Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050818-00162 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Date & Time Filed: Aug 18 2005 11:19—47.013AM                                   /_                           5 [ (;///é
File Number: SAT—STA—20050818—00162                                    m   P                                 2        f
Coliign:                                                                     Keyl       6      1fleJ       . apntel1]9 4e L—
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONs COMMISSION
                                                    ror orFICIAL USE ONtY

Enter a description ofthis appliation to identif t on the main menu:
 cis I0r STA
 1: Applicant
           Name:        PanAmSstLicensco Corp                                           an2—202—4300
           DBA Name:                                                                    200—202—078
           Street:      1801 K Sreet, N.W                E—Mil:
                        Suite 440
           Ciy:         Washington                                                      nc
           Country:     USA                                                             2006
           Attentions   MrKalpakS Gude Esq

                                          Galazy 15
                                       Call      $2387
                                      September 20, 2008

. Panamsat Licensee Corp.‘s(‘PanAmSat‘s) application for Special Temporary
  Authorit, File No: SAT—STA—20050818—00162 IS GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat
  is authorized, fothe period of30 days commencing with the datethatts C—band fixed—
  satelliteservice (FSS) Galaxy 15 satelite arrives atthe 150.0° W.L. orbiallocation, to
  conduct in—orbittesting ofthe Galaxy 15 satelite at the 150.0° W.L..orbital location and
  upon completion ofthe testto drif the Galaxy 15 to is assigned orbitallocation of
  133.0° W.L.,in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technicalspecifications set
  forth in is application, this Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
  PanAmSat shall coordinate ts tst operations with all potentially affected operating
  satellite networks to ensure that no unacceptable iterference results from is test
  operations at 150.0° W.L.
  PanAmSat‘s test operations shallnot cause harmfulinterference t any lawily operating
  in—orbit satelites oradio communications systems and it shall cease operations
  immediately upon notification ofsuch interference and PanAmSat shall nform the FCC
  in writing within 3 days ofsuch an event
. PanAmSatis required to accept interference from other lwfully operating in—orbit
  satellites or radiocommunication systems.
  PanAmSat‘s operations at 150.0° W.L. shallbe limited solely t in—orbit est operations
  and shallnot include the provision of commercial srvices.
  Testing authorit is limited t the frequency bands 3700—4200 MHz (spaceto—Barth), and
  5925—6126 Mz (Earth—to—space).
. PanAmSat shallnotify the Commission in writingno lter than seven days afteit has
  completed testing of Galaxy 15 and commenced the move of Galaxy 15 to ts assigned
  orbital location of 133.0° WL.

. PanAmSat shall coordinate is Tracking, Telemety, Command, and Monitoring
  ("TTC&M) operations with existing gcostationary satelites to ensure that no
  unacceptable interference resultsfrom ts TTC&M operations during the drit from
  150.0° W.L to ts assigned orbital location of 133.0° W.L

2. Contaet

             Name:        Joseph A Godles, Esq.           Phone Number:                     202—429—0000
             Companys.—   Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                       an—ans w12

             Street:      1229 19h Street, NW              R—Mai:                 

               iy:        Washington                      State:                             pe
             Country:      USA                            Zipeode:                          2one —2is
             Aftention:   Attomey                         Relationship:                     Legal Counsel

  (1f your applcation is relted t an appicationfled with the Commissio, enterthfil number blow
 3. Referenc File Number
 #a. i a fe submited with thi applcation?
@ 1f¥es,completeand attach FCC Form 159. IfNo, indicat eason for fee exemption (se 47 C.ER Section 1.1114)
( Govemmental Entiy gp Noncommercial educationalTcensee
@ Otherfplease explai)
h: Fe Clasifcation CRY ~ Space Station (Geosrionary)
5.Tope Request
& Chinge Sation Location                        @ Extend Expirtion Date                    @ Oner

6: Temporay Orbt Locaion                                            7. Requested Extended Expiration Dare

: Descripion _(the complete descrption dos not appear in this box, lease go o t end of t form to view iti entrey)
     Pannmgat Licensing Corp., pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Conmiesion‘s rules, hereby
     requests Special. Tenporary Authority to conduct in—orbit testing of Galaxy 15 at 150 Wo.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned cerifies hatneithr applicant norany otherparty to the apication is subject @p Yes   qy No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefts pursuantto Section 5301 of he Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U;S.C. Setion 862, because ofaconvictonfo possession or disibution ofa contrlledsubstance. See 47 CFR
 1,2002(b)forthe meaningof &quotparty to theappliationtequot forthese purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                          1. Tiof Person Signing
Kalpak Gude                                                         Associate General Counsel
12. Plcase supply any need atachments
 Atachment 1 STA                              Atachment 2:                                  Atachment 3

                 (US. Code, Tie 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION O ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Tie 47, Section 312(a¥()), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Te 47, Section 502.

"The public eporingfor this collectionoinfrmation is esimated to average 2 hours perresponse,includingthe tme forreviewing insructions,
searching existin data sources, gatherig and maintaining therequired data,and completingand reviewingthe collectionoinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this brden estimate,ar how we canimprove the calletion and reduce the burden it us you, please writetothe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—067), Washington, DC 20554. We will alsoaccept
your comments regardingthe Paperwork Reduction Actaspectsofthis colletion via the nterctif you send them t PLEASE
bo NosENb comrueTEp FRMS To Tis appress
Remember — You are notrequired to respond toa colletiono information sponsored by the Federal covernment, and the govemment may not
conduct or sponsorthis collection, untess it displays a currenty valid OM contrl number orife failtoprovide you wth this notice. This
llction has been assigned an OMB contrl numbeof 3060—0678.
Tik rorEcoiNc Novick is Requikep By TirAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 104—13, OctoBER
1, 1998, 4s US.C. SECTION 507.

                     TO CONDUCT IN—ORBIT TESTING
       PanAmSat Licensing Corp. (‘PanAmSat‘), pursuant to Section 25.120 of
the Commission‘s Rules,\ hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA")
to conduct in—orbit testing ("IOT) of Galaxy 15 at 150° W.L. 2 PanAmSat seeks
an STA for a period of thirty (30) days, beginning on the date that the spacecraft
arrives at that orbital location.3
        The Commission has authorized PanAmSat to launch Galaxy 15 and to
operate the satellte at 133° WL.* PanAmSat is unable to conduct IOT for Galaxy
15 at its assigned orbital location, however, because doing so would interfere
with ongoing services. Accordingly, PanAmSat seeks authority to operate
Galaxy 15 initially at 150° W.L. for purposes of IOT.
       PanAmSat‘s STA request is supported by good cause. Grant of the
request will enable PanAmSat to complete IOT for Galaxy 15 without disrupting
ongoing services. Providing for continuityof service is unquestionably in the
public interest
       Moreover, grant of the requested STA will present no risk of interference
to other authorized users. The only satelltes located within six degrees to the
east and west of 150° W.L. that have frequency overlap with Galaxy 15 are an
EchoStar satellite at 148 W.L. and TDRS7 at 151.0 W.L. In the case of the
former, PanAmSat already has signed a coordination agreement with EchoStar.
In the case of the latter, the frequency overlap is with a non—governmental C—
band payload on TDRS 7 that is not in use, and NTIA has informed PanAmSat
that (because the C:—band payload is non—governmental) coordination with the
federal government is unnecessary.
      Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests
an STA for a period of thirty (30) days to conduct IOT of Galaxy 15 at 150° W.L.
Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to Joseph A. Godles,
PanAmSat‘s counsel, at (202) 429—4900.

 ur on® s2sim
* Thisrequest is imited tothe C:band and Ku—band payloads on Galaxy13 that are Rcensed to
PanAmSat. The requestdoes not icludetheradionavigation satliteservice payload thatis on
the same bus asGalaxy 15 and is icensed to Lockheed Martin Corporation. See Order and
AuthorizationDA 05—1747 (lune 23,2008)
"The Galaxy15 launch currentlis scheduled folate September 2005. IOTis expected to
commence approvimately two weeks ater the launch
1 SeFile No.SATLOA—19991207:—00119, s amended by SAT—AMD20021020—00199,SAT—AMD—
2onsosts.co156,SAT—AMD—20051100—00320 and SAT—AMD2004060%—00111,

Document Created: 2005-09-20 11:08:56
Document Modified: 2005-09-20 11:08:56

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