Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051205-00260 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                                        Approved by OMB
                                                             ;                   12/ifred           ///7 stM
Date& Time Filed: Dee 5 2005 2;18:50—450PM                                           //L‘ —Cheb <(/r///‘zv
file::’:nb« sar—sta—20081205—00260                                               en ? e                                   .t
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                      FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
 G14 TTC frequencis at 124.95 WL (Dee 2005)
1. Applican
           Name:      PanAmSat Licensce Com                Phone Number:               a—202—4300
           DHA Name:                                       Fax Number:                 an—as—iors
           Street:    1801 K Street, NW.                   R—nails
                      Suite 440
           Cig:       Washington                                                       nc
           Country:    USA                                                             anos    —
           Attentions MrKalpakS Gude Esy

                                        Galaxy 14
                                    Call Sign: s2a8s
                                   December 14, 2008

Panamsat Licensee Corp‘s (‘PanAmSat‘s‘) application for Special Temporary
Authorty, File No: SAT—$TA—2005120500260 IS GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat
is authorized,for the period of December 15, 2008 to January 14, 2006 to locate and
operate the Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C)of the Galaxy 14 sateite at the
12495° W.L. orbiallocation,in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifications setfortin is application, this Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
Pan¥AmSat‘s operations shall not cause harmful interference to any lawfully operating in—
orbit sateltes, PanAmSatshall cease operations immediately upon notifcation ofsuch
interference and PanAmSat shall inform the FCC in wrting within 3 days of such an
PanAmSat i required to accept interference from other lawully operating i—orbit
satelltes or radiocommunication systems.
PanAmSat‘s operations at124.95° W.L. shall b limited solely to TT&C operations and
sthall notinclude the provision of commercial services.
PanAmSat shall coordinate its Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and Monitoring
("TTC&M‘) operations with existing geostationary sateitesto ensure that no
uinaeceptable interference resultsfrom ts TTC&M operations at 124.95° W.L
"This Grant is issued pursuantt Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘srules on delegated
suthority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for reconsideration
under Section 1.106 or applications forreview under Section 1.115 ofthe Commission‘s
rules, 47 CER. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days ofthe date othe public
notice indicating thatthis action was taken.

2. Contact

                          Joseph A Godles, Esy            Phone Number:                    an2—429—4000
                          Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                      an—ans012
             Streets      1220 190 Steet, NW              r—ma:                  

                          Washington                      State:                            nc
                           usa                            Zipeode                          rone —2ns
             Attention:   Attomey                         Relationship:                    Legal Counsel

  (If your application i elated t anaplicaionfled with the Commissin,eter iherthfil nurmber or the 1B Submission TD oftherelated
application Please ente only one)
  3. Reference File Number orSubmisson ID
  ioI a fe submited with this applcaton?
@ 1f¥es, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.ER Section 1.1114)
@5 GovermmentalEntity gy Noncommercial educationalTcensce
i Ohertplease explain):
lb Fee Clasiication CRY — Space Station (Geostationry)
3. Type Request
@ Change Sation Location                       & Extend Expiration Date                   g ob

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                        7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
        taass we

i. Deseription —(I the complete description does not appcar in this box,please go to the enof the frm to view in s entiely)
      [Appiication seeks STA to station Galaxy 24 at 124.95 W.D. and to operate the tracking,
      telemetzy, and command payload on the satellite while it is at that orbital location.

9. By checkingYes,the undersigned certifes that nither applicant nor any other partyto the aplication is subject @ Yes    @y No
10 denialofFederal benefits that includes FCC benefits porsuantto Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Setion $62, because oa conviction for possessionordistibution ofa contolled substance. See 47 CFR
 1,2002(b)forthe meaningof&quotarty to the application@iqut,fo these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                           11. Tiof Person Signing
Kalpak Gude                                                          Associate General Counsel
12. Plcase supply any need atachments.
 Atachment i STA                               Atachment 2:                                 Atachment3

                 (US. Code, Te 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Tile 47, Setion 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U . Coe, Tik 47, Sction 503)

ree Norice requrd By TiE mrERWORK REDUCTION AcT
"The publc reportingforthis colletionoinformation i etimated to average 2 hours per espons, ncluding thetime forreviewing instrucions,
searchingexisting data sources, gathering and maintaiing therequired dats, and completing ad reviewing the collction ofinformation, Ifyou
have any comments on thisburden estimate,orhow we can improve thecallction and reduuceth burden it causes you, please wite t the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Projct (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554, We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects ofthis collction via thIntemet you send them t PLEASE
bo NorsEnp conPLETED FORMS To Thts Abpress.
Remember — You are not required t respand toa clletionof information sponsored by the Federl govemment, and the govermment may not
conduct or sponsor thi cllection, unless it displays a currenty valid OMB contral number oifwe ul to rovide you with thisnaice. This
calltion has been assigned an OMB control number of3060—0678
1, 1995, 4 Us.C. SECTION asw7.


       PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s Rules," hereby requests special temporary authority ("STA") for
30 days, commencing on December 15, 2005, to station Galaxy 14 at 124.95° W.L.
and to operate the tracking, telemetry, and command ("TT&C‘) payload on the
satellite while it is at that orbital location. PanAmSat only seeks authority herein
to operate the TT&C frequencies on Galaxy 14; the company‘s communications
payload on Galaxy 14 will not be in operation at 124.95° W.L.
      Galaxy 14 was launched on August 13, 2005 as a replacementsatellite for
Galaxy 5.2 Galaxy 12 has been serving as an interim replacement for Galaxy 5
pending the successful launch of Galaxy 14 and the completion of in—orbit testing
("IOT") for Galaxy 14. The Commission initially granted PanAmSat an STA for
30 days to conduct IOT for Galaxy 14 at 146° W.LPanAmSat subsequently filed
two STA requests, which remain pending, secking authority for Galaxy 14 to
remain at 146° W.L. for an additional period in order to complete IOT and to be
available as part of a contingency plan to maintain service at 133° W.L. pending
the successful launch of Galaxy 15.¢
       10T has since been completed, Galaxy 15 has been successfully launched,
and Galaxy 14 is drifting toward its assigned orbital location.® At present,
however, Galaxy 12 is stationed at 125.05° W.L. t is necessary, therefore, to
station Galaxy 14 at an orbital location that is offset from Galaxy 12‘s present
location until PanAmSatis ready to transfer trafic from Galaxy 12 to Galaxy 14.
PanAmSat expects to implement this ransfer in early January 2006. In light of
these circumstances, PanAmSat is fling this request to locate Galaxy 14
temporarily at 124.95° W.L.
       PanAmSat‘s STA request is supported by good cause. Relocating Galaxy
14 to 124.95° W.L. will enable PanAmSat to have the satelltein position for a
transfer of trafficatthe appropriate time. This positioning will facilitate
continuity of service, which is unquestionably in the publicinterest.

 1 Se File No.SAT—LOA—19991207:00007,as amendec.
 ® S File No.SAT—STAtsoatr—0002.
 " SHile Nos.SAT—STA2005082300166 and SAT—STA—20051005—00105.
 " Galixy 14 presenty is assignad to 12505° W.L. As a rsultfchanged crcumstances,
howeve, PanAmSat will b ling a modifcation aplication requesting authoriyto locate the
satelite at 125° W.L instead. PanAmatalso wllb fling n STA request secking authority to
operat tsatelite at 125" W.L.pending action on the modifcation application.

       Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests
an STA for 30 days, commencing on December 15, 2005, t station Galaxy 14 at
124.95° W.L. and to operate the TT&C payload on the satellte while it is at that
orbital location.
      Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to foseph A.
Godles, PanAmSat‘s counsel, at(202) 429—1900.

Document Created: 2005-12-14 14:56:26
Document Modified: 2005-12-14 14:56:26

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