Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051123-00252 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                  Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Nov 232008 3;11:347753PM
File Number SAT—$TA—20081 123—00252
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICArIONS CoMMISSION
                              ArPLICATION For SPACE STarIOn s 1A revrorary avmiogity
                                                      ror orEICiAusE ONty

Enter a description of this application to identify t on the main menu:
LM RPS~1 STA for 133.25 W
1: Applicant
           Name:     Lockheed Martin Corporation           Phone Number:    a0t—so7—so00
           DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:      aoi—wor—1a2
           Street:   6801 RockledaeDrive                   E—Mai:           jennifer varren@Imcocom

           City:         Bethesda                          State:            vp
           Country:       USA                              Zipeode:         2osi7      >
           Aftentions    Ms JenniferA Waren


                          File No. SAT—STA—20051 123—00252
                                   Call Sign: $2372
                                   December 6, 2005
Lockheed Martin Corporation‘s request for special temporary authority to perform testing
of its LM—RPS1 payload at 133.25° W.L. for a period of 30 days 18 GRANTED.
Accordingly, Lockheed Martin Corporation is authorized to perform testing of ts LM—
RPSI payload for the period of 30 days commencing with the date that the LM—RPSI
payload arives at the 133.25° W.L. orbital location, in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this Attachment and
the Federal Communications Commission‘s Rules.
       1)     Lockheed Martin Corporation shall coordinate its operations so that no
              unacceptable interference shall be caused to any other lawfully operating
              satellites or radiocommunication systems, including, but not limited to, all
              existing Radionavigation Satellite Service (RNSS) satellites and the U.S
              Global Positioning System (GPS) non—geostationarysatellites.
       2)     In the event that anyunacceptable interference does occur, Lockheed
              Martin Corporation shall cease operations immediately and inform the
              Commissionin writing of such event.
       3)     Lockheed Martin Corporation is required to accept interference from other
              lawfully operating satelltes or radiocommunication systems.
       4)     During the testing, Lockheed Martin Corporation shall operate the LM
              RPS1 payload in compliance with all existing coordination agreements
              with U.S. government systems.
       5)     This action is used pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on
              delegated authority, 47 C.FR. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.
              Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for
              reviewunder Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §§
              1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice
              indicating that this action was taken.

                                                     tempmaesii>s—0o0r5 2
                                                  >omipas__\21 6105

                                 Rolicc, Brox nomi4

2. Contact

             Name         Stephen D. BaruchDavid S, Keir Phone Number:                           (202)a20—s070

             Company:     Leventhal Scnter & Lerman PLLC Fax Number:                             (2omansere

             Streets      2000 K Stres, N.W.                  R—Mail                             sbarichls—lawcom
                          Suie 600
             City:        Washington                          State:                              nc
             County:       USA                                Zipeote:                           20006
             Attention:                                       Relationshi                        Legal Counsel

  (1fyour application i elated o an applicaton fied withthe Commission,eatr citerthe fil nurber or the TB Submission TD ofthe relared
application Pleas ente only one)
   3. Reference File Number SATLOA1999042700047. or Submission ID
  . s a fe submited with this application?
@ 1f¥es,completeand atach CC Form 159. If Noindicate reason for foe xemption (1ee 47 CR Section 1.1114.
@5 Govemmental Entity gp Noncommercil educationallcensce
@5 Olher(please cplain}
lb Fee Clissification CRY — Space Suation (Geontationary)
5. Tpe Request
@ ChangeSation L                               @ Bxtend xiend BExpination oDate                 9 on

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                               7. Requested Extended Expiation Date
        t3a2s wi.

i Description _(IFihe complete description does no appear in this box, lease go to the end ofthe form to view it in is ntrey)
     Lockneed Maxtin requests an STA tor a period of thirty (30) days comencing Decenber 5.
     2008 to conduct RNSS testing at 133.25 deg. W.L.                     See Attachnent 1.

9. By checking ¥es, tundersigned certfes that nither applicant nor any other patyto theapplication is subject @p Yes       qy No
10 a denialofFederal benefits that includes PCC benefits prsuant tSection $301 of the Anti—DrugAct of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Seetion 862, because of convictionfor posession or ditribution ofa contalled substance. See 47 CFR
1—2002(b)forthe meaning of&quotpartyto the applcation@quotfor these purposes.

10. Nameof Person Signing                                           11. Tite of Person Signing
Jennifer A. Waren                                                   Senior Direcor, Trade & Regulatory Atsis
12. Plcase supply any need atachments
  Atachment ; Alachment 1                     Atachment 2                                  Atachment 3:

                 (US. Code, ie 18,Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Te 47, Setion 312(a)(1)AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503.

ree Norice requikep By THE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The publc reportingfor this collction ofinformation s estimated o average 2 hoperesponse,icluding the time forreviewinginstructions,
searching existing data sources, atheringand maintaningthe required dat, and completingand reviewing the collection ofinfrmation. Iyou
have any comments on this burden esimate, or ow we canimprove the cllection and reduce the burden t causes you,pleas wrietothe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Prject(3060—0678),Washington, DC 20554, We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Papervork Reduction Act aspects of this cllectionvia theItemct ifyou snd them t boley@fecgou. PLEASE:
Remember —You are not required to respond to a collction ofinformation sponsored by the Federal govermment,and the government may not
conduct or sponsor thicllection unles it displays a currently valid OMB control number or ifwe fil to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control numbeof 3060—0678
1, 1995, 44 U.C. SECTION 307.

                                                                   FCC Form 312 STA
                                                                       November 2005


        Lockheed Martin Corporation (*Lockheed Martin®), pursuant to Section 25.120
ofthe Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 25.120), hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority (*STA®)to operate ts RPS—1 space station atthe 133.25° W.L orbital location
for a period of 30 days, commensing on December S, 2005. This temporary operation is
necessitated by requirements relating to RPS—1‘s host spacecraft, Galaxy 15, the
replacement satelite for Galaxy1R.
        As detailed in the separate STA request filed today by PanAmSat Corporation
(*PanAmSat")to operate at 133.25° W ., Galaxy 1R continues to operate at133.0°
W.L.,and iis therefore necessary to station Galaxy 15 at an orbital location offset
slightly from 133.0° W.L.on an interim basis. See FCC File No. SAT—STA—20081123—
00251. Accordingly, PanAmSatis secking to place Galaxy 15 temporarily at 133.25°
W.L.,and Lockheed Martin is requesting authority to operate at the same location.
Authority to operate the RPS—1 space station commencing on December 5, 2005 is
necessary to accommodate plans for additional testing of the RNSS payload. See
Lockheed Martin Corporation, DA 05—1747 (Int‘I Bur, June 23, 2005) (FCC File No
        Lockheed Martin emphasizes that grant ofthe requested STA will present norisk
ofiterference to other authorized users oftfrequencies assigned to Lockheed Martin.
There are several RNSS satellite networks and systems — including the U.S. Global
Positioning System (°GPS") non—geosttionary satelite orbit RNSS system — that
currently operate on frequencies that overlap with RPS—1 in the 1565.17—1585.67 MHz
band, and there is only one RNSS satelite network that currently operates on frequencies
that overlap with RPS—1 in the 1166.20—1186.70 MHz band. Because RNSS systems and
networks have ubiquitous coverage of the earth, there is a potentialfor iterference from
an RNSS network located at any given satelite orbital location. Lockheed Martin
understands is obligationto coordinate its use of RNSS frequencies with all RNSS
systems and networks potentilly affected by its temporary operation at 133.25° W.L. In
this regard, Lockheed Martin has apprised the GPS Joint Program Office on the
temporary operation of RPS—1 at 133.25° W.L., and will undertake any further
coordination necessary. It will do the same for any potentialy affected non—U.S. RNSS
        PanAmSatis currenty in the process ofanalyzing the fuel remaining on Galaxy
1R t determine when trific at133.0° W.L. will be transferred to Galaxy 15. ‘The timing
ofthat transition will ditate when RPS—1 willbe ready for operationat the assigned 133°
W.L. location.

       Lockheed Martin‘s STA request is supported by good cause. Circumstances
beyond its control dictate temporary operation at 133.25° W.L. until Galaxy 1R is moved
from the 133° W.L. location. Grant ofthe request will enable Lockheed Martin to
continue testing the RNSS capabiltes ofthe facility and to prepare t for permanent
operation atits assigned location.
       For the foregoing reasons, Lockheed Martin respectfully requests an STA that
enables t to operate ts RPS—I space station at the 133.25° W.L. orbiallocation for a
period of 30 days beginning December 5, 2005.

Document Created: 2005-12-08 15:20:44
Document Modified: 2005-12-08 15:20:44

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