Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Telesat Canada



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20051018-00201 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


             Wiley Rein & Fielding ur
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arrex siseer e       November 10, 2005                     bominuntcatons conniate®             Jenifer D. Hindin
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wigu rtce            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
risanes sewr oave    Secretary
sure c               Federal Communications Commission
more   massane
                     445 12th Street, SW
mc     mamane        Washington, DC 20554
                     Re:     DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV"), Request for Special
monntcon                     Temporary Authority ("STA®)to Relocate DIRECTV 2 to 91° W.L. and to
                             Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Command Operations for an Interim
                             Period, File No. SAT—STA—20051018—00201
                     Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    Telesat Canada (*Telesat"),by it attomeys, respectfully requests that the Federal
                    Communications Commission ("Commission") place the above—referenced item on
                    public notice as soon as practicable and grant it as promptly as possible thereafter."

                    On October 18, 2005, DIRBCTV requested STA to relocate the DIRECTV 2
                    satellte to the Canadian 91° W.L. Broadcast Satellte Service ("BSS") orbital
                    location.* Under an arrangement between DIRECTV and Telesat, and subject to
                    U.S. and Canadian regulatory approval, Telesat will use DIRECTV 2 to support
                    BSS service into Canada."
                    As enumerated below, important public interest considerations support prompt
                    processing of DIRECTV‘s STA request. In fact, due to the pressing nature of these
                    considerations, Telesat hopes to have DIRECTV 2 operational at 91° W.L. by
                    Junuary 1, 206.
                        *    To theextent necessry, Telesat respectfillyrequests eave to fl hisupplemental
                        *    See DIRECTV Emerpises, LLC, RequestforSpecial Temporary Authorityto Relocate
                    DIRECTV 2 t91° W.L. and to Condact Telemety, Tracking and Command Opertionsfor an
                    Interim Period, ie No. SAT—STA—2008 1018—00201 (Rled Oce18, 2005)(‘DIRECTY2 S7A
                        9.   DIRBCTV 3 is curenty codocated with Telesa‘s Nimig 1 satlite at 91° WL; Nimig2 is
                    locatedat82° WIL. See ApplictionofDIRECTV, Inc, Order, 19 FCC Red 11.055 CBur.2008)
                    (CDIRECTV 3 Order®). IfDIRECTV receives therequisie approvals, DIRECTV 3 willbe maved to
                    §2° W.L. and codocated with Nimig 2. DIRECTV 2 willbe co—locted with Nimig 1 t 91° W.L
                    Par of h reasonfor not moving DIRECTV 2 diectlyto 82° W.L relaes o DIRECTV 2‘s shon
                    remaining fol i

WileyRein & Ficlding us
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 10, 2005
Page 2

First, Telesat needs expedited access to DIRECTYV 2 to address an increasing
capacity shortage. As previously recognized by the Commission, supporting
cooperation between U.. and Canadian satellite operators in meeting capacity
needs is an important public policy goal." Telesat‘s urgent capacity needs stem
from a partial power failure on its Nimig 2 satellite that has resulted in reduction
in the number of functioning transponders." Currently, Nimig 2 only has 25
operational transponders and will continue to lose additional transponders each year
due to power constraints. The prime power stuation is particularly critical during
eclipse seasons, when additional power is required for battery charging. The 2006
vermal eclipse begins in February.
Second, acting quickly on DIRECTV‘s STA request will ensure that valuable
resources are used in an efficient manner. DIRECTV 2 was launched in 1994 and it
is estimated that it will reach its end of fuel life at 91° W.L. in the frst half of 2007.
Placing DIRECTV‘s STA request on public notice and granting it prompily will
ensure that this valuable resource provides service for as much of is short
remaining life as possible.
Third, by commencing the comment period as soon as possible, the Commission
will help provide improved services to Canadian BSS customers in timely manner.
The additional capacity provided by DIRECTV 2 will help Telesat‘s fleet of BSS
satelltes offer additional services including high—definition programming, while at
the same time ensuring adequate backup for the degrading Nimiq 2.
Fourth, expedited treatment of DIRECTV‘s STA request, including grant by stamp
following the public notice period, would be appropriate because this tem does not
present any new or novel regulatory issues. This STA request is virtually identical
to the one the Commission granted last year authorizing the relocation of DIRECTV
    5. See DIRECTV 3 Order see also Leverof Nov.7, 1972, from Mr. Bert W. Rein (US.
Department of State o the Honorable Keneth B. Wiliams (Miniser, Embasty ofCanade,
Washingion D.C).
    * See DIRBCTV 3 Onter, 19 FCC Red at 11,086 (13). A moredetailed discusion of
"Telesa‘ Nimig 2 powerancmaly can befound in pror Teesatfligs. See eg. DIRECTV, Inc.
Request for Special Temporary Authoriy to Relocte DIRECTV 3 to 82° to Conduct
Telemetn, Trackin, and Command (‘TTAC‘) Operations fr a Inerim Period, SAT—STA—
2002090—00300, OppostionofTlesarCanada (iled Nov. 12, 2003)

Wiley Rein & Fielding us

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 10, 2005
Page 3

3 to the Canadian 82° W.L. orbitallocation for the provision of BSS into Canada."
In fact, quick processing of this STA request would be commensurate with the
public policies motivating the Commission‘s adoption of its fleet management
processing procedures." Those procedures allow U.S. operators to relocate a
satellie between U.S—licensed orbital locations upon 30 days prior notice to the
Commission. While this STA request does not qualify for fleet management
treatment because the 91° W.. BSS orbitallocation is notlicensed by the United
States, it will not result in disruption of service to any customers and otherwise
satisfes the Flee: Management Order requirements.
Therefore, Telesat would greatly appreciate swift action in response to this STA
request. Placing it on public notice and taking action by grant—stamp would help
ensure that Telesat has adequate capacity to serve Canadian BSS consumers,
minimizethe effects of Nimig 2‘s power degradation, and maximize the limited
remaining uscfulness of DIRECTV 2.
Should you have any questions about this filing, please contact the undersigned
counsel for Telesat. Thank you.

%@,b s
Jenaifer D. Hindin
ces        Andrea Kelly, IB
           Robert Nelson, TB
           Scott Kotler, IB
           William Wikishire, Counsel for DIRECTV

      *    Conpare DIRECTV3 Order with DIRECTV2 STA Request
       See Anendment ofthe Commission‘s Space Suation Licensing Rules andPolces, Sccond
Reportand Order, 18 RCC Red 12.507(el June 20,2003)(*Flees Management Order®). Seeals,
acr® prs se
      50   See47 CER §25.1180.

Document Created: 2005-12-30 11:54:10
Document Modified: 2005-12-30 11:54:10

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