Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050526-00108 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                          mes SHT— 31A ~Zovolet Oou06
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                                                                          (orotber idenuten                     Approved by ton OMB
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                                                                          From 3k 1_1 Zer
Date & Time Filed: May 26 2005 446—3—193PM                                Aor
                                                                                       s                                lelt
                                                                                                                    Aa~ ee   s
File Number: SAT—STA—20050526—00108
Calsign:                                                                             brlb Mithes                Pagi       ig EoL
                                        FEDERAL CoMMUNICATIONs ComISstoN
                             ArrLication For SmACE STATION SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORTTY
                                                      ror orFICIAL UsE ONLY

Enter a description ofthis application to identifyit on the main menu:
T: Applicant
           Name:     DIRECTV Enterpries, LC               Phone Number:                       310—726—4003
           DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:                         a10—s3s—s303
           Streets   2230 E.Imperial Huy                  E—Mai:                              dapatillo@irectscom

           Cig:         El Scpundo                        State:                               ca
           Country:      USA                              Zipeote:                            sores
           Atention:    DavidA. Patilo


                                   DIRECTV 8
                     SAT—STA—20050526—00108 (Call Sig
                     SAT—STA—20050526—00109 (Call Sign: $2132)

                                         July 8, 2005

DIRECTV Enterprises, LL.C.‘s (DIRECTV) applications for special temporary authority
(STA), IBFS File No. SAT—TA—20050526—00108 and SAT—STA—20050526—00109, ARB
GRANTED, Accordingly, DIRECTV is authorized for a period of 180 days commencing
on July 24, 2005 on a non—interference basis (1) to operate Tracking, Telemetry, and
Command ("TT&C") functions in the 17307 MHz (Earth—to—Space) and 12203.25 and
12203.75 MHtz (Space—to—Earth) frequencies at the 100.65° W.L.. orbital location and (2)
to operate the Ka—band communications payload in the 18.3 — 18.8 GHz (space—to—Barth),
28.35 — 28.6 GHz (Rarth—to—space), 19.7 — 20.2 GHz (space—to—Earth) and 29.25—30.0
GHz (Earth—to—space) frequency bands on the DIRECTV 8 satellte at the 100.65° W.L.
arbital location in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set
forth in its application, the Commission‘s rules and this Attachment; and
1. During operations at 100.65° harmfulinterference shall be caused by
DIRECTV—8 to any other lawhully operating in—orbitsatellite and operations ofthe
DIRECTV—8 satellite shall cease immediately upon notification of such interference.
2. During operations at 100.65° W.L. DIRECTV is required to accept interference from
other lawfully operating in—orbit satellites.
3. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result ofoperations pursuant to this special
authorityis solely at DIRECTV‘s own risk.
4. This action is without prejudice to Commission action on DIRECTV‘s pending
applications SAT—MOD—20050513—00100 and SAT—MOD—20050513—00101 (secking
authorization to operate at 100.75°W).

5. This grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

2. Contict

             Name:        Wiltiam M. Wilisire             Phone Number:                      anr~rs0—1350
             Company:     Haris, Wilishire & Grannis, LLP Fax Number:                        an~r0—1301

             Street:      1200 18th Steet, NW               E—Maik:                

                          12th Floor
             Cig:         Washington                                                          nc
             Country:      USA                                                               2ome
             Attention:                                     Relationship:                    Legal Counsel

  (1fyourappicationisrelatedto an application fled wih the Commission, nter th ie mumber below)
  3. eference File Number

 n Ts a fee submited with this application?
@ 1f¥es,completeand atach CC Form 159. IfNo,indicat eason for ee exemption (sce 47 CER.Scction 1.1114)
@& Govermmental Entity gp Noncommercial educationalTcensee
g Oherples c explain:
ib Fee Classfcation CRY — Space Slation (Geostationary)
5.Type Request
@ Chingc Sution Location                        @5 Ixternd Expiration Date                  g Oher

6. Temporay OrbiLocation                                              7. Requested Extended Expition Date
        1o0.65 w

%. Deserition —(lf tcomplts desrition does not appcarin this bax, lease gotothe end ofthe form to view i i ts entrey )
      DIRECTV Enterprises, LC requests special temporary authority to perform TT & C functions
      using the DBS payload of DIRBCTY 8 at 100.65 W.4. for up to 160 days beginning on or about
      June 24th, 2005.

9. By checking Yes, the undesigned cetifes that neiheraplicant orany otherpartytothe application is ubject.. @ ¥es.   gy No
to a denial ofFederal benefits thatincludes FCC benefits pursuantto Setion 5301 of the Anti~Drug Act o1988,
21 U;S.C. Setion $62, because ofa comvitionfor possession ordistrbution ofa contolled substance. Sce 47 CFR
 1—2002(b)forthe meaningof &quotiparty t th application" fohese purposes

10. Name of Person Signing                                         11. Tide of Person Signing
James Butemsorth                                                   Scnior Viee President
12. Mease supply any need atachments
   Atachment 1: Exhibi A                      Atachment 2:                                 Atachment 3

                 (US. Code,Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code,Tile 47, Secion 312(@(1)AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Setion 503)

ree Nomick kequreb By TiE rArERWORK REDUCTION AcT
"The public reportingforthis olletion ofinformation is estimated o average 2 hous per response,including thime for reviewing instrections,
searching existingdata sources, rathringand maintaning therequired data,and completing and reviewing thecollectionof nformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this brdeestimate, or how we can improve the colletion and reduce the burdeit auses you, lease write t the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERRM; Paperwork Reduction Project(3060—067), Washington, DC20554. We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Actaspectsofthis olletionvia the ntemctifyou sendthem t Jboley@fee o. PLEASE
bo Nor sexp CoMPLiETED Forms To Tiis AprESs
Remember —You are not requied o espond t collction ofinformation sponsored bythe Federal rovernmentand the govermment may not
conduct or sponsorths collection,unlesit displays a currentl valid OMB control number orif we filto provide you with thisnoice. This
collection has beenassigned an OMcontrol numberof 3060—0678
1, 19984 Us.C. SECTION asu7.

  NU                                                                      inopoinemmemet se
  l                                                                       Tempaiea    n
                                                                          mannone recamone
  Eie                                                                     winenstsm cou
                                                                           aromers araw

                                      May 26, 2005

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelth Streeu, S.W
Washington, DC 20554
       Re:    Requestfor Special Temporary Authoriyfor the DBS TT&C Payload
              on DIRECTV & at 100.65° WL.
              Call Sign: $2632
Dear Ms. Dortch:
         DIRECTV Enterpries, LLC (*DIRECTV®)hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority (*STA®)to operate the Direct Broadcast Satelite (*DBS") communications
pasload on DIRECTV 8 solely for TT&C functions at100.65° W.L. forup to 180 days
beginning approximately June 24, 2005. Because DIRECTV 8 has been launched and its
Hicensed orbital locationat the nominal 101° W.L. position is currently occupied,
DIRECTV respectfully requests expedited action on this request
       DIRECTV 8, a hybrid satelte with both Ko—band and Ku—band (Le. DBS)
payloads, was successfully launched on May 22, 205. Its censed orbital location is
100.85° W.L., which currently flls within the sation—keeping boves covered byboth
DIRECTV 1R (100.85° W.L.. > 0.05°)and DIRECTV 2 (100.4° W.L.. + 0.15). The
remainder of the nominal 101° W.L. orbital location is also highly congested, with four
more satelites (DIRECTV 1, DIRECTV 48, AMSC—1, and AMC—4) operating in close
        DIRECTV 8 will eventually replace DIRECTV 2, at which time DIRECTV 2 can
be moved out ofthis location to free up space forthe new satelite. DIRECTV has not
yet had an opportunity to conduct in—orbi esting (*IOT+)ofthe spacecraft‘s DBS
payload, which is a necessary precursor to transferring triic from DIRECTV 2.
However, since the TT&C functions on the satelite use DBS frequencies, an STA for
those functions is necessary to maintain control of the stelfte. DIRECTV will be able to

  Hams, Wirrsume & Grmis tir
  Marlene H. Dortch
May 26, 205
Page 2 of2
confirm the operational status of DIRECTV 8‘s TT&C payload (which uses DBS
frequencies) before it arives at the 101° W.L. slo."

           DIRECTV anticipates that it will conduct IOT using the Canadian BSS slt at
     138° W.L. atsome point during the next several months.".In the nterim, DIRECTV
intends to operate DIRECTV 8‘s Ka—band payload atthe nominal 101° W.L. location.
Accordingly, DIREC TV requests an STA to locate DIRECTV 8 at 100.65° W.L. and
operate the DBS payload for TT&C functions only; DIRECTV does not request authority
to operate the remainder of the DBS payload during this interim period.
        Limited operation ofthe DBS payload of DIRECTV 8 at 100.65° W.L. will not
resultin harmFul interference to adjocent satelites at those positions. The nearest
operational DBS spacecraft are DIRECTV‘s own DBS setelftes at the nominal 101°
WJL. orbita location. The next closest DBS satelftes are nearly nine degrees or more
removed from this proposed location. As a practical matter, DIRECTV‘s effors to avoid
interference to ts own operations at 101° W.L. should be more than sufficientto protect
other DBS operatorslocated many times further away.
       Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest by allowing DIRECTV t
maintain control of DIRECTV 8 unti ts DBS payload can be tested and determined to be
ready for trafic transfer. It wll also faciitate DIRECTV*s use of the Ka—band payload
on DIRECTV 8 by providing TT&C functions during this interim period.
           Accordingly, DIRECTV requeststhe expeditious grant ofspecial temporary

                                               William M. Wilishire
                                               Counsel o DIRECTV Enterprises, LC

‘—     DIRECTV has sought an STA for DBS TT&C openationsat the 102.8° W.L. and 99.2° WL
       orbial lacations priot reaching the nominal 101° W.L.location. See CC File No. SAT—
       STA—20050506—00095. That applicaiois unopposed
        DIRECTV willseek an STA forths IOP maneuverin a seporate request

Document Created: 2005-07-08 15:04:51
Document Modified: 2005-07-08 15:04:51

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