Attachment Appendix C

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060616-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of

Constellation, LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat I,                    IB Docket No. 05-290
LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat 11, LLC, PEP
PAS, LLC, and PEOP PAS, LLC,                               IB File Nos.
                             Transferors,                  SAT-TIC-20050930-00193;
and                                                        SAT-STA-20050930-00188;
Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.,                                   SAT-STA-20050930-00190;
                              Transferee,                  SAT-STA-20050930-00191;
                                                           SES-T/C-20050930-0 1356;
Consolidated Application for Authority to                  SES-T/C-20050930-01357;
Transfer Control of PanAmSat Licensee                      SES-T/C-2005 1004-01371
Corp. and PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.

                           PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO
                            AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

                The United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including the Federal Bureau

of Investigation (“FBI”), together with the United States Department of Homeland Security

(“DHS”) and the United States Department of Defense (collectively, the “Agencies”),

respectfully submit this Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses

(“Petition”), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or

“Commission”) rules.’ Through this Petition, the Agencies advise the Commission that they

have no objection to the Commission granting the applications filed in the above-referenced

’     47 C.F.R. 9 1.41.

proceeding, provided that the Commission conditions the grant of the applications on Intelsat

Holdings, Ltd. (“Intelsat”) abiding by the commitments and undertakings contained in its

December 5,2005 letter to Laura H. Parsky, Stewart A. Baker, and Elaine N. Lammert (the

“Letter”) attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

               In the above-captioned proceeding, Intelsat and various stockholders of

PanAmSat Holding Corporation (“PanAmSat”) (collectively, the “Applicants”) filed a

consolidated application with the FCC seeking consent to transfer control of PanAmSat’s FCC-

licensed subsidiaries to Intelsat.2

               As the Commission is aware, the Agencies have taken the position that their

ability to satisfy their obligations to protect the national security, enforce the laws, and preserve

the safety of the public could be impaired by transactions in which foreign entities will own or

operate a part of the U.S. telecommunications system, or in which foreign-located facilities will

be used to provide domestic telecommunications services to U S . customers. After discussions

with representatives of Intelsat and PanAmSat in connection with the proposed acquisition of

PanAmSat by Intelsat and the related transfer of control over PanAmSat’s FCC-licensed

subsidiaries, the Agencies have concluded that the commitments set forth in the Letter address

their concerns. Accordingly, the Agencies hereby advise the Commission that they have no

objection to the Commission granting the above-referenced applications for consent to transfers

of control, provided that the Commission conditions its consent on compliance by Intelsat with

the commitments set forth in the Letter.

   Constellation, LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat I, LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat 11, LLC, PEP PAS, LLC,
   and PEOP PAS, LLC, Transferors, and Intelsat Holdings, Ltd., Transferee, Consolidated
   Application for Authority to Transfer Control of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and PanAmSat
   H-2 Licensee Corp., IB Docket No. 05-290 (filed Sept. 30,2005).



                The Agencies are authorized to state that the Applicants do not object to the

grant of this Petition.
                                     Respectfully submitted,

Laura H. Parsky                                   Elaine N. Lammert
Deputy Assistant Attorney General                 Deputy General Counsel
Office of the Assistant Attorney General          Federal Bureau of Investigation
Criminal Division - Room 2 1 13                   935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
United States Department of Justice               Washington, DC 20532
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                     (202) 324-6829
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 616-3928

   ~~                     ~

Stewart A. Baker                                  Carl W. Smith
Assistant Secretary for Policy                    General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security              Defense Information Systems Agency
3801 Nebraska Avenue, NW                          P.O. Box 4502
Washington, DC 20528                              Arlington, VA 22204
(202) 282-8582                                    (703) 607-609 1

December _& 2005


                                                                                                                                                               .....................................................   .. .........................    ............
                                                          *   .......................   , ........................

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Inspiring connections

          December 5,2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Phillip L. Spector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Executive Vke Presjdent
          Ms. Laura H. Parsky                                                                                                                                                                                                and General Counsel
          Deputy Assistant Attorney General
          Criminal Division
          US. Department of Justice
          950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
          Washington, DC 20530-0001
          Mr. Stewart A. Baker
          Assistant Secretary for Policy
          U.S. Department of Homeland Security
          3801 Nebraska Avenue, Nw
          Washington, DC 20528
          Ms.Elaine N. Lammert
          Deputy General Counsel
          Federal Bureau of Investigation
          935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
          Washington, DC 20535
          Re:       Proposed Acquisition of PanAmSat Holding Corporation by a Subsidiary of
                    Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.
          Dear Ms. Parsky, Mr. Baker,and Ms.Lammert:
                         As a follow-up to our recent discussions with representativesof the
          Department of Justice (“DOJ”), the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), and the
          Federal Bureau of Investigation “(FBI”) (collectively, the “Agencies”), along with
          representatives of the Department of Defense (“DOD”), this letter is intended to
          reconfirm the commitments set forth in our November 24,2004 letter to the Agencies
          (“Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter”)’, and to confirm that Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.
          (formerly Zeus Holdings Limited (“Zeus”)) and Intelsat, Ltd. (collectively, “Intelsat”)
          will extend those commitments to cover the businesses of PanAmSat Holding
          Corporation (“PanAmSat”) once the pending acquisition of PanAmSat closes.

           ‘   See Intelsat, Ltd., Transferor, and Zeus Holdings Limited, Tranfleree, Consolidated
               Applicationfor Consent to ll-ansfers of Control of Holders of Title II and Title ID
               Authorizations and Petition for Declaratory Ruling Under Section 310 of the
               CommunicationsAct of 1934, As Amended, FCC Order and Authorization, December
               22,2004,IB Docket No.04-366at Appendix D.

Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.
3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008-3006 USA T +1 202-944-7340 F +1 202-944-7440


I.      The Transaction
                 On August 29,2005, Intelsat and PanAmSat announced the execution of a
definitive merger agreement (“Merger Agreement”) under which Intelsat intends to
acquire PanAmSat for approximately $3.2billion in cash and the assumption or
refinancing of approximately $3.2 billion in debt owed by PanArnSat and its subsidiaries.
Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, a newly created indirect Delaware subsidiary
of Jntelsat will be merged into PanAmSat, with PanAmSat remaining as the surviving
entity. Upon completion of the transaction, PanAmSat and its subsidiarieswill continue
as separate corporate entities, but PanAmSat will be an indirect wholly owned subsidiary
                PanAmSat is a publicly traded Delaware corporation and a fixed satellite
service (“FSS”) company with a fleet of 26 satellites. The bulk of PanAmsat’s revenues
involve video distribution, with large media and broadcast companies using PanAmsat’s
satellitesto distributetheir programming. Two subsidiaries of PanAmSat (the
‘TanAmSat Licensees”) hold authorizations fiom the Federal Communications
Commission (‘FCC”) to operate non-common carrier FSS satellitesusing the C- and Ku-
bands, as well as authorizations for numerous non-common carrier earth stations that
transmit andor receive signals in those frequency bands. Neither PanAmSat nor its
subsidiaries offer common carrier switched services or hold any Section 2 14
authorizations fiom the FCC.
               Consummation of the transaction is subject to a number of closing
conditions, including approval by PanAmSat’s stockholders and receipt of requisite
regulatory approvals. Among other regulatory filings that have been or will be made, a
consolidated application seeking approval to transfer control over the FCC authorizations
held by the PanAmSat Licensees was filed at the FCC on September 30,2005. In light of
the conditions to be met, Intelsat and PanAmSat envision a closing of the transaction
sometime between March and September 2006.
                The combined company will have over 50 satellites and connectivity into
some 200 countries and territories. The core network control assets of both companies
are located in the United States, and the combined company will have all key control
functions - operational headquarters, network operating center, and central TT&C
functions - based in the United States.

*    As representatives of the Agencies and of DOD are aware, and as discussed further
     below, one element of restructuring within PanAmSat is envisioned at the time
     Intelsat acquires PanAmSat - namely, the PanAmSat subsidiary that services U.S.
     government customers (G2Satellite Solutions Corporation) would be moved under or
     merged into the cleared Intelsat subsidiary that engages in similar business activities
     (Intelsat General Corporation).


II.    Updating Existing Intelsat Commitments
       A.      Security Committee of Intelsat Global Services Corporation

                In the IntelsatZeus Commitment Letter, which continued certain
commitments made to the Agencies in previous Intelsat transactions, we agreed to
maintain a Security Committee within our U.S. subsidiary, Intelsat Global Services
Corporation (“IGSC”). This Security Committee, which is composed exclusivelyof U.S.
citizens who serve on the board of IGSC, has lead responsibility for overseeing security
issues related to Intelsat’s domestic communications network, records related to domestic
communications, and electronic surveillance by U.S. federal, state, and local authorities.
In addition, the Security Committee serves as a point of contact for addressinglaw
enforcement, national security, and infrastructure protection issues with U.S. govemment
agencies. The Security Committee has carried out these responsibilities, and will
continue to cany them out after the consummation of the transaction with PanAmSat.
               In the IntelsatlZeus Commitment Letter, a commitment was also made to
provide the Agencies, within 60 days of the closing of the Intelsat/Zeus transaction, with
a copy of the policies and procedures adopted and implemented by the Security
Committee. That commitment was met in Intelsat’s letter to the Agencies dated January        !
27,2005, and an updated copy of the policies and procedures was provided in Intelsat’s
letter dated October 28,2005.
                Assuming consummation of the transaction with PanAmSat, Intelsat will
ensure that the role and responsibilities of the IGSC Security Committee are extended to
cover the PanAmSat businesses. Thus, the domestic communications security oversight
and U.S. govemment interface functions of the Security Committee will extend equally to
the Intelsat and PanAmSat businesses and assets. In addition, to ensure that the Agencies
maintain up-to-date information concerning the Security Committee, IGSC will inform
the Agencies in a timely fashion of changes to the composition of the Committee.
       B.      Proxy Agreement for Intelsat General Corporation
               In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter, we agreed to maintain the proxy
agreement structurethat covers our cleared US. subsidiary, Intelsat General Corporation
(“Intelsat General”), so as to ensure that no impermissible foreign ownership, control, or
influence is exercised over the business activitiesof Intelsat General. Intelsat General
will continue to operate under that proxy agreement structure.
                Assuming consummation of the transaction with PanAmSat, Intelsat Will
ensure that the PanAmSat subsidiary that is involved in servicing U.S. government
customers - namely, G2 Satellite Solutions Corporation (“G2”) - is placed under or
merged into Intelsat General. As a consequence, G2 will become part of Intelsat General,
and will operate under the proxy agreement structure, including any modificationsthat
may be made to that agreement in connection with the transaction with PanAmSat.
Intelsat General operates at very high security clearance levels, and envisions no
difficulty absorbing and managing G2’s classified activities.


       C.      Cooperation with U.S.Government Electronic SurveillanceActivities
                In the IntelsaVZeus Commitment Letter, we agreed to take all reasonable
measures to assist and support the FBI or any other U.S.federal, state, or local agency
with law enforcement or national security responsibilitiesin conducting,in a secure and
efficient manner,lawfully authorized electronic surveillance. We also agreed that such
assistance would include disclosure, ifnecessary, of technical and engineering
information related to the design, maintenance, or operation of Intelsat’s systems.
Finally, we agreed that Intelsat and the agency seeking electronic surveillance
cooperation would work together in determining what is reasonable, taking into account
the investigative needs of the agency and Intelsat’s commercial interests. The pending
transaction with PanAmSat does not alter the commitments of Intelsat set forth or
continued in the IntelsaffZeus Commitment Letter.
               The nature of Intelsat’s business is such that there is no existing or
contemplated provision of common carrier switched services by Intelsat. Thus, we
continue to believe that Intelsat is, generally speaking, an unlikely target for requests to
assist enforcement agencies with electronic surveillance. Nonetheless, we have
stood ready, and continue to stand ready, to assist government agencies with lawllly
authorized electronic surveillance.
                Assuming consummation of the transaction with PanAmsat, Intelsat will
ensure that these commitments to cooperate with U.S. government electronic surveillance
activities apply equally to the PanAmSat businesses. As noted above, the IGSC Security
Committee will continue to be the primary point of contact for U.S. government agencies
in connection with requests for assistance with electronic surveillance.
              Nothing in this letter is intended to excuse Intelsat from any obligation it
may have to comply with requirements for the retention, preservation, or
production of information, records or data, or from any applicable requirements of the
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 47 U.S.C. 5 1001, et. seq.
       D.      Provision of Common Carrier Switched Services in the Future
               Zn the IntelsaVZeus Commitment Letter,we agreed to provide the
Agencies with advance notice of any provision of common canier switched services by
Intelsat, even if no further FCC authorization is required. In particular, we agreed that
(i) for any common carrier switched service that requires additional Section 214
authorization, we would provide the Agencies with a copy of any applicationfiled with
the FCC;(ii) for any c o m o n carrier switched service that may be provided without
obtaining a new Section 214 authorization (such as a new domestic switched service), we
would notify the Agencies 30 days before offering the service; and (iii) before using any
of the equipment subject to Title IIIlicenses transferred in connection with the
Intelsat/Zeus transaction to provide common carrier switched services, we would notify
the Agencies 30 days in advance.


               Assuming consummation of the transaction with PanAmSat, we Will
extend these commitments set forth or continued in the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter
to cover the PanAmSat businesses. As noted above, neither Intelsat nor PanAmSat offers
ahy common carrier switched sentice or has any plan to do so. Nonetheless, should any
part of the combined company offersuch service in the fiture, we w ill provide advance
notice to the Agencies as described in the IntelsaVZeus Commitment Letter.
       E.      Future Changes to Boards of Directors

               In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter,Zeus agreed to notify the
Agencies of the initial composition of the boards of directors of Zeus, Intelsat, Ltd., and
Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. (the “Boards”) and of subsequent changes to the Boards. By
letter dated February 11,2005, we provided the Agencies with information concerning
the initial composition of the Boards, In addition, by letter dated March 29,2005, we
supplied the Agencies with updated information concerning the composition of the
Boards, and notified the agencies that Zeus had changed its name to Intelsat Holdings,
               No element of the transaction with PanAmSat changes the effectiveness or
scope of this commitment. We will continue to provide the Agencies with updated
information concerning the composition of the Boards, until such time as such
notificationis no longer needed by operation of law or by decision of the Agencies. In
addition, we remain willing to provide the Agencies with such other infomation
concerning the Boards as they may reasonably request.
       *       *       *       *       *      *       *       *      *       *       *
                If you require any further information regarding these matters, please
contact either the undersigned or Richard Elliott at Paul, Weiss (202-223-7324).

                                              Exechive Vice President
                                              and General Counsel
cc:    John R. LoGalbo
         Criminal Division
         Department of Justice

       Lou W. Brenner, Jr.
        Office of General Counsel
        Department of Homeland Security
       Jon D. Pifer
         Office of General Counsel
         Federal Bureau of Investigation


Carl W. Smith
Hillary J. Morgan
 Defense Information Systems Agency
 Department of Defense
Richard S. Elliott
 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

Document Created: 2006-03-02 19:48:15
Document Modified: 2006-03-02 19:48:15

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