Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051222-00268 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                         Approved by OMB
Date & Time Filed: Dec 22 2005 5:47:46:0337M
File Number: SAT—STA—20051222—00268
Callign: 5> c2)
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICArIONs COMMISSION
                                                      roR OFFICIAL UsE ONLY

Enter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
 Application to ExtendAuthority to Operate EchoStar 4 (82621) at 77 WJL.for an Additional 30 Days
1. Applicant
           Name:        EchoStarSatelite Operatineg      Phone Number:                 ans=723—1000
           DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                   303—723—1609

           Street:      9601 South Meridian Boulevard    E—M

           City:        Englewood                        State:                        co
           Country:      USA                             Zipeode:                      son2
           Attention:   David K Moskowite

                                                                                                    aGr—ste 2oo5l222.0Ges
                                                                                                      Seer           \\4|O6


                                                                                                             7 Cniest


   IBFS File Nos. SAT—STA—20051027—00207, SAT—STA—20051 128—00255, and SAT—STA—
                                          Call Sign: S2621
                                     Grant Date: January 4, 2006

EchoStar Satellie, LLC‘s (EchoStar‘s) requests, File Nos. SAT—8TA—20051027—00207, SAT
STA—20051 128—00255, and SAT—STA—20051222—00268, ARE GRANTED. Accordingly,
EchoStar IS AUTHORIZED to continue to conduct Tracking, Telemetry, and Command
(TT&C) necessary to maintain the EchoStar 4 satellite atthe 77°WL. orbital location‘ through
and until February1, 2006. EchoStar 18 ALSO AUTHORIZED to continue to operate atthe 77°
W.L. orbitallocation through and until February3, 2006. This authorization is subject to the
following conditions:
        1. At the 77° W.L. orbital location, Echostar shall operate so as notto exceed. under any
conditions, and taking into account all variations in satellie atttude, the parameters specified in
Attachment A of the Letter, dated May 10, 2005, from Pantelis Michalopoulas to the Secretary,

        2. All operations atthe 77° W.L. orbital location shall be on a non—harmful interference
basis,ie., EchoStar Satellite LLC shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim
protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operating satellites or radio
communication service.
        3.. In the event of anyharmful interference as a result of EchoStar‘s operations atthe 77°
W.L. orbital location, EchoStar shall cease operations immediately upon notifieation of such
interference and shall inform the FCC, in writing, immediately of such an event.
        4.. EchoStar shall inform its customers that operations atthe 77° W.L. orbitallocation
are on a non—harmful interference basis and that EchoStar must cease operations upon
notification of such interference.

        5.. EchoStar shall maintain full operational control of the EchoStar 4 satellie atall times:

       6. This authorization is issued on the express understanding that, to the extent EchoStar.
pursuant to it agreement with SES Latin America, a private company, and itsafflited
companies, will conform its operations to anyparameters agreed to in coordination agreements
between the Administration of Mexico and other Administrations, responsibilityfor both
compliance with and enforcing compliance with those agreements is a matter which would arise
under private law.

        7. This authorization is issued with the understanding that this grant is not an approval
of any specific agreement entered into by EchoStar, ts subsidiaries, and afflites, nor ofany
* On July 6 2005, the Satlite Divison granted IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050701—00142..See Publie Note,
Report No. SAT—00306 (rel July8, 2005The Sarllte Division granted renewal equessfor this STA on August
5,2005, IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20080803—00187, Pubric Notc, Report No. SAT—00313 (rl August12, 2008);
on September 10, 2005,IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050826—00167, and on October 27, 2008, INFS File No. SAT«

specific provision ofanysuch agreement, concerning operation of the EchoStar 4 satelite, nor is
it an approval of an agreement concerning any related matte, nor ofanyspecific provision of
any such agreement concerning anyrelated matter.
        .. In connection with the provision of service in any particular country, EchoStar is
obliged to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing procedures ofthat
        9. This authorization is issued with the understanding that the United States remains the
Hicensing administration of the EchoStar 4 satellitefor purposes of ITU Radio Regulation 18.1
unless and until the FCC expresslyapproves a transfer of responsibility to another licensing
administration, and that operations of the EchoStar 4 satellite while the FCC remains the
Hicensing administration are pursuant to ITU Radio Regulation 4.4.
        10. This authorization is issued with the understanding that with respect to ts filings with
the ITU for the 77° W.L. orbital location, the Administration of Mexico is not acting pursuant to
Article 9 of the Radio Regulations on behalf ofthe United States Administration.

        11. This authorization is issued with the understanding that this grant does not in any way
express a view concerning, or agreement as to, the validityor lack of validity of any ITUfiling at
or within the vicinity of the 77° W.L. orbitallocation.
       12. Grant of this authorization does not conveyto EchoStar any authority to operate a
replacement satellite at the 77° W.L. orbitallocation or any prioity in the United States satelite
Hicensing process relative to applications for authority to operate a regularly authorized satellite
at this orbital position.
        13. Grant ofthis authority is without prejudice to action on EchoStar‘s STA request, File
No. SAT—$AT—20050321—00068 (Call Sign $2621), or EchoStar‘s application for Modification of
an Earth Station authorization, SES—MFS—20050527—00662 (Call Sign E020306).

                                         T       ~»_SET—STA— 2005 1272—0026%

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2. Contct

            Name:        Pantlis Michalopoulos              Phone Number:                          202—420—6404
            Companys Stepioe & Johnson LLP                  Fax Number:                            202—420—z002
            Street:  1330 ConnectieutAve.NW                 E—Mait:                      

            Ciy:         Washington                         State:                                  nc
            Countrys     USA                                Zipeode:                                2o0s6     ~1795
            Attention:                                      Relationship:                           Legat Counsel

   (1f your applicationis relared to an application fled with he Comminsion, ente eiihe e flenumber orte 1B Submission TD aftherelted
laplication. Please enter only one.)
  3. Reference File Number SATSTA20051 12800255 or Svbm              n 1D
 Ts1 a fee submited with his application?
@ 1f¥es, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No,indleate reason for fee exermption (tee 47 C.FRSection 1.1114).
> Govermmental Entity y Noncommercil educationallcensee
@ Other(please cxplain):
fb. Fee Classification CRY — Space Staion (Geostaionary)
5. Tope Request
 @ ChangeStation Location                        @ Extend Expiration Date                          g Other

6: Temporary OrbLocaton                                                     7. Requesied Extended Expiration Date
        Tw                                                                       2006—02—0s 00:00:00.0

8. Description _(If the complete descripion docs not appear in thisbox, please go t the ond of he fomm to view it n ts entiely)
     see attached narrative.

9. By checking Yes,the undersigned cerffes that nither applicant nor any other prty tothe application is subject @p Yes           © No
to a denial ofFederalbenefits that icludes ECC benefitspursuantto Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because ofa conviction for possession oditrbation ofa contraled substance. See 47 CFR
1,2002(b)for the meaning of&quotipartyto the applicationdquot; fo these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                              11. Tite of Prson Signing
[David K. Moskowite                                                     Executive Vice President and General Counsel

12; Please supply any needatachments.
  Atachment 1: Namative STA                      Atachment2:                                    Atachment 3:

                (U.S, Code,Tile 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code,Tile 47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)

"The publicreportingforthis ollection ofinformation i etimated o average 2 hours per response, incudingthe time for reviewing instructions,
searching existingdata sources, athering and maintaining the required data, and completingand reviewing the collectionof information. 1fyou
have any comments on this brden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burdeit causes you, lease write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 2054. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspectsofthis collection via the Intemetifyou send them PLEASE
bo No sEND conPLETED FoRMs To THs ADpRESs.
Remember — You are not required torespond to a colletion of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the govermment may not
conduct or sponsorthis colltion, unless t displays a currentvalid OMB control number or if we failto provide you with this notie.. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of3060—0678
1, 1998, 44 US.C. SECTION as07.

                                    Before the
                     repERAL contMuNIcaTions commisston
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Mattr of
EcnoSrar Sxrezume Orenanine                                 File No. SAT—STA—20050701—00142
Corrorxzios                                                 File No. SAT—S7A—20050803—00157
                                                            File No. SAT—STA—20050826—00167
                                                            Fil No. SAT—STA—2008 1ors—00202
                                                            File No. SAT—STA—20051027—00207
Application for Extension oSpecial                          File No. SAT—S7A—20081128—00255
Temporary Authority to Operatethe EchoStar 4                File No. SAT—STA— 2005 1222 C026 G
Sarellte at the 77° W.L. Orbial Location
Pursiantto U.S. Authority.                                  Call Sign: S2621


       Pursuant to Section 309 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended,47 U.S.C.

§ 309, and Part 25 othe Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. Part25,EchoStarStelite Operting
Corporation ("choStar®)hereby requests an extension ofthetrm ofth above—xaptioned
Special Temporary Authorization ("STA*)for another 30 days up t and including February 4.
2006. In support ofthis Application, EchoStar submit the fllowing:
       On July 6, 2005, the Iternational Bureas (‘Bureau*) gramed EchoStar an STA to move
the EchoStar 4 satelite to the 77° W.L. orbital location and to operte at that loction, subjectto

a number oeonditions, for a thiry day period." On August 5, 2005, September 10,2005, and

        ‘ See Stamp Grant, SAT—STA—20080701—00142 (granted July 6, 2005). The EchoStar 4
satelite reached the 77° W.L. orbital loctionand commenced operations on July 9, 2005. See
Lettefom Pantelis Michalopoulos, Counse for EchoStar to Marlene H. DortchSecretiry, FCC
(July 11, 2008).

October 27, 2005, he Bureau granted extensions ofthis STA for additiona! hiny day periods."
In addition, on October 27, 2005 and November 28,2005, EchoStar ied for an extension ofts
STA to operate EchoStar 4 at 77° W.L. to cover upto December 4, 2005 and up to January 4,
2006,respectively." EchoStar hereby requestsa frther extension ofthis STA for another 30
days up t and including February 4, 2006, pending the Bureau‘s consideation ofEchoSur‘s
reinstated requestto trasferlcensing responsiblity for the EchoStar 4 sotllite at 77° W.L. rom
the United Sttes to Mexico *
       "The Bureau has already found thatit would serve the publicinterest t authorize
EEchoSta to move the EchoStar 4 sateite t the 77° W.L. orbitl location and to operte
termporarily from that loction at ts own risk, pending action on EchoStar‘s reconsideration
pettion. An extension ofhis STA for another 30 days will allow the Bureau to complete ts
review and analysiofEchoStar‘srecenty rinstted application and would similaly serve the
public interest

      ° See Sump Grant, SAT—STA—20050803—00157(granted August 5, 2005), Samp Grant,
SAT—STA—20050826—00167 (gramed September 10,2005), and Stamp Gront, SAT—STA—
20081018—00202 (granted October 27,2005).
       ? See SAT—STA—20051027—00207 and SAT—STA—20081128—00255,
        ‘ See In the Matter ofEchaSiarSareliteL.L.C, Applicationfor Special Temporary
Authority to Condact Telemeiry, Tracking and Command Operations during the Relocaion of
EchoStar 4 t the 77° WL. Orbital Location: Applicationfor Modifcation ofDiect Broadeast
Satelite Authorization to Permit Long—Term Cessation ofOperations on Three DBS Channels at
the 157° WL OrbialLocation: Applicationfor Modifcation ofEarth Station Authorization to
wdd the EchoStar 4 Satelite at 77° WL as a PoinofCommunication, DA 05—1881.. Jun.3,
2005) (June 3 Order®),perfor recon. granted inpar, DA 0%—2067 (rel. Jl.25, 2005)
(reinsating the applications denied and dismissed under th Jume 3 Orde). See also Public
Notice, Report No. SAT—00311 (rel. Jl.27, 2005)(placingreinstred satelite applictions on
public notce);Public Notice, Report No.SES—00734 (rel. Jul.27, 2008)(pacing reinstted eath
station application on public noice).

       In accordance with Section 304 ofthe Communications Act of 1934,as amended, 47
U.S.C. § 304, EchoStar hereby walves any clim to th use of ny partcular fequency or ofthe
electromagnctic spectrum as againstthe regulatory power of the United States because of the
previous use othsame, whether bylcense or othervise
im.    concuusion
       For thforepoing reasons, EchoSta respectflly requests the expeditious grant ofthe
requested extensionofth above—captioned STA to operate EchoSta 4 at 77° W.L. pursuantto
US. wtorip.

                                          Respectfill submited,

Pantlis Michalopoutos                      David K. Mokowi
Philip L Malet                             Executive Vice President & General Counsel
Brendan Kasper                             EEchoStar Satelite Operating Corporation
srepror & JoiNson LtP                      9601 South Meridian Boulevard
1330 Comnectieut Avenve, NW.               Englewod, CO 80112
Washington, D.C. 20036                     (303) 723—1000
(202) 429—3000
Counselfor EchoStar SarelIte Operating Corporarion

December 22, 2005

Document Created: 2006-01-05 12:09:34
Document Modified: 2006-01-05 12:09:34

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