Attachment 2005DIRECTV june 13

2005DIRECTV june 13

LETTER submitted by DIRECTV

Additional background letter


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050414-00083 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                      June13, 2005
                                                                                                  D IR EC T V¥

    BY HAND DELIVERY                                                       RECEIVED

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                      JUN 1 3 2005
Federal Communications Commission                                Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                                                       Office of Secretary
Washington, DC 20554

                    Re:      DIRECTV Enterprises, Requests for Special Teempfl@%it{i@rfl/
                             File No. SAT—STA—20050414—00083
                             File No. SAT—STA—20050427—00091                JUN 2 0 2005
                             File No. SAT—STA—20050517—00104
                                                                                                     Policy Branch
Dear Ms. Dortch:                                                                                  International Bureau

         As you may be aware, a Satellite Control Processor ("SCP") on an HS601 satellite
not operated by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") recently experienced an in—
orbit failure. DIRECTV has requested authority to relocate the DIRECTV 1 satellite
(also an HS601 design) from 101° W.L. to 72.5° W.L., to replace the DIRECTV 5
satellite currently providing service into the U.S. from that location.‘ In order to aid the
Commission‘s consideration of that application and the two related applications also
referenced above, DIRECTV hereby provides additional background information on this
type of failure and the potential impact to service should such a failure occur. As
discussed below, the risk of failure of the remaining SCP on DIRECTV 1 is very low and
will not be increased by relocation of the satellite.

Background on "Tin Whisker" Failures

        The early HS601 satellites are susceptible to a type of SCP failure commonly
referred to as a "tin whisker" failure, so called because they are caused by the growth of a
pure tin crystal on the SCP input power relay that resembles a whisker. Eight conditions
must be present in order for this type of failure to occur:

           o        The plating must be pure tin.

           o        There must be physical stress in the tin plating (an imperfection or

‘      See DIRECTV Enterprises, Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20050427—
       00091 (filed Apr. 27, 2005).
           2230    East   Imperial        Hwy    El   Segundo,        CA   90245   Phone      3 10.53 5.5 000
                                      A   Unit   of   The   OIRECTV    Group,   Inc.

      . ®       There must be a large current source available.

        o       The SCP must be in a vacuum.

        o       The input power relay case must be grounded.

        o       The conformal coating (insulation) on the relay terminals must have voids
                or be absent.

        o       The whisker must grow to a sufficient length.

                The whisker must grow in the right direction.

         The first four conditions exist in all cases, as they are part of the basic design of
the satellite. After the problem had been diagnosed, inspections of unlaunched units
indicated that 70% of the relays were grounded (condition 5). If the last three conditions
also exist, the failure propagates as follows:

        First, a tin whisker grows on the outside of the tin—plated relay case.

       Next, the whisker bridges the gap between the grounded case and an energized
       bus power relay terminal that lacks the conformal coat, creating a short circuit.

       At the inception of the short, the tin vaporizes and creates a localized plasma that
       can support a large current, which in turn causes the power supply fuse to blow.

       Once the fuse has blown, the SCP has no primary power available and becomes

Once this process became well understood, tin plating was eliminated on later models. In
addition, several operators, including DIRECTV, now perform annual tests of the non—
active SCPs on their in—orbit satellites. These tests have never uncovered a failed SCP.

         To date, it is believed that 10 of the possible 44 SCPs (¢.e., 23%) in orbit have
failed as a result of this phenomenon. DIRECTV currently operates only two satellites
potentially susceptible to such failure: DIRECTV 1, which previously experienced such
a failure, and DIRECTV 2, which has not. The primary SCP on DIRECTV 1 failed on
July 5, 1998, after 4.5 years in orbit. Since that time, the satellite has continued to
operate nominally using its back—up SCP, and it is expected to continue to operate until
the end of its nominal fuel life several years from now.

        Since whisker length and growth are time—based phenomena, a model was
constructed in order to provide some possible statistical indications of failure probability
as a function of time. That model and the underlying data have been presented to the

FCC previously" and, in summary, there seemed to be good correlation between the
launch date of the satellite and the number of years until an SCP failed in orbit.
Specifically, the data indicate that the median time to failure is approximately 5.5 years
and that the mean time to failure is 6.2 years with a standard deviation of 2.6 years.

         Notably, the latest (non—DIRECTV) failure occurred at 12.70 years into the
satellite‘s life, or at 2.50 standard deviations of the mean, meaning that 98.76% of all
failures will occur before this time if the model is correct. Since the most recent failure is
the tenth failure, it is still within the bounds of the model (0.55 failures out of the 44
would have been expected at this time period, although, obviously, a partial failure
cannot occur).

        If the most recent failure is excluded from the model, it would have occurred at
5.5 standard deviations, or essentially outside the previous data. This means that the
most recent failure is the extreme event predicted by the current model. Put another way,
if another failure occurs on a satellite of similar age, another model will have to be
developed which encompasses a bi—modal failure distribution.

        This has implications for DIRECTV 1 (11.5 years on orbit). The longer an SCP
remains operating past the critical in—orbit time, the lower its chances of failing in the
future. Assuming continued validity of the current model, DIRECTV 1 is well past the
point where a failure should be expected, although there always remains a remote
possibility of another failure.

        In any event, DIRECTV has no evidence that would suggest that satellite location
or maneuvering of the satellite increases the risk of an SCP failure in any way. Thus, we
believe that the recent tin whisker failure of a non—DIRECTV satellite should have no
impact on DIRECTV‘s pending STA request.

Impact on Service


         If both SCPs on a satellite become disabled, it is no longer possible to control the
satellite position. Figures 1 through 4 show the change in orbit longitude (east—west) and
inclination (north—south) and apogee/perigee (radial) over time for such a case, assuming
the failure occurred at 72.5 WL. The possibility of contact with another satellite
diminishes over time. Figure 2, which is an expansion of the data in Figure 1, shows that
although the eccentricity and therefore east—west longitudinal movement begins
immediately, the satellite is still within the 0.05 degree station keeping constraints shown
by the horizontal lines for about three weeks. This, interestingly, is one advantage of
moving a satellite susceptible to SCP failure away from a crowded orbit position such as
101° WL, where six satellites currently operate. As Figure 3 depicts, the inclination of
the orbit is also growing linearly at about one degree per year and the apogee and perigee

*   See Letter from Henry Goldberg to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No. SAT—STA—20030324—00039
    (dated April 24, 2003).

 also diverge from synchronous as shown in Figure 4. The three measures of position
(east—west, north—south, and radial) all diverge from the geosynchronous arc, and
although the satellite will pass through the equatorial plane, the crossings are displaced
from the geosynchronous arc. This is somewhat analogous to a satellite in transfer orbit
passing through the equatorial plane. Therefore, although the satellite would remain near
the geosynchronous arc, it is clear that as time passes the chance of contact with another
satellite diminishes.

                                                   Figure 1. Longitude vs. Time
                                                             (5 years)

                        _\                                             [
                              \                                        //_\                                           |
                  L 1\                                           JP                     JY     [Z] s
 Longitude (°E)

                      \                                                                      _/
                  JEauy                                                                      U /
                                              \_/                                                 \_/
                     6/1/05   11/28/05   §/27/06   11/23/06   §/2207   1/M8O7   Sméos   1112208   Sm1i09   1177109   SEMO

                                                                       Figure 2. Longitude vs Time
                                                                                 (5 weeks)




Longitude (°E)

                                                                                                                                                            £0.05 boxlimit

                                                                                                       mCs                                                  £0.05 box limit
                      726                                                                                                 \\\—\‘


                                                                                                                                                   \\\        ——Lon (deg)

                     —73.0                                     t                     t                     t                    t                    t
                                   7105                      64705                6721105               6120105               TIBIO5               7A205

                                                                         Figure 3. Inclination vs. Time
                                                                                    (5 years)

                                        *                                                         |
                                   4.5                                                                                                      /"’

                                        4                                                                                           //

                                   35                                                                          .          //

                                        3                                                                          7—"]
                 inclination (*)



                                        1            f/

                                   0.5                                                                         f
                                                     I             {                             f             |
                                                                   I                             j             i
                                        0            |             a                             I             |
                                        6/1706   11/28/056    5/2706   14/23106     §122/07   1/M8/07     bM6/08     111208    5711109   1177109     5/60


                                                         Figure 4. Apogee and Perigee vs. Time
                                 42240                             ;                         (5 years)

                                 42220                                                                                                          —— Apogee Radius {km)
                                                                                                                                                —— Perigee Radius (km)


            4 us                                               Wfl\‘w\*\afi                    f"‘*                                                          0_
    Apogee/Perigee Radius (km)


                                                                          \                            j(mfl”fwz«#"”?«&
                                                                              wC                                               C
                                      6/1/05        11/28/05    S/27/06   it/28/06   Sa2O?    11M&07   SMes   111208   5h109   117709   S/6mo

                                     DIRECTV 6 at 110° WL

        Although not susceptible to "tin whisker" SCP failures because it is based on a
different design, DIRECTV 6 has experienced a large number of solar array failures since
its launch in March 1997. Because of this, DIRECTV chose to place the satellite where it
was authorized to operate on the fewest DBS channels (3), in order to minimize the
power requirements and thereby extend the useable lifetime of the satellite. As it now
stands, DIRECTV 6 can withstand one more failure on each of the North and South
power busses before DIRECTV will be required to reduce power or turn off transponders.
In addition, DIRECTV anticipates that the satellite will run out of fuel in July 2007.

        This is why DIRECTV requested authority to relocate DIRECTV 5, which has no
power failures, is not an HS601 design, and has greater than 10 years of life remaining,
from 72.5° WL to 110° WL.* DIRECTV 1 would replace DIRECTV 5 at 72.5° WL. An
alternative move of DIRECTV 1 to 110° WL to replace DIRECTV 6 is possible, but such
a move would eliminate service from 110° WL for subscribers in Hawaii and most of
Alaska due to the coverage limitations of DIRECTV 1, and therefore that alternative was
not considered further. In the event of a failure or de—orbit of DIRECTV 6 before a
replacement arrives (for example, because DIRECTV 5 is not relieved at 72.5° WL),

3                                    See DIRECTV Enterprises, Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—
                                     200505 17—00104 (filed May 17, 2005).

consumers throughout all fifty states will be deprived of three transponders of high—
definition programming, roughly seven channels of programming using current
compression technology.

       I am filing a copy of this letter in each of the above—captioned files. Please
contact me if you have any questions,


    es Butterworth
 enior Vice President
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Document Created: 2015-08-07 15:25:40
Document Modified: 2015-08-07 15:25:40

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