Attachment final orbit

final orbit

OTHER submitted by PanAmSat

final orbit


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060131-00012 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                              March 13, 2006                      & @ PY
        syHaho                                                      RECEIVED
                                                                      w MR 1 5 2008
        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
        Federal Communications Commission                       Fodea Communiaton Conn
        Office of the Secretary                                        OffenotSeciay
        445 12th Street, SW
        Washington, DC 20554
                                       Re:     Galaxy 1R
                                               Final Orbit Parameters
        Dear Ms. Dortch:

                PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (‘PanAmSat‘), by its counsel, hereby notifies
        the Commission of the final orbit parameters for Galaxy 1R." PanAmSat
        completed end—of—life maneuvers for the satellite on March 7, 2006, resulting in
        an orbital position with an apogee of 304 km above the geostationary orbit, a
        perigee of 293 km above the geostationary orbit, and an inclination of
        0.16 degrees. The fuel tanks of the satellite have been purged, all the electronics
        have been powered down and disabled, and all communications with the
        satellite have ceased.

        ‘ PanAmSat submitting thisletter pursuant toa February 142006, grantof Special Temporary
        Authority (‘STA"), in which the Internationa! Bureau conditioned the STA grant on PanAmSat
        providing the Commission with written notification of the end—of—life apogee and perigee for
        Galaxy 18. Se File No. SAT—STA—20060151—00012.

Marlene H. Dortch
March 13, 2006

      Please direct any questions with respect to this matter to the undersigned.

cc:   Karl Kensinger, FCC
      Andrea Kelly, FCC

                                  gorpBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT

Document Created: 2006-03-23 14:28:34
Document Modified: 2006-03-23 14:28:34

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