Attachment DA 06-868

DA 06-868


DA 06-868


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20060126-00010 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                            pa o6—sc8

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20584

In the Matters of
EchoSter Satelite LLC                                            File Nos. SAT—STA—20050321—00068
                                                                 Call Sign: S2621
Application for Special Temporary Authority
to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking, and Command
Operations during the Relocation of EchoStar4
To the 77° W.L. Orbital Location;

EchoStar Satelite LLC                                            File Nos. SAT—STA—20060126—00010
Special Temporary Authority to Conduct Tracking,                           sAT—STA—20060331—00037
Telemety, and Command Necessary to Maintain
the EchoStar 4 satelteatthe 77° W L. Orbital Location

EchoStar Satellite LLC                                           File Nos. SES—LES—20050701—00852
Application for Blanket Authorization Of 1,000,000               CllSign: E050196
Receive—Only Eath Stationsto Provide DBS Service
in the U.S. Using the Mexican—Authorized Satelite
EchoStar 4 at77° W.L

                                    ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

Adopted: April18, 2006                                   Released:. April 18,2006
By the Chief, Satelite Division,Intemational Bureau:
L       intRopuction
        1. In this Order, we grant in part the request for special temporary authority filed by EchoStar
Satelite LLC (RchoStar)insofar asit seeks authority o transfer contrl of EchoStar 4 to QueteSat, 5. de
RL. de C.V. (QuetzSat)in connection with the operation of the sateliteat the 77° WL. orbial lcation."
QuetSat holds a concession from Mexico to operate a satelite at the 77° W.L. orbiallocation, and would
control the satelite pursuant to that concession."   By this action, we support cooperation between U..
and Mexican satelite operators in meeting capacity needs. We also grant an application for blanket
authorization o1,000,000 receive—only earth sttions that willallow EchoStarto provide DBS service in he
US. using the Mexican—authorized stelite EchoStar 4 at 77° W.L

! Hile No. SAT—STA—20050321—00068("EchoSlar STA Request*), The portin of the STA requesting authoriyto
move EchoStar 4 tth 77° W.L. orbial poston is moot in light oa separteaction, ranted on Jaly6,2005, under
Pile No. SAT—STA—20050701—00142, as descnbed in detailbelow.
* QuetiSat, a Mexican entiy, obrained the concession from the Mexican Secrtariat of Communicatins and.
Trmportition(SCT) on February 2, 2005

                                  Federal Communications Commission                             ba de—to8

        A.——      The Transaction Between EchoStar and SES
         2. Under an agreement between EchoStar and SES GLOBAL Latin America, S.A. and SES
GLOBAL, S A. (collectively SES), EchoStar has agreed to move the EchoStar 4 sateite to the 77° W.L
orbital location, subject to necessary govemmental approvals, ending the launch and placement ofa new
satelite (QuetzSat 1) at the 77° W.L. orbital location. The agreement provides thatthe service term for
EchoSta 4 at the 77° WL. orbital location will run from the date that EchoStar 4 begins serviceat the
77° W.L..orbitl location (th"in—service" date)untthe earliest of (1) te End—ofLife ofEchoStar 4; 2)
the date that EchoStar 4 fais;(3) the i:service date of QueteSat1 atthe orbital location;(4) the date that
EchoSar removes EchoStar 4 from the 77° W.L. location to replace capacity of it flect lst due to
eatastrophic filure in its fleetor,(5) upon certain eventsrelated to the future operations ofQuetSat1
        3..    Thagreement contemplates tht, once EchoStar4 is at the 77° W.L. orbitallocation, it will
be under the direction and control of SESiQueteSat. EchoStar will perform telemetry, tracking, and
control functions, under the direction and contral of SES/QuetzSat, for the entire Service Term atthe 77°
WL.orbital location.
        B.       Procedural History
        4.       EchoStar fled its STA Request on March 21, 2005 On May 13, 2005, EchoStar also
filea request to modify ts authorization for te 157° W.L. orbital location, so that, despite the removal
ofthe EchoStar 4 satelite from that lcation, EhoStar‘s lcense would not automatially lapse." On May
23, 2005, the comment period closed on the EchoStar STA request. The only comment filed was a letter
from DIRECTV dated May 4, 2005, requesting additional technical information conceming the planned
operations of EchoStar 4 atthe 77° WL. orbial posiion. EchoStarfiled a response providing additional
information on May: 10, 2003.. On May 27, 2003, EchoSter fled a request to modify an earth station
muthorization to list the EchoStar 4 satelite atthe 77° W.L. orbitl location as an authorized point of
communication. On June 3, 2005, the Itemnational Bureau (Bureau) denied EchoSar‘s STA Request and
dismissed both the applieation to permit long—term cessation and the application for modification ofearth
station authorization.* ‘The Bureau concluded that moving EchoStar 4 to the 77° W.L.orbital location to
met an TTU deadline was not sufficient publicinterest reason to grantthe request
        5.. On June 8, 2005, EchoStarfiled ts ptiion for reconsideration ofthe Bureau‘s Denial Order.
"The petiion for reconsideration noted that (1) the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT)
would grant a lcense to QuetzSst Directo, an afflinte of SES GLOBAL Latin America S.A.,to provide
Direct—to—Home (DTH) service to the Mexican public from EchoStar 4, and (2) that EchoStr 4 could
provide service to partsof the U.S. as well. On June 9, 2005, Mexico‘s SCT and Comision Federal de
Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL) submitted a letter supporting EchoStar‘s request* EchoStarthen filed a
Supplement to the Petition for Reconsideration on June 14, 200. On June 14, 2005, EchoSta alsofiled
an STA request to begin drifing EchoStar 4 from its licensed position at 157° W.L. toward the 61.35°

* See 47 CFR. § 25.161(6)(providing fr the avtomatic termination ofa sution authoriztion upon "{the removal
or modifiation ofthe failtes which rendersthe sution not opertional for more thin 90 days, unles specifie
authorit is requested")
"EchoSar Satlite LLC, Memorandiam Opinion and Order, DA 05—1581 (re. Jue 3, 2005)(Denial Order}
* Denial Order at§ 6
* Leterfom Jorge Alvarez Hoth,Subsecretiriode Comunicaciones, SCT and Jorge Aredondo Martine, President,
COFETEL to Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, FCC (Jun 9,2005)

                                 Federal Communications Commission                              Da 06—08

W.L. orbital position." The Bureau granted this request on June 17, 2005. DIRECTV filed comments on
the Petition for Reconsideration on June 20, 2005, and EchoStr replied to DIRECTV‘s comments on
June 22, 205. On July 1, 2005, EchoStar filed a second Supplement tothe Petiion for Reconsideration
and filed an application for blanket receive—only earth station suthorization, to receive signals from the
EchoStar 4 satllite atthe 77° W.L. orbitl location to provide DTH service to U.S. subscribers." Also on
July 1, 2005, EchoStarfiled a request to alter the drit of EchoStar 4, and to place it atthe 77° W
orbitl lcation and operate it under a U.S. ense pending action on the STA Request. This July 1, 2005
request was granted on July 6, 2005 "

        6. On July 20, 2005, the Bureau reinstated EchoStar‘s request to transfer control of the
operation of EchoStar 4 at the 77° W.L. orbitl location to QuetzSat.° The Buresu also reinstated
EchoStar‘s application for modification of the EchoStar 4 space station license and the application for
modification of an earth station authorization, concluding that the additional information provided in the
petiion for reconsideration warranted further consideration ofthe three applications.". DIRECTV fled
comments on August 26, 2005, to which EchoStar replied on September 6, 2005." On September 21,
2005, EchoStar withdrew the modifieation application and relinquished the underlying space station
authorization"" thatallowed EchoStar 4 to operate at the 157° W.L.orbital location on channels 1 7,and
11. On November 18, 2005, EchoStar filed an amendment to its blanket earth station application to
include an orbial debris mitigation plan." On December 1, 2005, Mexico‘s SCT issued a concession to
QuetzSat Directo to provide DTH servicet the Mexican public from EchoStar 4. "
        7. We find that both EchoStar‘s STA request and request for a blanket carth stition
authorization are in the public interest. In order to grant a request for authority,the Commission must
find that such a grant would serve the public interest.". When EchoStar submited the STA Request,
7 sarsta—a00sost4—00124.
* rile No. ses—rs—20050701.00852.
* SAT—STA—20050701—00142, foa 30—day priod. This STA hassince been renened. See Samp Grant, SAT—STA—
2005080300157 (granted August 5, 2005), Stamp Grant, SAT—STA20080826—00167 (granted September 10,
2005 and Stamp Gran, SAT—STA—20051018—00202 (grnted October 27, 2005). See also SAT—STA—20081027—
00207, SAT—STA—20051128—00258, and SAT—STA—20051222—00268 (requesting further renewals of this STA
"* EchoStar Satlite LLC, Order on Reconideration, DA 05—2067 (Reconsideraion Order)
" Comments of DIRECTV Entrprises, LLC, filed August 26, 2005; EchoStar Sitelite LL.C. Reply Comments,
HiledSeptember 6,2005. In is comments, DIRECTV stats thateven though EchoStar 4‘s location at 77°W.L. is
within 4.5 degrees of DIRECTV‘s currentstelitat 72.5° WL, neither it stelite nor EchoSar 4 i capoble of
aperating onall 32 DBS channels. DIRECTV statesthat as long as it n coordinate wth EchoStar 4there should
be noinerfeence concem in ths paticular circumstance even though DIRECTV generaly opposes DBS satlites
being separited by only 4.5 degrees. EchoStar responds that it is optimitithat an infomal agreement can be
reached with DIRECTV concerning the opention ofEchoar 4 at 77° W.L
° SeeFile No. SAT—MOD—20031219—00372
!*ite No. sE—AMD—2001118.01003
 See Coneesidn par insalir, operar y exploar una ed piblica de telcomnicaciones, que otorga «l Gobiemo
Fedeal por conducto de Is Secrcaria de Comunicaciones y Tramsportes, en to sucesivo Ia Secrcuria a fivor de
QUEIZSAT DIRECTO,S. DE RL. DE C.¥., al tnor desiguientes antecedentes y condiiones, dted December1,
2005 (QueratDirecto Concession)
"aruso.p 20047 on 525120

                                  Federal Communications Commission                               pa te—s08

EchoStar proposed to relocate the EchoStar 4 satelite to 77° W.L. but did not propose to provide service
to the United States. EchoStar 4 was also unable to provide DTH service to Mexico, since further
authorization from the Mexican goverment would have been required before service to Mexico could be
provided. Further information is now available to indicate that EchoStar 4 willbe able to provide service
to both the United States and Mexico from the 77°W.L.orbital loction.
         8.. Issuing authorizations that will fiiltte consumers receiving transmissions from EchoStar 4
at the 77° WL. orbital location could serve the public interest by providing service to areas in the
Southem U.S, including additional Spanish language programming to areas with significant Spanish—
speaking populations " ‘This authorization is consistent with the Commission‘s action in the DIRECTY 3
Order.® Moving the DIRECTV 5 sateliteto the 72.5° W.L. orbital location was determined to be in the
public inerest because of the benefits associated with increasing the number of U.S. markets able to
receive local—into—Jocal programming."" We further note that in EchoStar 4‘s case, the U.S. and Mexico
have a relevant bilteral agreement in place related to the provision of DTH services."
         9. Exchange ofLetters with SCT. We have exchanged letters with SCT in order to ensure that
there is a mutual understanding regarding the operation ofthe EchoStar 4 satelite. ‘The understandings,
and the factual background for these understandings, are provided as Annex. A and are materal
considerations for the authorization contained in this Order.. In general, the exchange oflettrsindicates
(hat EchoStar 4 space station operations at the 77° W.L. orbiallcation will be pursuant to authorization
of QuetzSat by SCT.
        10. Based on the foregoing, we find that the granting of EchoStar‘s application will serve the
public interest by providing additional competiive telecommunications services in both the U.S. and
         11. Accordingly, IT 1S ORDERED, that EchoStar SateliteLLC.‘s application, File No. SAT—
$TA—20050321—00068 (Call Sign 2621),IS GRANTED, and EchoStar Satelite LL C. is authorized to
transfer contrl of EchoStar 4 to QuetzSat, 5. de RL. de C.V.
        12. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the applications for Special Temporary Authority to
operate Telemetty, Tracking, and Command necessary to maintain the EchoSter 4 satelite at the 77°W.
orbital location, File Nos. SAT—STA—20060126—00010, SAT—STA—20060303—00020, and SAT—STA—
" See EchoStar Supplementto PettionforReconsidention,at5
" DIRECTV, n Order and duthorization, 19 FCC Red 15829 (2004) (DIRECTY 5 Order}
* t
®Aureement between the Govemment of the United Sats of Americanand the Governmentofthe United Mexican
Sttes Concerning the Transmision and Reception rom Satlltesfor the Provision ofStelite Services to Users in
the Unnted States ofAmerica and the United Meviean Sates, Apri28, 1996, AricleI and Protocol Concemingthe
‘Transmission and Reception of Signalsfrom Satelites for the Provision ofDiectto—Home Stelite Services in the
Unied Sttesof America and the Unnted Mexican Sates, November 8,1996, Generall, in evalatingrequests by
US. eath sttion operatorsto accessa non—US—licensed space station, the Commission adopted a publc interest
Ramework that considers th effct on compettionin the United Stiesand asseses reciprocal "market access" to
the other nationby the U.S. See Amendment of the Commission‘s Repulatory Poliies to Allow Non—tJS. Licensed
Satelftes Providing Domesti and IntemationalService in the US.,Report and Order,TB Docket No. 96—11, 12
ECC Red 24094, 24107—56 (¥f 30—145) (1997) (DISCO 10. However, DISCO If contemplates that a bilteral
aurcement,as is present here," .. . acts asa gateway to, and a guarantee of incteased competiion in the two
countries atboth ends othe agreement". DISCO 11 12 FCC Red at24157 (para.143). Thus no further market
access analysis is required

                                Federal Communications Commission                            ba 06—868

20060331—000327, ARE GRANTED.
         13. TT 18 FURTHER ORDERED, that, pursuantto Section 25.137 (e) ofthe Commission‘s rules,
the application of EchoStar Satelite L.L.C. File No. SES—LES—20050701—00852 (Call Sign EOS019), as
amended by File No. SES—AMD—20051118—01603, IS GRANTED, and EchoStr Satellte LLC. 18
AUTHORIZED to use 1,000,000 receive—anly Earth stations to receive transmissions in the 12.2—12.7
GHtz frequency band from the EchoStar 4 satelite at the 77° W.L.orbital location, which is authorized to
QuetzSat, S. de RL. de C.V. by SCT, consistent with the technical parameters specifed in it application,
and subject to the following condition:
        Operations shall be consistent with applicable coordination agreements; to the extent such
        sureements have not been reached, operations:
                 a) shall not exceed, under any conditions and taking into account all varitions in
                   satelite attitude, the parameters specified in Attachment A of the Lette, dated May
                     10, 2005, from Pantelis Michalopoulos to the Secretary, FCC,
                 ®) shall be on a non—harmfil interference basis, i, operations of the EchoStar 4
                     satellite shall not cause interference to, and shall not claim protection from,
                     interference caused o t by any other lawuilly operating satllites
         14. EchoSar Satelite LLC is afforded thiry days to decline this authorization as conditioned.
Failure to respond. within this period will constiute formal acceptance of the authorizations as
         15. This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CER. §0.261
and is effective upon release.

                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                       Robert G. Nelson
                                       Chief, Satelite Division
                                       International Bureau

Federal Communications Commission   pa o6—se8

           Appendix A

                       Federal Communications Commission                               ba os—s68

                        Federal Communications Commission
                               Washington, DC 2055¢
                                   Novenber 16,2005

   Leone! Lipee Celgya
   Dirseidn General d Poltca d Telecomunicaciones
   Secrtaia de Comunicacioncs y Tramsportes
   Av. Xolny A. Univeridad
   Cento SCOP, Cuerpo B. * pso
   Narvare, 03020 Mexico,D.F. Mexico
   Ing. Femando Cario Valderbano
   Direcidn Genena de Orgaismos de RepulaciInteracional,
   Coortinacidn General e AsintosIntermacionales
   Comisién Federalde Telecomunicaciones
   Hosquede Raditas 44, 4 pio Als Poniewc
   Bosques d as Lomas, 03120 Mexico, DF. Mexico

                Re: Operitionothe EchoStar 4 Space Sn

   Dear Mr. Liper and Mr.Carills
          This ater is t conin the infomal undesiandingsoftFoderal
   Communications Commissin (FCC and the Secrcariade Comunicacioncs y
   "Transpotes (SCT)representd by the Subscretaa de Communicaciones and the
   ComisidnFedea de Telecomunicacones, concerning ceiain echnicalisues involvedin
   the eperitionofa roadeastngSatelite Service (BSS) atlite,keown as Ectodlar 4
   pursiant anagreement between EcheSar StelteLLC (EchoSta) and SES GLOBAL
   Latin Ameria,S.A. and SBS GLOBAL, 5.A.(clectvely SES), The folwing
   explantion is deive from theagrecment
   "The Transacton between EchoStar and SES
          ‘Underan agreementbetween EchoSiar and SES, EchoStar has agreed o move the
   HEchoStar 4 satelite to the 77° W.L. orbtal oction,subjectto necessy povermental
   approvals pendig thelnanchand placement o new steite (QueteSat1 atthe 77°
   W.L orbial oeation Theagreementprovides thattheServiceTem for EchoSar 4 at
   ! htm =7" W abinoatn" rfen o t noninaht pstio o e reeatMevicn
   frens ignnenudie U Regon 2 Pin o SS o Fecdr Link Asanmenso conunein
   Aprerdic 000 t Rdio Reilaion, d oysfi ecaton witin h ie detecd

                        Federal Communications Commission                                  ba 06—se8

the 77° W.L. orbital loction willrun from thedate thatEchoStar 4 begins service at the
77° W.L. orbitl location (th *inservice" dat) untl th eariest of. (1) the End—ofLi
of EchoStar 4; (2) thedate that EchoStar 4 fil; (3) thin—service date of QuerzSat 1 at
the orbial location;(4) the date that EchoStar removes EchoStar 4 from the 77° W.L.
location to replace capacity o ts flee lost dueto catastraphic fuilure in it flees or(5)
upon certain events rlated to theftureoperations ofQuetzSat 1.
       "The agreement contemplatesthat, once EchoSar 4 iat he 77° W.L.orbtal
location, it wllbe under th diectionand control of SES/Quetzsat . EchoStar will
perform telemetry, tracking, and control funcions, under thedirection and control of
SES‘Quctrsat,forthe entie ServiceTerm at th 77° WL. orbiallocation.

         On February 2, 2005, SCT provided QuetrSat with a concession to develop and
operte a BSS/SS space sttion at the 77° W.L..orbtllocation (the "Concession‘)
EchoStarhas filed with the FCC a requestforauthorization to move the EchoStar 4
satelite from the 157° W.L orbialloction tthe 77° W.L. orbitl location, where
controlofthe satelte wll passto Quetzsat(he "Full Authorizaion‘). Echostar also
filed, and the FCC granted, a request t deif the Echostar 4 satelite from the 157° W.L.
orbial location o the 61.5° W.L orbita loction. Subsequently,Echostar filed, and the
FCC granted,a requestto alerthe drif ofthe Echotar 4 satllitin ordeto position it at
the 77° W.L orbial location, and to operatethe satlfite at that loction parsuant to U.S.
authorization (the "Interim Authoriztion‘). The Echostr 4 satllt is currently
operatingat the 77° W.L orbital location pursuantto the Iterim Authoriation:
Informal Understandings between SCT and the FCC on certain technicalissues
concerning operation of EchoStar 4
        Itis my understandingthat ou agencies have concurred on the following
technica issues concerningthe aperation of EchoStar :
   1.. n the event the FCC approves the Full Authorization,the EchoStar 4 spacecrat
       will operateatthe 77° WLlocation subject to Mexican authority. Because this
       location is a modification, notifie by the Mexican Adminitation, tthe Region
       2 Plan of Appendix 30/30A ofthe ITU Radio Regulations, the Mexican
       administration will have responsibiltyforcompliance with the ITU Radio
       Regulations (includingthe requirementfor censing as specified in Article 18.1
       ofthe Radio Regultions, and any applieable agreementsecking procedures) in
       comnectionwith operation ofthe EchoStar 4 satliteat the 77" W.L. orbital
   2.   Any aperations ofthe EchoStar 4 othe than atthe 77°W.L.orbital location, will
        be subject t issuance of a new authorization by the FCC, including any
        operationsas a result ofequipment filur in thsatlite that resul in the inabilty

" netiSat, 5 de RL de CV. (Queebaanaine ofSES. Tharccment es thatt is intnded
1 hnd SES and iafines

                     Federal Communications Commission                                 pa oc—ses

       to maintain the stelite within £0.1 degrees of ts assigned posiion atthe 77"
       WiLorbital loction

   3. SCT will providethe FCC wthat east 4 (fow) days advance writen notice
      (emil wit contirmed receipt rom the FCC‘s Chit Intemational Boreas,
      Satlite Division,willbe considered suffcien)of any planed termination or
      expirtion of the Concessionunder which the EchoStar 4 stelite will be
    4. Consistent with ITU Recommendation 5.1003—1, EnvironmentalProtection ofthe
        Geosttionay—Satelite Orbit, Quetzstwillbeobliged underthe Concession o
        maintain, brring eatastrophic fulireofsteit components, thecapobilty o de—
        erbtthe EchaSta 4 spaceeraf, tothe minimum perigee alitadespecified in such
        "Theinformal understandings setfoth in this eter concerning operation of the
EchoStar satlite d not constutea consurence by the PCC or the U.S
Adminisration with any Mexican flns with th ITU Radiocommunication Bureau at
the 77" W orbitalloction under Appentices 30 or 30A ofthe ITU Radio Regulations.
Itis my undestandingthahe FCC and SCT will separitls,an as partofthe
agreement—seckingprocess applicale underthe ET Radio Regulations, work in good
falth to complet hatprocess,insofar as necessay, in comection with the aperation of
the EchaStar satlite or any othersatlfite atthe 77° W.L. orita location.
        "This exchange ofeters does ot constiute approval ofth Full Authorization or
any otheraplictionrelated to threloctionofhe EchoSiart steltetothe 77° W.L.
orbial location
        In the event of thfilireofthe EchoStar4 satellte, and upon the exeriseby
EchaSta ofits contactul rights to move th stelie,and in the event tha hereare any
provisions in the Concession,or any provisions in the Mexican laws and egulations
governing thelecommunications operations ofEchaSta that would preclude or
otherviselimitthe exercise ofEchoSar‘s contractul rigs wthin thtime rames
specified in the EchoStarSES agreementthe FCC would apprecite the opportuityto
cansult with SCT rior t any exrcise osuch lcensingauthorityor application ofsuch
law or egulitionby SCT. 1 would appreciate acknowledgementofthese views and
expression ofany views which SCT may have concerning the mate discussed n this
parsgraph. Let me als express the PCC‘s willngnessto discas thismatter frtherin
the event,ata later date, it becomes necessary to do so
        Lastl,all notices,inquires, and corespondence rom SCT concerming these
matershould be drectet he Satelite Division, Interational Bureau (phone number
202.418.0719) (email CassandiaThomas@feegov,witha copy to
KarlKensinger@fee gou), on th part ofthe FCC. The FCC wl forward ll notees
inuires, and coresponderce concerninthese matertothe Dieccidn Generl de

                       Federal Communications Commission                            pa oc—se8

Organismas d Regulicidn Itermacional, Coordinaciin General de Asuntos
Interacionales(Phone number $255.1253.4215)(—mail camill@cgobmon the
part ofSCT, Pleas stusknow ifthisaddresssubsequently changes
        17the forepoing corresponds t your undersanding ofthinformal arrangements
betweenour two agencies concerning thvarious technicalisues involved in the
operitionof EchoSiar4, please conirm by retur leter. Thank you.

                                                Cassands C. Thomas
                                                Acting Chief
                                                Suelite Division

ces   David K. Moskowie, Eiq.
      Exeeutive Viee President & GenenCounsel
      Echostar Stelite LLC
      9601 South Meridian Roulevard
      Engiewod, CO 80112
      Naney J. Eskenazi
      VicePresidentand Associte GeneralCounsel
      Legal and Regulitory Opertions
      SBS Americom, Inc
      Four Research Way
      Priton,NJ 08540.6684


                           Federal Communications Commission                                 ba 06—68

.                 Receneo e rSFECTED
                     oc — s                suasecnerania e commicaciones
                                           sireccion cenera. e rotmca ne
                  FOG MAILRGOM             Terecomunicaciones
                                           coonomacion cexerat oz asurtos
nometniemss                                werernacionates oe ta comsion reverat.
 ie n n t                                  oe rerecommeaciones
    musionns                               oimeccion cexera oe onoansmos oe
                                           reoutacion nrernactonat
                                           2 5718
                                          México, DF. 21 de Noviembre de 2008

    Sra. Cassandia C. Thomas
    Actg Ciet, Satlte Dvison, Infermatonal treau
    Faders Commenicatons Commision
    415 Cate 12, $0.
    Wastingon,D.G, 2055¢
    Estatos Unidcs de Amdrica

      Ret: Operecones de in Estacin EspaciaEchotar 4.

    Ns referimas a o cata fechada ut 18 de noviervixe de 2008, medtare in cual e contrma de
    mavera inormal at eniendinienio enre io Secetaria de Comunicaciones y Transpories (n
    Secrara) y is Federal Communicatons Commiston (a FGC) respecto de cerics asunios
    tenieos relaconados can i cperacin del satite conocido como EchoSlar 4 an in posicén
    erata77" W de contarnidad con n concesion clorpada a n empresa meicans Quetesat, 5. do
    RL de CY. (Guetsa. seatn l acverdo enve n enpross EchoStar Satate LC (EchoStan y
    losenpresas 529 GLOBAL Latn Amerca, SA y 5ES GLOBAL, 5Aconjuntamante SES).
    En este sentdo o informamos que exia adniniatiidn coincide con su apreciaciin on Io aue
    respecia a in defridin det timiro denoninade Perodo de Servilo y a las condiclones
    apieabies en os terenies casce e terminacin da mismo,asl como on t que respecia a in
    responsaidad de EchaStar de levar a cabo lns fnclonee de rasteo, nlemetia y comanto
    pare ostdite chaSta 4 bio i recstn y contoldo SESNGueteat curantetodo l Poriodo
    e Sericl en ia posicin otal 77" .
    bet msno made, contrmamos aue is eneress mexicans Cuetesat coenta con una concesitn
    ave ie permite ccupar is pesdcn ottal 77° Ooste y exilotar sus bandas de trecuencias
    ascciadas,otorgaca po esta Secretaia o2 d febrero de 2005 Dicha concenion is permnte a
    Quetzzat owcer capacidad saletal parn in conducciin do safaies dal Senice d
    Racaatsitn por Satlite (SRS) y ceSenicio Fjo por Sutite (BFS) a cusiauer empres 0
    persors mexicana aue cuente can una concestn de red pubiea de telecomnicacones o un
    permiso sare estacionasterenas auelesavtorce hace uso de ce capacidad saata pare al
    Sn o pamel srs



                           Federal Communications Commission                                ba 06—868



      Adclonaments, os importane sefilar aue io concesitn de Cuntzsat ie onign a oftecer
      capeciiad statl reserada at Etado para serios de seguridad publca y cobertra socid.
      e parclar araa proviidn ce serviclos ce bonda anchn en zonas rurales on odo alals:
       Enendemcs tamiiéo oue nicimente EctoStar ha solctado ante esa FG una auterzadén
       para rasladar e saidte Echoar 4 de n posson ottal 157" 0 a io postan 77" 0 dande of
       corrol del satlte posarka Quetzsst( Autoriaciio Complota) y ue ademis ha soctado y
       ha citerdo de in FCC. avtorzaciin pare raslader dto salile de la posictn 187" 0 a in
       sesiitn 615 0. Asimiime, entendemcs aue posteiomente EchoSlar solcld y cotwo de in
       FGC avtarzacén para aterr ol desslazamieni de satite EchoSar 4 e tl modo que éste se
       utigve y opere derde is pesicin 77* 0( Astotiacin Tenpor), De Iual manens,
       eantimanos aue l salte EchaSar 4 e encuentra operando on ia posldn 77" 0 a prt dal
       8 dejuto e a0os..
      Asinisno manfestanos nuesto acuerts respects se los sguienies aspectos tnicos y se
      forman part deun entendarintoinformalene ia SCT y a FCG:
           1. Una vez ave ia FGC otorgue is Atzacdn Completa pora in vbicaciin del stt
               EehoGlar4 en iposisdn 77" 0, deto salte perard balo in autoidad ce in SCT ce
               conformidad conlas daposicones anieatles dal Reglamento de Radiocomenicacionss
               d i urt.
          2. Cusiquer operaciin fuera d ta posiin norinal T7" 0 se levard a cabo sujeta a in
              averdad dela Foo.
          3. En caso de in exptecin 0 terminaciin antpada de in conceniin para ocupar in
              posiddn T7" 0 cloaca a Quetzsat i SCT dark aviso por escrio a in FGG con al
              manos 4 is de nialcin
         4. Constente con in Recomendacito 510031 de in UIT. Quetzsat estart abigado
              imecirts i Concesin a mantenera capacdad de e—comilonar o stlte EchoSlar4,
              savo en caso de fals ctaeiifca de os corponenies del saidite, a is altas miima de
              perigeo esecifcada en icha recomendacon.
     Asiniamo, cocidmos con lo expresado on ol senido d que ol entendinianto informal
     eanterdo en esa carta no cnsttuye ringin acverdo enteto Adrinistaciin de los EUA y n
     Adniniractn de Mivic respecto do cusiaier rimte anie in Ofcina de Raclocomnicacions
     d in UTT relatvan in poicin 77" 0 bao los Anérdiae 20 y 20 del RR. be pual manara
     cundmos ave cuiquer proceso rolave a in citencdn de subsecuentes acuerdos de
     esortinacitn ente amisas adrinisvacions, ue en su caso sean necesarle,relacorados con
     in eperacin dl salite EchoStar 4 6 cualquer oto stlle on in posicin 77" 0, se rtado
     de manera separad ente in FCCy i SCT.
     Enerdames tambiin aue este ntercami de cartas no conntliye atotzaddn algona per
     Farte dese PGG a Echaa respecto de is ecticacin del satite EchoBlr 4 en a postacn


                        Federal Communications Commission                               pa o6—ss8


        Contmanas a in FGG que is apleacin de ruestas leyes y requiconts, inclpendo s
        stigacinse ntemacnales de nuesta adriniract, an io ave respectaa n ocpaci¢n c ia
        gesiin 77 0, s encuent gobrmaca por o conceiin cue h sito ocepace a n empross
       Guetsat, exjas concicons son anleabls exciisvamente a Quetisaty o asta ringuna otm
       emsress ya sea mexiara o extaniem Por io tan, para l caso aue nos ccupe ringura
       diasoscin on n concenin, an nuestas lys o on nurata reguiacicn puede sr anleaca para
       ingede o lmtar de manarscracta a EchoSi: pare wjrer wus derchon contactiles con
       En io aue respeca a notfiadanos, conmitas y coreondancia entre nuestas agonca,
       ‘emanos na delosdato d cotaci en a CC y contmaman s corespondianies datos ce
       centaci on ia Scr.
       Enaimente, me sernto exseear oue J contei¢o an au caria, an conjore con to ariba
       Iedeado, caresporde con io ue noscre eniendemcn respeco cal acuerdo nformal ente
       ruestas respecivas antades en o reitvo a los varos aspecios iicricos devacos ce in
       speredin deleatite Etotart.

                Tng:LeonelLiper Golg
             Director General de Poltca de
               Telecomunicacions de in
      Seeretariade Comunieacionen y Transporis Comhlon     Faderalde Telecomunicaciones
                        ram rreuren
              lomssepn ce
              o      on mae        %


                                 Federal Communications Commission                               pa tc—s8

[N.B:: This english transtation is provided by the FCC as an aid to english speakers in
understanding the preceding letter from Mexico. This translation has not been reviewed or
approved by cither the SCT or COFETELJ
bet) moocws uirmeo stames                                                               romce2
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      rEcevED & nsrEcrep                          TeLEComMUNICATIONS PoLiCy DIVisION
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                                                  MatTeks or me reosrat
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                                                  piviston or iNTeRNaTIONat
                                                  ReouLations or acencies
                                          n2, 5718
                                                  Mexico, D.F.,. November 21, 2005

Ms. Cassandra C. Thomas
Acting Chief, Stellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re: Operations of EchoStar 4 Space Station

We make reference to your letter dted the 16" of November of 2003 in which you informally confirm the
understanding between the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (the Secrctria) and the
Federal Communications Commission (the FCC) with respect to cetain technical maters related to the
operation ofthe satelfite known as EchoStar 4 in orbital position 77° WL. pursuant t the cense granted
the Mexican company Quetzsat, S de RL. de C.V. (Quetzsat), in accordance with the agreement between
the company Echo Star Satelite LLC (EchoStar) and the companies SES GLOBAL Latin America, SA.
and SES GLOBALSA. (ointy SES).
in this regard, this Adiministration wishes to inform you that t concurs with your appraisal regarding the
defintion oftheterm Service Period and the condiions applcable to thedifferent cases of termination thereof;
we also concur with respect to EchoStar‘s responsibliy to perform the duties of tracking, telemetsy and
control for he EchoStar4 satelfte,under te diretion and control of SESQuetsat duringthe entire Service
Period in orital position 77° W.L
Similarly, we confirm thatthe Mexican company Quetzsat has a concession that allous it to occupy ortital
postion 77° W.L. and to exploit the associated frequency bands, granted by this Secrctarat on the 2"" of
February of2005, Said concession allous Quetzsat o offr satelite capability fo the conduction ofsignals of
the Broadcastig—Satellte Service (BSS) and of the Fived—Satelite Service (FSS) to any Mexican company or
person that has a public telecommunieations network lcense ora land station pernit thatauthorizesthe use of
said sitlite capabiity fothe BSS or the FSS.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                              pa o6—sss


fei)ocumen stames
sroxmamnr or commtnicanon
a meansrormnon

Additionally, it is important to point out that Quetzsats Hicense obligates it to offer satellte capability
reserved forthe State for services of public safety and social coverage, specificlly in order to provide
wide band services to rural zones throughoutthe country
We also understand that initilly EchoStar had requested authorization from the FCC to transfer the
EchoStar 4 satellite fom orbital position 157° W.L. to position 77° W.L. where contral of the stelite
would go to Quetzsat (the Complete Authorization) and in addition, it has requested and obtained from
the FCC, authorization to move said stelite from position 157" WL. to position 61.5° W.L. Similarly,
we undesand that subsequently EchoStar requested and obtained FCC authorization to modify the
displacement ofthe EchoStar 4 satllite in such a way that it would be located and operate from position
77° W.L. (the Temporary Authorization). Similarly, we contirm that the Echo Star 4 satelite has been
operating in position 77" W.L.since the 9° ofJuly of2005.
‘We also state our agreement with respect tothe following technical aspects that form part of he informal
understanding between the SCT and FCC:
     1. Onee the FCC authorizes the Complete Authorization fo the EchoStar 4 satelite to b located in
         position 77° W.L., said stelite will be operating under the authorty of the SCT in accordance
         with the applicable provisions of the TTU Radio Regulations (RR)
    2. Any operation outside its normal posiion of 77° W.L. shall be caried out subject to FCC
    3. In the event of expiration or early termination of the license to occupy position 77° WL. granted
       to Quetzsat, the SCT will give writen notifeation to the FCC a minimum of4 days prirto such
      4.. In accordance with Recommendation $.1003—1 ofthe TTU, Quetzsat wll be obligated through its
           Concession to maintain the capsbility to decommission the EchoStar 4 satelite, except in the
           event of a eatastrophic failure of the satellite components to the minimum height of perigee
           specified in said recommendation.
Similarly, we agree with your statements regarding the fact thattinformal understanding contained in
this leter does not constitite any agreement between the Administation of the USA. and the
Administrtion of Mexico with respect to any matter being processed before the Radiocommunication
Bureau ofthe FTU related to position 77° W .. under Appendices 30 and 30A ofe RR. Additionally, we
auree that any procedure reated to the obtainment of subsequent coordination agreements between both
administations, should they be needed, related to the operation of the EchoStar 4 satelite or any other
satellite in posiion 77° WL. shall be treated as a seperate matter between the FCC and SCT
We also understand that this exchange of leters does not constitite any authorization by the FCC to
EchoStar with respectt the relocation ofthe EchoSar 4 satellite to position 77° W L


                                  Federal Communications Commission                            pa o6—ses

 bea) medcns wirren stares
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 We confirm to the FCC that the application of our laws and regulations, including the intermational
 obligations of our administration, in regard to the occupation of position 77° W.L. is govemed by the
 license that has been granted to the company Quetzsat, conditions which are applicable exclusively to
 Quetzsat and not to any other company, be it Mexican or foreign. Therefore, in this case there are no
 provisions in the liense, in our laws or in our regulation that may be applied to directly hinder or imit
 EchoStar from exercising ts contractual rights with SES
 With respect to notifcations, consultations and correspondence between our agencies, we take note othe
 contactinformation for the FCC and confirm the corresponding contactinformation for the SCT
 Finally, allow me to express that the contents of your leter, together with what has been stated above,
 correspond to our understanding ofthe informal agreement between our respective agencies in relation to
 the various tchnical aspectsrelated to the operation of the EchoStar 4 satelite


 ([Signature—ilegible]                                    [Signatureilegible}
Ing. Leonel Lopez Celaya                                  Ing. Fermando Carillo Valderrabano
General Director of                                       General       Director     of      International
Telecommunications Policy                                 Regulation ofAgencies
SecrctriatofCommunicuion & Tansponion                     Fedenl Tlecommunicuions Commision

             rmurconmmcanons roucr omson
             +        nov. 21. m       +

CC:.=—   Mr JongeAvoee Huh » DepaySery ofCommunicatons SCT
         Mr Jorge Aredondo Marine Pesdet COFETEL
         Mc RicadoRios Ferer— Lepl Represonative oOvetmat, 5. deRL of CY.



Document Created: 2006-04-18 11:18:03
Document Modified: 2006-04-18 11:18:03

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