Attachment DA 05-1890

DA 05-1890


DA 05-1890


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050517-00104 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                             Da 05—1890

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matter of
Applications of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC:
Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to                      File No. SAT—STA—20050427—00091
Conduct Telemety, Tracking and Control During                  CallSign $2627
the Relocation of DIRECTV 1 to the 72.5° W.L.
Request for Modification of Blanket Authorization              File No. SES—MEFS—20050427—00409
for 1,000,000 Receive—Only Earth Stations to                   Call ign Bosoo2s
Provide Direct Broadeast Satelte Service i the
United States using the Canadian—Authorized
DIRECTV 1 Satllit atthe 72.5° W.LBroadcast
Satellite Service Location
Request for Modification of License to Relocate                File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00120
DIRECTV 1 to the 101° W.L. Orbital Location                    File No. SAT—AMD—20041 112—00208
                                                               Cll Sign $2627
Request for Special Temporary Authority to                     File No. SAT—STA—20050817.—00104
Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Control During                 Call Sign $2673
the Relocation of DIRECTV 5 to te 109.8° WL.
Orbital Location

                                   orpER AND AUTHORIZATION
Adopted: July14, 2005                                             Released: July 14, 2005
By the Deputy Chiet, Satelite Division, Itermational Bureau:

                                       L.      INTRODUCTION
         1. With this Order, we grant the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) fo special
temporary authority, for a period not to exceed 180 days from the release of this Order, to relocate is
DIRECTV 1 sstelite from its current position at the 101.125° W.L. orbial location to the 72.5" W.L.
orbital location." and to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) functions fo the stelite untit
the time it reaches its new location, subject to certain conditions.. With this Order, we also grant
DIRECTV‘s request for modification of ts blanket uthortyto communicate with 1,000,000 receive—only

         * The term ©72.5° W.L orbtl oeation"as used in this Order, refersto the nominal ortitl poston for
therelevant Canadianfrequency assignment under the Iternational Telecormunication Union (FTU) Region 2 Plan
for BSS and Feeder Link Assignment,as contaied in Appendix 30A of the Radio Regulations,and t any specific
orbtl location within the72.520.2° range defined by such assignment

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              wa os—1890

earth stations, which DIRECTV uses to provide ‘localsinto—local"" signals to U.S. consumers, which wll
now communicate with the DIRECTV 1 satelite. ‘The DIRECTV 1 satelite will operate at the 72.5°
Worbiallocation under a Canadian space station authoriztion issued to Telesat Canada (Telesat by
Industry Canada.. Because the United States authorization for DIRECTV 1 will be terminated when it
arrives at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, we also dismiss, as moot, several pending applications relating
to that space stition.. Customer trffic will be handed off from DIRECTV 5 to DIRECTV 1 while the
satellites are briefly co—located at the 725° W.L. orbital location.. Once the hand—off is completed,
DIRECTV proposes to use the DIRECTV 5 satelite to replace a failing satellte at another orbial
location. We grant DIRECTV‘s request for special temporary authority to relocate the DIRECTV 5
satellte to the 109.8" WL. orbital location of the faling satellite (nominally, the 110° W.L. orbial
location) after the hand—off, and to conduct TT&C operitions during that drif. Grant of these
applications will permit DIRECTV to commence a series of satelte feet moves needed to maintain
continuty of service to DIRECTV customers at several locations, necessitated by the deteriorating
condition of another stelite in the DIRECTV fleet
                                         11.     BACKGROUND
       2.. The DIRECTV 5 satelite currenty operates t the 72.5° WL. orbiallcation pursuant to an
agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat, and under authorization issued by Industry Canada to
TelesatThe proposed relocation ofthe DIRECTV 1 satelit to the 72.5" W.L. orbital location is based
upon a revision to an agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat. The revised agreement will make the
DIRECTV 5 sitellite available for us atanother, U.S—licensed orbiallocation. DIRECTV has agreed to
move the DIRECTV 1 satelite to the 72.5° WL. orbital loction, subject to necessary governmental
approvals in the United States and in Canada, ‘The agreement provides DIRECTV with an exclusive right
to use all of the capscity on the DIRECTV 1 satelite at the 72.5° WL. orbital loction untilatleat
September 30, 2008, unless DIRECTV launches two ofthree specific additional satellites before thatdate.
Under the agreement, DIRECTV may, under certain circumstances, move the DIRECTV 1 satelite to one
of ts U.S—licensed orbital locations,‘upon five days* notice to Telesat, in the event that DIRECTV 1 is
needed to replace some or all of the capscity of centain other DIRECTV sateltes should any of those
satellites fil in orbit
        3.. The agreement states tht, once DIRECTV 1 is at the 72.5° W.L. ortital location, it will be
operated under Telesat‘s direction and control. DIRECTV will conduct TT&C for DIRECTV 1, on
Telesat‘s behalf, from a U.S.licensed earth station, until Telesat has developed and installed the
necessary fciltiesin Canada to perform such functions.
        4. On April 27, 2005, DIRECTV filed with the Commission a copy of its agreement with
Telesa, and requested that the agreement be withheld from public ispection pursuant to Sections 0457
         * ‘The term *loca—itloea," as used in this Orderrefersto proviston viastelitretransmission of local
broadcast channelsto subscribers who reside in the local TV sution‘s market, which is defined as a Designated
Market Are, or "DMA.". See 17 US.C. § 122@)G)(A). Thisactionis taken parsuantto Sectin 25.131 of the
Commision‘s Rules. See 47 CRR, § 25.131() (reuiring mostreceive—only Eathsttionsthat would operate wth
non—U.S. Hcensed space stationsto be Hcemed).
        * Applicaton of DIRECTV Enerpries, LLC Requestfor Special Temporary Authorit fo he DIRECTV
5 Sarlite, Application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC Requestfor Blanket Authorization for 1000.000 Receive
Only Earth Stations to Provide Diect Broadcast Satelite Service in the United Sties using the Canadian
Authoried DIRECTV 5 Stelitat the 72.5° W.L. Broadeat Satelite Service Location Order and Auhoriction,
19 FCC Red 15320 (InI Bur. Sat Div.2004) (DIRECTY 5 Order.
        * DIRECTV holds lcensesto operte steftes parsuanto the U.S. assignments forthe 101",110" and
119° W.L.ocbial oeations under the TV Region 2 Plan for BSS and Feeder Link Assignments

                                 Federal Communications Commission                            baos—1890

and 0459 of the Commission‘s rules. On the same date, DIRECTV also filed a request for special
temporary authority (STA) to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satelite, and a request for modification of ts
existing blanketearthsttion authorization.® The Satelite Division of the International Bureau (Division)
issued a Public Notice on April 29, 2008 accepting DIRECTV‘s STA request for filng." The Division
issued a public notice on May 25, 2005 acceptingthe DIRECTV blanket eath station request for flig."
No comments werefiled in response to itherof these filings
         5. On May 17, 2005, DIRECTV filed an application for an STA to relocate the DIRECTV 5
satellte,affer it customer traffiat the 72.5° W.L. orbial location is trnsferred to the DIRECTV 1
satelfte." On May 20, the Division issued a public notice accepting the STA request for filing."
DIRECTV seeks authorty to relocate the DIRECTV 5 satelte to the 109.8° W.L. orbial location, at
which location t has applied to provide Direct Broadcast Service (DBS) on three Hcensed channels."" No
comments were filedin response to this request
                                         uiL.    DISCUSSION
        A.——    STA to Relocate DIRECTV 1
         6.. The need to replace DIRECTV 5 with DIRECTV 1 results from the detrioratingcondition of
a third satelite, DIRECTV 6, atthe 109.8° W.L. orbiallocation, which has experienced repeated solar
aray failures, as recently as March of this year. In order to ensure that the three DBS channels on that
satllte remain fully operational, DIRECTV has turmed off payload heaters on board the satelfte.
DIRECTV reportsthat the degradation of aperations stemmine from the solar aray failures is expected to
continue as more arays fail"". t is also likely thatthe solar array failures will be aggravated by the
approsching annual solar eclipses occurring around the autumnal equinox.
       7.. DIRECTV explains that the DIRECTV 5 and DIRECTV 6 satelites were designed with the
same operational capabilites, including an antenna design optimized for service from the nominal 110°
WIL. orbitallocation at which DIRECTV 6 is now providing service. Therefore, DIRECTV 5 is well

       * 47 CFR 5§ 0457, 0459, See DIRECTV Enterpries, LLC, Requestfor Confidental Trestment(Rled
       ! rle No. SAT—STA—20050427—00001; ile No. SMF—2005027.00100.
        * Policy Branch Information, Satlite Space Applations Accepted for Filing, Report No. SAT—00268
(released April 29,2005)
         * sullte Communications Services re: Satlfte Radio Applications Accepted for Filng, Report No
$ES—0071 13 (rleased May25,2005).
        * Fie No. SAT—STA 20050517—00104
        "* Policy Branch Information,Satelite Space Applications Accepted forFlin.Report No. SAT—00292.
        © ee Appleation of DIRECTV Enterpries, LLC for Authoriation to Operate DIRECTV 5, a Direct
Broadeast Sielite, at 109.WL, File No. SAT:—0A—20050504.00099 (Rled May 4, 2005 See also Palicy
Branch Information, Stelite Space Applations Accepted for Filing, Report No: SAT—00203 (rleased Jly 1,
        5 DIRECTV Entrpries, LLC, Request for Special Temporiry Authorty to Relocate DIRECTV 1 to
72.5° WIL. and to Conduct Telemety, Trackingand Contol Operitions for an Inmcrim Period, File No. SAT—STA—
20050427—00001 (OIRECTV 1 STA Applcaton),at3

                                 Federal Communications Commission                           baos—1800

suied to replace DIRECTV 6 atthe 110° WL. orbital location, while the DIRECTV 1 satellte, which
does not share thatantenna design, is not as well—suited for service at that location."" At the same time,
DIRECTV 1 i eapable of providing the local—intolocal services currentl provided by DIRECTV 5 at the
72.5° W L. orbital location."
        8. Upon review, we find that DIRECTV has shown a grant of this request would serve the
public inerest. Specifically, this STA will nable DIRECTV to maintain continuity of DBS service from
the 109.8° W.L. and 72.5° W.L. orbial locations, by authorizing the fistin series ofsatelite moves that
willallow the replacement ofa dteriorating DIRECTV 6 satelite.
         9.. The DIRECTV 1 satellte will not be operating under a Commission uthorization once the
satelite arrives at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location.. Accordingly, we are terminating the DIRECTV 1
Hicense (Call Sign $2627) effective upon the arrival othe DIRECTV 1 satelite at the 72.5° WL. orbtal
location. We also dismiss, as moot, all pending applications affecting the operations of DIRECTV 1
under Commission authority."
         10. We have exchanged lettrs with Industry Canada in order to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding. regarding the operation of the DIRECTV 1. and DIRECTV 5. satelites. The
understandings, and the factual background for these understandings, are provided as Annex A and are
material considerations for the authorization contained in this Order. In general,the exchange of leters
indieates that space station operations of DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV 5 atthe 72.5° W.L. orbital location
wll be pursuant to authorization of Telesatby Industry Canada. The two satelites will both operate fora
brief period at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, to accommodite testing and the transfer of customer
         11. Finally, we address porentil consems aboutth life of the DIRECTV 1 satelite because it is
a model HS6O1 satellte. Other satelites of this design have experienced satellte conttol processor
failures. More particulaly, the HS6ON satelites are susceptible to a type of satelite contral processor
fallure called a "tin whisker" failure, referring to the growth of a pure tin erystalresembling a whisker,
on the input power relay unit® One of thsatelite control processors on DIRECTV 1 fuled on July 5.
1998.". Since that time, the DIRECTV 1 stelite has continued to operate using its backup satelfte
contrl processor
         12. We have previously discussed information regarding the tin whisker failure phenomenon in
an application for the DIRECTV 3 satellte, also an HS6O1 model.®. One of the two satelte control
processors on the DIRECTV 3 satelite failed on May 4, 2002.". In the DIRECTV 3 procecding, the
Suelite         on requested additional information on the staistical failure rate of satelite control

          " DIRECTYV 1 STA Applcationar3.
          !* See DIRECTVS Order, 19 FCC Red. 15529
          5 rite No. SAT—M0D—20030613—00120; File No. SAT—AMD20041 112.00208
        !* See Leer from James Butterworth, Senior Vic President, DIRECTV Enterprses, LC to MarleneH.
Drich, SecretaRederal Communications Commission (dted June 13,2008) (DIRECTV Tin Whistr Lener).
          " ut m2
        ©* DIRECTV,Ic.Requestfor Special Temporary Authoriy forthe DIRECTV 3 Sallte,Order, 19 FCC
Red 11044 (Gat.Div,Intl Bur. 2004
          ©* DIRECTV Tin Whistr Lete t 1

                                  Federal Communications Commission                             DA 05—1890

processors caused by tin whisker short cireuts. In response, DIRECTV relied on a statistcal analysis
submited by PanAmSatater it suffered a similar processor falure.® The analysis concluded that ime in
orbit was the best predictor ofuture probabilityfor processorfailire caused by tin whiskers. DIRECTV
relied upon that analysis to conclude that its DIRECTV 3 satelte had exceeded the time in orbit of all
failed HSGO1 satelte control processors
         13. On or about May 31, 2008,the Commission became aware of another HS6O1 satelite control
processor failire in a satelite that had spent more time in orbit than any prioe filure.. Since this fit
could cal nto question the conclusion ofthestatitical analysis previouly relied upon by DIRECTV, the
Satellite Division requested additional information from DIRECTV, In a letter filed June 13, 2005,
DIRECTV provided additionalinformation on tin whisker filures and the porentiaimpact should such a
failure occur with DIRECTV 1."" DIRECTV concluded that the May 2005 failure was an extreme event,
but nevertheless stll within the current model of probability.. Assurming the continued validity of the
fallure probability model, DIRECTV 1 is well past the time in orbit where another satelite control
processor failure should be expected." Based on the information provided by and relied upon by
DIRECTV, we have no basisfor requiringit toplace DIRECTV 1 in a storage orbit
        B.      Blanket Authorization for Earth Stations to Communicate with DIRECTV 1
          14. The Commissions DISCO If Order adopted the framework under which the Commission
considers requests for non—U.S. Hcensed satellite systems to serve the United States." o implement this
framework, the Commission established a procedure by which a service provider in the United Sates
could request immediate access to an inorbit, foreign sateite that would serve the U.3. market." This
procedure requires the service provider to apply for an earth station license that lists the foreign satelite
as an authorized point of communication.
          15. In the DIRECTV 5 Order, we followed the precedent established in the DBAC Order,
examining DIRECTV‘s appliation for blanket earth station authorization at the 72.5° W.L. orbial
location.. We examined in particular whether there were de jure or de facto bariers to entry for the
provision of analogous service by U.S. operators in Canada, and whether any such bartier would cause
comperitive distortions in the United Sttes:® We considered those factors together with other public
       * See PanAmSat Licensee Corp Furter Supplementto STA, File No. SAT—STA—20030324—00030(fed
Aprlas, 2002)
        *‘ DIRECTV Ti Whister Lener
        5_ See Amendment of the Commission‘s Repulatory Policies to Allow Nor—US. Licensed Sateltes
Providing Domesticand Interntional Service in the Unted Sutes, Report and Order, 1B Docket No. 96—111, 12
CC Red 24094 (1997) (DISCO i or DISCI Order
        °* See DISCO I1, 12 ECC Red at 24174, 186. For a more deiled summaryoth DISCO Iffamework
see Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Repulatory Poliesto Allow Non—U..—Licensed Space Sutionsto Provide
Domestic and InernationalSitelite Servicein the United Sttes, Fist Onder on Reconsideraton, 15 CC Red
7207, 1209—10, 4 45 (1999)further recon. denied 16 FCC Red 19794 (2001) (DISCO II First Reconsideration
      5. DIRECTV 5 Order, 1 FCC Red at 15532:5, eiing Digital Broadcasting Application Corp. Order, 18
CC Red 9455 (iI Bur, 2003)(DBAC Order.
        * m e isss2

                                Federal Communications Commission                           pa os—1890

interest considerations to determine whether grant of the request would serve the public iterest.. We
found that grant of DIRECTV‘s application was in the public interest because, among other things, the
application proposed to provide localsinto—local services in 24 markets not yet served by DIRECTV,
thereby improving the quality of service to U.S. customers."" In this case, we find no materialdifference
in the comperitive and public imerest considertions forservice to U.S. arth stations from the Canadian—
Hicensed 72.5° W.L. orbital location, whether they communicate with the DIRECTV 5 satelite or the
DIRECTV 1 satelite. Consequently, the conclusions we reached in the DIRECTV 5 Order remain valid
forthe nstant modification application, which requests communication with he DIRECTV 1 satellie.
          16. In connection with ts application for reception of signals from DIRECTV 5 atthe 72.5® W.L.
orbital location, DIRECTV indieated that DIRECTV 5 could operate within the envelope created by the
 1996 Canadian filing, designated CAN—BSS3." DIRECTV also indicated that "unless a BSS system that
is entitled to protection comes into aperation, DIRECTV plans to operate at levels that exceed those
notiied in the CAN—BSS3 filing on a non—harmful imerference basis pursuant to Article 44 of the TTU
Radio Regulations."""_ DIRECTV also asserted that these higher levels will be "fully enveloped" by
Canada‘s 2003 filing, designated CAN—BSSG, and that "f necessary DIRECTV will be able t switch to
the lower—power operations while maintaining the 24 additional markets without any service iterruption
to consumers."® We conditioned DIRECTV‘s prior blanket earth sation authorizaton for service from
the 725° WL. orbial location consistent with these representations. We retain that condition,
unchanged,in this authorization
         17. In its application to modify its blanket authorization for one million receive—only earth
stations, DIRECTV secks authority to eplace DIRECTV 5 with DIRECTV 1 as the space sttion point of
communication atthe 72.5° WL. orbital location. On review of the pending application, as wellas the
prior application for service from DIRECTV 5 at that location, we find no material difference in the
coverage contour of the two satelites from the 72.5° WL. orbial location. We also note that the
DIRECTV 1 satelite operates at a power level thatis 1 dBW less than is emitted from DIRECTV 5
Consequently, we find thatthe substitution of DIRECTV 1 asthe pointof communication will not resut
in additional interference to adjacent operations,. We therefore grant DIRECTV‘s application t modify
its blanket earth sution authorization, substituing DIRECTV 1 as the space station point of
communication for the authorized earth sttions
               STA to Relocate DIRECTV 5
         18. Upon relocation of DIRECTV 1 o the 72.5° W.L. orbital ocation, DIRECTV will wansfer
customer trafic from DIRECTV 5 to DIRECTV 1. DIRECTV 5 will no longer provide service at that
location. DIRECTV has applied for special temporary authority to conduct TT&C during the relocation
of the DIRECTV 5 space station from the 72.5° W.L. orbtal location to the 109.6° W.L. orbitl location,
where it wll replace DIRECTV 6, a satelitewith filing solar panels. ‘The period for public comment on
this STA requesthas passed. No comments were filed. Thus, we grant DIRECTV authority to conduct
TT&C during the relocation of the DIRECTV 5 from the 72.5° W.L. orbital location tothe 109.8° W.L

       7 x
        * DIRECTV 5 Order,19 FCC Red at 15536 9 18, 15538 § 25 (cing Leter from Wiliam M. Witihire,
Counselfor DIRECTV Enerprises, LC, to Thomas Tycz, Chief,Satelite Division, dated May 24, 2004at 2).
       * m
       ® io

                                 Federal Communications Commission                            wa os—1890

orbital location."   This STA will enable DIRECTV to maintain continaity of DBS service to its
customers from the 109.8° W.L. orbital location.
                                    IV.     ORDERING CLAUsES
        19. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s rules,
47 CR § 25.120, the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satllte from
the 101125 W.L. orbital location to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location and to conduct Telemetry, Tracking
and Controlfunctions during the drft and untl January 10, 2006, File No. SAT—TA—20050427—00091, is
GRANTED,subject tothe following conditions:
                i During the driftto the 72.5° W.L. orbiallocation, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall
                not operate the main communications payload on DIRECTV 1.
                i1) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate all drft orbit Telemety, Tracking, and
                Contol operations with other potentally affected n—orbit operators.
                i.) During relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satelite,operations shall be on a non—harmful
                interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV Enterpries, LLC shall not cause interference
                to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully
                iv.) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of operations during
                the relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satlfte, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall cease
                operations immediately upon notification of such interference and shall inform the
                Commission immediately,in wrting, ofsuch an event
                ) DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall provide the Chief, Satelfte Division, Interational
                Bureau, with 30 days notice (confirmed. email. considered. sufficien) prior to
                commencement of use of Telesst Canada‘s earth stations to provide the earth sttion
                segment of Telemetry, Tracking, and Control communications
        20. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that, effective upon the date when the DIRECTV 1 sutelite
reaches the 72.5° W.L. orbita loction,thelcense for that stelite (Call Sign 2627) 1S TERMINATED
TT 1S FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, shall inform the Commision, through a
leter to the Chief, Satelite Division, Federal Communications Commission, within five business days
fellowing the date on which the DIRECTV 1 stelite reaches the 72.5° WL. orbiallocation:
        21. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pending applications affecting the DIRECTV 1 sutelie,
File No. SAT—MOD—20030613—00120, ile No. SAT—AMD—20041 1 12—00208, are DISMISSED
        22. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED tht, pursuant to Section 25.137(d) of the Commission‘s rules
47 CIRR. § 25.137(@), the application of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, File No. SES—MFS—20050427—
00199, 18 GRANTED, and the authorization of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to use 1,000.000 receive—only
         "" Operating authoriy for DIRECTV5 atthe 109.8° WL. orbial loction will be addressd separatly
DIRECTV hasfiled an appliation secking authorty for DIRECTV 5 to replace DIRECTV 6 in providing DBS
service at the 109.8° W.L. orbtl ocation. See SAT—A/O—2005050H—00093;Policy Branch Information, Saclite
Space Applications Accepted for Fling, Report No. SAT—00R03 (rleased July 1, 2005)._ See aso, SATSTA—
20050518.00105 (secking special temporary authority forup to 160 daystorelocatethe DIRECTV 6 sutelite from
the 109.8° W.L orbiallocaton to the 109.7° W.L. orbial location forup to one week to accomplish a customer
wraffc handoff, and threahier to the 109.5° WL orbial ocation for the remainder ofthe specialtemporry

                                Federal Communications Commission                          ba os—1890

Eath sttions to receive transmissions in the 122—12.7 GHz frequency band from the 72.5° WL. orbital
location, Call Sign EO40024, 18 MODIFIED to specify DIRECTV 1 as the space station point of
communication, untl September 30, 2008, consistent with the technical parameters specified in its
application, and subject to the following condition:
                Operations shall be consistent with applicable coortination agreements; to the extent
                such agreements have not been reached, operations shall be on a. nor—harmful
                interference basis, «.. operations of the DIRECTV 1 stelite shall not cause interference
                to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused to it by any other lavfully
                operating satelites.
         23, TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, parsuantto Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s rules,47
CIFR. $ 25.120, the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to relocate the DIRECTV 5 satelite from the
72.5° W.L. orbital location to the 109.8" W.L. orbiallocation, and to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and
Control functions during the drif, File No. SAT—$TA—20050517—00104 is GRANTED, effective upon
successful transfer of customer triffifrom the DIRECTV 5 satelite to the DIRECTV 1 satelfite at the
72.5° W.Lorbital location and for a peiod of 30 days thereaftersubject tothe following conditions:
                i) During the drift and upon areival at the 109.8° W.L. orbial location, DIRECTV
                Enterprises, LLC shall not operate the main communications payload on DIRECTV 5.
                i DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC shall coordinate all drft orbit Telemety, Tracking, and
                Control aperations with other potentiall affected n—orbit operators.
               ii.) During relocation of the DIRECTV 5 satelite, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s
               operations shall be on a norharmful interference basis, meaning that DIRECTV
               Enterprises, LLC shall not cause interference to, and shall not claim protection from
               interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operating sateites
               i) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of DIRECTV
               Enterprises, LLC‘s operations during the relocation of the DIRECTV 5 sitelite,
               DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC, shall cease operations immediately upon notification of
               such interference and shall inform the FCC in writing immediately of such an event
         24.IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that DIRECTV Enterpises, LLC, shall inform the
Commission, through a letter o the Chicf,Satelite Division, FCC, within five business days following
the date on which the DIRECTV 5 satellite departthe 72.5° W.L. orbital location.
        25. DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC is affarded thiny days to decline these authorizations as
conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will consitue formal acceptance ofthe authorizations
as conditioned.
         26. This Order is issued pursuant to authority delegated in Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 CER. § 0.261, anis effective upon release.
                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ConMIsston

                                               Cassandra C. Thomas
                                               Deputy Chief
                                               Satelite Division
                                               International Bureau

                  Federal Communications Commission                                baos—1800

                    Federal Communicatons Commission
                           Washngon, DC 2055¢

Jun 21, 208

Ms.Chantl Besumier
Dirsto. Space and Inmeratonal Repuzory Actmes
Radocermmunications and BevadcasingReultory Brinch
Indenty Conad
18" Flow, 300 Sizer Strea
Otima, Onario,Canada
xia ocs
       Re:    Opertonsof he DIRECTV1 and DIRECTV 3 Smace Staions
Der Ms. Beaumen
        "This eter is tocorfim th informal ndartadings of th Caradian Departzent
of Industey(Indsty Canada) and th Federl Communcatons Commissin (PCC)
concerning cerintechncal imuesinvolved in the peritio of Brondcasting Stellte
Servce (BSS)selits on as DIRECTY 1 ind DIRECTY 3 by DIRECTV
Enterpries. LLC (DIRECTV) and Tlest Canada (Telsn, pursont t on agreement
tetween DIRECTVand Telest. The folowng explnation is derved from the
"The Transsction Betveen DIRECTV and Telout
        DIRECTV cunsnty operies he DIRECTV 1 selite a h 101.129° WL.
erbial ocatonsubjeeto CC muthorty. The DIRECTV 3 snelite is curenty ocad
atthe 725° W.L erial ecaion, wher it opertespuriant o Canadian authoriztion.
        Undeacortretbetween DIRECTV and Telest, DIRECTV agred to movethe
DIRECT1 saelite o th 723° W.L otatalIocatonThe aprecnent provids
DURECTV wit anexclosiverigh to me l o th capaity on he DIRECTV 1 stcite
at the 725° WL oital ecaton anilSeptenter 30 2008,unto replacement
DIRECTV stelite ar Ianched and plazedino servicebefore thatdite. Underthe
      © Th ieen 7237 WJ oniat naton" en en poiton o lt
Caatan tepensyanignnntunde t TV Regoe Pas o B93 d Fene Lk Aniganent i
continin Appedi 000 of h Ratl Repuates on ay spc ol en witin e
7i 10 rogedetnl tb chinnent. Whre uen y t cone.a peritc td ocaton
waie e rog ha hn driand

                 Federal Communications Commission                             Da 05—1890

Jue 21,208

 ageemnt,DRECTV mayinde cerain circumstanees, move the DRRECTV 1 satlite
 from th 72.3° WL erital lecaton t one afDIRECTVsPCC—tcemedortal
 Jowitiom upon 5 diy‘ naieto Teloat in h ever thit DIRECTV 1 in oododio
 replce some oral ofthecapaciy oferainDIRECTV saellsdueo a satellie or
 laonchfulire. Ujon h exesseoferain optonsoutine in the
 ofDIRECTV 1 ahe 72. WL orital ecaton maycont unilthe end o e ofthe
 DIRECTY 1 suctie.
        Theareementonterplats ht once DIRECTV 1 it th 725° W.L ocital
 lecaion, it wl beoperited byTels porsontto a separse opentions aprcmont
 between DIRECTV and Teless. DIRECTY wil prfomn tlenetny, tncking. and contt
 uncions (TTAC finction) on behalfofTeesa unil necesay grond equipment is
operaionalatTelostfiiics inCanada lar is esr.
        On December 172003, IndurryCaradaprovided Teloat with an aproval in
priciple t devlop and opera boadcatstt space stuton t the 72.° WL.
l bcadan. On April 28,2005, Telest apledto Induty Conada forapproalto
replce t DIRECTV S snelte, whih curealy opnte atthe 72.5" WL. orbtal
Iecaion,wth the DIRECTY 1 suelte. This appicaton o cmtemlats e
coneurenapetion of both the DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTY 5 saellis a the 728
W.L and 7277 WL enbbcatons respoctvels foashor im tacommodate
satlit touingan traafer ofrafic. DIRECTY has fled wit th RCC a rques for
specialemporary uthoiy to meveth DIRECTV 1 suelte on is curenty
sutorized locatonto he 723° W L. orotafocaton,and aregues t deploy arth
statons in he Unted Staes tat woud recovesignas rom DIRECTY 1. once Yomed
byIndusry Canada foroperaions t he 72©WL. orita lecaion. DIRECTV has lso
requened authoriy fom ts PCC t ubvequenty relocte he DIRECTV 3 saelteto
the 1098 W.L oritallcaton.
      ‘The agsement equiss DIRECTV ts ols sopsnecesey to comply with United
Staes export contol mqulaions.
Inteemal Understandings Between Industry Canadaand the FCC on ceriain
technica ues concerning eperation f DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV $;
      1 is my undersandingtha out agencies have concured on th folowing
wechicalimesconcening h operadon of DIRECTV 1:
  1. Athe 723° WL otial bcation bot ie DIRECTV S and he DIRECTV 1
      paccrifwilloperae sujectoCaradian authoriy. Recamthis lcaion i a
      Candian extyto h Repon 2 Pn ofAppondis 2000N of TU Radio
      Regalaton, the Conadan adeinsesion wil haveresponsiltyfor cormplnce
      with the TTV Radi Regutaions incating herequromentfor Hccnuing is
      spociint in Arile 181 ofth RatioReguladons, and any applcale agreement


                   Federal Communications Commission                               baos—1890

Chortal Rewmier
Jwe a1, 205

         sectingprocedires in comestion with operaion ofthe DIRECTV 1 suelit and
         DIKECTY 3 selites t he 725° W1. orita ocaton.
      Foeastort perod of tme to secommodt t tsteg ofDIRECTV 1 at 725
      W.L and e randfer of cateme:vafic um DIRECTV $ oDIRECTYV , t
      DIRECTY 5 selite willb reloaet toand aperee ithe 7277 WL orital
      Jocaton ubjet oConadan auttony.
   3. Operaton oftte DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTY stlits atany locaion ater
      thae at h 72.2° W. ottal ncason,escept e theshortpenod o tme noted in
      3 ahove,wll e suestto censing ty h PCC,incluinganyoperaton asa
      resut oequimertfalur inthestt ut rsuls ih nailtyto maintain
      the satlite wihin 201 degres ofs auigned postio atthe 72. WL orital
  4. —Indasty Conada,throughthe Diecer, Spoce and Inermaional Repultory
      Actviies,onc he Cinadan Kcense hi ben informed, willrovid he PCC
      witfour (4)ds‘ advance writen natic (emul withconfinnedeceiptfrom
      the PGCs Chict, Inermatond Berem. SliteDivisce. willbeconsidond
      wficien)o anyplanned terninaon oexpiraion of ic Candian Lcers for
      e DIRECTV 1 stlie.
  5. .   DIRBCTY‘ aldiy toume e DIRECTY I mtcin he event o falur of n
         DIRECTV sallt, wihin h tine frame specifed i he DIRECTV/Telsat
         aqreement is a privat contactal mater beween DIRECTV and Telst
  6. —Indisy Cnad will cmdidon t DIRECTY 1 Lieme tmTok to
        mainti, baning cxtanvoptic atureo saeltecomponen, h capailiy t d
        orti the DIRECTY 1 spocccnf anoriitcomient with ITV Recommendtiion
        $.10031,Enveronmentl Proctin of te Geonatonay—Sielte Ort
        ‘The intmlundentandigs it for in his eteconcening apersion afthe
DIRECTV 1 and DIRECTV $ sefi d not cnsitte a concurencebythe RCC or
the Unied Stues Adminiraton wth any Conadan flngs wt the TU
ractocommencaton Burew te 72.W1. erotleaton under Appendies 30 or
30of ho TU RatioRegulatons. I is my undentaning hatthe FCC and Induey
Canada will sepurels, andaspar ofthe agrecmentsecking process splicatl snder
the TV Ratio Repulatons wor in goo ash o complteht roces, iesfi
secessar,in conmection witth opmation oth DIRECTV 1 saelte athe 5 WL.
wl iscuion
       "The FCC has otissoo ay of h cthorzatonsthat would b necessanto
povidedirecto.home services t customers in ie Umed Stae in the DIRECTV 1
smclitat e 72.2" WL othial bcason ortheDIRECTV 5 uelite t the 10.WL.
sebial incaton. ‘The FCC hasreceved bathanspplcaton forspeia temporary


                   Federal Communications Commission                            ba os—1s00

Chintal Rexumier
Jwe 21 ams

thoiy torloca he DIRECTY 1 sacliteto h 72WL orbtal incion, and an
spplicatonfoa Hanket athrieaion o earh trionseckingto eceve Grecsohome
wraminimions n e Unked Sutes rom te DIRECTV 1 ult c the 72.WL ortal
Lecaton. Treseapriciions wl gure «it actonby theRCC, The FCC h ao
ieeeveanapiliaion forathont o reloct t DIRECTV 5 suclit fom 7237 WL.
10 109 " WL, andanappicain fora US,Heense o cperte DIRECTV a 1008°
W1L. Tnisexchang o letesdos ntconstuneapprovlo anyof ts appleion.
       Jn th eretof ie fair of a DIRECTV se and uon theexeriseby
DIRECTV o is centmctun righs to mone t stellt, nn the ever ut ther:are
anprovitons in Telouts Nes from Inry Canad,orany provisans n the
Canadiane and regiatoe gorening ttleconmniatont apentions ofTxlest
Canada ht weuld reclude orothmnis imthe ercne oDRECTV‘sconmenal
righs witin the tie Fumesspecfiet in he DIRECTViTelsst agnenen.the FCC
wouldappreciae th opperunty to conut wInduty Conata, rorto anyexerase
of ech lcessingauthouto applcaion ofsuct aw o repulaionsby Intuny
Canada. 1 voult aporeiat acknowledament of thes views and expresion ons views
which IcstryCaradamayhave concerring the mater discssed in ths paipaphLet
me io expes the RCC‘s wilinges o dscusthis materfrherin he cvent t a
hre ds tbecomes ncemany todoso
        Lastyllntios, nguiiesand corespondencerom Indoury Carada
conceming hes maters stoldbedried t the Chiet, Salie Divison, Inornatonal
Bureas (chone numter2024180719) mai: ThoomsTvcedfecaon wit acopy to
ie Spocth@feco and MirkYoue@ian),on h partof he FCC. The FCC
will forvar allnatees, nguinesandconesponderce concening hese maten t the
Diestor Spaceant Incrmatona Repulaony Actvite ghane rurmer 120983819) (—
  allbemmeturul@icg on ie par onduary Camada. Pese lc inow if
tnis addrnes stvequenty changes


                   Federal Communications Commission                    ba os—1800

Chuntal Reaumier
Jwe 21208

       1 h forspingconspod to your codesandingoft infomal amangenents
tetves ou two agencesconceningthe vanous technical ies ivolvdn the
ieloatio oC DIRECTV 1 t th 725 WL ecial ecaton andoperaton at ut
keexion an h relocaton of DIRECTV t th 727 WL and 102.WL ersil
besioms, eas cefi by reur lete. Thankyou.
                                .2                   on
                                    7              S
                                        TromasS. Tyce
                                        Saetine Diiion

«o   PoolBah
     VieePrsidnt, Droadeastng ACeporneDevelpment
     "Teloat Canada
     Micksl W. Pabovic
     Esecutve Vice Prsident and ChieEinncial Oficer
     DIRECTY IimemmsesLLC


                      Federal Communications Commission                     pa os—1890

I+1   Insasty Giada hauiviCarads

      es To

                                                   ow riteosoen
         gse 24 ts                                         (eprases0109)

      Thomas$. Tyez
      Chict, Suclite Diviion
      Inermationa Bs
      Enderal Communicaions Comminion
      Wastingin, 5.0. 20884
      Dear Mc Tyee:
                ‘Thankyou for you later oJun 21, 2008 setingoutouinfomal
      common undesantings conceming cerniectnialmues invovad in the
      opentionofa BroadcsingSaelte Service (195) es kooun ty Telest
      Canada (elesa)and DIRECTV Enterpise, LC (DRECTY)as DIRECTV 1
      m Direerys.
                1 am pleased t povidemy conimation ofou infommal
      undertanding and acknowladgement ofh atervies exprssed n your lt
      Additonll, Industy Canatsacknowlefges ht in he event ofermintion of
      the leas agtement oving o the falure ofa DIRECTV saelite, DIRECTV‘s
      abliy to use he DIRECTY 1 ult at anortitl potion ieenso by the FCC
      is private contactal materbetwesn DIRECTV and Telst, Nonetles,
      stouldthre b any provisionin Telots lcenc, oany provitons n the
      Candian s and reyutatonsgovening h telecommunictionsofTeloat
      Canada, hat would peclud or ottervislimitheexecie ofDIRECTVs
      contrictlrihtsto ermiatethe easeand use the steie wiin hetime
      framesspecified n the DIRECTV/Telst agreement the FCC would be
      inforned, o heexent posibl undrthe crconstanesand th aw,ofhe
      exersise oleeningathory,o apleaton oflew o epalion by Incusty



                 Federal Communications Commission                         ba os—1800

         ‘Oneeagain I wantto express myapprcition frthesupport vour
adeniniaon is pving o hi ind ocommerniaamangementoicistre ho
dclivey ofmportntand valuable ste!litservies in ourreapective countios.

                                      C/stGr ce
                                           Chanal Besumier
                                           Diecer, Space and Intomatinal
                                           Repulaory Actiides

cc: Pad Bush,TlesatCanada


Document Created: 2005-07-26 18:22:22
Document Modified: 2005-07-26 18:22:22

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