration of Canada and other Administrations, responsibility for both
compliance with and enforcing compliance with those arrangements and agreements is a matter
which would arise under private law.

        6. This authorization is issued with the understanding that this grant is not an approval
of any specific arrangement entered into by SES, its subsidiaries, and affiliates, nor of any
specific provision of any such arrangement, concerning operation of the AMC- 16 satellite, nor is
it an approval of an arrangement/agreement concerning any related matter, nor of any specific
provision of any such arrangement/agreement concerning any related matter.

      7. In connection with the provision of service in any particular country, SES is obliged
to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing procedures of that country.

         8. This authorization is issued with the understanding that the United States remains the
licensing administration of AMC- 16 Ka-Band payload for purposes of ITU Radio Regulation
18.1 unless and until the FCC expressly approves a transfer of responsibility to another licensing
administration, and that operations of the AMC-16 Ka-Band payload while the FCC remains the
licensing administration are pursuant to ITU Radio Regulation 4.4. Such approval would be
addressed in connection with an application, filed by SES, seeking such action.

         9. This authorization is issued with the understanding that with respect to its filings with
the ITU for the 118.7" W.L. orbital location, the Administration of Canada is not acting pursuant

                              File No. SAT-STA-20060921-00108
to Article 9 of the Radio Regulations on behalf of the United States Administration.

       10. This authorization is issued with the understanding that this grant does not in any way
express a view concerning, or agreement as to, the validity or lack of validity of any ITU filing at
or within the vicinity of the 118.7” W.L. orbital location.

        11. SES shall prepare and submit to the Federal Communications Commission, within
fifteen days following release of this Order, materials for submission to the ITU, pursuant to
Article 8.4 of the Radio Regulations, in connection with the operations of the AMC- 16 Ka-Band
payload at the 118.75” W.L. orbital location.

         12. Grant of this authorization does not convey to SES any authority to operate a
replacement space station at the 118.75’ W.L. orbital location or any priority in the United States
satellite licensing process relative to applications for authority to operate a regularly authorized
satellite at this orbital position.

       13. Grant of this authority is without prejudice to action on any request by SES to modify
the terms of the authorizations issued in DA 06-757 (released April 7, 2006). Grant of this
authorization does not constitute an authorization pursuant to Section 25.16 1(c) of the Rules,
concerning automatic termination of license.

       14. SES must coordinate the AMC-16 Ka-band payload’s downlink operations with the
U.S. Government in accordance with footnote US334 to the Table of Frequency Allocations, 47
C.F.R.5 2.106.

        15. The power flux-density across the 200 MHz band 18.6- 18.8 GHz produced at the
surface of the Earth by emissions from the AMC- 16 Ka-Band payload under assumed free-space
propagation conditions shall not exceed -95dB(W/m2) for all angles of arrival. This limit may be
exceeded by up to 3dB for no more than 5% of the time.
        16. The power flux-density in the bands 18.3-18.8 and 19.7-20.2 GHz produced at the
surface of the Earth by emissions from the AMC-16 Ka-Band payload must be consistent with
the requirements of 47 C.F.R. $5 25.138(a)(6) and 25.208.

        17. This authorization is not one relating to an “activity of a continuing nature” for
purposes of Section 1.62 of the Commission’s rules and Section 558(c) of the Administrative
Procedure Act. Continuation of operations beyond the 60 day term of this authorization will
require prior affirmative authorization by the FCC .


2. Contact

             Name:          Karis A. Hastings, Esq.              Phone Number:                       2026375767
             Company:       Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.               Fax Number:                         2026375910
             Street:         555 Thirteenth Street, NW           E-Mail:                   

             City:          Washington                           State:                              DC
             Country:        USA                                 Zipcode:                            20004         -1109
             Attention:                                          Relationship:

  (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
  3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
     4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@     IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1 . 1 114).
0 Governmental Entity 0 Noncommercial educational licensee
0 Other(p1ease explain):
4b. Fee Classification     CRY - Space Station (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

    0 Change Station Location                         0 Extend Expiration Date                      @   Other

~      ~      ~~~~     ~                                                                     ~~~~            ~~~

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                 7. LquestedExtended Expiration Date


3. Description       (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
            SES Americom, Inc. requests special temporary authority to activate A M C - 1 6 ’ s                                   Ka-band
            payload. See Attachment A.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject             Yes         0 No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 530 1 of the Anti-Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

~~      ~                                ~~~

10. Name of Person Signing
Nancy J. Eskenazi
12. Please supply any need attachments.
                                                                               T1 1.Title of Person Signing
                                                                                VP & Assoc. Gen. Counsel

     I Attachment 1: Attachment A                     I Attachment 2:                                    I Attachment 3:

                       (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section lOOl), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                        (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 3 12(a)(l)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).



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1,1995,44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                         )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                      )       FileNo. SAT-STA-
For Special Temporary Authority to Operate              >   *

the AMC-16 Ka-band Payload at 118.75’ W.L.              )


                        APPLICATION OF SES AMERICOM, INC.

               SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom”) hereby respectfully requests special

temporary authority for a period of up to sixty days to activate the Ka-band payload of the AMC-

16 spacecraft at 118.75’ W.L. pursuant to an amended agreement with Telesat Canada

(“Telesat”). Grant of the requested authority will serve the public interest by allowing efficient

use of spectrum and orbital resources to meet customer requirements for new Ka-band service in


               AMC- 16 is a geostationary KdKa-band hybrid satellite licensed by the

Commission to operate at 85” W.L.’ In April the International Bureau granted a modification of

SES Americom’s license for AMC- 16 to accommodate services contemplated pursuant to an

agreement between SES Americom, Telesat, and EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. (“EchoStar”).* The

AMC-16 Order authorized relocation of AMC- 16 to 118.75” W.L. for temporary operations

       See File Nos. SAT-MOD-20040227-00022 & SAT-RPL-20040227-00024, granted Sept.
2, 2004.
        SES Americom, Inc. and EchoStar Satellite L. L. C. Order and Authorization, DA 06-757
(Int’l Bur. rel. April 7, 2006) (“AMC-16 Order”).

under a license issued by Industry Canada to Telesat and return of AMC-16 to 85" W.L.

following the launch of Telesat's Anik F3 ~pacecraft.~
                                                     The Commission exchanged letters with

Industry Canada regarding the mutual understandings of the two administrations relating to

operation of AMC- 16 at 118.75" W.L.4

              The AMC-I 6 Order noted that the agreement among Telesat, EchoStar and SES

Americom applied only to use of the Ku-band payload of AMC-16 at 118.75" W.L., and the

license issued by Industry Canada to Telesat authorized only Ku-band operations at that location.

Id. at 77 2-3. Similarly, the exchange of letters between the Commission and Industry Canada

refers only to Ku-band operations of AMC-16 at 118.75" W.L.

              Recently, however, SES Americom, Telesat, and EchoStar amended their

agreement relating to AMC-16 operations at 118.75" W.L. to provide for use of the satellite's

Ka-band payload for service to Canada. SES Americom understands that Industry Canada has

asked the Commission to expand the exchange of letters relating to AMC- 16 to permit use of the

Ka-band payload of the satellite pursuant to Canadian authority on the same material terms as

currently govern Ku-band operation.

              Pending completion of the amended exchange of letters, SES Americom seeks

Commission authority to activate the Ka-band payload of AMC- 16 at 118.75" W.L. for use by

Telesat to provide service to Canada.5 SES Americom recognizes that until such time as the

exchange of letters is amended, the terms and conditions specified in the existing exchange of
        The AMC-16 Order required that AMC-16 be returned to 85" W.L. and recommence Ka-
band services there by December 3 1,2006 in order for SES Americom to retain its Ka-band
rights at that orbital location. Id. at 7 15. SES Americom will soon be filing a request for
extension of that deadline in light of the delay in the Anik F3 launch schedule.
       See id. at 7 10. A copy of the letters was attached as Annex A of the AMC-I 6 Order.
       AMC-16's Ka-band payload will not be used for U.S. service from 118.75" W.L.


letters reflecting the understandings of the Canadian and U.S. administrations would continue to

apply to operation of AMC- 16.

              Grant of the requested authority will serve the public interest by allowing

currently unused capacity to be activated to provide service to customers. Telesat had planned to

commence Ka-band services from the nominal 118.7" W.L. orbital location using Anik F3,

which is fully constructed and was scheduled for launch in the fourth quarter of 2006. However,

the launch of Anik F3 has been delayed due to circumstances beyond Telesat's control. The

ability to use AMC- 16 Ka-band capacity on an interim basis will allow Telesat to initiate new

services to customers notwithstanding the unforeseen delay in the Anik F3 launch schedule.

               Although initial service using AMC- 16's Ka-band payload will be limited to

Canadian operations, SES Americom understands that Telesat will be able to offer Ka-band

coverage over Anik F3 to parts of the U.S., subject to receipt of appropriate regulatory approval!

Grant of the authority requested here wil thus benefit U.S. customers by permitting Telesat to

begin Ka-band operations at the nominal 118.7" W.L. orbital location and to evaluate the Ka-

band service's technical and commercial characteristics, facilitating the subsequent introduction

of Ka-band service over Anik F3 to U.S. users.

               SES Americom understands that Telesat seeks to initiate its Ka-band services no

later than September 24, 2006, and has so advised the Commission. We request expedited action

on this request to accommodate Telesat' s service requirements.

        Telesat has already demonstrated its intention to use Anik F3's C- and Ku-band payloads
for service to the U.S. by filing a request to place those payloads on the Commission's Permitted
Space Station List. See File No. SAT-PPL-200605 16-00061. However, Ka-band services
cannot be authorized through the Permitted List. Accordingly, U.S. customers who seek to use
the Anik F3 Ka-band payload will need to request earth station authorizations allowing them to
communicate with Anik F3 in that band.


                  The proposed commencement of Ka-band services from AMC-16 at 118.75" W.L.

will not adversely affect any party. As noted above, AMC- 16 is currently in position at

1 18.75' W.L., but its Ka-band payload has been dark. There are currently no Ka-band satellites

operational within six degrees on either side of 1 18.75" W.L., and no new Ka-band operations

are expected to commence within that arc in the near fbture. In any event, AMC- 16 will be

operated consistent with existing coordination agreements entered into by Canada with respect to

Ka-band operations at the nominal 118.7" W.L. orbital location and will not interfere with any

authorized Ka-band satellites.

                  SES Americom hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a

denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988,21

U.S.C.   5 862.
                  SES Americom waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the

electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the

previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in

accordance with this application.


              For the foregoing reasons, SES Americom seeks temporary authority for a period

of up to 60 days to activate the Ka-band payload of AMC- 16 at 118.75' W.L. for use by Telesat

to serve Canada.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            SES Americom, Inc.

                                            By: /s/ Nancy J. Eskenazi
                                               Nancy J. Eskenazi
Of Counsel                                     Vice President and
Peter A. Rohrbach                                 Associate General Counsel
Karis A. Hastings                               SES Americom, Inc.
Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.                         Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004- 1109                   Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (202) 637-5600

Dated: September 2 1,2006


Document Created: 2006-09-22 18:23:05
Document Modified: 2006-09-22 18:23:05

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