Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051109-00214 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


           sarsmnansmoon               nmomse:
xM Rado nc
                                                                                                        Approved by OMB

 Date & Time Filed: Nov 9200 7:05—43—t637M
 File Number:SAT—§TA=20081 109—00214

                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ConWIsSION

                                                       FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

 Enter a description of this application to identify t on the main menu:
  Request for Lower Power Repeater STA
 1. Applicant

             Name:        XM Radio Inc                      Phone Number:       20>—360—1000
             DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:         202—380—4500
             Street:      1500 Eckington Place, NE          E—Mail:   

             City         Washington                        State:               pe
             Country:      USA                              Zipeode:            20002
             Attention:   Willam Bailey

                                                                                               TemDater        ./

                                                                               Prom_12.] 6(97                         &

Terms and Conditions of Grant ile No. SAT—STA—20051109—00214

       (@) Any actions taken as a result ofthis STA are solely at the applicants‘ own risk. This
           STA shall not rejudice the outcome ofthe finl rules adopted by the Commission in
           1B Docket No.95—91;
       (6)Operation of all SDARS repeaters authorized pursuant to this STA is on a non—
           interference basis with respect to all permanently authorized radiocommunication
           faciliies. XM Radio shall provide the information and follow the process se forth in
           paragraphs 14 and 17 in 16 RCC Red 16773 (Int! Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Red 16781
           (Int‘l Bur. 2001),as modified by 16 ECC Red 18481 (In‘l Bur. 2001) and 16 ECC
           Red 18484 (In‘l Bur. 2001);
       (e) SDARS repeaters are restricted to the simultancous retransmission of the complete
          programming, and only that programming, transmited by the satelite directly to
          SDARS subscriber‘s eceivers;
      (4) Coordination of SDARS repeater operations shall be completed with all affected
          Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international
          agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;
      (€) SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules —
          Construction, Marking, and Lighting ofAntenna Structures;
      (1) SDARS repesters shall comply with Part 1 ofthe Commission‘s rules, Subpart 1 —
          Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including
          the guidelies for human exposure to radio frequency clectromagnctio fields as
           defined in Sections 1.1307(b)and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules

       (2) SDARS repeater out—oRband emissions shall be limited to 75+log(EIRP) dB less
           than the transmitter EIRP;
       (1) This STA expires on December 13, 2005.

                                                   mes _5 6N — ST@—2685 1104 —o02 14
                                                   Catign           Ommnmo_\\:f_\Q 6

2. Contect

             Name:        Bruce D.Jcobs                   Phone Number:                          anr—c6—0077
             Company:     Pillsbiry Winthrop Shavw Pitman Fax Number:                            202—663—8007
             Street:      2300 N Sreet, NW                                                       Irice

                          Washington                         Sta                                  nc
             Countrys      USA                               Zipeode:                            2o. ~ni2s
             Attention:                                      Relationship:                       Legal Counsl

   (1f your application i related to an application filed with the Commission, cater ithethe file number orth TB Submission TD of therelated
application. lease enter only one)
   3. Reference Fle Number or Submission ID
   ‘n. Ts fee submited wth his application?
@ 15 ¥es, complete and attach FCCForm 150. IfNo,indieat reason forfee exemption (see 47 C.ER Section1.1114)
( GovernmentalEntty gy Noncommercial educationalHcensee
@ Obertplease explain)
h Fee Classication —CRY — Space Sation (Geostationary)
5. Tpe Reqmes

0 Change Sution Location                        0 Extend Expiation Date                         ® Oter

6. Temporary OrbiLocation                                               7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

. Description —(If the complete descrption docs notappear in this bos, please go to the end of tform to view itin it enirely)
     x Radio Inc. (XM) equests Special Terporary Authority (8TA) to operate one lower power
     tervestrial repeater from Decenber 6, 2005 through December 12, 2005 at the Target World
     Challenge presented by Countrywide PGA Tour event to be held at Shervood Country Club in
     Thousand Oaks, California, pursuant to the technical paraneters lsted in Exhibit A.

9. By checking ¥es, the undersined certfies that neither appliant nor any otheparty t he application is subject @p Yes   o Ne
to a denialof Federal benefts tatincludes FCC benefis pursuantto Section 5301 of the Anti~Drug Actof 1988,
21 U.SC. Seetion 862, because ofa comviction for possession ardisbution af a contrlled substance. Sce 47 CFR
12002(b) forthe meaning of &quotparty to the application@iqu;for these purposes

10. Name of Person Signing                                           11. ie of Person Signing
Willam Bailey                                                        Scrior Viee President
12. Plcasesupply any need atachments
 Atachment1 Normtve                            Atachment 2                                  Atachment3

                 (US. Code, Tite 18 Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Ti47, Section 312(a¥()), AND/OR FOREETTURE (U.. Code, Tik 47, Sction 502.

ree Nowice requiren By ThE rAPERWoRK REDUCTION ACT
"The public reporting for this collectionoinformation is estimated toaverage 2 hous per response,includingthe time for eviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathcring and maintaining therequired dta,and completng and reviewing th collectionof information. Ifyou
have any commentson this burden estimate,ar how we can improve the colletion and reducethe burden it causesyou, lease write t he
Federal Communications Commisson, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project(3060—067%), Washinaton, DC 20554, We willalso accept
your commentsregardingthe Paperwork Reduction Actaspects ofthis collection via the Itemctifyou send them to fboley@fec gov. PLEASE
bo nor sENb comrLetEp FoRMs To Tits apptess.
Remember —You are notrequired to respond to a clletionoinformationsponsored by the Federal covernment, and the government may not
conduct or spansor this callection, untess it displays a currenty vald OMB control numberor ifw fail o provide you withthis notice. ‘This
cullection has been assined an OMB contrl number of 3060—0676.
Tik rorecomnc Novic is requnuep By Te PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 104—13, OctoRER
1, 1999, 4s U   ton ssor.

                                           T sarmuure
                                           — Raole
                                       November 9, 2005
via Brs
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
         Re:—   XM Radio Inc.
                Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate a Lower Power
                Terrestrial Repeater from December 6, 2008 through Decémber 12, 2005
Dear Ms. Dortch:

        XM Radio Inc. (°XM"), one of the two Satelite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS®
or "satelite radio") ieensees in the United States, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s rules,‘ hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") t operate one
Tower power trrestrial repeater from December 6, 2008 through December 12, 2005 at the
"Target World Challenge presented by Countrywide" PGA Tour event to be held at Sherwood
Country Club in Thousand Oaks, California, pursuant to the technical parameters listed in
Exhibit A. On June 9, 2005, the Itermational Bureau ("Bureau") granted XM an STA to operate
a lower power repeater at various PGA Tour eventsfor a 180—day period." This STA expires on
December 6, 2005, priorto the "Target World Challenge presented by Countrywide."" Grant of
this STA for a seven—day period will enable XM to continue is acclaimed coverage ofPGA Tour
events. The lower power repeater willtransmit at a maximum Effective Isotropically Radiated
Power ("EIRP") of2 kW, a power level which adjacent band licensees have stated does not
present an interference concer. Because this repeater will transmit at a maximum EIRP of2
kW and will be limited to coverage of a golf course for limited duration, there will be norisk of
harmful interference to other communications services.

‘ar oBRg25.120.
* See XM Radio Inc, Order, DA 05—1642 (June 9, 2005) CAM PGA STA Order").
* The "Target World Challenge presented by Countrywide" was listed in XMs original STA
application as one ofthe PGA Tour events at which t requested to operate a lower power
repeater. See XM Radio Inc., Application for Special Temporry Authority, File No. SAT—STA—
20050418—00086 (Aprl 18, 2003), at Exhibit A. Because this STA expires on December 6,
2005, however, XM!s current STA does not authorize it to operate a lower power repeateratthis

                            w meree cemmin momasow MEtit y
                   yeee6"                                                   es

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 9, 2008
Page 2

       Background. "The Commission has recognized thatterestril repeaters are critical t
satelliteradio to overcome the effectso signal blockage and multipath interference." Consistent
with this policy, the International Bureau ("Bureau") in September 2001 granted XM an STA to
operate errestial repeaters while the Commission concludes it rulemaking proceeding
regarding finaltechnical rles." In granting this STA, the Bureau noted that XM "needsto
employ terrestral repeaters to provide adequate service." See XM Radio ST4 Order 17. Soon
aftegrant ofthis STA, XM began commercialservice. Since that time, satelite radio in general
and XM in particular have proven to be unmitigated successes, confirming the Commission‘s
vision in establishing the satelliteradio service. By the end of the third quarter of 2005, XM had
over S million subscribers:
       In March 2005, XM announced the addition of a PGA Tour Network channel t ts
channel line—up, which airs coverage of the weekly PGA Tour event along with daily programs
designed for golf enthusiasts. Moreover,atthe weekly PGA Tour event, XM offers ts portable,
hand—held satelite radios for sale orrental to spectators. By tuning to the XM PGA Tour
Network channel, spectators are able o keeptrack ofthe leader board and real—time action
around the course. The portable radios alsoallow spectators to be aware of impending severe

       Requestfor STA. XM requests an STA to operate one lower power terresril repeater
from December 6° through December 12at the "Target World Challenge presented by
Countrywide" PGA Tour event to be held at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks,
Califommia,pursuant to the tchnical parameters isted in Exhibit A. Grant ofthis STA will serve
the public interest by ensuring that spectatorsatthis event receive adequate satellite radio
service. While many areas on a golfcourse, such as farways and greens, provide an
* See Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satelite Service in the
2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and
Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 12 ECC Red 5754 (1997) (DARS Order and
5 AM Radio,Inc., Applicationfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satelite Digital
Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, DA 01—
2172, at 9 18 (rel. September 17, 2001) (‘XM Radio SA Order"). Since this ime, the Burcau
has granted XM four additional STAs to operate terestralrepeaters. See XM Radio Inc.
Requestfor Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20020815—00153 (fled August
13, 2002; granted September 30, 2002); XM Radio Inc., Requestfor Special Temporary
Authority, File No. SAT—$TA—20030409—00076 (granted June 23, 2003); XM Rado Iic., Order
and Authorization, DA 04—2987, File No. SAT—STA—20031112—00371 (Deputy Chict, Satellite
Division, International Bureau, September 15, 2004); XMRadio Inc., Order, DA 05—1642 (June
9, 2005).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 9, 2005
unobstructed view of XM‘s satellites, there are many other areas on a golf course where the view
may be obstructed. particularly by trees and folinge. Itis in these obstructed areas where
spectators ata golftoumament are lcated so asto avoid interfering with the golfers. By
operating one lower power repeater, XM will b able to mitigate the potentialblockage of its
satelitsignal by rees and foligge, thereby providing spectators with adequate satelite radio
       Operation ofane lower power repeater for a seven—day period att"Target World
Challenge presented by Countrywide" will not cause harmfulinterference to adjacent—band
Wireless Communications Service (‘WCS") icensees or any other communications service."
Firs, the repeater will be deployed in a manner intended to allow for coverage primarily ofthe
golfcourse. Most ofthe WCS applications that have been contemplated to date arefor fixed
services to homes and businesses. Although it is XM‘s understanding that there are no WCS
facilites in operation today, even if there were, it is extremely unlikely that WCS equipment
would be used on a golf eourse. Second, the EIRP ofthe repeater will never exceed 2 kW EIRP.
"The adjacent—band WCSHicensees are permitted to operate base stations at a power level of 2 KW
EIRP and therefore must be able to withstand potentia interference from such operations.
Moreover, as the Bureau acknowledged in granting XM‘s original repeater STA request, the
WCS Hicensees have confirmed that operation ofterrestrial repeatersatan EIRP of 2 kW or less
is not aninterference concem."
         Attached as Exhibit A is the following technical information for e lower power repeater
XM seeks to operate pursuant tothis STA: (1) maximum EIRP; (2) maximum antenna height;
(3) possible antenna types; (4) range ofantenna beamwidth; and (5) range of orientation. XM
has also attached as Exhibit B the specification sheets for each of the possible antenna types
listed. Because the terain and foliage of each golf course will vary, XM is unable to specify
precisely prior to operation the type ofantenna, antenna beamwidth, or antenna orientationit will
deploy." XM accordingly requests the fexibilityto operate one lower power repeater within the
range oftechnical parameters lsted in Exhibit A.

* XM previously notified Siius Satellite Radio Inc. ofa similar request, and it did not object.
" XM Radio STA Order 9 12 (‘The comments from WCS licensees express concem about
blanketing interference from DARS repeatersthat operate with an Equivalent Iotropically
Radiated Power (EIRP) above 2 kW.%.
* For this reason, to the extent necessary, XM requests a waiver of Section 25.120(a) ofthe
Commission‘s riles which requires an STA request toinclude the "full particulars of he
proposed operation." 47 C.FR. § 25.120(a). In granting XM‘s original STA to operate a lower
power repester at PGA Tou Events, the Bureau did not require XM to provide thfull
particularsof operation for the repeaters it proposed to operate.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 9, 2005
        XM certfies that ts operation of the lower power repeater will comply with tsame
conditions the Bureau imposed on XM in granting is original STA to operate a lower power
repeaterat PGA Tour events, See XM Radio PGA STA Order $ 11. Specifically, XM Radio
certifiesthe following:
        @©     Any actions taken as a result of this STA are solely at XM Radio‘s own risk, This
               STA will not prejudice the outcome ofth final rules adapted by the Commission
               in GEN Docket 9591;

        ®      Operation ofthe lower power repeater authorized pursuant to this STA is on a
               non—interference basis with respect to all permanntly authorized
               radiocommunication fieilites;
        ©      "The lower power repeater is restricted to the simultancous rtransmission ofthe
               complete programming, and only that programming, transmited by the satellte
               directly to SDARS receivers;
        ©      Where applicable, coordination of the lower power repeater shall be completed
               with all affected Administrtions prior to operation,in accordance with all
               applicable intemational agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;
        ©      "The lower power repeater will comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules
               regarding antennstructures;

        ©      The lower power repeater will comply with Part 1 ofthe Commission‘s rules,
               SubpartI — Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of
               1969, including the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency
               electromagnetic felds as defined in Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 ofthe
               Commission‘s rules;
        ©      "The out—ofband emissions of the lower power repeater will be limited to 75tlog
               (EIRP) dB less than the transmitter EIRP.
       One ofthe conditions imposed in the original STA grant was the requirement that XM
pre—coordinate with WCS licensees any repester affecting an operational WCS base station. See
AM Radio STA Order § 14. XM is not aware of any operational WCS base station in or around
Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks, Califomnia.
        XM hereby certifiesthat no partytothis application is subject to denial of Rederal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853@

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 9, 2005
Page S
        XM has attached hereto a check made payable to the Federal Communications
Commission for the sum of Seven Hundred Thirty—Five Dallars ($735.00}. This filing fee
amountis applicable to requests for STAs for geostationary ("GSO") satellites. See Intermational
and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide (September 2004).
       Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.
                                             Very trily yours,

                                             1s/Wiliam Bailey
                                             Willam Bailey
                                             Senior VicePresident, Regulatory and
                                                    Government Affars

ces    Stephen Duall, FCC

                                    Exhibit A

Maximum EIRP:                 2kw
Maximum antenna height:       25 meters
Possible antenna types:       Omni (DAB—2350) or Panel (DAB—2304)
Range of antenna beammidth:   360, 160, 120, 90, 60, or45
Range of orientation          any pointfrom 0 to 359

       Appendix B

Antenna Specification Sheets

    ) TIL—TEK                TA—2350—DAB Omnidirectional
                                    2330 — 2345 MHz

                "The TA:2350—018 is a medium power vericaly pelatzed omnideectonal antmna
                specffly designed fr Digtl AudiaBroadcast vansmission. The antemna
                cansit o a phased corporlaly fod broadband dipolearay which is confuredto
                provideelectieal bean dountit and nul l The antenna elements are at 0C
                ground toait in Ighiringprotcton

                Electrieal Specifeations              Machanical Specifcations
                Arumey Range assonses ie
                oue: tto
                                                         itt Cunen: 196. 6210
                                                      w vind Veouly 18 on att)
                Fovar taing 20Wate mns 820 ¥ate en    ovatatrend wne 5tm (rny
                WPreBamwiat 20oys                     Howing Pow 178. 60 n( 18n
                Esns Beammann 6 copans
                Eeeviea bovntt 2 dopons
                GrimFoDnermicaton20 00 in             materais
                watrne m n (Phud
                inoadunce t tmarenio                  asatng taments: ut ived coppcaray
                Teminaion: 1000 imai                  Radome: n D uns ons
                Iporiinee ns ru on msnam              dev: Fdtet Ruvien
                                                      Glinee: roo ue


TTEX mss                wneitkzn              oinases               remamamors

       TIL—TEK              TA—2304—2—DAB Adjustable Sector
                                    2330 — 2345 MHz

                 "The TA—2304—2.008is a mediom powervericaly polared Secioal anterna
                 specifcaly designe for DigtalAudioRroadeant ransniasion. The antemna
                 ddesigned to provide fls adistable azimut beammiaihsof 45,60, 90120
                 degrees by use of ige panels. The atenna elements are atDG ground toa
                 lghtring rotecton
                 Electcal Specifcations      Mechanical Specifcations
                 Trurny nargeons ie          kingt:n 016 m
                 cisim wew, n ow sew wats on tsnnd
                            woue nds         Gvats 2 n(mm
                 yourt 123 oi                wilghtoCuronr 108 @5
                                             ue Wt Yeay: se h @tt i)
                                             vor Tivataimedwint iob Gtig
                 Feverfaing: 20 Wt w200 t mn MovningPpe 0753010 — 70 im
                 WrameBuiman (3 00
                 Pa Kpatane 100 ti 1t cogoen materais
                 EFlm Boanmat (3080:75 copen
                 Crom Pot Doenninatonts co   astaingtemonte: Tsns use on Pco
                 inoetine 90 tm omeal        Ratwrat maueshewcm
                 Temnatos: 77800fnae         nasome y W nacuce asa


TerBAniois                                omaene                   remassommeroxt. m

Document Created: 2006-01-04 15:03:59
Document Modified: 2006-01-04 15:03:59

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