Attachment submission





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050601-00114 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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     Satelite Radio                                              Policy Brench
                                                              Intormational Bureau
                      July 29, 2005                                                        RECEIVED
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                      Federal                        .
                              Communications Commission                              1| redealommrieaten mniasin
                      445 12th Street, S.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20554

                              Re:     Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                      Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—Store
                                      Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
                                      File No. SAT—STA—20050601—00114
                      Dear Ms. Dortch:

                      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sitius") hereby responds o the Intenational Bureau‘s
                      July 14, 2008 request for additional information‘ regarding Sirius‘s application for
                      Special Temporary Authority ("TA") to operate up to 5,000 in—store signal
                      boosters (‘ISB") in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service." Specifically, Sitius
                      provides information regarding: (1) the utilization rate ofthe ISBs already—
                      authorized pursuant to STA; 2) the planned deployment ofthe new single receive
                      antenna and the current double receive antenna; and (3) the total number of ISBs
                      that will be deployed ifthe application is granted.

                      ‘      Letter from Cassandra C. Thomas, FCC, to Patrick Donnelly, Sirius Satellite
                      Radio Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20050601—001 14 (dated July 14, 2005).

                      *        Sirius and XM Redio Inc. (°XM) jointly are authorized to operate up to
                      5,000 instore boosters in their licensed frequency bands pursuant to STA. See
                      Sirius Satellte Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—
                      Store Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File No. SAT—
                      STA—20030411—00075(grant stamp with conditions issued June 26, 2003).
                      Through its June 1, 2005 application, Sirius seeks STA to operate up to an
                      additional 5,000 ISBs. As noted in the application, the additional boosters will
                      include both the type previously approved by the Commission as well as a new type
                      that permits operation using one, rather than two, receive antennas. See Sirius
                      Satellite Radio Inc. Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate In—Store
                      Signal Boosters in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, File No. SAT—STA—
                      20050601—001 14 (filed June 1, 2005).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
July 29, 2005
     1.. Utilization Rate of ISBs Under the Current STA

Sirius and XM have installed and are operating approximately 3,210 1SBs. There
are a substantial additional number in the pipeline which cannot be accurately
estimated. Sirius and XM expect the eventual growth rate to level offafter mid«
2006 to 8—10% per year.
     2. Deployment of the Single and Double Receive Antennas
Sirius and XM believe that approximately 3,000 of the new ISBs will feature one
receive antenna and that roughly 2,000 will contain two receive anternas. The
actual breakdown will be determined on a store—by—store installation basis.

Sirius and XM have no plans to replace already—suthorized orinstalled ISBs with
1SBs containing a single receive antenna.
     3. Total Number of ISBs

Sirius and XM believe that roughly 4,000 of the new ISBs will be deplayed over the
next two years. Accordingly, Sirius and XM expect thatthe total number of ISBs
(ie.,the number of already deployed ISBs plus the number of new ISBs) will
exceed 8,500 within the next two years.
Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.
Very truly yours,

 atnick Donnelly
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

ce      Cassandra Thomas
        Stephen Duall
        JoAnn Lucanik

Document Created: 2005-08-29 15:04:16
Document Modified: 2005-08-29 15:04:16

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