Attachment DA 05-2654

DA 05-2654


DA 05-2654


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050518-00105 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                             a os.zess

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20564
In the Matter of                                      )
DIRECTV Enerprises, LLC                               )
Application for Authorization to Operate              )       saT—A/—20050504—00003
DIRECTV 5, a Direct Broadcast Satelte,                )       CallSign: S2417
at the 109.8° W.L. Orbital Location                   )
Request for Special Temporary Authority to            )       saT—sTA—20050518—00105
Conduct Telemetty, Tracking and Control During        )       CllSign: $2656
the Relocation of DIRECTV 6 to the 109.7° WL.         )
and 109.5° W.LOrbital Locations                       )

                                     ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION
Adopted: October 4,2005                                                  Released: October 5, 2005
By the Acting Chie, Satelite Division, Iternational Bureau:
          1.     Withthis Order, we grant DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) authortyto operate
its DIRECTV 5 satelite,t provide Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service at the 109.8° W.L. orbital
location.. We also grant DIRECTV Special Temporary Authoity (STA) to relocate its DIRECTV 6
satellit to the 109.7° W.L. orbital location to hand off customer trifto DIRECTV 5, and thereafter t
the 109.5° W.L. orbital location for the remainder of 180 days from the date of release of this Order
These authorizations conclude a seris of satelite moves that wil allow DIRECTV to maintain continuity
of service to it customers from the 109.8° WL. orbital location.

          2.      The DIRECTV 6 satelite currentlyserves DBS customers on three channels at the 109.8°
W.L. orbital location. Because DIRECTV 6 has experienced solar aray failures that cause a continuing
decrease in operational capacity, DIRECTV secks authority to replace DIRECTV 6 with the DIRECTV 5
satellite, and then to place the DIRECTV 6 satellte atthe 109.5° W.L. orbital location, where it willserve
as an i—orbit spare. We previouslyauthorized a series of satelliterelocations that made the DIRECTV 5
satellitavailable for this request

        3.      Lastyear, DIRBCTV 5,at thattime Hicensed by the Commission, was relocated from the
119° W.L. orbital location to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.* On the date thatthe DIRECTV 5 satelite

! Applicatons of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Order and Authoriation, DA 05—1890 (rleased July 14, 2008)
(pRECTV 1 Orer
* Appliation of DIRECTV Entrpries, LLC Request for Special Temporary Authority for the DIRECTV 5
Saelite, Application of DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC Request for Blanket Authorzatin for 1000,000 ReceiveOnly
Earth Stations to Provide Direct Broadeast Satlite Servie in the United Sttes using the Canadian Autorized
DIRECTV 5 Satelite at the 72.° W.L. BroadcastSatlite SeviceLocation Order and Authoriaton, 19 FCC Red

                                  Federal Communications Commission                                 naos—zest

arived atthe 72.5° W.L. orbital location, its Commission license was terminated, and it began operations
pursuant to a lcense issued by Industry Canada to Telesat Canada." DIRECTV now seeks toreauthorize
the DIRECTV 5 satellie as a U.S—licensed space station so that it can act asa replacement for the failing
DIRECTV 6 satelite at the 109.8° W.L orbital location.. We recently authorized DIRECTV to conduct
Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) transmissions necessary to begin the relocation of the
DIRECTV 1 satelite from the 101.125° WL. orbitl location to the 72.5° WL. orbita location, where it
replaced the service provided by DIRECTV 5." In that action, we also authorized DIRECTV to conduct
TT&C during the relocation of DIRECTV 5 to the 109.8° W.L.orbita location."
         4.       On May 4, 2005, DIRECTV filed an application secking authorization to operate
DIRECTV 5 at the 109.8° W.L. orbital location, replacing DIRECTV 6 The DIRECTV 5 Application
was placed on public notice on July 1, 2005." On May 18, 2005, DIRECTV filed an application secking
special temporary authority to operate TT&C on its DIRECTV 6 satelite during a drift of that space
station from the 109.8° W.L. orbital location t the 109.7° W.L. orbitl location to accomplish the hand—
off of customer trafic to DIRECTV 5:" DIRECTV also seeks authoriy tothen relocate DIRECTV 6 to
the 109.° W.L. orbital location for the remainder of the 180—day period commencing on the date of
authorization and to maintain DIRECTV 6 at that location as an in—orbit spare. ‘The Commission placed
the DIRECTV 6 STA Request on public notice on May 20, 2005." No comments were filed in response to
either thesateliteapplication or the STA request.
        A.       Orbiting Satellite as Replacement
          5.    With the DIRECTV 5 Application, DIRECTV seeks authority to use the DIRECTV 5
satelite to replace the service now provided by the DIRECTV 6 satelite at the 109.8° W.L. orbital
location.. Although DIRECTV fled the application as a replacement application, we re—esignated the

(..contined from previous page)
15829 (In‘! Bur, Sat. Div.2004). Erequenciesatthe 72.5° WL orbtl locationare assigned to Canada under the
Internationl Telecommunication Union‘s Mansfor Broadcast Satellte Services and Associted Feeder Links
ud y 2s
* mrBcty 1 Onte.
Prd arg 18.
* DIRECTV Enterprises,LLC, Application for Authorization to Operate DIRECTV 5 a Diect Broadcast Stelte,
File No. SAT—A/O—20050504—00003 (DIRECTY 5 Applcaion)
" Poliy Branch Information, Stelte Space Applications Accepted fr Fling, Report No. SAT—00303. The Public
Notee noted that the prefi of the file number was changed from "SAT—RPL" designating a replacement
appliation to"SABAD."
* DIRECTV Emerpises, LLC, Request for Special Temporary Authorty, File No. SAT—STA—20050518—00108
(DIRECTY 6TA Requesn.
* Policy Branch Information, Satelite Space Applications Accepted forFling, Report No. SAT—00292.

                                 Federal Communications Commission                            pa os2est

applicationas a request for operating authority t reflect the fact that the DIRECTV 5 sateliteis aready
in orbit
        B.      Interference Analysis
       6.     We must evaluate the interference potential of the DIRECTV 5 satelite in relation to
other DBS licensees and to the radiocommunications systems of other countries.. More particulaly,
Commission rules require that DIRECTV 5 be operated n accordance with Appendices 30 and 30A of the
International Telecommunication Union (TTU) Radio Regulations."" Annex 1 of Appendices 30 and 30A
provides the methodology and criteria for determining whether a proposed satelite might interfere with
satellite frequency assignments that are in accord with the Region 2 Broadcast Satelite Service (BSS)
Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan, as well as whether the proposed satelite might nterfere with
other stelite systems, oterestral services. DIRBCTV statesthat it will be able to operate DIRECTV 5
within the parameters ofthe same USABSS—16 filing that was filed with the TTU for DIRECTV 6 atthe
nominal 110° W.L. orbitallocation."_ DIRECTV must fulflits obligations to complete ITU Region 2
Plan modification process for USABSS—16 in connection with ts operation of DIRECTV 5 at the nominal
110° W.L. orbital location. We remind DIRECTV that its sitellite operations are not guaranteed
protection from interference from systems icensed by other administrations operatingin accordance with
the TTU Radio Regulations unless and until the Region 2 BSS Plan and is associated Feeder Link Plan
are modified to include the technical parameters of USABSS—16. Further, we condtion operation of
DIRECTV 5 such that, until the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated Feeder Link Plan are modified by
the ITU to include USABSS—16‘s parameters, DIRECTV shall not cause greater interference than that
which would occur from the current USA Region 2 Plan assignments at the nominal 110° W.L. orbital
location to other BSS or feeder link assignments, or other services or satelite systems, operating in
accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations
         1       DIRECTV requestsa waiver of the requirement, in Section 25.215 of the Commission‘s
tules, that DBS antennas meeta cross—polarization isolation of 30 dB within the primary coverage area of
the antenna." ‘The Commission adopted this cross—polarization requirement in 2002, applying the rule to
new applications and applications for replacement sitelltes." While this order constiutes a new
authorization for the DIRECTV 5 space station, the already—orbiting satelite was authorized under the
former Part 100 DBS rules that did not include a cross—polarization requirement. DIRECTV‘s trmsmit
and receive antennas are designed to meet a cros—polarization of 27 dB, but have successfully operated
for several years, including the operations of DIRECTV 6 at the 109.8° W.L. orbital loction."" Although
DIRECTV‘s use of 27 dB eross—polarization isolation may not be consistent with the Commission‘s
" See note 7, supro. Typicaly, a replacement satlite is a newly—bult satlite for which the applicant secks
mubority to nnch and operate. See, .. Courmbia Communications Corp. Authorzation o Lunch and Opertea
Geostationry C:—band Replacement Stelitin the FxedSatelite Servie at 37.5° WIL, Memorardiun Opinionand
Order, 16 ECC Red 20176 (it‘l Bur. 2001); GB American Communications, Inc, Order and Authoriation, 10
CC ed 13775 (In! Bur, 1995); Hughes Communication Galiay, Inc, Order and Authorizarion, 3 ECC Red 3989
"arcrnsas en eo09.
" DIRECTV 3 ApplicatonExtibit at 3
® DIRBCTV S Application at Exhibit C 1ealso 47 CR § 25 218 (cromspolarization requremend
!* Polices and Rules forthe Direct Broadeast Stelite Service, Report and Order, 17 FCC Red 11331, 11385
" DIRECTV 3 Application atEstibit C

                                 Federal Communications Commission                            Da os—2654

current rules, it is unlikely that the resulting degradation is materil. Licensces may use cross—
polarization isolation different from that specifid for the Region 2 BSS Plan if they demonstrate that
such a difference does not result in interference to other operational or planned systems, including U.S.
Hicensed systems."* We therefore require that DIRECTV 5 coordinate ts operations with other potentially
affected stelites, and operate on a non—harmful interference basis relativeto any DBS space stations that
are in compliance with th eross—polarization isolation requirement
         8.      Based on the above considerations, we find sufficient evidence to conclude that operation
of DIRBCTV 5 at the 109.8° W.L. orbital location will comport fully with all applicable international
interference criteria and limitations,including DIRECTV‘s obligation to cooperate in ensuring that any
potentialfor harmfuliterference to the satelites authorized to operateat the 110° W.L. orbital lcation
be avoided. We also find that DIRECTV‘s proposal to provide DBS service from this location will serve
the public interest, convenience and necessity in that it will ensure continuity of service to DIRECTV
        c.      License Term
        9       Section 25.121(a)of our rules specifiesthatlicenses for DBS space stations not lcensed
as broadeastficliies will be issued for a period of 10 years, beginning on the date thatthe liensce
certies to the Commission that the satelite has been successfully placed into orbit and has begun
suthorized operations."" The DIRECTV 5 satelite was authorized in 2000," Iaunched in May 2002.,"and
has operated at several orbital locations for more than three years. We granta license term of 10 years,
effective from the date othis authorization.
         D.     DIRECTV 6TA Application
         10. DIRECTV seeks special temporary authority in connection with operations of the
DIRECTV 6 satelte while customer traffc is handed off to the DIRECTV 5 satelite, and then in
connection with relocation of the DIRECTV 6 satellite to a storage orbit Specificlly, DIRECTV seeks
authority to conduct TT&C during relocation to and operation atthe 109.7° W.L. orbial location just
before the DIRECTV 5 satelite arrives at the 109.8° W.L. orbial location. Once the two satelites are at
these orbital locations, DIRECTV will trnsfer customer traffc ffom DIRECTV 6 to DIRECTV 5.
DIRECTV 6 willthen no longer provide customer service. DIRECTV also requests suthoriy to conduct
TT&C on DIRECTV 6 after the transfer of customer traffic, during the relocation of the DIRECTV 6
space station from the 109.7° W.L. orbital location to the 109.5° W.L.orbital location, and at the 109.5°
WLL.orbital location, where it will remain as an i—orbit spore. The period for public comment on this
application has passed.. No comments were filed. We therefore grant DIRECTV authority to conduct
TT&C in connection with the relocation of the DIRECTV 6 satelte from the 109.8° W.L. orbial location
to the 109.7° W.L. orbital location, and thereafter in connection with relocation to and maintenance of the
satelite atthe 109.5° W.L. orbital location. Given this disposition of the DIRECTV 6 space station, we

"* see EchoSuar Sutelite Corp, Directat Corp. EchoStar DBS Corp. Application for Authoriy to Make Minor
Modifations to Direct Broadeast Sitelite Authorizations, Lainch, and Opertional Authoriy, Memorandum
Opinien and Orde, 13 FCC Red 8505, 8604 917 (InI Bur. Sa..Div. 1998)
"a1 onR s2s210000
" DIRECTV Enerprises, Inc., Authoriy to Launch and Operte a Direct Broadeast SatliteService Space Station,
Order and Authoriation15 FCC Red 23620 (InI Bur. St. and Rad. Div. 2000)
" DIRBCTV $ Application t 23.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                           pa oszest

dismiss,as moot, DIRECTV‘s pending request for permanent authority to operate DIRECTV 6 at the
110° W.L.orbial ocation."
         11     Accordingly, TT 1 ORDERED that the application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC for
operating authority for DIRECTV 5, File Number SAT—/O—20050504—00093, Call Sign S2417, IS
GRANTED, and DIRECTV Enterpriss, LLC 1 AUTHORIZED to operate its satelite, DIRECTV 5,
using channels 28, 30, and 32 in the 12.2—12.7 GHe and 17.3—17.8 GHe bands atthe 109.8° W.L. orbital
location, with 0.05° longitudinal station—keeping, in accordance with the terms, representations, and.
technical specifications set fort in is application
         12. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that th request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC for waiver
ofthe eross—polarization requirement of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CIFR. § 25.215, is GRANTED, and
that the DIRECTV 5 space station shall coordinate is operations with other porentilly affected stelites,
and shall operate on a non—harmful interference basis relative to any DBS space stations that are in
compliance with the cross—polarization isolation requirement.
         13. TT S FURTHER ORDERED thatthe icense term for the DIRECTV 5 sateite, Call Sign
S2417, iten years, commencing on October 5, 2005.
         14.    TTIS FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterprises, LC has 30 days from the date
of the release of this order to declithis authorization as conditioned.. Failure to respond within that
period willconstitute formal acceptance ofthe authorization as conditioned.
         15.   IT 1 FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 CFR. § 25.120, the request of DIRBCTV Enterprises, LLC to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and
Contrl functions during a drif of the DIRBCTV 6 satelte from the 109.8° W.L. orbital location to the
109.° WL. orbital location, File No. SAT—STA—20050518—00105, is GRANTED, subject to the
fellowing conditions:
                1) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate all dift orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other porentially affected in—orbit operators.
                itDuring this relocation of the DIRECTV 6 satelite, operations shall be on a non—
                harmful interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall not cause
                interference to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by any other
                Javfully operatingstelites.
                ii.) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result o operations during
                the relocations of the DIRECTV 6 satelte, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall cease
                operations immediately upon notfication of such interference and shall inform the
                Commission immediately,in writing, ofsuch an event.
        16.     TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commision‘s rules,
47 CBR. § 25.120, the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to conduct Telemety, Tracking and
Contral functions during the drftof the DIRECTV 6 satelite from the 109.7° W L. orbitl lcation to the
109.5° W.L orbital location and thereafter to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Control functions to

® DIRECTV Enerpriss, LLC Application for Modifieation, SAT—MOD—20030613—00121 (secking permanent
wubority t operte DIRECTV 6 at the 110° WL orbial location, and DIRECTV 1 at the 1OPW.L orbial
location).See also, DIRECTV I Order, DAT 05—1890 (dsmissingas moot applications affecting DIRECTV 1


                                 Federal Communications Commission                            ba os—2654

maintain DIRECTV 6 at the 1095° W.L. orbital location, File No. SAT—STA—20050518—400105, is
GRANTED untl April 3, 2006 subject to the following conditions:
                i During the drift to the 109.5° W.L. orbital location, and while maintaining an orbit at
                the 109.5° W.L. orbiallcation, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall not operte the main
                communications payload on DIRECTV 6.
                i) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate all drift orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other porentially affected in—orbit operators.
                i.) During relocations of the DIRECTV 6 satelite,operations shall be on nor—harmful
                interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall not causeinterference
                to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by any other lawfully
                operating satelites.
               iv.)In the event that any harmful interference is eaused as a result of operations during
               the relocations of the DIRECTV 6 satellte, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall cease
               operations immediately upon notfication of such interference and shull inform the
               Commission immediately,in writing, of such an event
       17.     TT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the pending application for DIRECTV 6 operating
suthori, File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00121 is DISMISSED AS MOOT.
       18. Assignment of any orbit location is subject to change by summary order of the
Commission on 30 days‘ notice and does not confer any permanent rightto use thorbit and spectrum.
         19.     DIRECTV Enerprises, LLC shall provide the Commission with all information it
requires in order to modify the Appendix 30 Broadeasting—Satellite Service Plans and associated
Appendix 30A feeder—ink Plans t incorporate the charactersticsof USABSS—16, in accordance with the
ITU Radio Regulations. DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall be held responsible for all costrecovery fees
associated with these TTU filings. We also note that no protection from interference caused by radio
stations authorized by other adiministrations is guaranteed unless coordination and notification procedures
are timely. completed or, with respect to individual administations, by: successfully. completing
coordination agreements. Any radio sttion authorization for which coordination has not been completed
and/or for which the necessary agreements under Appendices 30 and 30A have not been obtained may be
subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect coordination or obtain the agreement of
other Administations. See 47 CER. § 25.111(c)
        20. Neither this order nor any right granted by this order, shall be transerred, assigned or
disposed of in any manner, volumrily or involuntrly, or by transfer of control of any corporation
holding this authorization, to any person except upon application to the Commission and upon a finding
by the Commision that the public intrest,convenience and necessity will b served thereby.
        21.     This order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s riles on delegations
of authority 47 CER. $ 0.261, and is effective upon release.
                                                 FEpERAL COMMUNICATIONS commssion
                                                  i                  1
                                                 Camoutac C Amaz
                                                 Cassandra C. Thomas
                                                 Acting Chief
                                                 Satelite Division
                                                 International Bureau


Document Created: 2005-10-05 14:18:39
Document Modified: 2005-10-05 14:18:39

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