Attachment GRANT

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050823-00166 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                           Approved by OMB
                                                                                          Dates  [               3060—0678
                                                                                           1x 1 [Fofecc
Date & Time Filed: Dee 16 2005 400:22:186PM                               |
File Number: SAT—STA—20051216—00264
Caliign: 523557                                                               Bbek G plelsr       Eaginttriry
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CoMMISSION
                                                      ror orrICiAL use ONtY

Enter a descripion of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Gi4 STA to drif to 125 WL (Dee 2005)
T: Applican
           Name:      PanAmSat Licensee Corp               Phone Number:              an2—202—4300
           DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:                anr—200—4078
           Street:    1801 K Sueet NW.                     E—Mai:
                      Suie 440
           Cig:       Washington                           State:                      pe
           Countrys    USA                                 Zipeode:                   20006       —
           Attentions MKalpakS Gude Exq

                                                Galiny 14
                                             Call Sign: s2a8s
                                            December 20, 2008

     1. Panamsat Licenses Corp.‘s (‘PanAmSats") application for Special Temporary
        Authority,File No: SAT—STA—20051216—00264 18 GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat
        is authorized, for the period of January 1, 2006 to January 30, 2006 to relocate o and
        operat ts Galaxy 14 sateliteat the 125.0° W.L. orbtal location, in accordance with the
        terms, contitions, and technical specifiations seforthin ts appliation, this Attachment
          and the Commission‘s Rules:

    2. Pan¥mSat‘s operations shall not cause harmfulinterference to any lawilly operatingin—
       orbit satelfites, PanAmSat shall cease operations immediately upon notification of such
       interference and PanAmSatshall inform the FCC in writing within 3 days ofsuch an
    3. PanAmSat is required to accept interference from other lawfully operating in—orbit
       satelfites or radiocommunication systems
    4.. This Grantis without prejudice to any actionthe Commission may take on PanAmSar‘s
        modification request File No: SAT—MOD—2005 120600261
    5..   This Grant iissued parsuantto Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on delegated
          authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Pettions for reconsideration
          under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s
          rules, 47 CER. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days ofthe date of the public
          noticeindicating thatthis action was taken

! See IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—20051206—00261

2. Contact

             Name:        Joseph A Godles, Bsg.           Phone Number:                     a2—429—1900
             Companys.—   Goldbery Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                       an—29—w012

             Streets      1229 190Svees. NW               E—Mai:                  

                          Washington                      State:                             pe
                           usa                            Zipeote:                          aone —ans
                          Atomey                          Relationship:                     Legal Counsel

  (Ifyour application related to an application filed with the Commission, etereitherthfile number r th TB Submission Tb of threlated
applicaton. Please ente only one)
   3. Reference File Number. or Subm sionID
 ‘4n. i a fesubmited with his applicatc 7
@ 1¥es,complete and attach FCCForm 150. If No,indicatereason fofeexemption (see 47 CR Section 1.1114).
£ GovernmentalEty gy Noncommercial educational ensee
@ Ohertplease eplain)
{ib. Fee Classication CRY — Space Sation (Geostaionary)
5.Tope Request
 @ Cliange Sation Location                    @ Extend Expiration Dare                     g Oter

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                         7. Requested Extended Expition Date
        ts w

8: Descripion —(If the complete descipton does not appear in this box, please go to the end oth form toview t in its entireds)
     lApplicant requests special temporary authority for 30 days,                           commencing on January 1,             2006,

9. By checking Yesthe undersigned cerfies that neither applicant nor any other partyto the applcation i subject @ ¥es            gy No
10 denialo Federalbenefis that includes FCC benefis parsuantto Section $301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U;S.C. Setion 862, because of a comvitionfor possession or distibution of a contalled substance. See 47 CFR
1—2002(0) fothe meaning of &quotipart to the applcation@iquotfor these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                             11. Tite of Person Signing
Kalpak Gude                                                            [Associate General Counsel
12. Picase siply any need atachment
  Atachment1 STA                                 Atachment 2:                                  Atachment &

                 (US, Code, Tik 18, Setion 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code,Ti47, Setion 312G)(1)AND/OR FORFETTURE(U.5. Code, Tide 47, Sction 503).

"The public reporting forthiscollection o information is estimated o average 2 hours perresponse, including the time foreviewing instrctions,
searching existng data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data,and compltingand reviewing thcallction of information. 1fyou
have any comments on this brden estimate, or ow we can improve the calletion and reduce the burden it causes you, lease writeto the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperork Reduction Projec(3060—0678), Washington, DC 20584 We willlsoaccept
your comment regardingthe Paperwork Reduction Act aspects o this collction via the Internctifyou send them to boley PLEASE
o Nof sEND comPusTep FoRMS o This Appress
Rememmber — You are t equired o respond tacollection of nformation sponsored by the Federal overnment, and the govermment may not
conduct or sponsor this callcon, untess it displays a currenty valid OMB contrl number orif we failtoprovide you with this notiee. "This
colltion has been assigned an OMB contol number of 3060—0678

1, 1998, 41 Us.C. SECTION aswr.


       PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (‘PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s Ruleshereby requests special temporary authority (‘STA") for
30 days, commencing on January 1, 2006, to: (1) relocate Galaxy 14 from 124.95°
W.L. to 125° W.L.; (2) operate the tracking, telemetry, and command ("TT&C)
paload on the satellite during the relocation; and (3) operate the TT&C and
communications payloads on the satellite when it arrives at 125° W.L.
       Galaxy 14 was launched on August 13, 2005 as a replacement satellite for
Galaxy 5.2 Galaxy 12 has been serving as an interim replacement for Galaxy 5
pending the successful launch of Galaxy 14 and the completion of in—orbit testing
("1OT") for Galaxy 14.
       The Commission initially granted PanAmSat an STA for 30 days to
conduct IOT for Galaxy 14 at 146° W.L." PanAmSat subsequently filed two STA
requests, which remain pending, secking authority for Galaxy 14 to remain at
146° W.L for an additional period in order to complete IOT and to be available
as part of a contingency plan to maintain service at 133° W.L. pending the
successful launch of Galaxy 15.¢ IOT has since been completed, Galaxy 15 has
been successfully launched, and the Commission has granted an STA
authorizing PanAmSatto station Galaxy 14 at 124.95° W.L. for up to 30 days in
anticipation of relocating the satellte to 125° W.L. when the time arrives to
transfer traffic from Galaxy 12 to Galaxy 14.3 PanAmSat anticipates initiating
this relocation on or about January 1,and to transfer traffic from Galaxy 12 to
Galaxy 14 in early January.
       At present, Galaxy 14 is assigned to 125.05° W.L. As a result of changed
circumstances, however, PanAmSat recently filed an application requesting a
modification that would change the assigned orbitallocation to 125° W.L.* As
explained in the modification application, the recent decommissioning of SBS—4
gave PanAmSat additional stationkeeping flexibility, because it will only be
operating two satellites in the vicinity of 125° W.L.(ie, Galaxy 12 and Galaxy 14)
rather than three satellites (te, 5B§—4, Galaxy 12 and Galaxy 14). Following an
evaluation of ts options, PanAmSat determined thatit could optimize
stationkeeping by locating Galaxy 12 at 125.10° W.L.and Galaxy 14 at 125° W.L.

rror® sasim
2 e File No.SAT—LOA—1991207—00117, as amended
S hile No. SAT.STA—20080207—00006
* SeFile Nos.SAT—STA—20050623—00166 and SAT—STA—20051005—0019
3 Se File No. SAT—STA—anostans—00260
S File No.SAT—MOD—20051206—00261.

Accordingly, PanAmSat proposes herein to operate Galaxy 14 from 125° WL. on
an STA basis pending action on the company‘s modification application."
       PanAmSat‘s STA request is supported bygood cause. Grant of the STA
will enable PanAmSat to transfer traffic from Galaxy12 to Galaxy 14 and to
maintain service pending grant of the modification application for Galaxy 14.
Facilitating continuity of service is unquestionably in the public interest.
      Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests
an STA for 30 days, commencing on January 1, 2006, to: (1) relocate Galaxy 14
from 124.95° W.L. to 125° W.L.; (2) operate the TT&C payload on the satellite
during the relocation; and (3) operate the TT&C and communications payloads
on the satellite when it arrives at 125° W.L.
        Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to foseph A.
Godles, PanAmSat‘s counsel, at (202) 429—1900.

 PanAmSat hasfiled a separate modification application, and i   i a separate TA request
secking uthority to operate Galaay12 rom 125.10° W

Document Created: 2005-12-20 14:54:42
Document Modified: 2005-12-20 14:54:42

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