Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051018-00201 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                Approved by OMB

    Date & Time Filed: Oct 18 2005 5.01:15—400PM
    File Number: SAT—8TA—20051018—00201
    Callsign: 5 2.G 2O
                                                 FEDERALCOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                           FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

    Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
     DIRECTV Enterprises DIRECTV 2 migration request to 91 WL
    1: Applicant
               Name:         DIRECTV Enterprises, LC            Phone Number:            310—726—4003
               DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:              s10—s35—5323

               Street:       2230 E. Imperial Huy               E—Mai:         

               City:         El Segundo                         State:                   ca
               Country:       USA                               Zipeode:                 soms       —
               Attentions    DavidA Pattllo

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                                Conditions of Authorization
                            File No. SAT—STA—20051018—00201
                                      January 20, 2006
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s (DIRECTV) request for special temporary authority
(STA), IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20051018—00201, 18 GRANTED, Accordingly,
DIRECTV is authorized to conduct telemetry, tracking, and control communications
related to the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 2 satelite from the 100.6° W.L." orbital
location to the 91° W.L. orbital location in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
technical specifications set forth in the Commission‘s rules and this document.
    1) This authorization is for 180 days commencing on the date of grant.
    2): During the drift ofthe DIRECTV 2 satellite to the 91° W.L. orbital location,
        DIRECTV shall not operate the main communications payload ofthe satellite.
    3) DIRECTV shall coordinate all driorbit telemetry, tracking, and control
       operations with other potentially affected in—orbit operators.
    4): During the relocation of the DIRECTV 2 satellte, operations must be on a non—
        harmful interference basis, thatis, DIRECTV shall not cause interference to, and
        shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by any other lawfully
        operating satellites or radio communications systems.
    5) In the event that any harmfulinterference is caused as a result of operations
       during the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 2 satellite, DIRECTV shall cease
       operations immediately upon notification of such an event, and shall inform the
       Commission immediately, in writing, ofthe event.
    6) DIRECTV shall notify the Commission, by letter to the Chief, Satelite Division,
       Interational Bureau, 30 days prior to commencement ofuse ofTelesat Canada‘s
       earth stations to provide the earth station segment oftelemetry, tracking, and
       control communications.
    7) Effective upon the date the DIRECTV 2 satellite reaches the 91° W.L. orbital
       location, the U.S. license for that satellite (Call Sign: $2630)is terminated.
       DIRECTV shall notify the Commission, by letter to the Chief, Satellite Division,
       Interational Burea, within five business days following the date on which the
       DIRECTV 2 satellite reaches the 91° W.L. orbital location.
    8) The Commission has exchanged letters with the Canadian Department of Industry
       to ensure a mutual understanding regarding the operations of the DIRECTV 2
       satellte. The understandings and factual basis for these understandings are
! The DIRECTV 2 sellte has been operating athe 100.6 ° W.Lorbial location parsuant t an STA
IBFS Fle Nos. SAT—STA—20051019—00203 and SAT—STA—20050914—00178.

attached in Annex A and are material considerations for the grant ofthis special
temporary authority.

                                    m« 561 —StA SSSSTOE—ooro
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            ANNEX A
File No. SAT—STA—20051018—00201
         January 20, 2006

                       Federal Communications Commission
                              Washington, DC 20554
                                      Junuary 20,2006

Ms.Chantal Besumicr
Dizecter, Spaceand Intemational Regulatory Activtes
Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch
Industry Canada
15® Floor, 300 Sliter Street
Otaus, Onurio
Canada K1A 008
                              Re:=—   Operations ofthe DIRECTV 2 Space Sution
Dear Ms. Beaumien:
        "Thi eter is o confim the informal understantings ofhe Canadian Deparment of
Industy (Industry Canada)and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) conceming
cetain technical issuesinvolvingthe opertion ofa broadcasting—stelite sevice (PSS) steite,
DIRECTV 2,by DIRECTV Enterpries, LLC (DIRECTV) and by Telsat Conada (Telesa).
DIRECTV and Telesathave entered nto a sateliterelocationand lease agreement
       Transaction between DIRECTV and Telesat
        DIRECTV crenty opertes the DIRECTV 2 sielite atthe 100.6° WL. ortitlloctionsubject
to FCC authority, Under the contrct between DIRECTV and Telesa, DIRECTV hasagreed to move the
DIRECTV 2 stelite o citer the 82° WL o91° W.L.ocbial ocation (designted orital loction)
following th placement im service ofIRECTV 8 atthe 101° W.Lcrbial loction, and obaining the
necessary govermmentalapprovals The ayreement grants Telestthe exclusiv right o use th capacity,
and direstand contol DIRECTV 2 at the 82° W.L. and 91° W.L.orbial locations. The agreement
contemplates that Tlesat will use the satllteto augment or provide back up capacityfor any ofits
NIMIQ, NMIQ 2. oNIMIQ 3 satlitesat the 82° W.L.or 91° W.L.orbia location for us solly in
        While DIRECTV 2 is at citerthe 82° W.L. or 91° Worbiallocations,orwhie moving in
betweentheselocations, Telesat will exercise direction and control over th stelite. DIRECTV, hrough
PanAmSat, willperform telemety, racking. and contol functions (TT&C) unl Telesat cantake over
these fintions. Telesat may not subleas or subcontrict opertional control to a thipaty without
DIRECTV‘s priorwiten approval. The lease agreement terminates when thstet is aken out of
commercil operation o the datit is removed from it designated orbital location
       On December 20,2005,Industry Canad authoried Telesatt operte DIRECTV 2 at91° W.L.,
subjetto canditions. DIRECTV has filed a request with the FCC for Special Temporary Authorty to
driR DIRECTV 2 from is current orit location at 100.6° W.Lto 91° WX

! DIRECTY $ waslasched in May200,anis curenty peraingat h 10075 W.L. oritlocaton
DIRECTV Enerpises, LC, Orter, DA 0527 (Sa. Div, nt! Br.Oct 2008)

Chantal Beaumier
Junuary 20, 2006
Page 2

        Informal Understandings between Industry Canada and the FCC on certain
        technical isues concerning operation of DIRECTV 2
       "The FCC and Indusry Canada have concurred on the followingtechnical issues
concerning the operation of DIRECTV 2:
  1.    Atthe 82° W.L. and 91° W.L.orbial locations, DIRECTV 2 operations will b subjecto
        Canadian authoriy. Becaus thee ocations are Canadian entriestothe Region 2 Plan of
        Appendix 300A ofthe TY Radio Regulatins, the Canadian administration will have
        respansibilty for compliance withthe TU Radio Regulations (inluding the requirement
        forlcensing as specifed in Artle 18.1 ofthe Radio Repulations,and anyappliable
        agreement—secking procedures) in connection with openation oft DIRECTV 2 stellte
        atthe $2° W.L or 31° W orbtl ocations,and in connection with any ntertional
        telocation of thstelit from one othe two orbitl ocationstothe other.
  2.    Thefllowing operations ofthe DIRECTV 2 satellte willbe subjectt Heensing by the
          a. Any aperations othesatelfite otherthan atth ) 82° W.L.ocbial location, i) at
              the 91° W.Lorbial lcation, or i) whil it is moving between those orbitl
          b.. Any aperation as a result ofequipmentfailurithe satefite that esuls i the
              inabllity to maintai the atelite within £0.1 degrees oft assigned positon at
              citherthe 82° WIL. o91° WIL. orbtl location.
          c Any aperations affer the termination ofth lease agrecment.
  3.    Industry Canada, through the Director, Space and Interational Repulatoy Activites,
        willprovide the FCC with 4 (our) days advance writen notice (email with confirmed
        receiptfrom the FCC‘s Chicf, Intermational Bureau, Stelite Divisin, wllbe considered
        sulficient ofany planned termination or epiration ofthe Canadian Licencfo the
        DIRECTV 2 suclite
  4.    Indusry Canada wl conditionthe DIRECTV 2 Heense t equire Telesat to maintain,
        barring catasrophic ailureofstelite componentst capablityto deorithe
        DIRECTV 1 spaceerat consistent withTU RecommendationS.1003—1, Environmental
        Protection ofhe Geostationry—Satelite Orbic
        "The informal undestandings se forth above in thisleter canceening operation othe
DIRECTV 2 saelite s not a concurrence by the FCC or the U.S. Adiminstation with ny
Canadian Alings wih the TTU Radiocommunication Bureay o any fture Canadian flings t the
§2° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbial ocations,under Appendices 30 or 30A of the TU Radio
Regalations. The FCC and Industry Canada wll separately, an as prt ofthe agreement—
secking proces appleable under TTU Repultions, work in good fithto complet that process,
insofaras necessay,in connection with the operation ofhe DIRECTV 2 satelite.
         "The FCC has not presentyissued any oftheauthorizations necesswry to move the
DIRECTV 2 srelite o eitherthe 82®or91° W.L.orbial location. The FGC hasreceved
applicaion for Special Temporary Authority o elocate DIRECTV 2 o the 91° W.L. orbtal
Jocation, and to provide telemety,tricking, and control opertions daring the move and untl

Chantal Beaumier
January 20, 2006

‘Telesat ks overthese functions using ts own facilites. Theseapplicationsrequire separate
action by the FCC, This exchange ofletrs does not constitut approval of these applicaions.
        All noties, inquiries, and correspondence from Indusry Canada concerningthese
matis should bediected to the Chiet, Satelite Division,Interational Bureau (phone number
202.418.0719) (email:, with a copy to KarlKensinger@egov).
"The FCC will forvard all nties, inquires, and correspondence concerning these maters t the
Diecto, Space and International Repulatoy Actvites (phone number 613.998.3819)(email the part ofIndustry Canada. Please lt us know ifthis address
subsequently changes.
        1th foregoing correspondsto your undertanding ofthiformal arrangements between
our two agencies concerning the various technicalissus nvolved in the operation of DIRECTV
2 please confirn by retum leter.


                                                      Sarelte Division

ces     Paul Bush
        Vie President, Corporite Development
        Telesat Canada
        Wiltom Wikshire
        Haris, Wishire & Gramnis LLP
        Counse for DIRECTV Emerprises,LLC.

.   I   Industy Canada   Incustre Canada

        20 ie Stee
        ome.ow kiatcr

                                                                        Our File: 05943—1
           JAt 20 2006                                                  (EDras# 49844)

        Cassendra Thomas
        Acting Chief, Satellite Division
        International Bureau
        Federal Communications Commission
        Washington, D.C. 20554
        Dear Ms. Thomas:

                  Thank you for you letter ofJenuary 20, 2006 setting out our informal
        common understzndings conceming certain technical issues involved in the
        operation ofa broadcasting—setellite service satelite known by Telesat Canada and
        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC as DIRECTV 2.
                  T am pleased to provide my confirmation ofou informal
        understandings and acknowledgement ofthe other views expressed in your letter.
                  Once again, I want to express my appreciation for the support your
        administration is giving to this kind ofcommercial arrangement to facilitate the
        delivery of important and valuable satelite services.

                                                     Chantal Beaumicr
                                                     Director, Space and Interational
                                                     Regulatory Activities

         ce: Robert Power, Telesat Canada


2. Contact

             Name:    William M. Wilshire             Phone Number:                            2o2=730—1350
             Companys Harris, Wilishire & Grannis,LLP Fax Number:                              ao2=r30—1301

             Street:      1200 Eightecnth Street, NW        E—Mai
                          12th Floor

             City:        Washington                        State:                              pe
             Country:      USA                              Zipeode:                           20e —
             Attention:                                                                        Legal Counset

   (1fyour application is related to an appliction fled withthe Commission, eter ither the ie number or the TB Submission TD ofthe related
application. Pleasenter only one.)
   3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
   4. Ts a fee submitted with this application?
@ 1fYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. IfNo, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.FR.Section 1.1114).
&> Govermental Entty ¢y Noncommercial educational censce
g Otherfplease explain:
: Fee Classifation CRY — Space Suation (Geostationary)
5. Type Request
 @ Change Station Location                      g Extend Expiration Date                       g oner

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                            7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
        on w

8: Description _(Ifthe complete description does not appear n this box, please go to the end of the form to view it n ts enirely)
      IDIRECTV Enterprises, LLC requests special temporary authority to relocate DIRECTV 2 to the
      91 MD orbital location allocated to Canada under the Region 2 BSS Plan, and to perform
      [tteC operations for an indefinite period.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certfesthat neither applicant nor any other party to the applicationis subject @ ¥es   ¢y No
t0 a denialofFederal benefis that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because ofa comviction for possession or distribution ofa controlled substance. See 47 CFR
 1,2002(b)fo the meaning of &quotpartyto the application" forthese purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                            11. Tite of Person Signing
James Buttervorth                                                     Senior VicePresident
12. Please supply any need attachments:
  Attachment 1: STA Request                     Attachment 2: Exhibits                        Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Tie 47, Section 312@a¥(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

"The public reporting for this ollection oinformation i esimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, athering and maintaining the required data,and completing and reviewing the collection ofinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimat, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554 We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects ofthis collection via the Intemctif you send them to PLEASE
Remember ~ You are not required to espond to a colletion ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government,and the government may not
conduct osponsor this collecion, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number orifwe fal to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMcontrol number of 3060—0678

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                                Before the
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of
    DIRECTV Errermuses, uic                                       File No.
 Request for Special Temporary Authority to
 Relocate DIRECTV 2 to 91° W.L. and to
 Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Command
 Operations for an Interim Period


           DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (°DIRECTV") requests special temporary authority
("STA®) to (1) drif ts DIRECTV 2 satellite from its current orbit at 100.6° W.L. to the
Broadcasting Satellite Service (°BSS") slot allocated to Canada at 91° W.L. in the ITU

Region 2 BSS Plan, and (2) perform telemety, tracking and command (TT&C")
functions with DIRECTV 2 during this drift and for a period oftime onceit reaches its
new location.‘. Under an arrangement with Telesat Canada ("Telesat"), and subject to
receiving the requisite approvals from both the U.S. and Canadian regulatory authorites,
this satellte would then be used by Telesatto support BSS service into Canada. This
request is virtually identical to one the Commission granted last year to authorize the
relocation of another DIRECTV satelite t a Canadian BSS slot." DIRECTV submits

!\—    DIRECTV expectsto complete th ransfer oftrafic rom DIRECTV 2 to a replacementstelit at the
       nominal101° W.L.orbitl loctionon orabout Novermber15, ensuring that o subscriber would
       experiencealaps n servicedue to reloctionofthsateite
*      See DIRECTY, nc, 19 FCC Red. 1055 (In‘I Bur 2004) (*D3 SFA Order®,

    that this STA will serve the public iterest and requests that the STA be granted for the
    statutory maximum of 180 days.

           Unil very recently, DIRECTV provided service to U.S. consumers from the
    nominal 101° W.L. orbital location using three satellites —DIRECTV 18, DIRECTV 2,
    and DIRECTV 48. The oldest of these, DIRECTV 2, was launched in 1994 and has
    sufficient fuel remaining for approximately 18 more months of usefullife. Accordingly,
    DIRECTV recently launched the DIRECTV 8 satellite as a replacement. DIRECTV 8
has now been fully tested and some of DIRECTV 2‘s traffic has been transferred to it
Oncethat process is complete," DIREC TV 2 will be placed in storage orbit at 100.6°
W.L. with its communications payload turned off pending the Commission‘s decision on
the instant application
           As the Commission knows, DIRECTV and Telesat have entered into a series of
agreements that have allowed them to make more productive and intensive use of
valuable BSS orbitalspectrum resources." For example, last June, the Commission

granted DIRECTV an STA similar to the one requested herein, authorizing the relocation
of the DIRECTV 3 satelite to the Canadian BSS slotateither 82° W.L. or 91° W.L
pursuant to a December 2003 Memorandum of Agreement ("Original MOA®) with
Telesat.© That satelite was to be used both to provide back—up capacity that had been lost

*      DIRECTV curenty intends to complettraficransfer on oabout Novermber 15, 2005
*      Undetheseagreementsthe partis have, for example, moved DIRECTV 3 to the Canadian BSS stt
       at91° W.L. forserviceinto Canada and moved DIRECTV1 tthe Canadian BSS slot at 72.5° W L
       for lecaint—local servie nto the U.S
      See D3 STA Order, supra

 as a result ofthe malfunction of a Telesat BSS satellte (Nimiq 2 at 82° W.L.), as well as
 to improve the quality of the service Telesat provides to Canadian consumers by allowing
 the operation ofthe transponders on another Telesat BSS satellte (Nimig 1 at 91° W.L)
at a higher power level.° The Commission found that grant ofthat STA would serve the
public interest by helping to assure continuity of service to Canadian consumers,
consistent with the practice of eooperation between U.S. and Canadian satelite providers
in times of emergency or capacity need." Telesat has been operating DIRECTV 3 from
the 91° W.L. orbital location to provide service into Canada without incident since
August 2004.
         As part of this ongoing process, Telesat has sought access to the soor—to—be—
replaced DIRECTV 2 satelite, to further enhance the capacity and redundancy
capabilities of Telesat‘s BSS fleet. Accordingly, on October 6, 2005, DIRECTV and
Telesat entered into three agreements that, among other things, would effectuate this plan
for DIRECTV 2, subject to receiving the requisite regulatory authorizations from both the

U.S. and Canadian regulatory authorities. These agreements are: (1) a further revision            to
the Amended and Restated Memorandum of Agreement (*Revised MOA"); (2) a Satellite

Relocation & Lease Agreement for DIRECTV 2 ("D2 Lease"); and (3) an Amending

Agreement No. 2 to the Satellite Relocation and Lease Agreement related to the

DIRECTV 3 satellite (*Revised D3 Lease")." Under these agreements, DIRECTV will

lease all of the capacity on DIRECTV 2 to Telesat for operation of that satellite at 91°

*    reaciiose
7.   meart0s9
*    A redacted copy of each agreement is atached heetoas Extibits 1 2, and 3, respectvely. The
     complete ext ofeach agreement willb filed withthItemntionalBureau staftwth a request for
     confidental reatment pursuanttoSetions0—457 and 0.459 ofthe Commission‘srules.

    W.L. The STA requested herein is a criical requirement for the parties to implement
these agreements.

           Telesat intends to use DIRECTV 2 to perform the function now being served by
DIRECTV 3 at 91° W.L.. — ie., providing increased and bete service to Canadian BSS
customers as a result of the improvement in satellte capacity.. DIRECTV 3, in tur, will
move to 82° W.L. where it is required to supplement capacity to the Nimig 2 satellte
whose capacity is slowly diminishing as a result of the falure of a portion of its power
system in early 2002. DIRECTV 3 will also provide additional capacity for new video
services for Canadian BSS customers, including high—definition programming, while also
ensuring back—up capacity for Nimig 2.A timely approval by the Commission will help
to ensure that no existing signals need to be tumed down, as well as allowing
DIRECTV 2 to provide service atthe 91° W.L. position for as much of its short remaining
life as possible. Accordingly, for the reasons recognized by the Commission in the D3
ST4 Order, grant of an STA in this proceeding will serve the public interest.!"
           Nor are there offsetting public interest concems. As of mid—November,
DIRECTV 2 will provide no service to U.S. subscribers, although it would be available
as a back—up in case of a problem with any other DIRECTV satellite. This extra
redundancy is unnecessary for several reasons,. First, DIRECTV 2 has been replaced by a
brand new satellite (DIRECTV 8) that has just completed in—orbit testing and can be
expected to operate atfull capability for years to come. Second, DIRECTV will soon
augment ts in—orbit satellite assets upon the aunch of DIRECTV 98, currently expected

*      Relocting DIRECTV 2 o 91° W.L. atherthan $2° W L. will save fcl and therefore preserveas
       much ofthsatelite‘susefu!lifeas possible.
* See D3 STA Order, 19 FCC Red. t 11089

in the second quarter of 2006."" Third, in the unlikely event that DIRECTV 8 were to
experience a failure prior to launch of DIRECTV 98, DIRECTV has the right to
terminate the Revised D3 Lease upon five days* writen notice and recall DIRECTV 3 for
its own use in case of the failure of any DIRECTV satelite."". Accordingly, DIRECTV
does not believe that the quality and reliability of its operations would be compromised
by relocation of DIRECTV 2.
        Grant of the requested STA will not present any significant isk of interference to
other satelites.. During the relocation of DIRECTV 2, the satellite‘s communications
payload will remain inactive and only the TT&C payload will operate. " Under the terms
of the D2 Lease, Telesat ultimately will assumefull TT&C responsibility for DIRECTV
2, with DIRECTV continuing to provide interim TT&C operations for the satellte from a
DIRECTV—licensed earth station untl the necessary ground equipment is operational at

Telesat‘s facilities."* Thus, as it has done with DIRECTV 3, Telesat will operate the
satellite at 91° W.L. under an authorization from Industry Canada and in conformance
with the parameters of ITU regulations and coordination obligations.

   DIRECTV has appliedfor authorit o lnch and operate DIRECTV 95 at the nomina101° W.L
   orbitl location. See FCC File No SAT—RPL—20050322—00070, In addiion to other capabilites, this
   satelite will rovideredandancy for both of DIRECTV‘s exisingspot beam satlltes, DIRECTV 45
   and DIRECTV 75.
!* See Revised D3 Lease atSection 20. Prirto thisreision, DIRECTV‘s righto reclaim thi satlite
   could only b triggered atethefaluroneo DIRECTV satelites. See Revised MOA, Extibit C at
   Section 51. Inaddbion, therearetwo other DIRECTV satellitesatthe 101° W.L. slothatcould e
   used to carry much ofthe taific n the event ofullure on DIRECTV 8. Bothofthee satelltes have
   many yearsof sefi life remaining and have operated normally for years
5 DIRECTV requestsauthorit to operate onthe following TTRC frequencis: 17303.0 MHz (wplin)
   and 12201.0 and 12202.25 MHe (downling). DIRECTV will coortinte with potentallyaffeted
   satelite opertors in accordance withindusty prctice,and will operate on a non—inteference bsis
   Since TT&C for DIRECTV 3 is conducted using different frequencies (17300.5 MHz (uplink) and
   12201.5and 12202.75 Mite (downlinld), there is norik of nterferencebetweenthese two satlftes
   during thrbiefperiod ocollocatin atthe 91° W.L. position
!*. See D2 Lease t Setion 14.

       For the foregoing reasons, and to maximize the limited remaining usefulness o

the DIRECTV 2 satellie, DIRECTV urges the Commission to grant the requested STA

as expeditiously as possible.
                                           Respectfully submitted.

                                           James R. Butterworth
                                           Senior Vice President
                                           DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

October 18, 200

Document Created: 2006-01-20 18:06:35
Document Modified: 2006-01-20 18:06:35

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