Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by IB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050601-00114 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, DC 20554
inomatona Buronu

                                               July 14, 2005

     Mr. Patrick Donnelly
     Executive Vice President and General Counsel
     Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
     1221 Avenuof the Americas
     New York, NY 10020

     Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority to      Operate In—Store Signal Boosters in
             the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (BFS No. SAT—STA—20050601—001 14

     Dear Mr. Donnelly:
             On June 1, 2005, Sitius Satellite Radio Inc. (‘Sirius") filed a request for special
     temporary authority (‘STA") to operate up to 5.000 in—store signal boosters atretail
     outlets in conjunction with XM Radio Inc. ("XM Radio")." In order to provide a
     complete record, additional information regarding the deployment of already—authorized*
     and proposed in—store boosters is required.
             Specifically, Sirius‘ STA request states that an additional 5,000 in—store boosters
     are needed in orderto "meet the increased demand for deployment of boosters in
     additional retail outlets,"" but it does not state the rate of utlization othe 5,000 in—store
     boosters that are already operating pursuant to an STA. The rate of utilization of already
     authorized in—store boosters is germane to determining whether the public interest would
     be served by the grant of additional in—store boosters. Therefore, we ask Sirius to provide
     this information.

     ‘ Requestfor Special Temporary Authoriyto Operat InStore Signa! Booster in the Stelite Digial
     Audio Radio Servie,IBFS No. SAT—STA—20050601—001 14 (hled Je 1,2005)("Siris STA Request)
     * Srius was previowly granted an STA o operte an aguregate of 5.000 nstor sinalboosters together
     with XM Radio, See Sirus Sarellte Radia Inc. Requesfor SpecialTemporars Authoriyto Operate In—
     Store Signal Boosters in theSatelteDizial Radlo Service, IBFS No. SAT—STA—20030411—00075 (gram
     stamp,with condiion, issued on June 26, 2005)pplicaton for rencwal pending.
     ? Simus STA Requestat 1

        In addition, Sirius states thatthe additional boosters will include both the design
previously authorized by the Commission as well as a new design, which will be
substantially similar to those already approved, with one exception. The new boosters
will eguire only one receive anterna, instead of two, for both the XM Radio and Sirius
signals:* Sirius‘ request does not state what percentage ofthe additional boosters will be
of the new design and what percentage will be of the old design, nor does it state whether
any of the already—authorized boosters will be replaced with this new design. We ask
Sirius to provide this information.
        Finally, we ask that Sirius indicate what the total number of in—store boosters will
be deployed pursuant to STAs if the most recent application is granted (ce.,the number
of existing boosters already deployed, plus the number of new boosters that will be
        We ask that Sirius provide the information requested herein within 15 days from
the date of this leter. Upon receiptofthe requested information, we will incorporate it
into Sirius® STA request. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact
JoAnn Lucanik (202—418—0873) or Stephen Duall (202—418—1103) of my staff.


                                              uiuta C Aoad
                                              Cassandra C. Thomes
                                              Deputy Chief
                                              Satelite Division

es     Carl Frank
       Jennifer Hindin
        Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP

* Sius STA Requestat2.

Document Created: 2005-07-14 15:03:09
Document Modified: 2005-07-14 15:03:09

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