Attachment opposition





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060623-00067 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Before the
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                      R~GEIVED
                              Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                                OCT - 2 2006
                                                                                     Federal ammunicatioos Comms ism
In the Matter of                                     )                                        Officeof S e c r W

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.                          ) File No. SAT-STA 20060623-00067

Request for Modification of Special
Temporary Authority to Operate
                                                     1                       pn-:::. -$3

Terrestrial Repeaters                                1
                                                                              0C.i 0 4

To:        Acting Chief, International Bureau

           Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius”) hereby opposes the Petitions to Deny filed by

licensees in, and a trade association for, the 2.3 GHz Wireless Communications Service

(“WCS”).’ Each petition objects to Sirius’ recent request to modify2 its long-standing

FCC authorization for a network of terrestrial repeaters. For the reasons set forth below

the Commission should reject the Petitions and grant Sirius’ application.

      I.      Background

           The FCC first allocated 2.3 GHz spectrum for the new satellite digital audio radio

(“satellite DARS”) in 1995; service rules and an auction followed two years later. Sirius

        BellSouth Mobile Data, Inc. (“BellSouth”), NextWave Broadband Inc. (“NextWave”) and the
WCS Coalition (“WCSC”), all filed September 18,2006, in File No. SAT-STA-20060623-00067. In early
September, SprinVNextel withdrew its previously filed non-opposition to the Sirius application, for reasons
addressed by one or more Petitioners here. Letter from Paul Sinderbrand to Patrick Donnelly (dated Sept.
        Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT-STA-20060623-00067 (filed June 23,

paid $83 million for one of two satellite DARS             license^.^   By mid 2001 - after investing

over $1 billion and years ahead of its license milestones - Sirius had constructed and

launched three state-of-the-art       satellite^.^   Positioned in highly elliptical orbit, Sirius’

satellite constellation broadcasts two space- and frequency-diverse transmission paths, at

relatively high look angles, to consumer satellite DARS receivers.

        From the start, satellite DARS was defined to include a ground-based component

of “complementary terrestrial        repeater^."^    This network was intended to overcome signal

fading and multipath where terrain, buildings or interference otherwise would generate

localized service availability challenges.

        Unfortunately, though the FCC published draft repeater rules in 1997, the docket

stalled when WCS licensees - including Petitioners - suddenly demanded DARS

repeaters be treated like WCS base stations, which are capped at 2,000 Watts eiqx7 This

position fundamentally inverted the facts: The WCS rulemaking* confirmed the need to

“protect prospective satellite DARS licensees from interference from wcs                     operation^,^^'
made WCS secondary to satellite DARS,’’ and adopted Part 27 technical limits designed

~~~                   ~

          FCC News Release WL-7023 (April 2, 1997).
          Sirius recently requested authority for a fourth spacecraft to be launched into geostationary orbit.
          47 C.F.R. Q 2.106, international footnote S5.393 (formerly 750B).
          Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310-2360
MHz Frequency Band, 12 FCC Rcd 5754 (1 997) (Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking).
          47 C.F.R. Q 27.50(a).
          Amendment of the Commission’s Rules to Establish Part 27, the Wireless Communications Service
(“WCS”), 12 FCC Rcd 10785,¶45 (1997) (“WCS Recon Order”).
          Id., ¶ 3.
          See id., ¶ 27 (“We also recognize that the 2320-2345 MHz frequency band is the only spectrum
specifically available for provision of Satellite DARS in the United States. Accordingly, if Satellite DARS
in this spectrum is subject to excessive interference, the service will not be successful and the American
public will not benefit from the service.”); see also 47 C.F.R. 0 27.64.


to “ensure that WCS operations do not cause harmful interference or disturbance to

adjacent satellite DARS reception.””

        With its repeater infrastructure in legal limbo, Sirius would have been unable to

deliver the high-quality, seamless signal coverage satellite DARS promised. So, with

commercial kick-off approaching, l 2 Sirius sought Special Temporary Authorization

(“STA”) for approximately 100 repeaters throughout the continental United States-

which Petitioners also fought. Recognizing that unfortunate and unforeseeable

procedural delays should not jeopardize a new and unique offering, the FCC in

September 2001 granted Sirius’ STA,I3 specifically confirming that satellite DARS

repeaters met the statutory criteria:

        We find that grant of an STA in these circumstances in appropriate and violates
        neither the Communications Act nor the Commission’s rules. In 1997 when the
        Commission adopted service rules for SDARS and requested further comment on
        complementary terrestrial repeaters, it was clearly contemplated that the repeaters
        were to be part of the proposed satellite systems. In the service rules and in
        Sirius’s individual SDARS license, Sirius was given specific milestone
        requirements including dates by which its system must be constructed and put into
        operation. Sirius has proceeded with satellite construction, has in fact launched
        both [sic]of its satellites, and need to employ terrestrial repeaters to provide
        adequate service. While Sirius was building its system, the Commission has been
        working to resolve the complex technical issues involved in adopting final rules to
        authorize SDARS repeaters but the Commission has not yet completed this
        rulemaking. We find that this situation has created the extraordinary

          WCS Recon Order, ¶ 136. Given the primacy of satellite DARS over WCS, the agency repeatedly
cautioned potential WCS auction bidders to “consider carefully whether their anticipated uses and business
plans can be successfully implemented” within the technical limits, explaining that “wide area, full
mobility systems and service such as those being provided or anticipated in the cellular and PCS bands are
likely to be of questionable feasibility.” Amendment of the Commission’s Rules to Establish Part 27, the
Wireless Communications Services (“WCS”), Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 3977,3979
(1997). As the agency well knows, “mobile stations” include temporarily fixed receivers (see 47 C.F.R. 0
2. l), such as portable computers connected to the Internet via wireless broadband, the most recent iteration
of the ever-changing WCS business plan. The message was received, as reflected at the auction: though
held only a few weeks after satellite DARS licensees paid the treasury $170 million for 25 MHz (or nearly
$7 million per megahertz), the winning WCS licensees spent less than $14 million for 30 MHz (under $0.5
million per megahertz).
          Sirius began commercial service in February 2002.
          Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Special Temporary Authority, 16 FCC Rcd 16773 (“Sirius STA Order”),
recon. 16 FCC Rcd 18481 (2001).


       circumstances required by the statute and our rules to justify grant of an STA. It
       would be unfair to penalize Sirius for complying with our required milestone
       schedule on the one hand but on the other force it to seriously delay initiation of
       service because there are no final repeater rules.I4

Since commencing commercial operations, the FCC has granted Sirius STA to operate

approximately 240 terrestrial repeaters. Of course, like all STAs, Sirius’ repeaters

operate on a non-interference basis; the FCC also required all repeaters to conform to any

future Part 25 rule.

       Overcoming market risks and regulatory uncertainties, Sirius has triumphed,

delivering high quality, multi-channel programming to more than five million subscribers

throughout the continental United States. Essential to Sirius’ success is its terrestrial

network which, after the FCC approved several modest STA expansions, today consists

of approximately 140 operating terrestrial repeaters reaching zones where localized

blocking and shadowing prevent satellite reception. The instant application is a product

of Sirius’ operating experience, with the 16 additional repeaters, adjacent to existing

Sirius terrestrial transmitters, filling perceived service area challenges. Each proposed

transmitter was engineered at power levels no more than necessary to plug perceived

service availability shortfalls-in      general, the new repeaters are of relatively low power,

varying from 2400 to 7000 Watts/sector. To accommodate Sirius’ growing subscriber

base and fill additional network challenges, Sirius also expects to seek to amend other

STAs already granted to identify final locations or seek additional STAs for relatively

low power additional repeaters.

        Id., ¶ 7 (footnotes omitted).

     11.      Argument

           Petitioners offer three related rationales opposing Sirius’ request to add 16 new

sites to the current terrestrial repeater STA.’’ First, that the application falls short of the

statutory justification for STA.16Next, that the new repeaters could cause future

interference. Finally, that repeater expansion should be frozen pending completion of the

repeater docket and any resulting mles,17 which they confidently claim will limit satellite

DARS repeaters to 2000 Watts.”

           Arguments that an STA would be unjustified have already been asked and

answered. The FCC considered, and rejected, Petitioners’ identical claim in its 2001

STA order, holding that, since Sirius had completed construction and was ready to start

service, the stalled repeater docket “has created the extraordinary circumstances required

by the statute and our rules to justify grant of an STA.”I9 The Commission also

concluded that the Section 25. 12020requirement for specificity was satisfied by

disclosing the technical specifications of each proposed repeater.21 And the Sirius STA

was temporary-pending,          and subject to, adoption of final rules. All three conditions

remain true today.22 Plus, if anything, the current equities are clearer-in                nine years,

Sirius raised nearly billions in capital, completed network construction and shortly will
         BellSouth sees great significance in the application’s failure to note BellSouth’s June 21,2006,
email objection. BellSouth at 4-6. Sirius regrets the error; the email objection was simply overlooked. NO
insult was intended, and - given BellSouth’s formal Petition here - no rights were affected.
         WCSC at 7-8; NextWave at 3-8; BellSouth at 3-4. Inconsistently, BellSouth concedes Sirius
“perhaps . . .satisfied the standards of Section 15.120(b)(I).” BellSouth at 3.
         NextWave at 8- 1 1.
         BellSouth at 6-7; WCSC at 4, 8; NextWave at 7.
         Sirius STA Order, ¶ I .
         47 C.F.R. 0 25.120.
         Sirius STA Order, ¶ 9. Notably, Petitioners neither dispute nor present evidence challenging the
application’s statement that the proposed repeaters are required to fill coverage gaps. Sirius notes that false
assertions in its application could be subject to 18 U.S.C. 5 1001, as well as FCC enforcement authority.
         Sirius’ June 23, 2006, application included a spreadsheet supplying the same technical parameters
for the 16 new sites as was included in all previous and later approved repeater STA requests.


enter its sixth year of commercial operations; over the same period, Petitioners risked

little, built next to nothing and serve almost no one.23

        Second, although the petitions are replete with references to interference, the

                                                              ~ the WCS licensees don’t say.
crucial issue, like the fictional dog in D a r t m ~ o ris, ~what

Petitioners do not claim Sirius’ proposed repeaters will cause harmful interference to

WCS transmissions. Nor, for the most part, could they: few built commercial 2.3 GHz

networks, and none of those overlap the sites Sirius proposes to add.25 So, lacking any

plausible present interference, Petitioners proffer hypothetical harms to dreamed-about

deployments. Such stories are insufficient grounds to deny the instant STA. Indeed, any

additional restrictions would be duplicative, because WCS licensees offering substantial

service before the construction deadline would be protected from “interference caused by

SDARS repeaters . . .during the period the STA is in effect.”26

        Finally, Petitioners ask the Commission to suspend STA modifications until

adoption of repeater rules which, they insist, always contemplated a 2 kilowatt cap on

permitted repeater power.27 This turns law and policy on its head; the 2001 STA

intended exactly the reverse: limited and temporary approval bridging regulatory red

tape with, given the paucity of WCS build-out, little risk of harmful interference.

Petitioners’ other concerns - “allocation amnesia” about satellite DARS spectrum

          Elsewhere, Petitioners have requested a three-year extension of the WCS construction period.
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Consolidated Request for Waiver of the WCS
Construction Rule, DA 06-2009 (May 10,2006).
          Cf: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound ofthe Baskervilles (1901).
          BellSouth operates a handful of systems, none of which apparently overlap the satellite signal gaps
at issue in the instant application. See Letter from Jeanine Poltronieri to Marlene Dortch, WT Docket No.
06-102, IB Docket No. 95-91 (filed Sept. 20,2006).
          Sirius STA Order, ‘j13.
          BellSouth at 6-7; WCSC at 4, 8; NextWave at 7.


primacy;28certainty, without citation, of an imagined 2,000 Watt limit;29and rage about a

recent Sirius/XM proposal to grandfather all existing 2.3 GHz transmitters3’ - are topics

for the rulemaking, and irrelevant to an STA confined to the pre-finality period.31

     111. Conclusion
        The sole issue here is whether to authorize an expansion of the Sirius repeater

network where both circumstances and conditions remain unchanged since the 200 1

STA. Lacking any genuine basis for objection, Petitioners misread the law, invent

specious issues and demand duplicative protections. Even were their claims correct - and

they are not - the Petitions are best directed to the repeater rulemaking, not this STA

request. Accordingly, the FCC should deny all Petitions and grant the Sirius application.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            /s/ Patrick L. Donnelly

                                            Patrick L. Donnelly
                                            Executive Vice President and General Counsel
                                            Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                            1221 Avenue of the Americas, 36‘h Floor
                                            New York, NY 10020
                                            (212) 584-5100

October 2,2006

        E.g., WCSC at 2-3.
         E+, BellSouth at 7 & n. 12.
         E.g., NextWave at 14-16.
         To its credit, WCSC acknowledges “this proceeding is not the place to debate the merits of the
proposal that Sirius and XM have just put forth.” WCSC at 6.


                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Pam Conley, do hereby certify that on October 2, 2006, I served a copy of the
aforementioned Reply of Sirius Satellite Radio upon the following parties either by U.S.
first-class mail, postage pre-paid, or by electronic mail delivery (*):
Bennett L. Ross
Bell South Corporation
1133 21" Street, N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036

Stephan E. Coran
Rini Coran, PC
1615 L Street, N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036

Attorneysfor BellSouth Mobile Data, Inc. and BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc.

George Alex
Chief Financial Officer
NextWave Broadband, Inc.
75 Holly Hill Road
Suite 200
Greenwich, CT 06830

Paul J. Sinderbrand
Mary N. O'Connor
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
2300 N Street, N.W.
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037- 1128

Paul J. Sinderbrand
Wilkinson Barker Knaver, LLP
2300 N Street, N.W.
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037-1 128
Attorney for Sprint Nextel Corp.

Attorneys for The WCS Coalition, consisting of AT&T Inc., BellSouth Corporation,
Comcast Corporation, NW Spectrum Co., NTELOS, Inc., Sprint Nextel Corp., and
WaveTel NC License Corp.

Document Created: 2006-10-11 13:34:10
Document Modified: 2006-10-11 13:34:10

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