Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050601-00114 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                              Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Jun 12005 5:12:47:550PM
File Number: SAT—STA—20050601—001 14

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Sirius — Request for STA for 5,000 Additional In—Store Signal Boosters
1. Applicant

            Name:        Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.        Phone Number:      212~584—5100
            DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:        212—584—5275
            Street:      1221 Avenue of the Americas        E—Mail:  
                         36th Floor
            City:        New York                           State:             NY
            Country:     USA                                Zipcode:           10020        —
            Attention:   Mr. Patrick L. Donnelly

                                                                                       + SQTSth— 20056 601 —6

                                                                                       Cali Sizn ____2 Crunt Date         \ S\{ 507

                                                                                       ornerisc idertifion)

           Application of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                            IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050601—00114

Special temporary authority (STA) IS GRANTED to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (Sirius) for a
period of 180 days to operate, in conjunction with XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio),‘ up to an
additional5,000 in—store terrestrial repeaters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power
(EIRP) of 0.0001 watts at retail outlets within the United States with the technical parameters
specified in its application, subject to the following conditions:

1. Sirius and XM Radio shall operate the in—store terrestrial repeaters at their own risk and such
    operation shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB
    Docket 95—91;

2. Sirius and XM Radio shall operate the in—store terrestrial repeaters on a non—interference
    basis with respect to all permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities;

3. The in—store terrestrial repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the
    complete programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to
    SDARS receivers;

4. Where applicable, coordination of the in—store terrestrial repeaters shall be completed with all
   affected Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international
   agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;

5.. The in—store terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules —
    Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures;

6. The in—store terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart
    I — Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the
    guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in
    Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules;

7. The out—of—band emissions of the in—store terrestrial repeaters shall be limited to
    75+log(EIRP) dB less than the transmitter EIRP;

8. Sirius and XM Radio shall operate the in—store terrestrial repeaters according to the technical
    parameters provided in their applications for special temporary authority to operate such in—
    store terrestrial repeaters;

‘ XM Radio has been separately granted special temporary authority to operate these repeaters in conjunction with
Sirius. See IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050601—00113 (granted via grant stamp on January 18, 2007).

> XM Radio and Sirius were previously granted special temporary authority to operate up to an aggregate of 5,000
in—store terrestrial repeaters with an EIRP of 0.0001 watts at retail outlets within the United States, See IBFS File
Nos. SAT—STA—20030411—00075/—00076 (granted via grant stamp on June 26, 2003). The authority granted herein
is in addition to the authority granted previously, and does not negate or replace earlier authority to operate in—store
terrestrial repeaters.

         Application of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                            IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050601—00114

9. The total aggregate number of in—store terrestrial repeaters between Sirius and XM Radio
   operating pursuant to this grant of STA shall not exceed 5,000;

10. Sirius and XM Radio shall have joint ownership of each of the in—store terrestrial repeaters;

11. Sirius and XM Radio shall have joint operational control of each of the in—store terrestrial

12 . The in—store terrestrial repeaters shall be professionally installed pursuant to written
   instructions provided by Sirfus and XM Radio and shall be labeled with contact telephone
   numbers for Sirius and XM Radio to be called in the event that an in—store terrestrial repeater
   causes interference;

13. Sirius and/or XM Radio shall immediately shut down any, or all, in—store terrestrial repeaters
    upon a complaint of interference, upon direction from the Commission, or upon finding that
    an in—store terrestrial repeater has not been properly installed;

14. Sirius and XM Radio shall have joint and several liability for any harmful interference
    caused by an in—store terrestrial repeater, and shall have joint and several liability for any
    forfeiture or other penalty imposed by the Commission as a result of any harmful

15. Sirius is granted 30 days from the date of the release of this authorization to decline the
   authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal
   acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.

16. This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
   authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately. Petitions for reconsideration
   under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s
   rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice
   indicating that this action was taken.

                                      <=— 1. «_ SBT—20050401—00114
                                          <e      i Cull                      Grant Date ‘k \1¢]607
                                            S           {orc     dontilier)
                                                                              Term Dates
                                            "     d|}   1‘1:,;11.‘ l ‘6101          To: +180 days
                                             63   i

                             wiith condifiot\s —                    Policca Granch Chief

2. Contact

             Name:         Jennifer D. Hindin                  Phone Number:                         202—719—4975
             Company:      Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP           Fax Number:                           202—719—7049
             Street:        1776 K. Street, NW                 E—Mail:                     

             City:          Washington                         State:                                 DC
             Country:       USA                                Zipcode:                              20006     —
             Attention:    Partner                             Relationship:                         Legal Counsel

  (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter the file number below.)
  3. Reference File Number
  4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.       If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.E.R.Section 1.1114).
0 Governmental Entity        G Noncommercial educational licensee
0 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CXW —— Space Station (Non—Geostationary)

5. Type Request

0 Change Station Location                         0o Extend Expiration Date                         @ Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                               7. Requested Extended Expiration Date

8. Description

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. herein requests Special Temporary Authority (‘STA‘)   to operate up to
an additional 5,000 in—store signal boosters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power
(‘EIRP‘) of 0.0001 watts in its licensed frequency band (2320—2332.5 MHz) at retail outlets.    This
STA is requested for a period of 180 days or until the date on which permanent rules become
effective for the operation of Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service terrestrial repeaters,
whichever occurs first.   See attached.

                                                                          SAT— sSth— 20050601 — oo11 4

Satellite Radio

      tellite Radio   June 1, 2005
  af the Americas
   York, NY 10020
   al onz    5100
                      Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                      Federal Communications Commission
                      445 12th Street, S.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20554

                               Re:   Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                     Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—Store
                                     Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

                      Dear Ms. Dortch:

                      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius"), pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.120,‘ hereby
                      requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate up to 5,000 in—store
                      signal boosters with an Effective Isotropically Radiated Power ("EIRP") of 0.0001
                      watts in its licensed frequency band (2320—2332.5 MHz) at retail outlets. This STA
                      is requested for a period of 180 days or until the date on which permanent rules
                      become effective for the operation of Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
                      ("SDARS") terrestrial repeaters, whichever occurs first.

                      The Commission already has granted Sirius STA to operate up to 5,000 in—store
                      signal boosters with an EIRP of 0.0001 watts in its licensed frequency band. By
                      this application, Sirius seeks STA to operate an additional 5,000 in—store signal
                      boosters. The additional boosters requested herein will include both the type
                      previously approved by the Commission* as well as a new type which, like the
                      previously authorized boosters, will amplify the satellite and terrestrial signals of
                      both Sitius and XM Radio, Inc. ("XM") within retail outlets." The additional
                      boosters will enable Sirius (and XM) to meet the increased demand for deployment

                      1        Sirius has filed this STA request, FCC Forms 312 and 159, and a $2,535.00
                      filing fee electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing System.

                      2     See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to
                      Operate In—Store Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File
                      No. SAT—STA—20030411—00075 (grant stamp with conditions issued June 26,

                      3       Sirius notes that XM is filing concurrently an application for an STA to
                      operate these signal boosters in its licensed frequency band, 2332.5—2345 MHz.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2005
Page 2

of boosters in additional retail outlets. Further, many of the new boosters will
employ improved technology that permits operation using one, rather than two,
receive antennas. Accordingly, grant of the requested STA will serve the public

Technical Information. The additional boosters requested herein will include both
the type previously approved by the Commission as well as a new type. With
respect to the new type, these boosters, like the previously approved in—store signal
boosters, which are essentially S—band radio frequency amplifiers, will transmit
inside of retail stores. However, these new in—store signal boosters will require only
one receive antenna, whereas the current boosters employ two receive antennas, as
shown in the figure below:

                        | t00° retos exbie

 } 42 dfi LHCP Antenna


                                                 Inina Amp    Inlie Amp
                                                 DC bypass    DC bypass

                                                                                   w se Lau 0e

                                                                              748ic panl

                                             Current System

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2005
Page 3

                                                                          ©$  £8
                                                                              Tdes 28 0e
                                                                           748 panel

                                 Proposed New System

In all other respects, the technical parameters for these new in—store signal boosters
will be identical to the current boosters.

As detailed in Exhibit A, an illustrative Instailation Manual, a single in—store receive
antenna will be used to amplify SDARS satellite signals and, in some cases,
terrestrial rebroadcast signals. The signals are received by this antenna located on
the roof or mounted on the outside walls of the stores and are fed via coaxial cable
to an inline amplifier and subsequently to the in—store antenna for amplification.
Retail stores will receive an Installation Manual along with the in—store signal
boosters and will be required to install the boosters pursuant to the manual.

In Exhibit B, Sirius provides a list of technical parameters for the in—store signal
boosters it seeks to operate pursuant to this STA. These technical parameters are
the same for both the previously approved and new boosters. Sirius has included
the following information: (1) antenna type; (2) antenna beamwidth; (3) total EIRP;
and (4) approximate maximum height Above Ground Level (AGL). Consistent .
with its prior application, however, Sirius has not included geographic coordinates
for each of these in—store signal boosters."

*       Sirius notes that the manufacturers of these boosters may change, but the
specifications will remain the same.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2005
Page 4

The location of each in—store signal booster does not constitute part of the "full
particulars of the proposed operation" which must be submitted with an application
for STA.‘ Because the in—store signal boosters will operate at such a low EIRP that
they will not cause blanketing interference to any Wireless Communications Service
("WCS") receivers, even ones operated very close to the signal boosters, there is no
need to identify the location of the boosters in this application. Furthermore, it
would be impractical for Sirius to list the retail outlets nationwide at which it plans
to deploy these in—store signal boosters or to modify this STA every time Sirius
were to operate an in—store signal booster at a new retail establishment. To the
extent that the Commission determines that location information is required, Sirius
respectfully requests that the Commission waive this requirement.°

Interference Considerations. The in—store signal boosters will not cause harmful
interference to other radio services. Because Sirius has exclusive use ofits licensed
frequency band,"‘ there is no potential for in—band interference. Moreover, these
additional in—store signal boosters, like the current boosters, will not cause adjacent
band interference to WCS licensees in the 2305—2320 MHz and 2345—2360 MHz

As set forth in Exhibit C, assuming the worst case scenario for interference to WCS
operations (i.e., WCS equipment operating on a frequency adjacent to the lower
edge of Sirius‘ licensed frequency band and operating within 5.3 feet of the signal
booster), WCS licensees will have a margin of 19 dB, which is sufficient for any
digital fixed wireless or mobile use. Moreover, where WCS equipment operates
outside of the store where the booster is located, the margin will increase by another
9 dB as a result of wall or ceiling attenuation, providing additional protection to any
possible outdoor WCS receivers. And, as required by the Installation Manual, both
the SDARS roof or wall—mounted receive antenna and the signal booster antenna
will be installed with sufficient isolation to avoid reflection.

Ownership and Control ofIn—Store Signal Boosters. Sirius and XM will jointly
own each in—store signal booster. Pursuant to contractual arrangements, each
licensee will retain full operational control of these boosters to the extent the

5       47 C.F.R. § 25.120(a).

6       47 C.F.R. §1.3.
7       47 C.F.R. § 25.202(a)(6) (stating the 2320—2345 MHz band is allocated
exclusively for SDARS).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2005
Page 5

booster operates in its licensed frequency band. Sirius and XM also will retain the
right to shut down any in—store signal booster upon a complaint of interference,
upon direction of the Commission, or upon finding that an in—store signal booster
has not been installed in accordance with the Installation Manual.

Public Interest Considerations. Prompt grantof this STA will promote the
continued success of satellite radio and thereby serve the public interest. The
demand for SDARS radios by the public has continued to increase over time.
Accordingly, Circuit City, Best Buy, and other stores that sell and promote SDARS
radios to the public have requested that Sirius and XM make in—store signal boosters
available to additional locations so that they can promote the service to consumers
in additional markets. Withoutin—store signal boosters, these retail outlets cannot
effectively market SDARS service to consumers, and cannot easily test SDARS
receivers installed in consumers‘ vehicles.

As Sirius has noted in prior applications, in—store signal boosters enable Sirius to
provide a clear signal for reception by SDARS receivers located within retail
outlets. Based on consumer reactions, retail outlets have expressed a need for this
type of in—store reception capability in order to demonstrate the mobility of SDARS.
Moreover, eliminating the need for a hard wire connection enables satellite radios to
be displayed in any area of a store, including high traffic areas. Finally, in those
retail outlets offering automobile installation, store employees installing SDARS
receivers in vehicles will be able to verify that the SDARS receiver is working
properly while the vehicle is located in the store‘s installation bay. This will result
in time—saving efficiencies for installers and ensure that vehicles are returned to
consumers with properly functioning SDARS radios.

In addition, many of these in—store signal boosters feature better antenna
technology. As noted above, certain ofthe in—store signal boosters will employ one
receive antenna rather than the two antennas required by the current boosters. The
new design also is more convenient to install and, therefore, is easier for retail
outlets to use. Accordingly, grant of the requested STA will enable Sirius to deploy
advanced technology, which will support the continued growth and development of
SDARS service.

Certifications. Sirius certifies that its operation of the in—store signal boosters will
comply with the "Micro—Repeater STA Conditions" that the Commission imposed

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2005
Page 6

on Sirius in granting the original STA to operate 5,000 in—store signal boosters." A
copy of the "Micro Repeater STA Conditions" is provided at Exhibit D.

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Patrick Donnelly

Patrick Donnelly
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

cci      Stephen Duall

8     See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to
Operate In—Store Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File
No. SAT—STA—20030411—00075 (grant stamp with conditions issued June 26,

         EXHIBIT A

lustrative Installation Manual

                   Interoperable SDARS Wireless Repeater System
                    Retail & Commercial Installation Instructions
                                              for XMSSRO23WR

Check for all parts listed before beginning assembly.
Note any shortages — Call Antenna Specialists (ph. 440—349—8400),

Parts List:
 Item             Description                                     Figure
     A            Pole Assembly                                     1
     B            Antenna on Bracket                               23
     C            Two U—botts                                       4
     D            Kit Bag with tar tape & tie wraps                 5
     E            100 FtRF—195 Cable (QTY. 2)                       6
     F            100 ft RG—58 Cable                                6
     G            41 dB Amp w/DC By—Pass                            8
     H            DC Injector                                       9
     I            Combinér with male/male adapter                   7
     J            39 dB Amp w/DC Bypass                             8
     K            45 ft Cable                                       6
     L            Passive InteriorAntenna on small bracket          12

Parts needed: (not supplied)
1. (6) 5(16 x 3"lag screws to mount pole to building
2. (6) 5/16" washers for the lag screws
3.       Additional cable straps. (Various lengtbs for attaching the cable)
4.       Mounting hardware to ground the 41 dB amp

needed: (not supplied)
1. Compass~ Highly recommended
2.       %4" Wrench
3.       Electric Drill
4. Bubble Level


            s                                 31225 Bainbridge Road + Cleveland, Ohio 44139—2281
                ¥ie uen                       Phone 440—349—8400 + FAX 440—349—8407    www.antenna,com
 antenna specialists
                    An Alan Talecom Company

 Wall or roof mounting (roof mounting configuration
 shown in FIG. 1). Adjust the Pole Assembly so that the
 pole is in a vertical position at the top, Tighten bolts once
 vertical position has been achieved. Check with a level,
 NOTE: Remember when doing any installation, keep
 the mast plumb.

                                                                                               Figure 3

                                                                 Fasten the anterina bracket to the pole assembly, using
                                                                 the U—bolts (Iiem C). Make certain the U—bolts are
                                                                 tightened securely to preventrotation of bracket. Recom+
                                                                 mended torque on bolts is 10 to 15 in—lbs. Use one tic
                                                                 wrap to strap the antenna cable to the pole.

           Figure 1   POLEASSEMBLY (fem A)

NOTE: Ground the Pole Assembly to building
foliowing the National Electrical Code (NEC). Check
local codes and ordinances, Professional Instaliation is
highly recommended.

Position the antenna bracket assembly (Item B) on top of
the vertical pole assembly (Item A) so that the center
section of the bracket is horizontal, as shown, Feed the
pole through hole in the bracket to assist in keeping it
leve} (check using a level). Do not feed the pole through
the bracket more than 1/8" (Bracket assembly is
preformed for proper antenna clevations. DO NOT                                Figure 5 KIT BAG (ltem D)
align antenna assembly such that the XM Antenna faces
South and the Sirius Antenna faces North, use arrows on
bracket to assist in pointing North.                             Attach one end of each 100° RF—195 cable (Item E) to
                                                                 each antenna cable. (verify that both are 100° RF—195
                                                                 type cable by reviewing the label on each RF—195 type
                                                                 cable) Hand—tighten connectors until fully seated.
                                                                 Remove the Vapor Wrap (tar) tape from the kit bag and
                                                                 remove from plastic covering. Remove the release liner
                                                                 from both sides. Wrap the black tape around the connec—
                                                                 tors until both sets of connectors are fully enclosed and
     Nss                                                         are completely weather—sealed. Attach the cable along the
       xm               s              /&                        pole assembly with remaining tie wraps.
        w‘g              &            /
       Figure 2 EXTERIOR ANTENNA (Item ©)

                                                                IN FROM ANTENNA                 TOWARD RECEIVER

       Figure 6.   2—100° RF—195 CABLE (ltem E)
                   1—100° RG—58 CABLE (item F)
                   1—45" RG—58 CABLE (Item K)                          Figured 8 4108 AMPLIFIEA (fiem G)
                                                                               39 dB AMPLIFIER (tem J)

Begin feeding both 100‘ cables (Item E) into the building
or enclosure. Route cable toward the location of where       Using the bracket located on the Amp, attach Amp to the
the passive antenna will be loacted. Secure cables along     building ground, Use the NEC as a reference. Support
the wall or beams, being careful not to puncture, pinch or   and mount the Amp to a wall, pole or beam so that the
smash the cable. NOTE: Avoid sharp bends or kinks in         weight of the Amp is not straining on the cable.
cable. Straighten all kinks if they occur during instalia—
                                                             Artach one end of the 100 RG—58 cable (Item F) to the
                                                             other end ofthe Amp (Item G), the non—antenna end. Feed
Connect both 100‘ RF—195 cables to the two (2) small         cable toward the passive antenna location. Bundle any
cables of the combiner (item 1).                             extra cable not cut}. Secure cables along the wall or
                                                             beams, being careful not to puncture, pinch or smash the
                                                             cable, avoiding sharp bends or kinks during installation.

                                                             Attach the other end of the 100° RG—58 cable to the in
                                                             from antenna"side of the 39 dB in—line amplifier with
                                                             DC bypass (item J).

                                                              Caution: Do not plug in the AC adapter of Item H
                                                             before all connections are made. Equipment damage
                                                             may cccur, Attach the other end of the 39 dB in—line
             Figure 7 COMBINER (Item 1)                      amplifier to the male connector of the DC—injector
                                                             (item H) (the connector on the same side of the DC
                                                             power pack).
                                                              Attach the 45° cable (item K) to the female SMA of
                                                              the DC—Injector.

If the small male to male adapter is not attached to the
single female connector coming out of the combiner,
reattach it. Review the orientation ofthe 4] dB Amp w/
DC By—Pass, (Item G). Attach Amplifier by mating the
connector end labeled "in from antenna"to the male/
male adapter of the combiner.

                                                                         Figure 9 DC INJECTOR {item H)

  Select a suitable mounting location for the Passive
 Antenna (item L). This antenna provides a 70 degree
 horizontal by 60 degree verticle coverage pattern and
 should be located within 150 ft. but not closer than 20
 ft. of the receivers to be covered. The table shown
 provides sample coverage dimensions based on the
 distance from the receivers. The antenna should be
 clevated so as to provided an unobstructed view of the
 receiver area(s) to be covered,

                                                                                    Figure 12 INTERIOR PASSIVE
                                                                                ANTENNA (item ) TO BE MOOUNTED
Attach the: other connector of the 45‘ cable into the                          HIGH, TILT ANTENNA DOWNWARD INTO
                                                                                  COvERED AREA s0—40 DEGREES.
passive antenna (item L).

Verify all connections have been made before plugging
in the AC adapter (Item H) into a standard 110 VAC
wall receptacle.

Plug AC adapter of Item H into a standard 110 VAC
wall receptacle,

           150                                210                         17
           80                                 112                          92
            10                                 56                          46
        30 viniuia                             76                         33

                                         soans wntices neveaten avstem
                                           For AstailCommurcial Instatiation

                                              Intom Amg                lntrs Amp
                                              DC bypes                 DC bypins

                         Interoperable SDARS Wireless Repeater System
                             Operation and System Test Instructions
                                       for XMSSRO23WR


The XMSR923WR is a Wireless Satellite Radio Repeater system designed to provide signal to XM and
Sirius Satellite Radio receivers in the display areas in the retail environment. This system provides signal
for both satellite redio service provider receivers and supports multiple receivers in the covered area.

System Description

The XMSSR923WR system consists of two receive antennas, an antenna combiner, two line amplifiers, a
DC Injector,a transmit antenna and 4 cable assemblies to interconnect the components. The following
section briefly describes each componentofthe system:

    1. Receive Antennas

        The Sirius and XM receive antennas are supplied with a mounting bracket and J—Pipe. Both
        antennas are LHCP, 7 dB gein, patch antennes with built in low noise amplifiers. The XM
        antenna LNA has a gain of 32 dB and the Sirius antenna LNA gain is 35 dB. The antennas are
        provided already connected in the correct locations of the mounting bracket so as to provide the
        proper elevation for each antenna (XM at 45 degrees and Sirius at 15 degrees from horizontal).
        For optimal system performance, these antennas must be fastened to the supplied J—Pipe and
        oriented with the Sirius antenna pointing toward the North. The antennas are connected to a
        combiner via two low loss RF195 type cables and the DC power for the internal amplifiers is
        supplied via the same cable.

   2. Antenna Combiner

        The antenna combiner combines the two receive antennas through the two antenna cables from
        two female SMA connectors at the combiner input to a single female SMA output connector at
        the combiner output. The combiner feeds DC to both antennas and delivers the combined signal
        to one of the two system line amplifiers.

   3.   Line Amplifier

        Two line amplifiers are used in the XMSSR923WR (one with 41 dB and one with 39 dB ofgain}.
        The line amplifiers provide sufficient gain to offset the cable attenuation and to increase the
        signal level for retransmission inside a building. The line amplifiers amplify the RF signal from
        the combiner while providing a DC Bypass to deliver DC operating voltage to the rest of the

   4. DC Injector

        The DC Injector is a bias Tee with a built in AC adapter, The AC adapter portion supplies the
        system with the required DC voltage (7.5 VDC at 1000 mA.) and the Bias Tee portion injects the
        DC voltage into the system coax to bias the active components while isolating the RF signal from
        the AC adapter. The DC injector only supplies DC from one side (the side where the AC adapter
        cable exits) the other port blocks DC while RF signals pass through the device with only about 1
        dB of attenuation.

     5.   Transmit Antenna

          The transmit antenna used in the XMSSR923WR systemn is a passive version of the same LHCP,
          7 dB Gain antenna design used in the receive antennas described above. This directional antenna
          provides a 70 degree by 60 degree signal beam that may be pointed toward the display area where
          the receivers are located. This antenna radiates the Satellite Radio signals to allow the radios in
          the covered display area to function properly.

System operation

The XMSSR923WR system is designed to receive Sateilite Radio signals from the SDARS satellites via
two, external, roof or wall mounted antennas, route the signals into the building via coaxial cables,
amplify the signals to overcome cable attenuation and retransmit the signals to provide coverage to a
portion of a building. The repeateris designed to bave sufficient system gain to provide adequate signal
inside retail establishments.

The system has no operator controls and is not adjustable by the end user. Proper system operation is
controlled through the orientation and focation of the receive and transmit antennas. See the Installation
Instructions for additional information. Once the system is installed and the AC adapter is connected to
the 120 volt supply, the system may be tested by connecting automotive antennas to an XM and a Sitius
receiver in the covered display area, powering up the receivers and listening to the stereos. Additional
coverage information may be obtained by installing a Delphi Sky Fi receiver in a battery operated Boom
Box and analyzing the signal information using the "Antenna Aiming" feature of the radio. This feature
provides Satellite and Terrestrial signal indications for XM signals.

                                               EXHIBIT B

Attached is the following information for each ofthe in—store signal boosters Sirius seeks to
operate pursuant to this STA.

       (1) antenna type;
       (2) antenna beamwidth;
       (3) total EIRP; and
       (4) approximate height Above Ground Level {(AGL)

City            Antenna Type               Antenna         EIRP Total in     Height AGL
                                           Beamwidth       Watts
Various        Antenna Specialists         75 degrees      0.0001            < 50 feet
               XMSSRO23WR                                                                       J

The transmitted carriers have a center frequency and frequency stability identical to the received
SDARS satellite or terrestrial carriers. Frequency accuracy is controlled by the satellite or
terrestrial repeater and not by the booster.

                                              EXHIBIT C

Calculation of Free—Space Loss

         V(in dB)        =       36.6 + 20 log (f) + 20 log (d)
                  f      =       transmission frequency in MHz
                  d      =       separation distance in miles

         Assuming the worst case frequency (i.e., 2320 MHz) and 0.001 miles (i.e., 5.3 feet)

         V(in dB)                36.6 + 20 log (2320) + 20 log (0.001)

                                 36.6 + 67.3 — 60.0
                                 43.9 dB

Calculation of Signal Power Received (Pr) By WCS Receiver Assuming It Has Omni—
Directional (0 dBi) Antenna

         Pr(in dBW)      =       ElRPup— Y

                  EIRPyp is the output of the booster at beampeak (%.e., 0.0001 watts or — 40 dBW)
                  (antenna beamwidth at 3 dB pattern points is 75°).

         Pr(in dBW)      =       —40 dBW — 43.9 dB
                         =       —83.9 dBW

Calculation of Margin at WCS Receiver (Assuming A Well—Designed Unit Operates
Unimpaired With OOB Interference Of —65 dBW)

         Margin           =       —65 dBW — (—83.9 dBW)
                                  18.9 dB


         (1)      The calculation is done on a line—of—sight (%.e., 5.3 feet) co—polarized basis.

         (2)      The booster is for indoor operation and no wall/ceiling attenuation, which would
                  normally exist, has been added to the margin. Where WCS equipment operates
                  outside of the store where the booster is lacated, the margin will increase by
                  another 9 dB as a result of wall or ceiling attenuation, providing additional
                  protection to any possible outdoor WCS receivers.

         (3)      Near field effects should be negligible. Locations at other than beampeak receive
                  even lower Pz levels.

          EXHIBIT D

"Micro—Repeater STA Conditions"

                                   Micro—Repeater §TA Conditions
 ~ 1. Strins and XM Radio shall operate the in—store signal boosters at their own risk and such
       operation shall not prejfudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in
       GEN Docket 95—91;

   2. Sitlus and XM Redio shall operate the in—store signal boosters on a non—interference basis
      with respect to all permanently anthorized radincommunication facilities;

  — 3. The in—store sxguaj'boostm are restricted to the simultancous retransmission of the oomplel;
       programmmg, and only thet programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS

   4. ‘Where applicable, coordination of the in—store signal boosters shall be completed with all
       affected Administrations prior to operation, in sccordance with all applicable international
       agreements including those with Canads and Mexico;

   5. Thein—store signal boosters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules —
       Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenne Structures;

   6. The in—store signal boosters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart 1 —
      Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the
      guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in
      Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules;

   7. The out—of—band emissionsof the in—store signal boosters shall be limaited to 75+log(EIRP)
       dB less than the transminer EIRP;
   8. Sirius and XM Radio shall operate the in—store signal boosters according to the technical
       parameters provided in their applications for special temporary autbority to operate such in—
       store signal boosters;

~~*‘p~The total aggregate nnmber of in—store signal boosters between Sirins and XM Radio shall
      not exceed 5,000;

   10. Strins and XM Radio shall have joint ownership of each of the in—siore signal boosters;

   11, Sirius and XM Radio shall have joint operational control of each of the in—store signal
       boosters;       .

  ©12. The in—store repeaters shall be professionally installed pursant to written instmetions
     ~ ‘provided by Sitlus and XM Radio and shall beJabeled with contact telephone numbers for
       Sirius and XM Radio to be called in the event that & booster causes interference;

   13. Sirjus and/or XM Radio shall immediately shyt down any, or all, in—store gignal boosters
       wpon a complaint of interférence, upon direction from the Comuntssion, or upon finding that
       an in—store signal booster has fiot been properly installed;

                                .‘ Micro—Repeater STA Conditions

/ 14, Siriug:and XM Radio shall bave joint and several lability for any harmful intesference
      eaused by an in—store signal booster, and shall have joint and several liability for any
      forfeiture or other penalty imposed by the Commission as a result of any barmaful
      interference,                                                        *

Document Created: 2007-01-18 15:37:01
Document Modified: 2007-01-18 15:37:01

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