Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050616-00125 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Date & Time Filed: Jun 16 2008 $28:56:SIGPM            L
e;lgu'Tber: sar—sa—20050616—00125                      L2 Am;?%r%?;fC ézé:‘eifl E.

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICArIONs comMISsION
                                                       ror OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this applicationto identify it on the main menu:
1— Applicant
           Name:     DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC              Phone Number:       310—726—4903
           DBA Name:                                                           sto—sss—ss23
           Streets   2230 E. Imperial Huy:                                     dapatillo@directcom

           City:         El Segundo                        State:               ca
           Countrys       USA                              Zipeode:            soras     —
           Attention:    DavidA. Patilo


                                   DIRECTV 8
                     SAT—STA—20050616—00125 (Call Sig
                     SAT—STA—20050616—00126 (Call Sign:          $2132)
                                       June 22, 2005

DIRECTV Enterprises, LL.C.‘s (DIRECTV) applications for special temporary authority
(STA), IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050616—00125 and SAT—$TA—20050616—00126, ARE
GRANTED. Accordingly, DIRECTV is authorized for a period of 30 days commencing
on June 24, 2005 on a non—interference basis (1) to operate Tracking, Telemetry, and
Command ("TT&C") fanctions in the 17307 MHz (Earth—to—Space) and 12203.25 and
12203.75 MHz (Space—to—Earth)frequencies at and during transit to the 100.65° W.L.
orbital location and (2) to operate the Ka—band communications payload in the 18.3 —
18.8 GHz (space—to—Earth), 28.35 — 28.6 GHz (Rarth—to—space), 19.7 — 20.2 GHz: (space—
to—Earth) and 29.25—30.0 GHz (Earth—to—space) frequency bands on the DIRECTV 8
satellteatthe 100.65° W.L. orbital location in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
technical specifications set forth in its application, the Commission‘s rules and this
Attachment; and
1. During the drift ofthe satellte to 100.65° W.L. orbital location, DIRECTV shall not
operate the Direct Broadcast Satellte ("DBS") or Ka—band communications payload on
the DIRECTV 8 satellte
2. DIRECTV shall coordinate all of ts TT&C operations with existing geostationary
satellites to ensure that no unaceeptable interference resultsfrom its TT&C operations
during its drif.
3. During the drift of te satellite to 100.65° W.L. orbitallocation, no harmful
interference shall be caused by the DIRECTV 8 satellte to any other lawfully operating
satellites or radiocommunication systems. Operations of the DIRECTV 8 satellite shall
cease immediately upon notification of such interference and DIRECTV shall inform the
Commission in writing immediately of such an event.
4. While drifting the DIRECTV 8 satelliteto 100.65° W.L., orbital location, DIRECTV
is required to accept interference from other lawfully operating in—orbit satelites.
5. During operations at 100.65° W.L. no harmful iterference shall be caused by
DIRECTV—to any other lawully operating in—orbit satellite and operations ofthe
DIRECTV—8 satellite shall cease immediately upon notification of such interference.
6. During operations at 100.65° W.L. DIRECTV is required to accept interference from
other lawhully operating in—orbit satelites.

6. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant tothis special
authority is solely at DIRECTV‘s own risk.
7. This action is without prejudice to Commission action on DIRECTV‘s pending
applications SAT—MOD—20050513—00100, SAT—MOD—20050513—00101, SAT—STA—
20050526—00108 and SAT—$TA—20050526—00109.

8. This grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release,

2. Connet

            Name:        Wiliam M. Wilshire             Phone Number:                        ao2—7a0—1350
            Company:     Haris, Wilishire & Grannis LLP Fax Number:                          aoz=7s0—1301

            Street:      1200 18th Steet, NW               E—Mai:                  

                         12h Floor
                         Washington                        State:                             pe
            Country:      USA                              Zipeode:                          2one ~
            Attention:                                     Relationship:                     Legal Counsel

  (If your applcation s relted to an application ied with the Commissio, enerthe ie nurber elow)
  3. Reference File Number
 i s a fe submited withths application?
@ 1f¥es, complteand atach FCC Form 159. IfNo,indicate reason for fee exemption(sce 47 C.ER.Scction1.1114)
@9 Governmental Enity gp Noncommercial educationallcensce
i Othertplease explain}
{i. Fee Classification CRY ~ Space Sation (Geontaionary)
5. Type Request
& Change Sation Location                       & Ixtend Expiration Date                     @ Oner

6 Temporary Orbit Location                                           7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
       10065 Wi.

8: Descripton —(If tcomplte descripiondoes not appcari this box, lease go to the end oftheform tovew it in is entrety)
    DiRECTV Enterprises, LLC requests special tenporary authority to cperate the DRS payload
    ot DIRECTV 8 for TT & C only at 200.65 W.L. for 20 days beginning on June 24, 2005.

. By checking Yes, the undersigned cetifesthat nether applicant nor any other patytothe application is subject es        ow
to a denial ofFederal benefits that includes FCC benefis purstant to Section $301 of the Anti~Drig Act of 1988,
21 U.SC. Section 862, because ofa comvitionfor possesion odistrbution ofa contolled substance. Sce 47 CFR
1,2002(b)forthe meaning of dqutparty tthe appcation"for hese purposes

10. Name of Person Signing                                         11. Tite of Person Signing
James Butervorth                                                   Scrior Vice President
12, Plcase supply any need ttschments
  Atachment 1: ExhibitA                      Atachment 2:                                  Atachment3

                (US. Code,Titl 18, Section 101), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                 (US. Code, Ti47, Section 312@)(1)AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)

ree Nomick requrkep By ThE rArERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The publc reportingforthis collction of nformation is estimated o average 2 hours per respons, ncludingthetme for eviewing instructions,
searching exisingdat sources, gtheringand maintiningthe required dat, and completig and reviewing the collection ofnformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how wcan improve the colletion and reducethe burden it causes you, please writetothe
Federl Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554, We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperork Reduction Act aspectsofthis colletionvia the ntemmet ifyou send them tofooley@fec gov. PLEASE
Remember You are not required to respond to coletionoinformationsponsored by the Federalgovemment, and the goverement may not
canduct or sponsor thi cllecion,unles t displaysa curentl valid OMB control number orifwfail o provide you with hisnatce.—This
callection has been assigned an OMB control mumber of 3060—0678
1, 19984 US.C. SECTION 307.

                                                                       rmononmeansmesm m
  HARRIS'                                                              wisimaron ne 2ums

                                                                       snn manmuncrsime com
  ET3ng                                                                arrowsnys artaw

                                     June 16, 2005

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
       Re:    Requestfor 30—DaySpecial Temporary Authorityfor the DBS TT&C
              Payload on DIRECTV 8 ar 100.65° W.L.
              Call Sign: $2632
Dear Ms. Dortch:
         DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (*DIRECTV®) hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority(*STA®)to operate the Direct Broadcast Satete (*DBS") communications
paload on DIRECTV 8 solely for TT&C functions at 100.65° W.L. or of 30 days
beginnine approximately June 24, 2005. DIRECTV8 has been launched and ts lensed
orbitalocationat the nominal 101° W.L. position is currently oecupied. DIRECTV has
filed a request foa longer—term authorization at 100.65® W.L., but there will not be
sufficient time to process that application before the satelitearives on station.
Accordingly, DIRECTV respectfully requests expedited action on this request.
        DIRECTV 8. a hybrid satellite with both Ka—hand and Ku—band (%e., DBS)
payloads, was successfully lunched on May 22, 2005, Its icensed orbitallocation is
100.85° W.L., which currently flls within the station—keeping boxes covered by both
DIRECTV 1R (100.85° W.L.. 0.05°) and DIRECTV2 (100.8° W.L.20.15). The
remainder ofthe nominal 101° W.L. orbita location is also highly congested, with four
more sateltes (DIRECTV 1, DIRECTV45, AMSC—1, and AMC—4) operating in close
provimity. Thus, at present, thereis no room for DIRECTV 8 at ts licensed location.
       On May 26, DIRECTV filed an STA requestto operate the DBS payload on
DIRECTV 8 solely for TTA&C functions at 100.65° W.L.. for up to 180 days.' That


Hhaous, wicrsmee & Gramis tor
Marlene H. Dortch
June 16, 2008
Page2 of2
application went on public notice on June 3, 2005," and the comment period will not
lose untilJuly 5, 2005, However, DIRECTV 8 is scheduled to arive at the nominal
 101° W.L. orbital location on June 24, 2005, where t will commence operations ofits
Ka—band payload. Without the requested STA, DIRECTV will have nowhere to place the
satellite whileits requestfor longer—term STA is being processed.
         Limited operation ofthe DBS payload of DIRECTV 8 at100.65° W.L.for TT&C
only will not result in harmfulinterference to adjacent satllites. The nearest operational
DBS spaceeraft are DIRECTV‘s own DBS satelites athe nominal 101° W.L. orbital
location. The nextclosest DBS satelftes are nearly nine degrees or more removed from
this proposed location. As a practical matter, DIRECTV‘s efforts to avoid interference to
its own operations at 101° W.L. should be more than suffiient to protect other DBS
operators located many times further away.
        Grant ofthis STA request will serve the publicinterest by failiating
DIRECTV‘s use ofthe Ka—band payload on DIRECTV 8 while its pending application
for longer—term operating authority is being processed.
       Accordingly, DIRECTV requests the expeditious grant of special temporary
                                             Respectfully submited,
                                             William M. Wiltshire
                                             Counsel to DIRECTV Enterprises, LC

&       See Public Notice, Rep. No. SAT—00296 (June 3, 2005).

Document Created: 2005-06-22 15:37:40
Document Modified: 2005-06-22 15:37:40

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