Attachment GRANT

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060717-00075 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                   Approved by OMB
i                                                                                                                         3060-0678

    Date & Time Filed: Jul 17 2006 5:36:10:483PM
    File Number: SAT-STA-200607 17-00075
    Callsign: 3 2 3-77
                                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

i                                                                FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

    I                                                                                                                                 I
    Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
    STA to Relocate and Operate G-4R at 76.85 W.L.
        1. Applicant

                   Name:        PanAmSat Licensee Corp.             Phone Number:        202-944-7848
                   DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:          202-944-7860
                   Street:      3400 International Drive, N.W.      E-Mail:    

                   City:        Washington                          State:               DC
                   Country:     USA                                 Zipcode:             20008        -3006
                   Attention:   Ms Susan H Crandall



                                            Galaxy 4R
                                          Call Sign: S2377
                                          August 15,2006

PanAmSat Licensee Corporation's (PanAmSat) request, File No. SAT-STA-20060717-
00075, for Special Temporary Authority (STA),' to begin drifting the Galaxy 4R satellite
(Call Sign S2377) from its current location at 98.9" W.L.2 to 76.85" W.L. and tempodrily
operate at the 76.85" W.L. orbital location IS GRANTED. Accordingly PanAmSat is
authorized to operate the Galaxy 4R satellite's Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and
Monitoring (TTC&M) during the drift to the 76.85" W.L. orbital location and operate the
Galaxy 4R satellite in the C-band (3.7-4.2 GHz and 5.925-6.425 GHz) and the Ku-band
(1 1.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz) frequencies on a non-harmful interference basis at
the 76.85" W.L. orbital location, for a period of sixty days, in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this Attachment and
the Federal Communications Commission's (Commission) Rules.

1)       During the drift of the Galaxy 4R satellite from 98.9" W.L. to 76.85" W.L,
         PanAmSat shall not operate the communications payload on the satellite.

2)       PanAmSat shall coordinate all of its TTC&M operations with existing
         geostationary satellites to ensure that no unacceptable interference results from its
         TTC&M operations during its drift from 98.9" W.L. to 76.85" W.L.

3)       PanAmSat's temporary operations at the 76.85" W.L shall be on a non-harmful
         interference basis, i.e., PanAmSat shall not cause harmful interference to, and
         shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully
         operating satellite or radio communication system.

4)       Operations of the Galaxy 4R satellite shall cease immediately upon notification of
         such interference and PanAmSat shall inform the Commission in writing
         immediately of such an event.


  See PanAmSat Licensee Corporation's Request for Special Temporary Authority for Galaxy 4R. (File
No. SAT-STA-20060717-00075) (filed July 17,2006) ("PanAmSat Galaxy 4R STA Request"). PanAmSat
requests special temporary authority to drift the Galaxy 4R satellite from its current location at 99.0" W.L.
to 76.85" W.L. and temporarily operate at the 76.85" W.L. orbital location in order to fulfill a US
government customer's demand for capacity at that location.
  On July 27, 2006, the Satellite Division granted PanAmSat's request for Special Temporary Authority for
a period of 30 days, commencing on July 3 1,2006, in order to relocate the Galaxy 4R satellite from its
current location at 99.0" W.L. to 98.9" W.L. and to operate the satellite at the 98.9" W.L. orbital location for
the purposes of handing off communications traffic to its replacement satellite, Galaxy 16. Therefore as a
result of that grant, the Galaxy 4R satellite is currently operating at the 98.9" W.L. orbital location. See
PanAmSat Licensee Corporation's Request for Special Temporary Authority for Galaxy 4R. (File No.
SAT-STA-20060718-00077) (stamp grant with conditions granted on July 27,2006, DA 06-1590).

i                                                                                                             Approved by OMB

    Date & Time Filed: Jul 17 2006 5:36:10:483PM
    File Number: SAT-STA-200607 17-00075
    Callsign: 3 2 3-77
                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                              FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

    Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
    STA to Relocate and Operate G-4R at 76.85 W.L.
    1. Applicant

               Name:         PanAmSat Licensee Corp.             Phone Number:        202-944-7848
               DBA Name:                                         Fax Number:          202-944-7860
               Street:       3400 International Drive, N.W.      E-Mail:    

               City:         Washington                          State:               DC
               Country:       USA                                Zipcode:             20008       -.3006

               Attention:    Ms Susan H Crandall



                                              Galaxy 4R
                                            Call Sign: S2377
                                      SAT-STA-200607 17-00075
                                             August 15,2006

PanAmSat Licensee Corporation's (PanAmSat) request, File No. SAT-STA-20060717-
00075, for Special Temporary Authority (STA),' to begin drifting the Galaxy 4R satellite
(Call Sign S2377) from its current location at 98.9" W.L.* to 76.85" W.L. and ternporzkily
operate at the 76.85" W.L. orbital location IS GRANTED. Accordingly PanAmSat is
authorized to operate the Galaxy 4R satellite's Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and
Monitoring (TTC&M) during the drift to the 76.85' W.L. orbital location and operate the
Galaxy 4R satellite in the C-band (3.7-4.2 GHz and 5.925-6.425 GHz) and the Ku-band
(1 1.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0- 14.5 GHz) frequencies on a non-harmful interference basis at
the 76.85' W.L. orbital location, for a period of sixty days, in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this Attachment and
the Federal Communications Commission's (Commission) Rules.

         During the drift of the Galaxy 4R satellite from 98.9" W.L. to 76.85" W.L,
         PanAmSat shall not operate the communications payload on the satellite.

         PanAmSat shall coordinate all of its TTC&M operations with existing
         geostationary satellites to ensure that no unacceptable interference results from its
         TTC&M operations during its drift from 98.9" W.L. to 76.85" W.L.

         PanAmSat's temporary operations at the 76.85" W.L shall be on a non-harmful
         interference basis, i.e., PanAmSat shall not cause harmhl interference to, and
         shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully
         operating satellite or radio communication system.

         Operations of the Galaxy 4R satellite shall cease immediately upon notification of
         such interference and PanAmSat shall inform the Commission in writing
         immediately of such an event.

' See PanAmSat Licensee corporation's Request for Special Temporary Authority for Galaxy 4R.(File
No. SAT-STA-20060717-00075) (filed July 17,2006) ("PanAmSat Galaxy 4R STA Request"). PanAmSat
requests special temporary authority to drift the Galaxy 4R satellite from its current location at 99.0" W.L.
to 76.85" W.L. and temporarily operate at the 76.85" W.L. orbital location in order to hlfill a US
government customer's demand for capacity at that location.

  On July 27,2006, the Satellite Division granted PanAmSat's request for Special Temporary Authority for
a period of 30 days, commencing on July 3 1,2006, in order to relocate the Galaxy 4R satellite from its
current location at 99.0" W.L. to 98.9" W.L. and to operate the satellite at the 98.9" W.L. orbital location for
the purposes of handing off communications traffic to its replacement satellite, Galaxy 16. Therefore as a
result of that grant, the Galaxy 4R satellite is currently operating at the 98.9" W.L. orbital location. See
PanAmSat Licensee Corporation's Request for Special Temporary Authority for Galaxy 4R.(File No.
SAT-STA-20060718-00077) (stamp grant with conditions granted on July 27,2006, DA 06-1 590).

5)   Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this
     special temporary authority is solely at PanAmSat's own risk.

6)   This action does not convey to PanAmSat any authority to operate another
     satellite at the 76.85' W.L. orbital location or any priority in the U.S. application
     processing queue relative to applications for authority to operate a regularly
     authorized satellite at this orbital position in the C- and/or Ku-frequency bands.

7)   Grant of this special temporary authority is without prejudice to action on any
     request by either PanAmSat and/or Intelsat North America LLC to operate a
     satellite at the nominal 77" W.L. orbital location or other related matters. See
     IBFS File Nos. SAT-RPL-20041015-00201,SAT-AMD-20050621-00131, SAT-
     AMD-2005 1118-00237, SAT-AMD-20060407-00040, SAT-AMD-20060413-
     00045, SAT-MOD-2006-0407-00039,SAT-AMD-20060803-00084, and SAT-
     MOD-2006081 1-00087.

8)   PanAmSat is afforded thirty days from the date of this action to decline this
     authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute
     formal acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.

9)   This action is used pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission's rules on
     delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. 6 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
     reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section
     1.115 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. $6 1.106, 1.1 15, may be filed within
     30 days of the date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

Document Created: 2006-08-16 10:55:25
Document Modified: 2006-08-16 10:55:25

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