Attachment comments


COMMENT submitted by Eutelsat S.A.



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060628-00071 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


,   .I

                                                                                      STEFAN M. LOPATKIEWICZ
                                                                                                   (202) 442-3553
                                                                                              FAX (202) 442-3199

                                               July 7, 2006
    Marlene H. Dortch                                         JUL    -7    2006
    Federal Communications Commission                  gederal Communications Commission
    445 12th Street, N.W.                                       Mice of Secretq
    Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:    IS File Nos. SAT-STA-20060627-00070 and SA T-STA-20060628-00071;
                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Application for Special Temporary Authority
                 to Operate Ku-Band Payload on the PAS-9 Satellite at the 26.15' E.L.
                 Orbital Location

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Transmitted herewith, please find an original and four copies of Eutelsat S.A.'s
    Comments regarding the above-referenced request for STA by PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
    Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.

                                                  Sincerely yours,



    cc:   Karl Kensinger
          Andrea Kelly

                       DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP WWW.DORSEY.COM T 2 0 2 . 4 4 2 . 3 0 0 0 F 2 0 2 . 4 4 2 . 3 1 9 9
                       SUITE 4 0 0 NORTH 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. * WASHINGTON, D.C. 2 0 0 0 4 - 2 5 3 3
                                                                            USA     CANADA      EUROPE       ASIA

                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

PANAMSAT LICENSEE COW.                                      )
                                                            ) File Nos. SAT-STA-20060627-
                                                            )           00070
Application for Special Temporary Authority to              )           SAT-STA-20060628-
Operate Ku-Band Payload on the PAS-9 Satellite              )           0007 1
At the 26.15” E.L. Orbital Location                         )
To:    Chief, International Bureau

                              COMMENTS OF EUTELSAT S.A.

       Eutelsat S.A. (“Eutelsat”), by its undersigned counsel and in accordance with section

25.154 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CFR Q 25.154, hereby submits the following comments

on the application of Panamsat Licensee Corp. (“Panamsat”) for special temporary authority

(“STA”) to operate the Ku-band payload on its PAS-9 satellite at the 26.15” E.L. geostationary

orbital location. Before considering PanAmSat’s request, the Commission should require the

applicant to supplement its Engineering Statement in support of the application to consider the

EurobirdTM2 satellite presently operating at 25.8” E.L., as well as Eutelsat’s Hot BirdTM1

satellite, which will within 60 days be redeployed by Eutelsat from its current 13.0” E.L. position

to operate in the 25.5” E.L. orbital position.      Eutelsat also submits that Panamsat’s two

referenced STA requests to operate the Ku-band payload on PAS-9 should be treated as one and,

on that basis, should be placed on public notice before being considered for approval.


       By order dated August 26, 2004, the International Bureau granted Panamsat conditional

authority to operate the C-band communications payload and Ku-band telemetry, tracking and

command stations on the PAS-9 satellite at the 26.15’ E.L. orbital location (“PAS-9 C-Band

Order”).1     Although the United States has not submitted any relevant International

Telecommunications Union (ITU) filings for the orbital location, the Bureau determined that the

conditional authorization would serve the public interest because the satellite was previously

being used by Panamsat as an in-orbit spare and Panamsat had entered into an agreement to lease

the spacecraft’s C-band capacity to Arabsat. In issuing the PAS-9 C-Band Order, the Bureau

observed that the PAS-9 would be virtually co-located with Arabsat 2A and that the Saudi

Arabian administration had already coordinated use of C-band frequencies in a manner

consistent with Panamsat’s planned operations at the orbital position. The Bureau conditioned

its grant of authorization, inter alia, on Panamsat operating the satellite “on a non-harmful

interference basis,   d,Panamsat       may neither cause harmful interference to nor claim

interference protect ion from other lawfully operating stations .”2

       On June 27, 2006, Panamsat filed a request for STA to operate the Ku-band payload on

the PAS-9 satellite for a period not to exceed 30 days at the same 26.15’ E.L. location.3 The

applicant represented that it has an agreement for Arabsat to use such Ku-band capacity on an

interim basis until launch of the Arabsat 4B satellite. Almost immediately, on June 28, 2006,

   PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Order and Authorization, DA 04-2680, released August 26,2004.
   PanAmSat C-Band Order, 7 6.
   File No. SAT-STA-20060627-00070.


,   I.

    Panamsat filed a second application4 for extension of the 30-day STA, which has not yet been

    acted upon, for a period not to exceed an additional 180 days.

            In support of both the original request for STA and the rsquesl for extension, Pailanisat

    filed a consolidated Engineering Statement. As reflected in Exhibit 3 to that Engineering

    Statement, the applicant conducted an “Adjacent satellite link analysis” for several adjacent

    satellites located roughly within 2.5 degrees of the 26.15” E.L. orbital location. These adjacent

    satellites include the EurobirdTM 1 operated by Eutelsat. However, footnotes 1 and 2 of the

    Engineering Statement make clear that the applicant’s link analysis does not include Eutelsat’s

    EurobirdTM2 satellite, operated at the 25.8’ E.L. orbital location, only 0.35 degrees away from

    the PAS-9, because “Arabsat is coordinating the operation of PAS-9 and the EurobirdTM 2 with

    Eutelsat”. The request for STA (page 2) makes a similar assertion.

              Panamsat Must Conduct its Link Analysis with All of Eutelsat’s Satellites

            Until July 4, 2006, Arabsat leased from Eutelsat most of the Ku-band payload on the

    EurobirdTM2 satellite. Eutelsat has located its EUrobirdTM2 satellite at the 25.8” E.L. orbital

    location pursuant to this lease arrangement. Effective July 5, however, Arabsat’s lease with

    Eutelsat for all but six of the EurobirdTM2 Ku-band transponders terminated. Notwithstanding

    this fact, at Arabsat’s request, Eutelsat will retain its satellite at the 25.8” E.L. position until

    March 2007 in order to fulfill its contractual obligation to Arabsat for the remaining six Ku-band


            Eutelsat has leased the Ku-band capacity on the EurobirdTM2 satellite previously leased

    by Arabsat to other customers. Consequently, Panamsat’s assumption in its STA application and

    the supporting Engineering Statement that “interference free operation with respect to

         File No. SAT-STA-20060628-00071.

EurobirdTM2 at 25.8’ E.L. will be achieved by not allowing PAS-9 and EurobirdTM2 to operate

co-frequency on the same polarization"^ is incorrect. As a result, it is necessary for Panamsat to

supplement the analysis reflected in its Engineering Statement supportiiig its STA application

with an analysis showing how the PAS-9 satellite will be able to operate in the proposed Ku-

bands without causing harmful interference to operations on the EurobirdTM2 at the 25.8” E.L.

orbital location in the same frequency bands.6

       As recounted above, Panamsat’s authorization from the Commission to operate the C-

band payload of the PAS-9 satellite at the 26.15” E.L. location is conditioned on (1) Panamsat’s

operations being conducted “on a non-harmful interference basis” in relation to “any other

lawfully operating satellites;” (2) that “in the event of any harmful interference as a result of

PanAmSat’s operations at the 26.15’ E.L. orbital position, PanAmSat shall cease operations

immediately upon notification of such interference and shall inform the FCC in writing

immediately of such event;” and (3) “that PanAmSat shall inform its customers that operations at

the 26.15’ E.L. orbital location are on a non-harmful interference basis and that PanAmSat must

cease operations upon notification of such interference.”7 The Commission’s concern that

Panamsat operate on a non-harmful interference basis in the C-band is equally applicable to the

operation of PAS-9 in the Ku-band at the 26.15’ E.L. orbital location, as the United States has

not made any relevant filings for this position in those frequencies either.

       Under applicable ITU regulations Eutelsat is lawfblly entitled to operate a Ku-band

satellite at the 25.5’ E.L. orbital location, within all unplanned Ku-bands, i.e. including those

5   Footnotes 1 and 2 of Panamsat Engineering Statement
    Eutelsat has already informally advised Panamsat of its concern with the representation made in
    Panamsat’s STA applications regarding Arabsat’s undertalung to “coordinate the operations of the
    PAS-9 with that of the Eurobird 2 satellite.”
    P A 4 9 C-Band Order, Conditions 8,9 and 10 of the Ordering Clauses.


          proposed for PAS-9 operations at 26.15' E.L., and within any region of the Earth visible from

          that position (EUTELSAT-3-25.5E filings)8. The EurobirdTM2 satellite, currently operated 0.3'

          away from Eutelsat's filed 25.5"E orbital location on Arabsat's request as part of the

          arrangement for lease of capacity of that satellite by Arabsat, will be redeployed at the filed

          25.5'E orbital location immediately after Arabsat's lease of the remaining six transponders on

          EurobirdTM2 terminates in March 2007. In the meantime, Eutelsat's Hot BirdTM1 satellite9 will

          be deployed to operate at the 25.5' location in a complementary way to EurobirdTM2 at the

          beginning of September 2006.'0 Once in operation at the 25.5" E.L. orbital location covered by

          the EUTELSAT-3-25.5E filings, these two satellites will qualify as "lawfully operating

          satellites," entitled, under conditions similar to those of the terms of the P A S 9 C-Band Order, to

          protection from harmful interference from the PAS-9.

                 A comparison of EurobirdTM 2's and Hot BirdTM 1's transponder inventory with that of

          the PAS-9 satellite in the proposed Ku-bands reveals that no fewer than three of EurobirdTM2's

          transponders in each of the uplink and downlink and two of Hot BirdTM1's transponders in the

          downlink operate in the same polarization in overlapping Ku-band frequencies with transponders

          of the PAS-9 satellite.'   *   A likelihood for harmful interference occurring between the operations

          of these satellites therefore exists. The Commission should not accept Panamsat's request for

          STA as complete until the applicant has conducted a link analysis to determine whether and to

          8  Advanced Publication Information (MI) submitted on October 17, 1997, published on July 27, 1999
             (Special Section API / A / 707 - ITU Weekly Circular n"2388). Coordination Request (CR)
             submitted on April 17, 1998, published on March 21, 2000 (Special Section AR11/C/3322 - ITU
             Weekly Circular n"24 15).
          9 Currently in operation at the 13.0' E.L. orbital location.
          10 The two satellites have non-overlapping, complementary frequency plans (See Exhibit 1 attached).
          11 See Exhibit 1 attached and Declaration of Jean-Claude Raison verifying all factual representations
             contained in these Comments.


~   ".---*IC*__-._--                               -------                                         ---------"-"----

what extent the PAS-9 will be able to operate in the Ku-band without causing harmful

interference to Eutelsat's EurobirdTM2 satellite 12 and Hot BirdTM1 ~ate1lite.l~

            The Commissioin hlust Put Panamsat's STA Request 011 Public hotice

       While Panamsat has formally filed two STA requests - an initial one for 30 days and a

request for extension for an additional 180 days       -   in fact the two requests were filed virtually

simultaneously, and Panamsat has submitted a single technical analysis in support of both. It

appears that Panamsat's strategy in taking this two-step approach was a transparent effort to

secure at least short-term authority for its spacecraft at the 26.15" position without the

requirement for public notice of its application and comment thereon.                   Under section

25.120(b)(4) of the Commission's Rules, the International Bureau may grant a STA of up to 30

days without submitting the request to public notice.

       However, section 25.120(b)(2) of the Rules makes clear that a request for STA of up to

180 days in duration must be placed on public notice before being acted upon. In this case,

Eutelsat has demonstrated that both STA requests are technically deficient since they do not

include sufficient technical analysis of the potential interference of PAS-9's Ku-band operations

with either Eutelsat's EurobirdTM 2 satellite, whether operating at its current 25.8" location or at

the filed 25.5"E orbital location of the EUTELSAT-3-25.5E filings, or Eutelsat's Hot BirdTM1

satellite at the 25.5" E.L. location. It would make little sense for the Bureau to approve even the

shorter-term request without assuring itself that the applicant will be able to operate in the

proposed Ku-bands under the same non-interference terms as it is required to in the C-band.

12 Whether at its current 25.8" E.L. orbital location, where it is temporarily operated pursuant to
    Eutelsat's lease arrangement with Arabsat, or at the filed 25.5" E.L. orbital location of the
    EUTELSAT-3-25.5E filings where it will be redeployed thereafter.
l 3 Panamsat also has an interest in ensuring that its link analyses are complete for its own customer's



        For the reasons set forth above, Eutelsat submits that the Commission should not consider

Pailailisat's S I A request complete aiid ready for consideration until the applicanr has filed the

necessary link analysis between the PAS-9's planned Ku-band operations and the operations of

Eutelsat's EurobirdTM 2 satellite14 and Hot BirdTM 1 satellite at the 25.5" E.L. Location.

Moreover, because Panamsat has effectively requested a 180-day initial STA term, the

Commission must put the request on public notice before considering its merits.

                                                 Respectfully submitted

                                                 EUTELSAT S.A.

                                                    Dorse5 & Whitney, LLP
                                                    1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                                    Suite 400 North
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20004

                                                 Its Counsel

July 7,2006

l4 Whether at the 25.8" E.L. location or at the 25.5" E.L. location.


                            Exhibit 1

       Panamsat's PAS-9 and Eutelsat's Eurobird'" 2 / Hot Bird'" 1
          transponders frequency plans and frequency overlaps
in the 14.00-14.25 GHz uplink and 11.45-11.70 GHz downlink Ku-bands

   UP -LINK                   14.00 GHz                        14.25 GHz

                   PAS-9             13   14   15   10    (7    18         H

              EUROBRD    ‘2                                                H


 DOWN LINK                    11.45 GHz                        11.70 GHz

                   PAS-¶                                                   H

                                     13   14   15   10    17    18         V

              HOT BIRD   ”1                                                H

              EUROBIRD’r 2

                              2 and HOT BIRDTyI FrequencyPlant
              PAS-9, EUROBIRDTY

                            Figure 1
    Panamsat’s PAS-9 and Eutelsat’s Eurobird’” 2 / Hot Bird’” 1
                  Transponder frequency plans
(14.00-14.25 GHz uplink and 11.45-11.70 GHz downlink Ku-bands)


UP-LINK                                                                                  n . 1    A

          Txp No                                              13             14       15              16    17           18
              i    Centre Freq                    ____ _-_   14,019         14,060   14,101       14.142   14.183       14,224
                     (MW                                               ~                                            ~            -
                                                              36             36       36      1

          Txp No
                   Centre Freq        -

              13    11471.41               36         H
                                                                       I                                                         J
              14    11492.16               36         v      19.8           11.2
          ~            ~                        _            _                  _
              15    11512.91               36         H        -            31.9

              16    11533.66               36         V        -            19.3     11.7

                                                   Figure 2
                                       Frequency overlap in MHz between
     Panamsat's PAS-9 and Eutelsat's Eurobird'" 2 / Hot Bird'" 1 transponders
                                                    (Co-pol. Txps shown in bold)



        1, Jean-Claude Raison, do hereby declare and state aqfollows:

        1.        I am the Chief of the “Access to Spectrum & Orbit Resources” Group in the

Corporate Development & External Relations Department of Eutelsat S.A. (“Eutelsat”) in Paris,

France. I am providing this Declaration in support of Eutelsat’s Comments filed with regard to

PanAmSat Licensee Corp.’~applications to the Federal Communications Commission for special

temporary authority to utilize the Ku-band payload on its PAS-9 satellite at the 26.15’ E.L.

orbital location. File Nos. SAT-STA-20060627-00070 and SAT-STA-20060628-0071.

        2.        Eutelsat operates a fleet of 23 in-orbit satellites, providing telecommunications

services to a large region of the world. This fleet includes the Eurobirdm 1 and 2 and the Hot

     1 satellites. In my position, I am responsible for overseeing all matters related to access to

spectrum and orbit ressources for Eutelsat’s satellites, including therefore satellite network

coordination pursuant to ITU Radio Regulations and treatment of any interference issues.

        3.        All of the factual statements contained in Eutelsat’s Comments to which this

Declaration is attached are true and correct to the best of my information, knowledge and belief.

In addition, 1 oversaw the preparation of Exhibit 1 to those Comments based on data in Eutelsat’s

records regarding the operational specifications of the satellites addressed in that exhibit.

        Under penalty of perjury, the foregoing is a true and correct statement, to the best of my

information, knowledge and belief.

                  Jean-Claude Raison                                  Date

             -   --..   I   ^ I _             .--...--                                                I.-

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that on this, the 7'h day of July, 2006, a true and correct copy of the
foregoing Cominetzts oj' Eulzlsat S.A. filed on the Application of PanAmSat Liceiibce
Corporation for Special Temporary Authority to Operate the PAS9 Ku-Band Payload (File Nos.
SAT-STA-20060627-00070 and SAT-STA-20060628-00071) was delivered via U.S. mail,
postage prepaid to:

                             Joseph A. Godles, Esquire
                             Goldber Godles Wiener & Wright
                             1229 19' Street, N. W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20036
                             Counsel for PanAmSat Licensee Corp.

Document Created: 2006-07-11 11:33:31
Document Modified: 2006-07-11 11:33:31

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